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Divine Intelligence                  2/2/2015

I had a dream in which I was preaching to some people, yet when I arrived I did not have my glasses to see, and the Bible I had was missing almost all of the pages. I tried to find a scripture but it wasn't there, and the scriptures that were there, I couldn't see to read. The pastor became upset with me and said he was going to preach instead since I seemed so “unprepared”. The people began to murmur and became very restless as I fumbled around while apologizing. Finally, I closed the Bible and stepped down from the pulpit and came close to the people and just began to speak to them. I told them I could prove there was a God and that he had a purpose for them and wanted a relationship with them. In the dream, I then went into this long discourse. I first said: “Some of us believe in God because we were taught since our childhood by parents, teachers, or the church, that he exists. Others, who were not taught, look up to the heavens or at the majesty and beauty of nature and come to the conclusion that someone had to have made all this. Still, there are others who believe there is no God, no plan, it all just happened by accident. The concept of God, an invisible being without beginning or end, is hard to comprehend, because we are finite beings, unable to comprehend what infinite really means. Thinking of a being without a beginning is impossible to fathom. But let's look at some evidence that indicates that He does exist. Look at the ant. He has no concept of our size, our weight, our abilities, or our existence, yet he is aware that someone is there. Is the ant unintelligent? In his small, tiny body, there is an even smaller brain, yet he can build a structure with hallways (tunnels), rooms, including a nursery area, a place protected for the queen, organize themselves into a soldier class, a worker class, in order to sustain their society. Who taught them this? Is it just instinct? Who designed them with this ability? Let's look at life which doesn't have a brain, like a tree for example. What is its purpose? It has the ability to reproduce itself. Who gave it this ability? If it's sole purpose of existence is to reproduce itself, and it grows a seed in order to do so, then why does it produce fruit? The seed grows inside the fruit, but what's the purpose of the fruit? Neither the tree or the seed “eat” the fruit. It has to first rot away in order to release the seed in order for the tree to reproduce itself. The fruit is no benefit to the tree, but it is food for others. If this all happened by accident and the purpose of the tree is to reproduce itself, why would it accidentally produce fruit for people to eat? Obviously, someone designed it to do that. There was intelligent design. What about the bee? They are very social beings, much like the ant. They design very precise dwellings that are uniquely made exactly the same, even though they are made by hundreds of different bees, without any degree or instruments to construct a hive so precisely. This is an insect which also produces food. They make honey for themselves and their young, but if it was just for them, then why do they make more than they could possibly ever consume? They make more honey than their own hive can consume. They make enough to feed others, are they aware they are doing that? This is another design of intelligent design. We can examine one thing after another, for instance who determined animals diets? Some eat vegetation, others eat insects or other animals. How did that happen? Why don't they all just eat vegetation. Why would some have other animals on their diet? The antelope eats vegetation, the lion eats antelopes. If the vegetation eaters would populate out of control, they would eat all the vegetation and then starve. The lion controls the antelope population from doing so. Who made this perfect balance in nature? There was intelligent design. So if we follow this reason, we can determine this “intelligent designer” or God, designed everything with such precision and order with a purpose. He designed man with a purpose as well. Man has the ability to learn, to communicate, to solve problems, to create, to reason, to ask why. We search the cosmos, the depths of the sea, with this insatiable need to know the answers. No others of his creation do this. We were created this way. We are more highly designed intellectually, emotionally and having a spiritual need to discover and know our creator, and the purpose of our being. We were designed by intelligent design, God's design, to seek for answers, to seek for truth, to seek for the knowledge of it all, because He designed us to know Him. His purpose was to have a relationship with man. What about death? Is it the end of our existence Do we just cease to exist? How can we know there is something after death? Let's look at the seed again. A seed looks dead, if you cut it apart, it's dry inside. There's no plant inside, no life, yet if you plant it in the ground, it springs forth with new life that looks nothing like the seed; life springs forth from death. When we as humans die and are buried, why would we think that life dies with us then? Could we not just as well spring up into a new life, in another place, and continue to live as a different type of being? If God created us to find him, why would he rob us of then finding him? He created us for fellowship, but this earthly form is not like his form, nor exists in the realm he exists in. His design, and desire, is for us to be where he is, like he is. If we determine that there is intelligent design to the universe, then we must conclude that the intelligence belongs to someone, to a designer, with a plan and purpose to creating all that he created. If he so painstakingly created little things, would he not put even more effort on the more detailed beings? Was he looking for someone to share himself with? Someone to teach, someone to love? The greatest need of all human beings is to be loved. Who designed us that way? The Bible says in Genesis that after God had made all that he had made, he said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” In other words, “let's make someone like us, capable of feeling, appreciating, understanding us.” God created us for himself, for fellowship with him. As the tree reproduces itself, animals reproduce their kind, so God desired to reproduce his kind. We were made to be like him in order to relate to him. Yes, God has a plan and a purpose for us. We were created to be his, and to spend eternity with him.


