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The Plague of AIDS               1/8/88

“This wicked and perverse generation has not changed. Though I have sent a plague among them, they repent not. They fear the plague, but they fear not Me, neither do they know Me. They believe that it is a disease, but they refuse to acknowledge that it is the reward of sin. They play the victim and many feel sorry for them, but it is because this generation fears Me not, neither knows my laws. I call them to repentance, yet they will not repent. They will not admit their sin, but look for ways to keep on sinning safely. If it were but a disease, you could fool it; but it is not; it is judgment from Me, and you cannot fool Me. There is a curse upon you, you who seek the perverse of nature, men with men, women with women; I have spoken it. It is your own sin that sentences you to this curse. Though man claims that there are ways that you can continue in your sin and be safe, I say there are not. The sin has caused this, the evil perversity in you, and unless you repent and come to Me that I might cleanse you, the curse will find you, and none shall escape it. Where there is sin, the curse will spread. It shall come upon you in your youth, and cut you down. The flesh upon your bones will dry and shrivel until you are nothing but bones. You shall become as an aged man in a short time. You shall stumble, for strength no longer can be found. You will have no strength for your sin. Still you ask, Why? Why will you not recognize your sin? Why will you keep evil in your minds? Who told you that you were created this way? I made you what you are; I made no mistakes. The devil has deceived you. He has put within you a spirit that leads you to desire those of your own gender; he has told you that it is because you have been made incorrectly, you are really not what you are. Why will you add evil upon evil, believing the lies of Satan, and say that it is God who has made you the way you are, so you must accept it. I have made you that you might come to know Me. I am a Holy God; I do not make man to sin. I call you to repentance. Repent from your evil and come to Me, that I might deliver you from the hand of Satan, lest the curse of your sins come upon you and you become as a leper. Woe unto them who know that they have the plague and they repent not, but out o evil, seek to contaminate others. You have added murder to your sins. You have not sought to be forgiven and cleansed, but to do more evil. Beware, for the death that is upon you, in not your sentence alone. There is a sentence waiting for you in torment for the evil that you have done, that unless you repent and come to Me, you will soon face. Oh foolish man, in all this lust for evil, are you truly content? There is no happiness for you. You embrace it, and it quickly escapes you. What I could do in your life if you would only give yourself to Me. I would cleanse you and use you form my glory. I would give you joy, meaning, and loved ones round about you. But you have despised my creation; you want no wife and family; you want only sin and violence. You do not wish to raise up holy hands and worship Me, but to raise your hands to sin more and worship your own bodies. Therefore, have I pronounced judgment upon you. My judgment is just. The sentence of your sin is a curse of death. There is still time for you to appeal to Me with your whole heart, and turn from your wicked ways. For I am a God that desires repentance, that I might forgive, more than judgment and condemnation. Script. Ref: Rom 1:20-32; 8:23; Heb. 9:27-28; Rev. 21:8

Personal note: This word is very harsh, but none the less true. I must state that this word is not for everyone, as I realize there are those that have been born with a genetic defect that causes them to have an extra chromosome which can cause such things as hermaphrodites, and this is not an issue of choice or of sin. They did not choose this anymore than one chooses to be born with any birth defect. God is speaking expressly to those who reject God and choose freely to indulge in indiscriminate sexual practices, using people for their own pleasure, be it of the same sex or of the opposite sex. This brings about several different sexually transferred diseases such as AIDS. These are the consequences of choosing to live a rebellious, indecent life. Unfortunately, these decisions by some often affect the innocent, unborn children, those who have not behaved this way, but through a blood transfusion or such, become contaminated as well. There are victims that have not brought this on themselves, rather they have been a victim of the consequences of someone elses indiscretions. Still, God makes a plea in this word for all, even those who are guilty of deliberate sin and rebellion, to come to Him, so that He might heal them. God loves us in spite of our sin and is always willing to forgive and receive any who would turn to Him.


