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The Latter Days 1/06/1990

The Lord spoke these words to me: “The mystery of Babylon will soon be revealed.” I asked: “Lord, what do you mean with these words?” He then showed me a great machine that had big cylindrical rollers and a person whose clothes became caught in one of the rollers. She was desperately trying to escape but the roller kept pulling her in closer and closer. She could not free herself. The machine continued to run. The Lord then spoke and said: This is how it will be with the world, even though they try to escape, the diabolic system will invade.” After this I saw a great dragon which struck with his tail, breaking everything in his path, and killing people by stomping them under foot. “There has never been, nor will there ever be, a time with such great evil”, the Lord said. “He will absorb everything that he can. The lines of battle must be drawn, and the decision made if you are on his side or on the Lord's side. There is no middle ground, says the Lord.” Then I saw people being burned by people carrying torches, including women and children. I saw the eyes of those who did this. They were filled with hate and had no compassion whatsoever within them. I saw how they killed many because they would not side with the dragon. The Lord spoke and said: “They will not feel regret or show mercy, not even for the children. Tell the people to come to Me now, while there is still time. Tell them to hide in Me. In My Word it says: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Come to Me while there is yet time, for time is running out. Even now this evil is rising; you cannot see what is occurring, but I am warning you now. Why will you wait to see with your eyes before seeking Me?” After this I saw a people floating in the water, lying on their backs with smiles on their faces. I saw the Lord come closer to them, and he called out to them saying: “Come out of the water! A storm is approaching!” But they didn't hear Him or see Him, because they had their eyes shut. They were basking in the sun, and thought they had nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. In the distance I could see the dark clouds forming and moving in their direction. They hadn't even noticed that they had floated far out from the shore (far from where Jesus was), and closer and closer to the storm. In a short while the clouds were over them, and they finally opened their eyes. The waves rose and the wind began to blow. They could no longer stay afloat. They began to try to swim for shore, but they were far from the shore. The Lord spoke and said: “Just how you are seeing this, is how my people are; they are deaf to My voice, because they don't walk in the Spirit by faith, but rather by what they can see. They cannot see neither discern what is coming quickly at them.” After this I saw a shooting star crossing a nighttime sky, like a diamond falling to earth. I asked the Lord what this meant, and He answered: “As you see this star falling rapidly to the earth, even so are these days quickly passing, and the terrible days are coming; still, people are not moved to seek Me.” Then I saw a store which had hardly anything on the shelves. I saw a loaf of bread that cost nearly ten dollars. I saw people standing in line to receive a cup of dry rice, which was carefully being measured out from a big sack. I saw people receiving a small piece of red meat that was for a whole family for a week. The refrigerators which once carried milk were now empty and only powdered milk was available, and it too was being measured out carefully. I saw a house, and people inside sitting at a table with a candle to light the room, and they were cutting an orange into small portions. Each person got their small piece, and as they slowly ate it I heard them say: “Oh, how good it tastes!” Then the Lord spoke and said: “Even as they now keep old wine for special occasions, in those days a piece of fruit will be considered a treasure.” I heard the voice of a child saying: “Mommy, I'm still hungry”. The mother hugged the child, and said: “I know, my love, but there is nothing else to eat; perhaps tomorrow. Try to sleep now.” I saw people in lines with bottles, pots and pans, vases, whatever they had looking for water, which had to then be boiled before they could drink it. After this I heard an explosion, like a bomb going off, and I saw people fighting. Here the Lord spoke and said: “Wars will increase, plagues and hunger. It is My desire that this would not be, but humanity is floating in the sea of life, floating towards death and eternal separation from Me. As long as they find something that gives them pleasure, they will not open their eyes to see what is ahead. They will only open their eyes when the danger comes upon them, when it is too late, and then they will cry out to Me for help. For this reason, I have allowed these things to come to pass, so that they might finally seek Me, because they are hard of heart, and they will not seek for Me any other way. I desire that they are with Me, in peace and safety in the garden that I have prepared for them, but they will not come to Me. They have chosen to live a life of sin, distant from Me, and for that reason I must allow them to get to the place where they are forced to seek Me. I am the only way of salvation. There is no other way. Even so, they will still choose to follow another who claims he can solve all their problems. He will claim he has a solution to the problems the world faces, and they will choose to hear him rather than to follow Me. He will promise them great things without calling them to repent and leave their sinful ways. They will delight in this, but he is a deceiver and he will deceive them into cursing their own souls. They will say that they still believe in God, and that this man has been sent by God to guide them. Lies! I sent My only Son to redeem them! I sent My Holy Spirit to guide them, and He is sufficient! Yet, they reject Him and prefer to run on the hills like horses rather than to submit to a bridle and reins and be tamed by their Master. I would lead them in a gentle, loving way. I would lead them to sure pastures, that they are not able to see on their own.” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 13:11-14; 2 Thes. 2:2-12


