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6\04\2020 Walk by Faith

Blessed is the one who walks by faith and not by sight. There are so few. Your faith is seen in your actions. Those who fear are not bold. They are always questioning, re-thinking, evaluated every decision. Few there are who step out boldly in faith. In order to have such faith you must know Me. If you truly know Me, you know you have nothing to fear. I am bigger then any action or lack of action you take. I know what you will do before you do. Those who trust in Me and follow My leading, I direct their path. I lead them on a sure path. Nothing is beyond My control, NOTHING! I see what lies ahead. I have a plan for every contingency. I am never caught unaware. The problem is you do not believe this. You equate Me on the same level as yourself. You forget My power, My ability. Do you think I leave the fate of My Kingdom, or My servants to chance? Nothing is farther from the truth. I am Lord of all! Everything, to the smallest detail, is all with plan and purpose, My plan, My purpose. What of free will then? Yes, you are always free to choose, but I know what you will choose because I have seen it all before. I am the beginning and the end. I see all. I knew the end before it even began. You make Me small like you when you limit Me. It is because you do not truly know Me as I am. Trust Me completely! You do not have to know ahead of time the outcome or the plan as long as you know I do. I will take care of you.


6/09/2020 A New Thing

The Lord told me He is going to do a new thing. We will see it and rejoice. What He has promised, He will do. He will pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh. I could see, for an instance, people saying to Christians, 'what must I do to be saved?'


6/11/2020 Vengeance is Mine

“Vengeance us Mine; I shall repay. Woe to those who decide to punish those they deem deserving of such punishment. Do you know all things? Have you seen all sides? Is your judgment unbiased? You see their flaw but not your own. You may not take action on the hatred in your heart, but they have. You were afraid, so you hid your hate, but I see it still. How is your hate different from theirs? Do you not see you are not so different than the one you hate? You can not rid yourself of hate by hiding it. Only by recognizing it and repenting of it, by giving it up to Me so I can remove it, can you be free. Be angry and sin not. There is a righteous anger which leads to change. It causes one to reflect, to recognize truth, to repent and change their ways. This is righteous anger. It produces righteous results. But anger born of hatred brings death and destruction. It gives birth to more injustice, more unrighteousness. Blessed are the peacemakers. They seek justice, truth, mercy, unity, forgiveness and hope. Their love binds together that which was broken. Be patient with each other and listen. You will find you are not so different. You are more alike than you know. Find unity and peace over the things which make you alike. Do you not both love your families and desire to provide for and protect them? Do you both not answer to the same God who created you in His image? Yes, you were created in My image. You were created beautiful in your diversity, in your talents and gifts. You were created to complement each other, not to be jealous and destroy each other. You see so little, yet you think you know so much. You must focus on the heart of man as I do, not on his outer appearance. Listen to his heart if you truly want to know the man. His story is hidden in his heart. Listen with open ears; listen with love. Find a way to love, to heal. This is what a peacemaker does. I bless those who are true peacemakers because they have My heart in the matter. They desire reconciliation not restitution. What is done is passed. Learn from the errors of the past, so you will not be inclined to repeat them. Today is a new day, a new beginning. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Why? Because My mercy is new every morning. I am the God who forgives those who repent, and gives a second chance to him who wants to change his ways.”


6/23/2020 Are You Listening?

Upon awakening, I received this word from the Lord: “People do not seek Me earnestly for themselves, so I send messengers to speak so they might know Me. But as they did long ago, so do they do now, they do not listen. Those who do listen, often do not believe what they hear. You do not seek Me to hear for yourself; you do not seek in My Word to see for yourself, and you do not believe if I send someone to speak to you. What else can I do? There are times I am silent in hope you will seek Me, for when I speak , you do not listen, but My silence does not provoke you to seek after Me. You doubt My messengers are speaking for Me. If you believed they were, would you not be listening? It is no wonder that so few write down what I am saying because they know so few will believe or listen. Where is your faith? Where is your reverence of Me? The God of the universe chooses to speak to you, and you cannot be bothered to listen? Is there any wonder then when you need Me to do something for you that I do not answer? Repent of your hardness of heart, your indifference and unbelief. Stop doing those things that please you and be still to listen to Me. There is much I desire to say to you, but you are too busy for Me. So I send you these messages, but you are too busy to read them or meditate upon them. You do not consider them important, you pass them by because you are too busy to take the time to read them, to read My Word, or talk to Me. You pray for things; pray to know Me! When your heart desires it, it will happen. You desire to be a good Christian, but a Christian is one who follows Christ. You do not follow; you want to lead. You want Me to come along on your journey, but I have called you to follow Me on My journey. You will not know what that journey is unless you listen. Many of you have not understood I require you first listen and then allow Me to spread the message through you to others. Much needs to be done, but the channels of communication, of blessing, are clogged up. I look for those who seek after My heart so I can flow freely through them. Are you a vessel I can freely flow through or are you a dam? Unclog yourself from the cares of this world. Clear the way for My revelation to come to you and flow through you. Remove the dam of unbelief; open your ears and listen! Many of those who listen have been sent to share My revelation to you, but you have frustrated them with your unbelief. Many have given up. They have grown silent. Your unbelief has contaminated them. Blessed are those who persevere even in the face of so few who will listen and believe. I tell you, there will come a time when the words I have spoken through you will become a treasure which people who are hungry will seek after. For that reason and for their sake, I continue to speak.”