Spiritual Sides Are Being Drawn           1/12/88

“There is a movement in the spiritual world, a dividing and defining of the sides. I call my people to be of one heart and of one Spirit, to be one with Me, that they might go forward in victory and in power. The unity of my body is my will; this is my commandment, that you love one another. But the devil is aware of the power of unity also. For in my Word, does it not say that I confounded the speech of those who built the tower of Babel, for they had become of one accord and nothing would have been impossible for them? There is power in agreement! I have said so in my Word. The devil knows this and has called unity to the world systems, the false church, that he might gain power and victory through them. As he calls his side to be as one, he dispatches messengers to my body to spread division among my ranks, that they will not be one. Open your eyes church! Can you not discern that which is good and that which is evil? You hear one speak as if he were learned, and then you, like little children, mimic what he said, without seeking Me for the truth. Be careful, for you are being tricked into judging the true move of the Spirit of God at times. Only I know the hearts of me, those who are washed by the blood and those who are not. The devil has shown you his plan to unify the world, and her church, and has put fear in you. He will try all that he can to stop the true unity of the Spirit in my body. You cannot see what is true with your intellect or by your doctrine; for though some who are leaders may be false, others who are sheep under these leaders are mine. Do not be so quick to judge, for you cannot see the heart, therefore your judgment is not true. Put down your pride and your desire to impress and to appear knowledgeable. Surrender it to Me, that I might give you true wisdom and discernment, that you might be led by my Spirit, and not the notions of men. You cannot see the true body of Christ, but by my Spirit. Many of you claim you are led by my Spirit and judge falsely. You lead others, who seek not my confirmation, to follow you in the erroneous judgment, and many times you build up walls between one brother and another. Why can you not be led by Me? Why do you look to be led by Paul or Cephas, by Baptist, or Pentecostal? Were you saved by your denominations or by Me? You have allowed yourselves to become disciples of a name, and not of Me truly. I did not call my church to be divided, for denomination means divided. You become prideful over your church, and accuse the others. Am I divided? Is my Spirit divided? You have allowed the devil to divide you and rob you of the power of agreement among you. Whether you were saved through one group or another, makes no difference for it was not by them, but by the preaching of my Word, the drawing of my Spirit, and the acceptance of my sacrifice, my Son, Jesus Christ, as your savior. This doctrinal war is not of Me, says the Lord, for I have come to call my true children to be led by my Spirit, and to love one another. Do not confuse my will and my Spirit, with the movement of unity that Satan proclaims. Be careful, for you might judge my Spirit in so doing. Judgment is mine, obedience is yours. Come to my Son, be called by His name, you have washed in His blood, and be led by the Holy Spirit into a holy unity of love with your true brethren. I and I alone, know which sheep are mine. Be led by my Spirit, and put division aside.” Script. Ref: Mt. 18:20; Ps. 133:1; Luke 10:18; Ex. 32:26


I Will Come for My Church               2/17/88

“I have spoken and told my people that I come for a church without spot or blemish. I have told them again and again, cleanse yourselves that you might not be left behind. But they continue to be blind to their disobedience of my Word. Many of them do not understand that in what they have not done, they have sinned. “In what have we sinned?”, you say. Where are the hungry? Have you given them to eat? Where are the sick? Have you visited them? Where are the prisoners? Have you brought them my Word? Where are the lost and lonely? Have you told them of my love? There are many spots on the garments of my people, yet the continue to wash the clean parts again and again, and are blind to the spot upon them. I see clearly, and I know what you have neglected, says the Lord. Cleanse yourselves indeed. Carry my Word forth to those in need. Share of that which you have and be not greedy. Neglect not those who have not yet heard, for if they die in their sins, will I not hold you responsible? In your silence you have sinned. You have not proclaimed forth my glory that they might know Me. Your hands are unclean, for those who perish and did not hear about Me, even their blood is upon your hands. When will you awake, my people, from the selfish dream you live in? Though you do not steal, lie, murder, commit adultery, you do not reach those who do those things that they might be saved. They are lost forever to Me, and you have done little or nothing, yet you say you are clean; you praise in the congregation, and think that all is well with your soul. It is not well, for your neglect, your silence, is a blemish, a great blemish upon your robes. I will lift up those without spot or blemish of any kid. Hear Me, and repent that you might be one of those that I will lift up. Change your ways and go forth in the power of my Spirit to bring my love to those who know Me not, then will that blemish be cleansed, and it shall not return back upon you again. Be not blind, deceiving yourselves, yet you still are unclean in my sight. Obey my Word in all its fullness, and see that your garments shall be white. You shall be unto Me the precious bride I return for. For if you cleanse yourselves of sin, yet have no love, no compassion to reach those who are not clean from sin, that they might come to Me, if you are without true love, how can you be a child of mine, a bride of mine?” Personal note: Many in the church of Christ today are waiting, biding their time, so to speak, for the Lord's return, not getting involved in sin, not getting involved in much of anything, except themselves. The scripture clearly states: “Therefore, to him that knows to do good and does it not, to him it is sin.” Jas. 4:17 God will hold us accountable. Script. Ref: Rom.14:12;Eph. 5:27