A Warning Concerning Russia   1/13/90

I had this vision of the leader of Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev. The Lord told me: “I will show you what is in his heart.” I saw Gorbachev dressed in clothes that were royal clothes, standing in front of a large mirror. He was admiring himself. I could hear his thoughts. He was saying to himself: “I will be remembered throughout history. I will do great thing and all mankind will praise me. I will do such great things that I will be remembered forever. I will establish a new empire, and I will be the emperor. I will be the founding father of a new system. I have been chosen by God to bring peace and unity to man. I will be their savior!” Then I saw him sitting on a throne. He continued to look at himself in a mirror admiring himself more and more. His thoughts became more obsessive. “I should become the ruler of this new empire, because I alone can bring peace and unity for the benefit of humanity. This is a good thing that I must do, for it is necessary for the peace of mankind.” As he heard the praises of the people around him, I noticed he became more obsessed and determined to complete his “mission”. Then I saw him standing on the earth, and the earth seemed small, and he was enormous, standing over the area where Europe is. The earth looked like a large ball, and to the West, where the continent of North America is, I saw a young woman standing. She was dressed in very fine clothing; she was very beautiful and friendly. I could see that Gorbachev was looking at her and admiring her. She looked at him and began to flirt with him with her eyes. He invited her to dance. I saw when she extended her hand to him, and they went to dance. They began to waltz over the Atlantic Ocean. They danced awhile, smiling and talking to each other. She continued to flirt with him in a very lady-like fashion, and he charmed her with his words. Then he invited her to his palace. There I saw them walking and talking until suddenly he opened a large ornate door. He invited her to enter. She went in and he followed and closed the door. It was his bed chamber. He embraced her and said: “Now you shall be mine.” But she pulled back, rather startled, and replied: “Oh no, I do not wish to become yours or submit myself to you, I only wanted to dance and to innocently flirt with you.” At this he became angry and struggled with her. She ran from the room and I heard him say: “If you will not be mine, then I will destroy you!” Then I saw him look down to the Southeast and there was another woman. She was a younger woman, not dressed elegantly, but rather plain. She was not smiling. She had her back towards him and her arms crossed in determination. She was standing on top of Israel. She would not look at him. He was angry with her also. There was hatred in his eyes. I heard him say: “She will never submit to me. She will serve only her God. She will not give herself to me. She knows the truth. She will stand in my way.” Then the vision ended. Personal Note: Gorbachev is a symbol of the leader of Russia, and this spiritual attitude is not isolated to him alone, but to the attitude of this leader. The allure of power, and the desire to control is seen in many “charismatic” leaders throughout history. Their arrogance and pride convince them that they are “worthy” of being over all. Their desire to have more causes them to compromise their principles in order to achieve their goals, regardless of who gets hurt, as they believe it is for the best. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


The Shepherd and His Sheep    1/15/90

The Lord showed me this vision: I saw the Lord with sheep all around him. Some followed Him willingly, listening to the sound of His voice. I saw others that had ropes on their necks; He held the ropes in His hands and gently led them. I saw some who planted their feet firmly and pulled with their necks, trying to loose themselves and go the direction they wanted. They did not want to be led. I saw the Lord firmly pull them. Some pulled so hard that they freed themselves of the rope and turned back to go on their own. I saw the Lord then pick up a rod and with tears in His eyes, He said: “Why have you rebelled? I was leading you to what is best for you! Now I must chastise you for your rebellion. I do not want to do it, but I must for your own good!” He hit the rebellious sheep with the rod, not in anger, but with tears in His eyes. I saw some return, submissively, but others ran away. Then I saw Him sit upon a large rock and the sheep gathered around Him. Some of them which were closest put their heads upon His lap and cried. I saw Him crying also, but He gathered them in His arms and comforted them. I heard Him say to them: “It will be alright; be comforted My little ones, My good, faithful ones, over the loss of your brethren; they will return, some of them, when they come to their senses, even as the prodigal son. But you, My faithful, you who are here close to Me, you are truly blessed for you have chosen the better things.” Scrip. Ref: John 10