A Day of Darkness Approaches 2/14/2015

The Lord spoke and said: “There is a day coming when many will scatter in fear. You must stand in faith and trust Me. Point the way to the truth; be a light in the darkness. Many will be offended and say: “Where is the God of mercy? Why would a merciful God allow such a thing to happen?” Tell them it is the consequence of rebellion. My hand has always desired to save, to protect, but I have been rejected by many. I have been accepted and later discarded as archaic or irrelevant. You cannot have it both ways! You cannot have My protection without My commandments. You cannot have My mercy without My holiness. I AM that I AM. If you wish My benefits you will have to accept My conditions, My ways. I did not withhold My hand from you, you refused to accept it. It was your choice, not Mine.” As I meditated on this word, these scriptures came to mind: “Jesus said to them:You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment, and the second is this: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39 and this scripture as well: “Has He not shown you oh man what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8; “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 All the promises of God, salvation, deliverance, healing, protection, are ours if we will do as He asks.

Message to the Church 2/16/2015

As I prayed, I saw a map of the Middle East. I could see explosions going off in one place and then another. The Lord said: “These are the times which I spoke of. These are the days of fulfillment. My Word will be fulfilled. There are those who rise up against My people and against My children. For Israel is My people, but you are My children. You are the children of the Kingdom, birthed in faith by My body, which is the church. You are they who call Me Father, not as just a name, but in truth, for you know that I AM your Father. You are of My house, My offspring; you are Mine! Even as you love your country your people, so I love Israel. You will fight for your country, mourn when it is afflicted, and desire it to be blessed with peace and prosperity. Even so is My heart towards My people, Israel. But My children, they are of My house, issue of My body. I gave My life for them. Woe to him who touches My children!


Children, your mother is sick. She who bore you has fallen by the way. She has forgotten her first love. She has gone after the world and its possessions. Yet I say to you, still honor her! Do not abandon her! If the children depart, who will lead her back? Who will cure her wound? I say this because many have left the church because of offense. Did not some of your earthly mothers do things which offended you? Yet you say: “She is still my mother”, and you continue to help her in her time of need. You love her in spite of her faults and failures. Can you not do likewise with your spiritual mother, the church? You are a part of that body whether you choose to be or not. Will you go and heal, or will you turn and despise? You are those who will make the church whole again, but if you flee, who will help her to stand again? Hear Me! Honor Me! My body is not to be divided! There are those who have abused and hurt My children, in My Name. I will take care of them. You must carry on the work of the church, the body of Christ, so new children will be born. It is not for you to judge she who bore you. She will answer to Me. Those in leadership who have perverted My ways will answer to Me. Do not abandon the flock, even though there are pastors who have done so. Feed My sheep! I will bring down those who have been unfaithful and give My body pastors after My own heart. Does it not say so in My Word? Trust Me! Finish your Father's work while there is still time work. The day quickly approaches when your work will be done.” Script. Ref: John 9:4; John 21:15-17