Tithes and Offerings           2/17/1988

“Say unto the pastors of my people: Why have you not sought Me concerning the tithes and offerings? You seek Me to increase the tithes and offerings, but you do not seek Me in how they should be spent. Why are there so many in need about you? You have decided your priorities, and have neglected mine. If I have sent you money to be used in the way that I desire, and you take it to use it in the way you desire, is this not robbery? Are you not stealing from my work, the true work, in order to do your own will? How quick you are to tell your people to be led by my Spirit in giving, but you yourselves are not led by my Spirit in spending. How then can I send you more, when out of your won hearts, you will consume that which I send and will not be led to give where I desire you to give it? Why are there so many churches that are concerned in the adornments of their church, rather than the souls that still must be reached? You throw the scraps to the poor, to those in need, to the missionaries and evangelists who carry forth my Word to the lost, and you do so begrudgingly. Have you not heard that I desire a temple not made with hands to dwell in, but a temple which is of flesh and blood, even a living soul? Are you not called temples of the Holy Spirit? I desire to inhabit the hearts of my people, to be one with them. I will provide places to assemble to worship Me, but they are not to be exalted above the temple where my Spirit dwells, the heart of the true believers. You are to minister to the needs of my true temples. Those who carry my Word and reap more souls for my kingdom are hindered because of your greed. If you will put my will first, and seek Me in your giving, even as you ask your flock to do, then will my will be done, and the Gospel of Salvation be spread forth as never before. I will open the windows of heaven and bless you for your sacrifice and obedience and your churches will not lack. Be led by my Spirit, not by fear, or greed. My church is to be a giving church and the pastors must set the example. If the flock gives, the pastor must seek Me in how to use that which was given in order that it be used correctly for the advancement of the kingdom of God. This is my priority, and must be yours as well, if you are to be obedient sons of mine, says the Lord. You are too concerned about your buildings an less concerned about the needs of the sheep you pastor, and those who do not yet know Me.” Scrip. Ref: 2 Cor. 9:6-8; I Pet. 5:2-4; Mal. 3:8-10


I Will Shake Everything            2/24/1988

“Have I not said I would shake everything, and that which is not of Me will not stand? Should I not begin with those who have received the greatest responsibilities, for of them I have said that I require the greatest. They have read this in my Word, yea, even that they should walk with fear and trembling, yet they did not. For if they would come to Me, and set aside all things to seek Me, to repent and cleansed, surely, I would remove their stains and reveal their errors to them. But they have forgotten that it is to Me they must answer. Now, even now, will I hold them accountable. For if I wait to judge them, then they surely will not repent and be cleansed, and they will not go with Me when I return. My Father, who is Holy, is calling his children, my bride, to be holy. Those who are her leaders, should they not walk in holiness first? Should they not be cleansed first? Learn of these things, children, and repent, lest you also be found lacking, without the fear of God, and be shaken as well. If you will come to Me and allow Me to wash you, and walk in holy fear, that you return not again to your sins, then I shall surely cleanse you. But if you will go on, not taking the time to seek my face, you shall find that your time shall come to an end, and I will cleanse you before all to see, and your shame will be revealed. You shall learn to walk holy, led by my Spirit, and not by your pride, or you shall fall and be unfit vessels. Tell my people: Judgment has begun at the leaders of my people, but surely it will come to all of the body, to cleanse my bride. It has begun in the Nation that was greatly called, but it shall spread to all of the body of Christ. To those who have been given much, they shall have to give account first. Let the children of God know, that it is time that they enter into fear and trembling, and walk holy before their God.” Scrip. Ref: I Pet. 4:1; Phil. 2:12: I Pet. 1:16


A Vision of Jesus                        4/1/88

The Lord showed me a vision of himself, as if He were here now in these present times. I saw Jesus walking down a city street in the United States, and I saw how people laughed at him. I saw some hooldums try to rob him, and because he had no money, they thought he was just a crazy bum. I saw how they mocked him everywhere he went saying: “Who do you think you are, Jesus Christ or something?” I saw him go into a large church and look at the statues inside. He approached a priest and soke to him. I heard the pries reply: “Blasphemy! How dare you say Mary and the saints don't belon here! It is you who does not belong here!” I saw him approach another church where they did not allow him in, for the way he was dressed, and still another church, where because of how he was dressed, they would not listen to him. They kept on insisting that he needed to be saved. I saw him questioned by police officers, and then he was taken to a psychiatric hospital where he began to bring deliverance to the patients. The authorities feared him because he seemed to have some power to make others believe he was God, the said, so they released him. I saw him walk into hospitals to heal the sick, but the doctors had him put out for disturbing their patients. Then I saw him enter a small little church where there were people praising the Lord, and many of them came and hugged him, and rejoiced, but others did not. He put his arms around those that came and asked the Father to bless them. Then I saw him high upon a mountain and he looked out over all the land. He had lambs on his shoulders, and sheep round about him. Suddenly, he looked up towards heaven and he changed. There before me was the Son of God standing in all his glory. The sky darkened and He spoke forth these words, which sounded as thunder: “Father I have spearated those which are mine. I do shake off the dust of my feet against this nation, for they are like Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore, lety your judgment be upon them.” Script. Ref: Mt. 27:31; 10:34; Luke 9:5


A Holy War                              4/19/88

While praying concerning the confrontations at present in the Persian Gulf, I asked the Lord, why would Iran (or any other Arab country) be so foolish as to fight against the United States, seeing that they could never invade us and overtake us. To my surprise, the Lord replied, "They don't need to invade your land, they are already there." The Lord showed me then, how through immigration, they have infiltrated all over the earth. The Lord explained to me, that they had so been trained to adapt into society, receive good positions, the credentials necessary, and to wait. The Arabs are preparing for a Holy War which they believe they are destined to win. That is why they seemingly have no fear, and they are doing what does not seem rational to us. But at the appointed cry, Arabs all over the world will rise up and retaliate, and how shall we fight them when they do these acts of terrorism upon our own soil? Knowing this, and that the Arabs are using gas warfare, and may have atomic capabilities, it is not necessary for them to invade, or show a great deal of military force, their forces are already in our land and spread throughout the world, just waiting.