The Fire of God      1/18/90

I had this vision: I saw great walls of flames encircling the earth. I heard the Lord say: “The fire is being poured out. Tell My people that the time has come. The fire is being poured out upon them to purify them. First, I will pour out a spiritual fire upon My church to prepare her to go with Me. Then, I will pour out real fire upon the inhabitants of the earth that have rebelled and rejected Me.” Scrip. Ref: Joel 2:28-32


Message to Puerto Rico      1/21/90

I was at a church in Dorado, Puerto Rico. The Lord spoke to me and said: “The water from the sea will enter land even here. Many highways and roads will be cut off. Many will be without electricity. In that day the rich and prideful will be brought down to the level of the poor and humble, for they will both be in the same situation.” Then I saw offshore, to the west of Puerto Rico, under water, an opening on the ocean floor and a great rumbling on the ocean floor. I then saw the number “8.6” appear after I had seen the great crack on the ocean floor and the great shaking.


Message to the Church Concerning The Word    1/23/90

The Lord spoke this to me: “My people do not see clearly. They see things through their own opinions and thoughts, but not through My eyes neither through the light of My Word. My ways are not their ways, neither My eyes their eyes. They use their own knowledge as the measure by which to measure, rather than My Word. They take parts of My Word and add it to their thoughts and impressions and form doctrines by which to judge others. They have not taken My whole Word. They leave out parts. Therefore, they judge by their own standards, using only a part of My Word mixed with their ideas and theologies. Is it any wonder that they do not see clearly? They have taken some clean water and mixed it with muddy water and expect it to come out clean. I did not ask you to interpret My Word; I did not ask for your impressions or opinions. I do not need your knowledge or experience to express Myself, or My thoughts more clearly. You NEED My Spirit, My anointing, to see things as I spoke them, as I see them. You cannot add to My truth, neither can you see it with your own eyes clearly. You must see it as it is, by faith, and receive it all. You do not take a medicine in part, or infrequently, disobeying the instructions and then expect to be well, do you? Why then do you do this with My Word? Why do you leave out the parts that do not fit into your opinions or your doctrines? Do you not know that a half truth is not a truth at all? It is not enough! You must balance it by having all the Word, all the truth. You must come to Me and empty yourselves of your preconceived ideas and let Me guide you into all truth. Let Me write My Word upon your hearts. Let Me show you it through My eyes, that you might know My ways. Your pride has deceived you, My people, for you believe yourselves to know more than what you really do. Humble yourselves and let Me show you truly by My Spirit. Then you will be able to discern in righteousness, seeing clearly, and not in error as you do now.” Scrip. Ref: Rev. 22:18-19 Personal Note: Taking the Word of God out of context, or using certain portions to support a revelation or personal insight is how cults start.

Message for Los Angeles      1/26/90

God spoke this word to me: “Speak to Los Angeles, that wicked city, and say: you have perverted millions and caused millions to fall into idolatry, worshiping men and women, idols of Hollywood. You have caused many to fall into adultery by showing them your sexual idols that they might fantasize of sinning with them. Behold, even as this filth of perversion and lust runs through your streets like a river, even so shall blood flow through your streets as well. Pray for Los Angeles, My children; pray for those who have not yet heard, that they might have opportunity to hear, for great judgment shall shortly come upon this wicked city, says the Lord.”  Personal Note: Many have had dreams and visions of destruction coming to Los Angeles. Many have seen the coast of California breaking apart and falling into the sea. Scientists have comfirmed that a major earthquake along the San Andreas fault line is way overdue. They claim it is not a matter of if it will happen, but when.