Who is on the Lord's Side?              2-18-2015

I saw a great battlefield. The sky was dark and stormy. The enemy was lined up in the distance as far as the eye could see. They were fierce looking, standing in the armor as men, but their faces were those of beasts. They growled and snarled as they looked at our army approaching. Our army was not as big. Then I saw the Lord Jesus., on a large white horse, dressed in white with golden armor on. He had a banner in his hand, which was white with a red cross on it, that waved in the breeze. He was leading our army. He shouted in a mighty voice: “Who is on the Lord's side? Who will stand with me?” I heard shouts go up from the faithful who followed him. He then said: “Fear not! For I am with you! Be strong and of good courage; I will not fail!” When the enemy saw him begin to ride out towards them, some bowed their knees in surrender, while many more fled in fear. Jesus spoke and said: “They will bow before Me or flee at my presence. You must reflect my presence, and when they see Me in you, likewise they will bow before you or flee in fear.” The soldiers who followed him were also dressed in white with golden armor, just as the Lord was dressed, but they had what appeared to be a smear of blood across their golden helmets. We were covered by his blood! The blood of Jesus is unique from all other blood. It has the DNA of the Son of God. His blood carries his scent! We were marked with his blood! It was as if these “beasts” smelled the scent of the Lord Jesus on us as we approached them, and fear gripped them. Some dropped to their knees, while still more dropped their weapons and ran, trampling over each other as they fled. After this vision the Lord spoke this word to me: “Do not fear them, neither fear what they can do. Remember your body is but a shell, a house where you abide. They cannot destroy YOU! Yours is the victory! Neither life nor death can destroy those who are mine. They live because I have given them eternal life that no power can take from them. Therefore, do not fear what the enemy can do. Cover yourselves with my blood; put on the whole armor; stand in faith and fight!”


The Rebellion              2/25/2015

This message was given to me: The devil rebelled against God, wanting to take the place of God and rule over His kingdom. He was cast out, defeated. He then looked to God's offspring, the heirs to God's kingdom, and in an attempt to overthrow God from the inside, he planted a seed of rebellion in the hearts of His heirs. The devil brought their descendants together to establish a throne that would reach heaven, uniting them in rebellion against God, but God changed their speech and scattered them. The devil has tried numerous times throughout the history of man to raise up armies to destroy the heirs of God's kingdom, those who will not follow him through rebellion, but remain faithful in following God. He is still trying to overthrow God's kingdom. He is still trying to destroy His heirs. He still wants to take God's throne. Kingdom has risen against kingdom; the sides are drawn. The final battle approaches. We must fight with all our might. We must stand on the Lord's side and not surrender, no matter the cost. We have been given authority to bring the enemy down. We were given this authority with the purpose of using it in this fight. We are on the Lord's side; He is the victor! It is written, He will reign and put all enemies under his feet. We cannot fail! Who is on the Lord's side? Personal note: It is interesting to see that ISIS is rising in what is the ancient kingdom of Babylonia. They have taken the city where once the ancient city of Babylon was. The same place where the tower of Babel was once being constructed, where the King of Babylon once ruled, and brought Israel captive to. Just as interesting is the mention of “Mystery Babylon” in the book of Revelation. At the time of the end, it seems it is somehow resurrected, be it spiritually of literally. The book of Daniel refers to this area being involved in the end times in chapter 12 also. The purpose of the devil has not changed, to sit on the throne of God. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations. For thou has said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” Isaiah 14:12-15