There is Victory in Me                    4/20/88

Thus says the Lord: “I come to conquer the evil in mankind, to pay the price for their sins, and bring victor over sin, over sickness, over war, and over death. I did conquer them with my blood, shed upon the cross, and brought victory when I arose from the grave. This I have offered mankind through my sacrifice, that was freely given, that they might freely receive and be reconciled to the Father, through Me. But they continue to reject my victory, ignorant of the fact that it is their victory as well, if they will receive Me. In all their wisdom, they think they have no need of Me and my provision. They seek to bring victory over these things by their own efforts. Their pride will not allow them to accept the humbleness of my victory. Their unbelief will not allow them to understand. I spread forth my hand and did bring them peace, blessings, and eternal life, for those are the promises to those who will receive Me. There are few that have received that which I have done, yet unto them that have and those who may still come, do my promises still stand, for it was an everlasting covenant which I established with my blood. There is victory in Me! But unto mankind who rejects Me and believes in his own intelligence, thinking that he can solve the problems of mankind, this I say: Because you have rejected my peace, I have removed my hand of peace from you. You have believed in your own wisdom and might therefore, have I taken my hand of peace from you, and have allowed mankind to do what he thinks he is able to do, which he cannot, that he might learn that I am peace and without Me, there is no peace. Mankind without Me will only find war, for the pride that is within them causes them to rise up one against another. So shall I also remove my hand of blessing, for you give Me not the glory for what you have received, praising yourselves for what you receive, and not realizing it was my hand of blessing upon you. Therefore, shall I remove my hand of blessing from you, that you might see what you can accomplish upon your own. Poverty shall over take you; sickness shall overtake you, and you will realize, oh man, that you have achieved nothing of yourselves, it was my goodness, which you refused to honor. Even so, then shall I remove my hand of life that sustains you, oh mankind, and death shall fall upon you, and hell shall overtake you, that you might realize that I am the life; I am the author of life, even your life, and without my hand life dies. When will you recognize that I AM? When will you realize that all that you have, even your very lives is due to Me and is dependent upon Me? You have chosen to reject Me. You have said you are wise and can handle your own problems. So shall I let it be that you might learn what you truly are, NOTHING without Me, so that some of your hearts might be humbled and repent, and turn to Me. There are many of you, though you are brought down to the dust and death is at the door, still you will look in my face and say: “I don't need you. I don't need anybody. I can do it myself!” Hell is filled with such people, and it shall fill even more, for there are the foolish who will not believe when they are blessed, neither when they are destitute; they simply refuse to believe. Thinking themselves to be wise and self-sufficient, revealing in that, they are fools having no understanding at all. Mankind, I have made a way for you; out of love I have done it, yet you are so blind, and so full of pride and rebellion that you cannot see my goodness. What will it take for you to open your eyes? Will you open your eyes? I am calling to you. Open your eyes and your heart to Me!” Scrip. Ref: I Sam. 15:23; I Cor 15:57; John 15:5; Is. 48:22; Rom. 1:22


My People are Narrow Sighted               5/22/88

“How narrow sighted are my people, for they see only with their carnal eyes and cannot see the reality of the spiritual world around them. The eternal world is hid to them by the temporal world. For that reason, are they so easily overcome by Satan, for they d not see his work, neither do they discern his plans, that they might destroy them. In ignorance, are they easily overtaken and deceived. They look upon the instruments used by Satan and they are offended, they are slayed, but they do not see the purpose neither the master plan behind the instrument sent to them. How then can they be a mighty victorious army if they do no know neither discern the enemy and his plans? Even the armies of the world know that they must discover where their enemy is and what are his intentions in order to battle him and to win over him. What, do you not yet understand, my people, that you are in a war, whether you have chosen to be or not? Still, you have an enemy whether you have chosen to be or not? Still, you have an enenmy who does not cease to seek your destruction. Rise up, for I have given you power! Through my Son have I permitted you to enter my presence that you might receive directions. By my Spirit have I given you gifts to see spiritually and to understand the plans of your enemy that you can defeat his plans with power. But you have continued to look at the superficial and to struggle with the lies that he sends you, rather than to believe and ssk Me. Do you have so little faith? Do you still not undertand I am with you and have given you my power, my Spirit, my mind, my wisdom, so that you can overcome in victory. Believe, and release the power of faith to overcome. See now with your spiritual eyes and walk as the children of the most High, which you are.”          Scrip. Ref: Jas. 1:5; Heb. 5:14; I Cor. 12:10; 2:14.