The Plan of the Forces of the Enemy    2/13/90

As I was praying, I saw the large army of the enemy. They were dressed in white and looked like people from afar, but up close their faces were distorted, long and thin; their noses were like that of wolves and their teeth were long, pointy and sharp like a wolves teeth. I saw the leader of this army in a circle, huddled together as if in secret, planning something. The Lord allowed me to hear their conversation. I heard one who spoke and said: “First, we must get their eyes off of Jesus and onto each other.” I heard them laugh and one said, “That will be easy; their flesh will go along with that quickly.” Then the leader, who had his back to me, but I was sure it was Satan, said again: “We must get their eyes off of Jesus and onto each other. We will not have to hit them hard; if we can get them to concentrate on the errors of each other, they will do the work for us. They will hit each other. Then, while they are distracted with each other, we will enter and attack them in other areas. We will destroy their homes, their health, their children and bind them up with anger and unforgiveness so they will no longer have any power. They will not see us doing this because they will be busy arguing one with the other. As long as they are divided they will have no power over our plan.” I heard one demon ask: “What if we are not able to get their eyes off of Jesus?” The devil replied: “Then we will not be able to do anything to them; He will warn them.” I saw them go in ranks, this great army, towards the church, towards the Christians. “Oh people of God, awake! Says the Lord, and see in what trap you have fallen. Repent quickly and return to Me. Be wise and understand what I have revealed concerning the plan the enemy has devised against you. Rise, and do not walk according to your sight or by your flesh. Resist the words that the evil one speaks to you against your brother, that your eyes will not be turned away from Me. Guard your eyes! Guard your mind! Thus, you will guard your families, your home, your salvation. Open your eyes and do not be ignorant of the ways of your enemy, for in your ignorance you are easily defeated. Do not lean on your own understanding, but lean upon Me, says the Lord, that I might reveal to you these truths, and even more truth that will keep your feet from falling. Look unto Me, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Son of the Father, that you might be led by Me, transformed into My image by the Holy Spirit, and not fall into the sin of the flesh. Watch; that you give no place to the devil, no open door; guard your minds; guard your eyes; guard your tongue, says the Lord!”   Scrip. Ref: Prov. 3:5; Ps. 39:1; Heb. 12:1-2; Eph. 4:27


God Our Creator   2/22/90

The Lord spoke this: “All of My creation, both animals great and small, know I am the Lord God, their provider. I provide for them their daily needs and they do not worry. I taught them their ways and they know how to get their food, which I have provided for them. They need no money, no security, for I have given to them the resources they need, and they trust Me. They know Me, and they know I am faithful. See how I provide for them a resting place each night; how I have taught them to gather, to make their beds, to give birth to their young, and to care for them. All these things I have taught them, and they have no need for another to teach them. Yet man, whom I made in My image, trusts Me not! They look one to another, depending upon themselves to provide, but their eyes are not on Me. He, who I created to be My companion and to share much greater things than that of survival, which I teach to the animals, has done what the animals do not do, he denies My existence! There is but one animal who perishes because he does not look to Me. One that walks the streets, sick and dying of hunger. He has been called, “man's best friend”, for he follows man; his eyes are upon men to feed him. Only the dog cannot survive without mans help, because the dog has taken his eyes off of Me and trusts in man for survival. So he passes hunger and dies when he finds no mercy from man, yet I gave him a way to hunt his food and to live. He has chosen to look to man for his existence; so he perishes even as man, for they do not trust in Me. I gave man wisdom, to understand Me, and to commune with Me, but he has chosen to depend upon his own wisdom. He toils and strives because he does not wish to submit, to obey Me; his pride will not allow him to confess that he is in need of Me. Though he gains more and more knowledge, he changes not. He perishes because he does not trust in Me. To no other did I give the ability to learn as man, that he might learn of Me, and commune with Me. Yet he has taken his ability to learn, which I gave him, to learn of everything but Me!” The Lord was silent for a moment, and I meditated on the things He said, thinking on how the ants work together, the squirrels gather for winter, the salmon swims upstream to his place of birth, how God has taught them all. Then I marveled at what God had spoken concerning them. It is true that that they don't have the worries of man, no jobs, or houses, or financial troubles, yet each has what he needs, because they depend upon their Creator. Then I thought on man and how he has become, the great knowledge and achievements he has achieved, and I marveled at the mind God has given man. I began speaking to the Lord, saying: “Lord it is true. I look at the great ability you have given man to learn, to achieve, and how they have created so much technology. Surely, you created us in your image, intelligent begins capable of learning, or reason. Look Lord how they have even made rocket ships that leave the earth and head towards the stars, no animal could do that. Truly, you have given great ability to man to learn things!” The Lord replied: “No animal would want to do that, for they know that what they need is food, water, and air to breathe and that I have provided it on earth. Man in all his wisdom does not understand this; he goes to look for more because he is not content with what I have given him. He has a hunger within, a quest to know, yet in all his wisdom, in all his searching, he does not discover that what he needs to give him peace is what the animal has, trust in Me! He has grown so far in knowledge, but it has not led him to Me, rather, it has led him further away. In all his wisdom, he believes himself to be too wise to need his God, to good to need a savior. He believes he is capable of resolving his own problems. So he keeps reaching, searching, not knowing that the void he has inside is because he has looked to others, or to himself, but not to Me. My creation knows Me and trusts Me, but man, who was made to be the wisest of all, is the most foolish.” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 6:25-33