These Are Hard Times              3/10/2015

“These are hard times. It will require discipline and dedication to overcome in these times. Knowledge has increased. People are moving to and fro, busy about their lives, distracted by technology. The quiet times of meditation are eaten up in the whirlwind. With so much noise and distraction, it becomes harder to be still and know that I am God. It must become your conscience priority, your focus, if you are not to be swept away. It is something that you must do for yourselves, my people. I cannot do it for you. It will become harder and harder to maintain your focus. You must discipline your thoughts and bring them captive to obey the Spirit of the Lord which dwells in you. You must take authority over yourselves, over your hearts and minds. I will strengthen you as I promised, but you must take action; you must put forth the effort; it will not be done for you. This involves your will, which is free will to choose to or not. You must choose to seek Me and put Me first. You must prioritize your time, keeping Me as your first priority. The current is flowing, trying to dislodge Me as the priority of your hearts and minds. It will take all of your strength to fight against this tide. You will need to continually remind yourself to keep your eyes on Me, and put serving Me above all else. Many will grow weak and give in to the pressure, the demands of the day, and let go. Days will turn into weeks, and they will find themselves far, far away from Me. Hold fast! Keep Me before your eyes! Keep Me in your thoughts! Keep my Word in your heart; cling to it! It will require all your strength to do so, but if you will keep Me before you, surely, I will give you strength to succeed. Seek out quiet times with my Spirit. Listen for my voice. Desire my presence, more that riches, more than fame. The discernment you need, the wisdom, the peace, you will only find those things in my presence. The wise among you know this, but just being wise is not enough, you must also be obedient to do it. This is where wisdom and strength meet. This is why I told you that you are to love Me with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Your heart may love Me, but your will and your thoughts must also love Me above all else. It will take all of your efforts, all of your strength, to remain faithful to the end. I tell you this now so that you will begin to submit your will and your thoughts and practice discipline over yourselves now, so that you will be able to endure then, by reason of exercise. Remember your goal! Make it a daily goal; remind yourselves of the goal over and over: Today I will maintain my focus on Christ! Today He is my priority in everything I do, think, or say! Seek Me with you whole heart, and I will be found! Come now, let us begin!” Ref: Deu. 6:5; Mat. 6:33; Heb. 12:1-2


A Vision of Revivial                     4/17/2015

I received this vision while praying early this morning: I saw a dry land, with nothing living as far as the eye could see. It looked like a desert. I saw a man standing there, dressed in robes. I somehow knew that this was a prophet of old. I saw him look at the dryness in every direction. Then he raised his hand up to the scorching sun. I saw him form a fist, and kneel down on one knee. He took his fist and came down to strike the land, but stopped just short of impact. He raised his hand and brought it down once again, but stopped short of impact, once again. He did this for a third time, but this time, with all his strength, he hit the ground with his fist. The dry ground cracked with the impact, and cracks began to spread in all directions for a great distance. Then he stood, and the ground shook. I saw water begin to come up through the cracks. At first it came up slowly, then it began to bubble up from all of these cracks. Before long, everything new the cracks where the water was springing up, life began to reappear. Everything became green ad flourishing where the cracks were. I could see the distance and the dryness in the far borders, but where the cracks had formed, water was springing up and bringing new life to the desert. I was praying for the United States and for the church when I received this vision. I believe its interpretation is that the time of spiritual dryness is about to end. The symbol of the prophet is that the same spirit of Elijah that went before the coming of the Lord, will once again be stirred up and go forth, speaking forth in power in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will impact the dry places and cause living water to spring up, and new life will come. It is the outpouring spoken in Joel, the latter rain. God is preparing His people for the return of the Lord. I also found these scriptures in the Word of God:

Isaiah 35:1-10: “The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, Even with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it. The excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, The excellency of our God. Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful hearted, “Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and save you.” Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, And the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer; And the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool; And the thirsty land springs of water; In the habitation of jackals, where each lay, There shall be grass with reeds and rushes. A highway shall be there, and a road, And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it. But it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, Shall not go astray. No lion shall be there, Nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it; It shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall walk there, And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, And come to Zion with singing, With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, And sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

Isaiah 43:18-21: “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, The jackals and the ostriches, Because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise.


Prayer for America                    5/01/2015

As we begin the 2nd day of the week of prayer and fasting, as I was praying, I saw a vision of waves hitting our shores. They were shiny waves. As they broke upon the shore, they deposited little diamonds on the beach. The Lord showed me that these were the prayers and blessings being sent to us from around the world. People were blessing us, and the prayers were being deposited upon our shores! Praise God! But I also received this word from the Lord: "Pray on! Pray on, oh nation called as a lighthouse to the nations; darkness has dimmed your light. Continue in prayer, for my ears are open! My angel army stands at my command. As you obey and pray, so shall they be dispatched to fight against the darkness, to remove it from your land! Pray with fervency, for your prayers are causing the light to return. My Spirit is moving. My Spirit will restore that which the enemy has stolen. I will restore your light and cause it to burn brighter than before. Pray on!