New York City                          6/14/88

I saw this black fog settle upon the city. It crept into the streets and alleys. It was death, and it slowly crept throughout the city. I saw people sick and dying in the streets. I saw someone with a gun shooting those who were sick with this plague. There were those who did not resist, because it was a swift end to their suffering. Then I heard a great rumbling. It was like the sound of thunder, but it was the rumbling of the city being shaken. I saw buildings collapsing, parts of the streets cracking open, a subway, underground, falling into one of these great cracks in the earth. Everything was being shaken violently. There were building crumbling. Then I saw explosions, gas lines that broke open and exploded in flames, and those who escaped the trembling, and the falling buildings, many of them could not escape the fires. The Lord spoke and said, "This day approaches upon this city. Death is already in her streets. Flee from the wrath that is yet to come. Why will you continue in yours sins, oh man, when they have only brought you violence and death? Can you not see the plague that your sins have begotten you? In this, you still refuse to repent, but the insanity increases until it must be brought to an end. Surely, it's end will come, and the greatness of this city shall fall and rise no more. Upon that day, more shall die and flood the gates of hell, than any other day of the history of mankind. Woe, a day of great sorrow that comes, and it has been set in motion by you, oh man. The time comes, it has already begun, and time is passing swiftly towards that day. Repent, therefore, and turn unto the Lord, all you people who hear this warning, that he might have mercy and spare you this great sorrow and destruction."


The Time is Ripe for Souls              6/16/88

The Lord spoke and said: “The time is ripe. Never has there been a greater time of opportunity for the body of Christ to reach lost souls. Mankind is suffering, in fear, and without hope. As the evil advances and the solution is not found, they will call out and seek one who can bring a solution. Only I can bring the slution to the problems of mankid. Oh, why do my people continue to sit by and not rise up and tell mankid that I am the solution they seek for? You who have the answer, how can you remain silent in front of the cries of so many, the needs of so many all around you? Yet, you turn away and do not testify of Me. Surely, you chall be accountable for your silence, for in your silence you have sent souls to hell. Never has mankind been riper to hear my Word preached. If my people do not go forth and lift my name up before the seeking, hungry people, then the devil willsurely lift up his answer; he will lift up the false Christ, and to him mankind will flock. The world is looking for an answer. I AM THE ONLY ANSWER! My people must rise to the call, and go forth in love, and in power, while there is still time. If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” Scrip. Ref: John 12:32; Joel 3:13; Luke 10:2


A Dream of Judgment on the Earth        6/25/88

I had this dream; it was very detailed. I first felt as if I was flying over a city that was very old in architecture. I felt that it must be in Europe. I saw people walking down a street, and suddenly the sidewalk underneath them began to tremble. I sensed that it was caused by some under ground explosion of great magnitude. Then suddenly, in the dream, the Lord took me down inside the earth and I was looking up from inside as if the upper crust of the earth was the ceiling. I could see large cracks forming and the earth beginning to split open at the cracks. I coulld see where the continental shelves join and they seemed to be rubbing against one another. I could see below me, to the core of the earth, which was an extremely hot mass, like a ball of fire, a furnace. I could see great heat escaping through the cracks that had opened up to the surface. Then I was up in the air, and from the outside, I coulds see the effects of these great cracks I had seen from inside. I saw places where there was never any vlcanic activity; there, cracks began to open. I saw several cracks along the Rocky Mountain chain, and then suddenly, great heat, and lava type material seeping out. Then the Lord took me under water, and I could see the ocean floor, and a crack along the bottom. Great heat escaped into the water causing it to begin to boi and bubble, which heated the water temperature. I could see ice masses melting because of the rise in the water temperature. Then the Lord took me into space, and I could see the escaping vapor from the earth, and the heat that was escaping through the many cracks. The outer atmosphere of the earth began to move and further and further away. The ozone layer began to break apart and seemingly dissolved. I then notice the earth was not spinning as rapidly as before, the loss of heat from the core, caused a slowing down of the earth. As the earth slowed down, the gravitational pull became less, and I notice the earth going closer to the sun. The dream then ended, but I was certain when I aworke that it was a dream from the Lord, and that something caused all this to suddenly begin in motion at an alarming pace, which the scientists were not counting on. I wondered if the under ground nuclear testing could have caused this.      Scrip. Ref: Rev. 16:8-9