Earthquake and Tsunami to Puerto Rico    3/2/90

While I was preaching in a church in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, I had a vision in which I saw the sea rise up. I saw many little houses made of wood along the shoreline. I saw when the sea came and overflowed this shoreline. They were enormous waves, one after another. When the water began to return back to sea, I saw the shoreline where the houses were before, but now they were all gone, washed out to sea. I saw water had entered into the streets of a town, and people ran screaming, looking to escape. I saw yet another beach when the wave had come and gone back to sea again, I saw some people that were alive, trying to crawl to safety. But in an instant, another wave came, and they were washed out to sea as well. Then I saw when the waves were gone, as far as the eye could see, the sea was filled with debris, furniture, clothing, pieces of plumbing, toys, all floating in the water. I saw few bodies, though, and I began to thank the Lord for this when suddenly I saw the fins of sharks in the water. Here the Lord spoke and said: “Many of the bodies will never be found.” In a town, I saw many people standing outside of a cemetery, waiting to enter, for there were so many people in the cemetery mourning their lost loved ones. I asked the Lord: “Why are you showing this to me?” Then I saw the map of Puerto Rico, and a large X was over the North-western area, and I said to the Lord: “Oh Lord, and what will happen to your people?” Then I saw another vision: it was nighttime and I saw many angels come from heaven and in their hands they had what appeared to be like paint brushes. I saw them paint certain buildings, and houses, and even the foreheads of some people. They were sealing those who belonged to the Lord, the faithful, the true, the humble, the pure. After this I saw some angels form a circle around a church, and they held hands, facing outwards. I saw another church that had two giant hands around it. When the waves hit and then returned, the hands opened and the church was intact inside the hands. Then the Lord spoke and said: “Tell My people not to become desperate and run. Tell them I will protect them through all of this. I will give a great testimony through them to the whole earth, and they will testify in many places how powerful the Almighty God is who protects those who belong to Him. But to those who are disobedient, who are not My sheep, but wolves who sow discord and division, great judgment will come upon them, as well as those who are evil and depraved alike, and the fear of God will come upon them. The time to repent and come to the Lord is now, says the Lord. Yes, the day of judgment comes, but I know those that are Mine, says the Lord, and they will see the great testimony of My faithfulness. In all the world they will testify of the mighty arm of the Lord to bring salvation. Tell My people to testify now and to carry the gospel of salvation to the lives around them, so that they too may escape with their lives from that which is coming soon.” Personal note: There is a fault line off the west coast of Puerto Rico. There have been several small earthquakes, but scientist state that a large earthquake in this area is long overdue. Many in Puerto Rico have had dreams and visions of such an event, and many prophets continue to prophesy this is coming.