Keep Your Eyes on Me!            5/16/2015

“Why do My children walk with their eyes on others? What they see with their eyes is more real to them than what it says in My Word. If they could only see with their spiritual eyes, and not their carnal ones, they would quickly learn that what is invisible to the natural eye is more real than what is visible. That which is temporal is visible, subject to deception, in constant change, but that which is invisible is eternal and changes not. It can only be seen in the spirit, and those eyes are opened through faith. Truth is not in what you see; it is in what I have spoken. I am the truth! If you follow Me, you will not be deceived. If you trust in Me, you will follow Me, and if you follow Me, you will not be led astray. Your eyes, your emotions, your mind, can all be manipulated, they can all be deceived, but your spirit, when it follows Me, cannot be deceived. That is why I told you to walk by the spirit and not in the flesh. Why do you seek council of others first before you seek My council? Why do the opinions of others matter to you, above My opinion? Do you not know that only My opinion counts? Why do you look at the inconsistencies in others walk, and not the inconsistencies in your own walk? If you are not faithful, how can you judge them as unfaithful? Are you not then being deceived more than they, for you are leaning to your own understanding. You are seeing with carnal eyes. The truth is: everyone will give account to Me, and Me alone. What difference does it make what your brother does, or what your brother has, or what your brother thinks or says? Look to Me! Walk out your own salvation! Leave your brother to Me! Bring him to Me in prayer, and leave him in My hands, and you, be busy about your own business, your Father's will for you! Work on surrendering your own inconsistencies, your flaws. You do not have the wisdom to correct your brother, and when you grow in Me and gain that wisdom, you will love your brother more, in spite of his flaws. Remember this: If your eyes are on them...they are not on Me!”


Your Peace is Being Stolen             5/21/2015

A word for the body of Christ: Your peace is being stolen from you, because you allow your mind to dwell on the things that surround you. God says: "Look up! Look to Me! Set your mind on ME! I can handle your situation. You do not need to keep worrying about it. Give it to Me and fill your mind with My Word, with praise and thanksgiving! Refuse the negative thoughts! Rebuke the fear! I did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!"


The Calling of God           6/10/2015

In prayer, God revealed this truth to me: “In the Kingdom of God, who you are and what you do are two different things. My people are often confused regarding this. Who you are is a child of God, a servant of the Lord, the bride of Christ. What you do is the job you perform within the body of Christ, which has been assigned to you by the Holy Spirit and the calling of God in your life. Your “job title” may be: pastor, prophet, evangelist, apostle, teacher, helper, but you are first and foremost a child of God. The Father sees you as his children. Many have confused their job for who they are and have elevated their own worth as more than that of another. Be careful of pride! What they fail to understand is the job you have been called to do, you do by the Holy Spirit. It is He who gives you the gifts for your office; it is He who speaks, He who heals, He who teaches; you are but His vessel. Why would my people think themselves better or higher than someone else when it is the same Spirit which operates in you all? It is because they are confused and believe that the healing, the word they speak, are theirs; they are a “prophet” or they are a “healer”, as if they did it. Be careful of taking the glory that belongs to God for yourself! This is why error creeps in. The moment you believe it is you, you are “called”, you are “anointed”, you begin to depend on who “you” are rather than on the Holy Spirit. If it becomes about you, if you are doing things, then there is room for error. A door has opened through pride to the enemy and he will plant seeds of error. Do not be deceived! You are a child of God; you have been given a part in the body to perform. The Holy Spirit will use you as an instrument to perform this work. In a body, there are many parts. The toes do not think for themselves do they? The arm has no will of its own does it? Will it say: “I am an arm; I am more important than the toes?” It does not think at all! It follows the instructions the brain sends it! How is it that my people do not understand this? The Holy Spirit is the “brain”, and you are the instruments, the members of the body, which He directs. Your job is to believe, to surrender, to be available for His use. There are those who have understood and mastered this better than others, but it is not that they are better or more important than others; they are simply more obedient than others.” Scrip. Ref: I Corinthians 12