A Parable Concerning the United States             6/26/88

I saw an eagle who had been brought up from its youth in the house of its master. It sat upon the hand of the master. The master had many sheep and the eagle was taught to fly over the sheep and protect them from their enemies. One day the eagle flew to the wild and learned the way of the wild. He flew back finally, but he began to attack the sheep instead of protect them. When the master called him, he went to the master and landed upon his hand, but there was now rebellion in his eyes. He was now a wild creature. He bit the hand of the master. The master, in great sorrow, had to take the eagle and hang him. There he hung, with his neck broken and his life gone from him. The master spoke and said: “Though he was raised and tamed in my hand, once he had learned the ways of the wild, he cannot again be tamed.” It caused great sorrow in the heart of the master to destroy his beloved friend. The master is Jesus. The eagle is the United States, who has turned from serving the Lord to the wicked ways of the world.She is no longer God's submissive servant and friend, but a wild creature who will not return from her ways and be submitted to God's authority. Woe unto her who has gone away from the hand of the living God and gone to the wild things. For now his hand must rise to destroy her, lest she turn and destroy his sheep in her wickedness. It is a great sorrow to the heart of God, because she, whom He once trusted, can no longer be faithful. She has turend against the hand who raised her to her greatness.       Scrip. Ref: Jer. 7:23-25; Obad. 1:3-4


The Accuser of the Brethren              6/30/88

I saw the Lord seatd on his throne in the third heaven, and below in the second heaven, I saw the devil marching to and fro. He then came before the presence of God and spoke: “Have you see your church?” he asked the Lord. The Lord bowed his head and replied, “Yes”. Then the devil began to accuse and to mock saying: “Is this your overcoming church, the bride which you say is without spot or blemish athat you will raise? Look how easily I can make them bend their knees to sin. How quickly have I turend your mighty leaders to adultery, to the love of money and the desire of power. How quickly they leave you and disobey you. Is this the church of powe? They fight against each other, but they are so afraid to come against me. They are ignorant, and so easily taken. Is this your bride?” The devil continued to mok the bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Jesus remained with his head bowed down, but then, He rose from his thron and lifted his head. I saw in his face what I had not ever seen before; I saw his face filled with anger, and his eyes blazing lke flames. “As I live, this shall change!” He said. “For surely, there are those who have become prideful and have fallen away, taken by the lusts of their flesh. But in my flock there are sheep, humble, faithful sheep, who have not bowed their knees to your temptations. They have not desired riches nor power, but to serve Me alone. I will seek them out; I will pour forth of my Spirit upon them. I will raise them up and send them to raise my sheep. I will have a bride without spot or blemish. I will raise Me a church, a glorious church, by my Spirit!” Scrip. Ref: Eph 5:27; Rev. 12:10


God Will Make an Impact on the Church           7/8/88

I saw this still pond that had no apparent movement in it, or very little at least. Then I saw the hands of God pick up a large rock and throw it in the pond. I saw the splash where the rock impacted the surface and the ripples that it caused. Each circle was bigger and moved outward until it reached the end of the pond. The Lord spoke and said this pond was his church that has become comfortable where she is and very little movement is seen in her. The rock is Jesus Christ. The Lord said, “I will make an impact upon my church, and the wave of that impact will spread outward and cause the movement of my Holy Spirit to once again flow throughout my body, and great things shall be seen as my Spirit moves upon them.”  Scrip. Ref: John 14:12; Joel 2:28-29


Rise Up In Faith                       7/26/88

"Tell my people, I am the almighty God, which they serve. My hand is not short, neither have I failed them. I have not changed, neither has my power changed. Is there anything too hard for me? Look upon me, and believe. You have placed your eyes on many things, my people, and you have forgotten who it is that you serve. You have doubted my power. You have doubted my faithfulness. Behold, The hour has come that I will lead my people, those sheep that have hearkened to my voice, and have kept their eyes on me. I will lead them to a new path. I will lead them to the promised land. I have promised in my word that those things which my Son did, even greater things shall my people do. I shall lead my faithful ones with power. A new thing shall they see. I have spoken it before it has come to pass, that they might believe. I Shall raise up a people filled with my Spirit, a people of faith; and I will use them mightily, that the world might see my glory in them, and believe. My promises shall be fulfilled, and my mighty arm shall be revealed. Prepare yourselves to arise, my people, for the time of teaching in the wilderness has ended, and it is time to claim the promises and enter the land. It is time to claim the miracles I promised you. It is time to arise and war against the giants that you have feared, even the devil and his forces, and gain the territory which I have said is yours. I have said healing is yours. I have said victory is yours. I have said the souls of men you shall harvest for me. Enter, and harvest, for it is time. But not all may enter, for those who have disobeyed, shall not enter and be used by me to win this final victory. Those who have been lazy and who continue to attack their brothers, I will not lead them into the great move of God, for they have not been found faithful. Arise, my chosen ones! You who are led by my Spirit; you who love the sheep and love the lost. Gather up your faith, gather the spiritual gifts I have given you, and enter and reap the harvest of souls that I have prepared before you. Go forth in power, for my power I have given you. Heal the sick, set free the captive, give sight to the blind, for it has been given unto you to do these things and more. Believe my words, I shall be glorified in you. I shall be reflected through you, and mankind will see me through you, so they might believe."   Scrip. Ref: John 14:12 Mark 16:15-18 Heb. 3:16-19