7/11/2020 God's Favor

I had a dream in which people were asking me concerning the favor of God. They were saying for me to pray because I was one of God's favorites.I told them, “You are greatly mistaken. God does not pick favorites.”They insisted upon the fact that I have been so blessed and seen many miracles in my life, so obviously I was His favorite. My reply was: “You do not understand the favor of God. God does not choose to favor some and ignore others. He desires to give favor to all, which is evident by the scripture: 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.' This is what unmerited favor is: He died for all our sins and none is worthy in himself, none is a favorite. But we must choose to accept His favor and walk with Him. Walking with Him brings choices which must be made daily, either to deny ourselves and walk in obedience to Him, or choose to sin and walk away. His favor is on those who walk with Him. Therefore, our choices determine if we walk in favor, in His blessing, or not.”


7/21/2020 A Message to America

I saw the Niagara river. There was a wooden boat on the river with people in it, of all colors and languages. The boat had an American flag flying over it. The waters began to get very rough; the current was swifter. The people tried to fight the current by rowing in the opposite direction, but the current was way too strong, the waters way too rough, racing them towards the edge, where they would drop off and crash below. There was no hope, no escape. They finally bowed down and prayed. America, you are headed to the edge. The rise of immorality, anger, wickedness, and hate have caused you to turn away from God. You have trapped yourselves in troubled waters. You trust you can save yourselves, but only God's hand of mercy and intervention can save you. Bow you knees; turn your hearts; repent of your pride, your evil ways, your hatred, your anger, and your greed. Seek God for forgiveness. Only He has the power to spare you from the disaster that lies ahead.


7/26/2020 Three Waves of Attack

When I awoke I saw a sea that was dark and turbulent. The sky was filled with dark clouds, strong wind, and lightening. The waves grew bigger. I saw this giant wave headed towards land. It had a name written in it: “FEAR”. It was able to wash away many building on shore. Then a second, larger wave formed. This wave had “HATRED” written in it. It was able to wash away even bigger buildings. A third wave arose that was much bigger than the first two. It had “PRIDE” written on it. This wave was able to cover even the tallest buildings. These waves are crashing on humanity. Fear will paralyze faith; hatred will erode love, but pride will bring total destruction.

8/31/2020 For the Glory of God

As I was praying, interceding for the needs of many people, I prayed for the church. I asked for forgiveness and mercy for our selfishness and pride, our disobedience to serve the Lord with are whole heart as we should. I prayed we would learn to do all things for His Glory and Honor, not our own. As I said those words, the Lord spoke this: “Oh, that My people would do so; oh, that hey would desire to please Me and honor Me with their whole hearts, even as you have spoken in prayer this day! Surely I would pour out a blessing upon them such as they have not seen before! The church would rise up in glory, in victory, in power, and the world would see Me in them. This is My desire, this is My will for them. Then would My Kingdom come and My will be done on earth even as it is in heaven.” Then the Lord said this: “I have spoke many things, yet the people do not listen. I will speak to My sons and daughters now, to those who do listen: prepare yourselves, for a time of strife approaches, a time of chaos and division. The enemy will try to rip the Kingdom from your hands and tear your world apart. Hold fast and let no man take your crown! Remember whose children you are! You have been given the keys to the Kingdom. Do not let them be taken from your hand! Use them to open doors! Use your authority and My seal, for you are My ambassadors, royal priests of the Most High. Decree a thing in My Name and it shall come to pass! Mind the words which proceed from your mouth! They will open or close doors to you. Speak My Word! Speak in faith! Do not give place to fear or doubt. Stand strong in the Lord! Yours is the Kingdom, remember this!” Mat. 16:19; Rev. 3:11; 2 Cor. 5:20; 1 Pet. 2:9

9/19/2020 Vision of a Giant Tidal Wave

While I was praying I received this vision: I saw a pier at sunset. There was an old man with very white hair sitting on a bench looking out to sea. I saw myself, but I was a child. The old man motioned to me to come and sit next to him. He pointed out to the horizon and said: “What do you see?” I told him I saw the sun going down. The sky was completely reddish. He replied: “Keep looking”. Suddenly, the sea rose up and completely covered the sun. I asked him why the sun had gone down so quickly. He replied again: “Keep looking”. I then saw it was a huge wave, over 100 feet tall which spread out in all directions on the horizon. I didn't feel afraid. I knew I was safe there with the old man. I asked him what caused the big wave. He showed me the earth as if from space, and this giant rock hurling down towards the earth. It hit the sea with great force and went all the way to the ocean floor, making a hard impact there. This is what caused the great wave. I could see like this giant ripple which spread out in all directions from where this rock hit. It traveled rapidly across the sea. I saw buoy's along coastlines begin to rock back and forth and they lit up. I heard sirens sound inland. The wave hit Japan, and all along the coast of Asia, as well as California, and all of the coastline of North and Central America. It seemed to not be as strong towards the southern hemisphere. Then the old man told me, had it hit land it would have caused a great explosion, but even so, it would bring great damage. He then said: “Look”. I saw the sea filled with dead, floating fish. A strange smell came from the water. The waters were toxic and life in them could not live. I asked the old man if and when this would happen, and he said: “Yes, and soon.”

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