7/7/2015     Demonic Detours

For two days now in prayer I have seen the same thing. I see a path, and this dark figure putting up a detour sign; then the scene rooms out and I can see many paths all over a map, with these dark figures putting up detour signs. Today the Lord revealed to me that this is what the enemy is doing. He is attempting to deceive the church into taking a detour off the path of the Lord. The detour is easily accepted as believable and without even praying and seeking the Lord, the unsuspecting Christian, takes the detour. Alert body of Christ! If we are led by the Spirit we will detect these false detours as not being from God. What does this all mean? There are issues being put before our eyes to distract us and detour our eyes from looking to Jesus. We are being side-tracked into issues rather than staying focus on our mission and our purpose. What is our mission and purpose? The purpose of our life is to be transformed into the image of Christ; to become Christ-like and reflect His image, His love, to a world that needs to see Him. What is our mission? To carry His Word, His love, and the message of His saving grace to the lost of this world. Let us not fall prey to the detours, no matter how important they might appear, no matter how convincing. We must maintain a single heart, a single focus, on JESUS! 


The Return of Our Lord          7/25/2015

As I was in prayer, I received this word from the Lord: “Even as it is written, I come! I come for you my bride, my people, my beloved, in the twinkling of an eye. I come! I come for a bride, spotless and pure; one who has loved me above all else. Do not be deceived by the deceitful lies of the enemy or the philosophies of man. I am the Word of God, and my last words are my promise, my vow; I come! I will come again as I promised. Be ready! Perilous times come, but look up! Look up! You will see your Redeemer coming on the clouds, in glory. The earth will see and mourn, but you, my beloved, rejoice! Israel will see and grieve because they rejected Me. Mankind will see and hide in fear. But you, my precious, my bride, will run to greet Me, and I will lift you up and give you my glory, my love. So shall you ever be by my side. Do not believe the lies of the enemy. He will deceive you! He wants to rob you of this glorious day! Hold fast to what I have promised. Trust Me! I am the Lord that healeth thee! I am your Redeemer, your friend. I will deliver you from this world and present you to the Father as my beloved, my bride. Keep your eyes fixed on Me! Be still, and know that I am God. I am He who is faithful and true; I am he who has promised; I will fulfill my word to you! This I promise! Wait for Me!”


Be Patient and Seek Me                   8-13-2015

“Be patient. Be strong. Be fervent. Be faithful. I am with you! Don't trust in the words of many; trust in My Word. Learn to listen for My voice, that still quiet voice that whispers to your soul. Hush the voices of the maddening crowds. Be still and know that I am God; know Me! You are invited to know Me. It is a privilege not a burden. When seeking Me is a burden, you will not find Me. Change your heart; change your attitude. What is more important than spending time with Me? Oh the excuses, the many excuses My people give for neglecting to spend time with Me. They make time to do what they want but find it difficult to make time for Me. How sad! They rob Me not only themselves of the blessing of being in My presence, and they rob Me of My joy in being with My children. Am I not with you anyway, you say? Oh yes, I am with you. I have promised I would never leave you or forsake you. There is a difference between walking hand in hand with someone, enjoying their presence, listening to their conversation, and walking alongside a stranger in a crowd. Do not be a stranger! You are meant to walk hand in hand, in constant communication with Me. This is a relationship. Do not make it a one-sided relationship; participate! How little you think of Me, My people, while I think of you all the day long. Stop searching! Run to ME! There is peace in the presence of the Lord; there is joy in My presence; there is hope in My presence; there is healing and deliverance; there is comfort and strength; there is all you need. What can the world give you? Seek for Me! Search for Me with you whole heart, and I will be found of you, says the Lord.”


In Regards to America            8/13/2015

While seeking the Lord about America, I received this: “Their ears are deaf. Their eyes are blind. They run to and fro seeking someone to lead them. Look to Me! I am the only salvation for your souls and the only salvation for your nation. Do not seek one who will exalt himself; seek for one who exalts Me. Many claim to believe in Me, but exalt themselves; do not be deceived. Seek for a humble spirit; there I am exalted.”      