My People Do Not Really Know Me    7/28/88

The Lord spoke to me, and there was sadness in his voice. He said: “My people do not really know Me. There are those, who it has been given to understand my heart so that they might walk as one with Me, but there are only a few. I allowed them to know my heart because they hunger and thirst after Me that they might know Me more profoundly. But most of my people are not hungry and thirsty to know Me with their whole heart. They do not have this consuming desire to know Me. They have reached a position that they are satisfied in what they know of Me, and with the relationship that they have with Me. They do not extend the effort to reach a deeper relationship with Me, a higher level of faith, because they are content where they are. They are secure; they are blessed, and do not look for the way that they might be greatly used by Me, neither do they see a necessity to study my Word or seek my face that they might grow spiritually. Those of my children who face persecution, those that face battles for their lives, or the lives of those they love, cannot afford to be indifferent or lazy concerning their relationship with Me. My desire is that my people would hear my voice and obey Me. That I might gently lead them, and bless them with good things. Even though I have been long suffering with my people, still many of them do not seek to obey Me. For their own good I must be severe with them that they might repent and their souls be saved. Awake, my people! Be led by my Spirit; seek Me with all your heart! Never tire of seeking Me or of doing my will. I have told you to run the race of faith to win, but you have been content just to be in the race, and you do not wish to push yourselves, to put forth the effort to win the race. Run to win the high calling which is in Christ Jesus. I exhort you to do your best, because it is pleasing unto Me when you seek Me, and serve Me, with all your soul, with all your heart, and with all your might.” Scrip. Ref: Mt 5:6; I Cor. 9:24-25


The Isles of the Caribbean         9/1/88

I saw the island of the Dominican Republic, and a huge rock from the sky fell towards it. The Lord spoke and said: “Whoever falls upon the Rock shall be saved, but whoever this Rock falls upon will be crushed.” Then I saw the island of Cuba. The Lord spoke and said: “A great revival shall there be upon this island, like has not been seen. But there will be great persecution, and the revival will grow in the midst of the persecution.” Then I saw men walking around in uniforms, and people that looked sickly as if they were leprous. The Lord said: “Even as in Egypt, there will be curses upon the land, and upon the people, if they will not let my people go.” I saw the island of Puerto Rico, and it was wounded. It had a tear in it and it was bleeding. I saw great storm clouds come over it and great thundering and lightnings, and God was angry because of the rip that was in the land, and because they would not bind up the wound. “some who were my sheep have become like wolves, and rip at the flock, and tear it apart. I will bring judgment and destroy the sheep who have become wolves from the midst of my flock, that they hinder my work no longer.”


Mexico              9/1/88

I saw Mexico, and the land appeared to be dry. I saw women and children searching for food and water. There was great hunger in the land. I saw them try to escape their land to the north, but they were stopped and turned back. I saw them try to escape to the south, but there was war and many were killed that tried to cross over. “Her idolatry have dried the land. Even as it was with the worshipers of Baal, who could not bring down fire from heaven, for they prayed to gods that are not gods, even so, does this people pray to gods that are not gods, and hear not their cries. In their superstition, they continue to call out for help to those who cannot help, even the ancient gods of their fore-fathers, and still there is no answer. I Am God, and beside Me there is no other. Yet they do not turn to Me that I might bless their land, but they do continually provoke Me with their idolatry.”    Scrip. Ref: Is. 45:21


Puerto Rico               9/6/88

The Lord spoke and told me it was time to return to Puerto Rico. He said: “Go and tell my people that they have a short time to make their decision. I put my plan before them. I called them: I chose them for a purpose, but many have not believed, they have not accepted my plan; they have lost the vision. They refuse to come together and fulfill my will. I have called them to be a lighthouse to the nations, but they continue to hinder my purpose for them by arguing among themselves. Surely, it is written, that a house divided against itself cannot stand, yet they continue to disobey my Word. You have become a prideful people who will not humble yourselves and put aside your opinions and obey Me. You have worn out my peacemakers who have tried to restore the peace among you. You try my patience daily. How long will you be a stubborn people? Shall I provoke you to jealousy by choosing another as I did with Israel? The decision is before you, but you have only a little time to decide. If you will repent of your pride and humble yourselves, I will still use you. If you ignore this warning, you will surely be chastised for your disobedience. Those who obey, I will spare. You who will not submit to my plan, you who continue to point out the sin of others, do you not know that the sin of disobedience is upon you, and you are guilty before Me, even more than those you accuse? I will shortly pour forth of my Spirit upon my faithful ones, and they shall be blessed, but you shall weep and mourn, for you shall see my great move upon them and realize that because of your stubbornness, because of your pride, you are not a part of my great move; you have been passed by. Yes, you will see the blessing upon my obedient servants and you will weep, for you will not be able to be a part of that blessing. Those who will lift up Jesus, I will lift up by my Spirit. Those who lift up themselves, and their ideas, or their church, or their doctrine, but do not lift up the Son of God, hear this: I will not lift you up, nor exalt you! You shall be abased and you shall be in shame, brought low because of your pride and your disobedience. I have given you a choice; choose then, for the time has come. Woe to you who chooses rightly and does wrongly thereafter. My judgment shall come upon you, for this is the last opportunity I will give to you.” Personal note: One year later hurricane Hugo hit the island causing widespread destruction. Scrip. Ref: Mt. 23:10-12