Message for Washington DC    3/15/90

As I was approaching the city of Washington DC, I saw this vision: I saw the city by night. I saw a terrible electrical storm. Lightening flashed across the sky. I could see by the flash of the light, different monuments of the city of Washington. I have never seen such a fierce electrical storm. The Lord spoke and said: “Even as they light up the sky with fireworks on the fourth of July, announcing their independence, so shall I light up the sky announcing My judgment upon them, for departing from Me, says the Lord. They come, the leaders of this nation, to this place, and devise devices, conspire in secret, all for their own gain and power, shedding innocent blood in secret. Many are they who are full of iniquity, perversion, and evil, turning this nation away from their God. So shall My judgment fall upon them for their evil and for the evil of leading this nation away from Me and filling the land with sin.”  Personal Note: While many in politics are God fearing people who are there to serve this great nation, there are also many who are corrupt, serving their own gain. Where there is great power, there is always great corruption as well. Those whose political agenda has led this nation away from God, have passed laws with help of those on the Supreme Court, as well as in the White House. These laws limit the rights of Christians, while giving liberty to those who defy the laws of God. When man's laws become more important than God's laws, the nation begins a moral decline which brings about it's own destruction.


The Cross   4/19/90

“Say unto My people: you have forgotten the cross, says the Lord. You have forgotten the way of the cross. You follow My Son for the fish and the bread. Does it not say in My Word, “Unless the seed falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone”? Yet you have not understood this. You have shunned this message because it is not appealing to you. You do not wish to hear of sacrifice or suffering. You are only interested in the blessing. Have you not understood to have the power of God, the resurrection power of My Son, you must first die? To be resurrected in power you must die, for without death first, there is no resurrection. You want the blessing but are not willing to pay the price. Your enemy fully knows this; he knows how you are. He offers you a power, without the sacrifice, and you receive it because it appeals to your pride. But this power is not My power, and it profits nothing. Oh My children, how can you not understand what is clearly written in front of you: “Unless it falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone”? You are moving “alone” in your own strength, deceived into believing it is of Me, but it is not. The true treasure is yet for you to find. If you do not give up your life in order for Me to truly live through you, you abide alone in this world, and what is worse, in the world to come. I have the pearl of great price for you, even My Son, Jesus Christ, to dwell in you. But you are not willing to sacrifice, to give up all that you have in order to obtain Him in all His riches and glory. You have settled for a lesser thing, a lesser power, and for that reason, the great things that must be done cannot be done through you. You are hungry for what perishes; your eyes deceive you. When will My people hunger and thirst after true righteousness? I AM; I am all that you need. Seek Me, and I will give to you all that you need. I am your source, even your source of life, but to receive My life, you must first give up your own. You were bought with a price, even the price of the cross. In order to obtain the riches of eternal life, and the power of the resurrection, you must die unto yourself and live unto your God, for you are Mine, if you are willing, and those that are Mine share in My glory, says the Lord.” Scrip. Ref: John 12:24-26; John 15:4-5; Gal. 2:20 Personal Note: As Christians, we often believe that being a believer automatically means we are being led by His Spirit. We still have free will, and our own mind, which must be surrendered and brought into obedience to the Holy Spirit. Many have received Jesus as their Savior, and claim He is their Lord, yet they make the decisions for their lives, often without even consulting Him. Until we understand that we are crucified with Christ, and we no longer live (or are in charge), but Christ lives in us, and we need to put Him in charge of everything we do.


Message for the Latin People   4/28/90

While I was in El Paso, Texas, the Lord showed me a vision of Mexican people running through dry desert land towards the border, but they were not trying to cross into the United States, rather, they were trying to cross back to Mexico. There were men in civilian clothes chasing after them with bats and other objects, shouting: “Get out of here. You're taking the food from my kids mouths!” They shouted obscenities at them. The Lord spoke and said that when things are bad here in the United States, they will come against the Latin people, trying to get rid of them, thinking that it is for their own survival. But the Lord told me what is behind this is the devil, for he knows full well that God has chosen the Latin people to bring forth a revival in this nation. He knows they are lights in the darkness sent to bring this nation back to her God. The Lord said to tell the Latin people to be faithful to preach the gospel to their people, because the devil is going to try to get a hold of as many as he can to make a bad testimony of them, filling them which are not saved with demons, and causing them to do awful things in order to prejudice the hearts of the American people, so that they will not hear the words of the Latin servants whom God has sent to them by the Holy Spirit.  Personal Note: It is amazing how so many crimes and atrocities have been attributed to Hispanics since this word was given to me. The news media does not mention the positive things that Hispanics have contributed to this country, but definitely publicizes the negative things. The enemy has filled the hearts of many of those who have come into this country, and they have formed gangs and illegal businesses, giving a further bad testimony to the nation. Yet, in services all over the country, we have found in the Hispanic churches, over 80% of the members present came to Christ in this country. We have also seen a hunger and fire among these converts.