A Message to Humanity          8/17/2015

While seeking the Lord and praying for this world, the Lord spoke and said: “They do not come until they are hungry. In times of need, they will come to Me, and cry out. It is not My way; it is theirs. I have come that you might have life and more abundantly. Life full of glory, full of love and joy, full of praise and thanksgiving, and gladness of heart. But men do not seek Me when all is peace and joy. They only seek Me when they run out of all other alternatives. It is My desire to save mankind, but in order to save them, they must come to Me of their own free will. They do not seek Me unless they are desperate, therefore, in order to save them, I must allow them to become desperate. Yet, there are some who become angry and in their desperation, rather than seek Me, they say there is no God. Foolish man! If I give you what you want, you do not seek Me, neither thank Me; yet, if I take it away, in order to get your attention, many of you become angry and refuse to come to Me. Do you not yet understand, all good things come forth from Me? I am what you are seeking for! I am what you need. Who else can heal your heart? Who else can extend your days? Who else can give you health? Why would you become angry with the only one who has power over all these things? It is pure foolishness. How can I make you understand? Your nature is what brings your own destruction. Why are you so prideful? Can you move the stars in the sky? Can you calm the waves? Yet you are arrogant and rebellious to the one who can! Oh, what shall I do with you? You grow in knowledge like no other generation before, and yet all it serves to do is to make you more prideful, more independent, yet you have no wisdom. If I must bring you to your knees in order to make you understand, so be it, for there is no reasoning with you. I said: “Come, let us reason together; though yours sins be like scarlet, I will make them white like snow”, but you will not come. If you would but come to Me and humble yourselves, and listen, you would find reason, you would find forgiveness, joy and love, all that you need. But you are determined to prove you can do things your own way. So, you have chosen your fate. Only when you are broken will you come to Me to be fixed.”


I asked the Lord what about us, those who choose to listen, who choose to humble ourselves and follow Jesus. His reply: “Oh, My precious ones! It is for your sake that mercy is sent out. It is because of your faithfulness the earth has not been destroyed. You are the hope, a light in a sea of desperation. For your sake, I have been long suffering, and I have endured such rejection. You are My beloved children. But when the wicked rise to destroy My beloved, then it is enough! I will take their hope from them. I will take My precious ones to my side, and then will this world see and understand: vengeance is mine, says the Lord; I will repay.” I will not suffer My little ones to be destroyed. I have left them here to shine a light of hope, a way out of darkness to those who will repent and seek Me. But, if they turn and attempt to extinguish My lights, I will take My light from them and leave them in utter darkness. I will take My children to their reward, but you, oh man, who despised them, you will learn that there is a God, and suffer the consequences of having rejected Him.”


“Massive” Times            8/18/2015

I saw the earth as if I was seeing it from space. I could see these giant areas of clouds covering large areas of the globe. These clouds seemed to rotate in a circular pattern, like hurricanes do. One was so massive, it covered half the size of the United States (the Eastern side). Then, lower in the atmosphere, I saw the earth tremble and I heard a sound like that of bricks crumbling. I saw the number “9.0”. I saw the sea with giant waves. I saw the land a a huge tornado, whose width was like the size of a large mountain, and I saw hailstones fall that were as big as baseballs. I saw sections of the Western United States where fires were as large as some states. I saw Central United States, and floods which caused the rivers to become massive, covering miles of land on either side. This was not just events occurring in the United States (although that was where I was seeing), but I understood it was occurring globally as well. The Lord said the word we will hear repeatedly in these times is “MASSIVE”. The earth is preparing for the birth of a new thing. It is trying to expel the evil from it. Like a birth which begins with small pains, but increases in intensity and becomes closer and closer, so this world is experiencing labor pains. The children of God are about to come forth from their previous state and be birthed into a new, glorious body that is ready for the eternal. The earth is preparing to put off the mortal and receive the immortal. The Holy Spirit will birth these glorified children and Jesus will carry them to His breast. All will be cleansed by fire and purified for Him to return with his children to abide. There is little time to turn to Him, to decide if you will be one of his children, or if you will be wept away with the evil. That which is carnal, worldly, will be wiped away. This is an immortal, spiritual kingdom, and only those who have been born of the Spirit can inherit it. When you see these massive events, prepare, for the Lord is near.


Warning for America        9/4/2015

While in prayer about the United States and about these times and the things that are to come, the Lord said this: “This nation does not know what it means to go without bread, but they are soon to find out. We will see then if they repent and turn to Me or not!”


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