Lack of Love               9/23/88

“Why is there no friendship between my children? My children do not unite in love as I have told them to do. They disobey my Word while saying that they obey it. How easy it is for you to say that you love your brother and hence, you have obeyed my Word. But I did not call you to proclaim you love in words alone, neither by actions alone, but that you might love one another even as I have loved you. I laid down my life for you; there is no greater love than this. Yet you greet your brother as if they were strangers, and you are indifferent to their needs. Many of you do not care to know more about your brothers because you are afraid it will bring you into greater responsibility to give of yourself and your possessions, which you are not willing to do. How then can there be power in you when your love for one another is superficial and not truly love at all? For that reason you find it so easy to accuse one another, and so difficult to love one another. Open your eyes! For you are blind to the truth of my Word. You justify yourselves by standards that are not my standards. Did I not call you friends, if you obey my commandments? Why then is there no friendship between my children? Should they not be even as I am, willing to lay down their lives to give all for their friends? I desire that you walk as my friend, in a close relationship with Me, where you share everything that is in your heart with Me, and you have complete confidence in Me. Yet, it is my desire that as I have loved you, that you might also love one another. You have become a fearful, reserved people. You have built walls of defense about you and you will not allow my true love to flow through you to others because of fear. He who fears has not been made perfect in faith or in love, for he does not have complete faith in Me. A friend will defend, protect, console, and give out of love, without reservation. Oh how I desire that my children would love one another as I have commanded them to do. Look not at one another faults to accuse and destroy one another. Let the older brother help the weaker brother in love and in confidence as one friend to another. Not announcing his brothers failures, but rather by prayer and supplication of pure heart, interceding in love for his brother. Truly if my children would obey, great things would have been seen among them; the world would see such love and desire to be among the brethren. Still there is time, a little time, that they might repent in their hearts and seek Me that I might change their heart to a heart of compassion, and give them true love one for another. Humble your pride so that you might receive; do not forget your testimony; you should love one another as I have loved you. Remember this: you should show love to those of your own household as well, and to the lost, that they might see Me in you and not call you a hypocrite. I shall hold you accountable for your lack of love, for much has been written in my Word, and you are without excuse if you disobey Me.” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 12:10; John 13:24-25;15:13; I John 3:16-17; 4:7-8


There Are Wolves Stealing the Sheep              10/9/88

“Woe unto my people who have decided to follow men and to become disciples of men. Why, when I have given you the Son of God to lead you? Why would you look unto others? There is not another like unto my Son. I have told you to follow Him, to be like Him, but you still look for another to lead you. Do you not know that you do an injustice to Him, that you insult Him, when you look to another? For you say that He is your Lord, yet you let yourselves be led by man, because you do not have enough faith to be led by the Spirit of God. Woe unto my people who have changed that which is perfect for that which is tarnished. They shall lead you astray; they shall divide the flock among themselves and fight over each sheep, that they might have the biggest flock. Yet while they struggle to control my flock, they do not realize that their sin has caused the love of God to be quenched in them, and they cause more to leave the flock than to come in to it. You scatter the sheep and prey upon them to see which one of them you can add to your conquest. I am the good pastor and the flock is mine. I am the King and you are the servants. But you have seen that I have tarried, therefore have you become like wolves hungry for the riches of the sheep that you might take from them that which I gave to them. Remember this, I will return, and I will judge those servants who have coveted and misled my sheep. Fear and trembling shall come upon you. My presence shall come upon my sheep to empower and bless those that have been faithful, to give them great blessing; but upon you shall I come to take away that which you have and to leave you uncovered as the wolf that you are, in front of my sheep. Lead my sheep to Me! Lead them in love! Teach them to be like Me, or I will strip your authority from you and give it to those who have my heart and are willing to serve my sheep, not to exalt themselves and reign over my people as many of you have done.” Scrip. Ref: Ezek. 34:1-11


Hide in Jesus                         10/23/1988

The Lord showed me this vision: I saw Jesus royally dressed; he was very large. He wore a white garment with a white robe on top. I saw Christians in front of him; they were very small, running back and forth as if they were frightened or confused. They were searching for God's direction, yet they did not seem to notice that Jesus was right there in front of them. Suddenly he called out to them and he held open his robe. I saw them rush to embrace him. When they embraced him, he shut his robe around them, completely enclosing them inside his garments. It surprised me how they all fit. God is calling us to come deeper into him that we might commune with him and be safely protected in him. It is time to enter into intimacy, a new relationship with Jesus Christ, where we will be protected from the things that are to come.



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