Message for Los Angeles   5/17/90

The Lord spoke to me concerning Los Angeles. He led me in his Word to Ezekiel, chapter 14, where it says: “Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, says the Lord God.” I had been asking the Lord concerning the earthquake to this area, and this was His reply to me: “The evil of this city abounds and the people of God have been influenced by this evil. They have compromised the standards of God so that they can do what they desire, and yet they say the serve the Lord.” Then the Lord showed me this vision: I saw a man inside of a building; he was standing in front of a table that had money on it. The money was in packets, and he was putting them into his pockets. Suddenly, I heard the voice of the Lord say: “Quickly, go out of the building!” The building then began to shake, but the man kept grabbing more money, trying desperately to shove as much money as he could into his clothing. The Lord shouted again: “Leave that and run out of the building!” The man looked at the door, as if to leave, but then looked back at the table and said: “Just a few more, then I will go.” He kept trying to cram more money as quickly as he could into his clothes. Suddenly, the ceiling of the building fell in on top of him. The Lord said: “These are how many of My people are; though I tell them to come out of the world, and to leave behind their love of it, they continue to say: “Just a little more, then I will leave.” They do not know that I am calling them out in order to save them. As long as they are in disobedience, they are not under My protection; they have stayed out of My protection by their own lusts. I have spoken to them, I have told them in My Word, to be separate, a peculiar people, a holy priesthood, and not touch the unclean things. I gave them the example of Lot's wife. I have told them that they cannot serve two masters. I have said that light has no communion with darkness, but still they continue to take piece by piece, parts of that which I have said will defile them. So shall they find themselves in this place, those who refuse to obey My Word, when the ground trembles. I desire that My people would be hid in Me, but they desire to be out in the world and to enjoy the devices of this world; so shall they perish with those devices on the day that the ground trembles.” Scrip. Ref: Ezek. 14; Mat. 6:19-24; I Pet. 1:15-16; 2:9


Apostasy/Backsliders   5/18/1990

The Lord spoke to me and told me the Father was saddened over so many of His sheep that are daily going astray. The Lord told me the Father, who alone knows the day and the hour, is disturbed over so many that are being lost. If He waits to send the Son, many who have not yet heard will have the opportunity to hear and be saved, yet many He now has will fall away and be lost. He weighs these things in the the balance, measuring the gain of more at the cost of losing some. It saddens Him because even though He may gain more by waiting, that will not replace the ones He will lose, for each child is precious to Him; each who are lost, who return to the world, to sin, are a great pain in His heart. This is why He speaks to the house of God, to warn them. Many of them are in danger of falling away, of being lost, unless they hear and repent, so they may be established in the faith before it is too late. Scrip. Ref: Luke 9:62; 2 Thes. 2:3 Personal Note: It amazes me that so few understand the heart of God. Many prophesy judgment and sit back to watch their words come to pass, just as Jonah did in Nineveh. God's heart is always motivated by love. He is love. He announces judgment in order to provoke us to repent so He might be able to spare us. He takes no pleasure in judgment, or in losing a soul, a beloved child of His.


The Fountain of Life   5/19/90

I saw this vision as I was praying: I saw trees in a dry and barren land. Some were dead, others dried and withered almost to death, yet here and there were trees filled with green leaves, trees which flourished in the desert. I saw men come to the tree and say: “Why do you flourish, when all the rest perish? Where is the water that keeps you alive?” The trees answered: “We have a never ending fountain.” So the men brought shovels and began to dig wells looking for the water source that supplied the trees. They dug in a circle all around the trees, but the land was dry. Then they said: “They must be on top of the fountain; let us dig them up and we will have this fountain.” They dug the trees and left them with their roots uncovered. Yet they found no water. Then they looked at the trees in the hot sun with the roots uncovered, but the trees continued to flourish. “Why do you not die?” They asked the trees. “How can one die that is already dead?” Replied the trees. Then the men marveled and said: “Give us the secret, for how can you say you are dead, and yet we see you alive?” “As we said”, said the trees, “We have a fountain that never ends.” “We see no fountain; what is this fountain you speak of?”, said the men. “We have even the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ, within us, and his Holy Spirit, which is the fountain of living waters that sustains us. Even He, who you reject, He is our source!” Then the men became angry and said: “Do not try to trick us! We will pay you for the secret water, but do not tell us these stories!” The trees replied: “Your money will perish with you, for you reject the truth; you cannot receive what we have any other way, and since you will not receive the way, you shall be left to die in this wilderness; you are thieves and liars, men of iniquity and the Kingdom of God has no part with you.” The men became more angry. They took the trees and tried to burn them. But they did not cry out in pain or make a sound as a tree which crackles in the fire, because they were filled with water. They poured out smoke. The smoke filled the air around them and choked the men that were trying to burn them. Then the smoke rose up to heaven as a sweet fragrance before the throne of God. The Lord told me that the trees were symbols of His church; some are alive, filled with His Spirit, others were withering from the cares and pressure of this world, and still yet others were already dead in sin. The men were the unbelievers of this world, who will rise up against the children of God. The land was dry and barren, a symbol of these end times, the beginning of sorrows. These trees that flourish in these times are those, like the five virgins, who have filled their lamps with oil. They are prepared to let their lights shine in darkness. While the others have not prepared for the hardness of the times that approaches. The men wish to have the joy, the anointing, the peace of the people who are filled with living waters, but cannot because they reject the source. They would rather destroy them than to humble themselves and receive. The smoke which comes forth from the trees they tried to burn is the praise and the prayers of the saints of God, which cannot be destroyed. They are alive because of Jesus Christ, and eternal life is given to them by God, because they are His servants. Scrip. Ref: Luke 21:12-15


Obedience of the Church   7/22/90

The Lord said: “Two great errors have My people committed: they have failed to be witnesses of Me, with power, and they have failed to walk before Me, in the fear of the Lord. They fear not, for they do not reverence Me or My Word. They do not obey My Word. Many have not read My Word; they say they have no time, and they believe if they are ignorant they will not be held accountable. But their excuse is no excuse before My eyes. If they had no Word written, neither could they obtain it, it would be a different thing, but they have My Word in their houses, yet they do not read it. Many of those that read, read only what they wish, and leave out that which is hard for them to accept. What excuse is this? You are accountable to obey all that is written therein, and it is your responsibility to learn that which is written. You do not understand: it is not the easy way, which is what you desire, which leads to eternal life. Does it not say in My Word that My ways are not your ways, neither My thoughts your thoughts? You must learn of Me and obey My ways, not your own. You have read of My Son who came as a baby, gentle and mild, and you have forgotten that this same child is the Son of the Living God, the great King of Kings, who reigns in glory, whose eyes are like fire; surely, the King of Glory comes, in righteousness, to His church; He is waiting for a righteous bride to join Him. How can you walk in righteousness when you walk in your ways and not in My ways? You must come up to higher ground, to celestial places, obeying My Word. I walk with My children, and they walk with Me in my presence, when we walk in agreement. If they obey Me, they walk in agreement with Me. If they disobey My Word, we are in disagreement. How can two walk together unless they are in agreement? I am the same, the Lord that changes not. You must change your ways. Surely I will pour out My power upon you that you might be examples of Me upon the earth, but I will not pour out My blessing on disobedient children. You have seen of the fathers of this earth, and their inconsistency, and you have learned not to fear, but I am not an inconsistent father; do not provoke Me with your constant disobedience; if you are to be My children, My faithful servants, heirs to My kingdom, you must fear the Lord your God, to obey and walk in His commandments. There is no other way, says the Lord.” Scrip. Ref: Isa. 1:19; I Pet. 1:14; Heb. 5:9


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