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8/15/2021  The Fear of the Lord

Today I had an experience while we were in the worship service. I could feel the presence of the Lord. Suddenly, I was standing on a beach looking out on a very calm sea. The sun had just gone down on the horizon and the sky was a golden orange. Far out to sea on the horizon was a small sailboat. As it got closer, I saw a figure, dressed in white, get out of the boat. and begin walking towards me on the water. The sea was smooth like glass and his footsteps on the surface left little ripples. As he got about 20-30 feet from me, he stretched out his hand and said "come with me". I was suddenly in the boat with Jesus. The boat began to rise in the air and circle the earth. The Lord said, "look what they do". It was a dark place and in the streets below, in the houses, there were rats scurrying about and insect creatures creeping on the ground. I saw someone caressing his own flesh, adoring himself. "They live in darkness with every kind of evil around them, and have become lovers of themselves." Then we were headed towards the sunrise to a distant land where from the dawning of the sun people were kneeling before statues, idols, worshiping and praying to them. Then I heard people cursing, using the name of the Lord in vain, mocking him in unbelief. The Lord then said: "Do you see what they do? There is no fear of God in them, only wickedness. They have made themselves their own gods. They take my name in vain, they mock me. There's no fear of God in them. I will arise and show them why they should fear me. Go and tell them this, and preach the message I have put in your heart." Then I was back on the shore again.


The message the Lord had put in my heart this week was from Exodus 3 where he told Moses to respond to the people what was the name of the God who was sending him : I am that I am. He is who he is, who he has always been and will always be. He changes not. Who are we to question him? We have only one choice, to accept who he is and honor him, yet this generation wants to argue with who they perceive him to be. Each has their own opinion, thinking themselves more knowledgeable than the other. They say, "I believe God is like this or like that". Everyone forming him into an image that fit their needs. They make him into their own image so they can live however they see fit and rationalize their sin as something else, something good or acceptable to God. Because you make it so in your own mind and heart does not mean it is so. One day we will stand before "I am" and have to explain why we did not accept him for who he was or take him at his word. How will you argue with the creator of the universe then or tell him he was wrong? Because you believed a lie, what was convenient for you, it will not change who he is. In a society that wants to be fully acceptable and treated as equal, how is it that we can not accept God for who he is? I am that I am. That is who he is, eternally the same. We must conform to him. He has the last word. He doesn't ask our advice or opinions. We were created to worship him. He is not there to serve us. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He holds the stars in his hand as well as our beating hearts....we should humble ourselves before him. We should show respect, give him honor, obey his authority, believe him at his word. He will show mankind who he is in this life or the next. In this life we find grace to repent, to change our ways before it us too late.

8/31/2021 A Dream on God's Protection

I had this dream: I was in a place where I had been teaching children. It was the end of the day, so I dismissed them to go home. The school was on the outskirts of a town. I began to walk home, towards the town. Suddenly, the earth began to shake and break apart. There was fire coming up from underground. I saw these great fire balls flying through the air. It was frightening at first. I began to run towards the town. I was still on the outskirts in the field area. I was taking a short cut through a cemetery. I heard the voice of the Lord speaking in my heart, telling me to not be afraid and to follow his instructions. As I ran, suddenly he said, “Stop! Stand still!” I stopped right there. A fire ball flew past me and landed in front of me. Had I kept running, it would have hit me. Then I saw the ground cracking in front of me. The Lord told me to go forward but to the right. He directed my steps like as if I was going through a maze. I should have been scared, but instead, I had a deep inner peace, and I was humming a song of praise. When I reached town, I was anxious to reach my home to get to my family, but in the corner of a street, there was an old woman in shock, crying and cowering in a corner. The Lord told me to stop and help her. Even though I wanted to go on to reach my family, I obeyed the Lord and stopped to help the woman. She was hysterical, and I was able to calm her. I put my arm around her and asked her where she lived, and helped her get to her home. I told her not to be afraid, to call on Jesus and trust in him, and he would help her. I told her it was the Lord who told me to stop to help her because he loved her. Once I had brought her to her home safely, I continued on trying to reach my home, but when I passed in front of a store, the Lord told me to stop and go in. I wanted to keep going, but again, I fought the impulse to continue on and obeyed the Lord. I went inside. I saw a little child trembling and crying. Her mother was there screaming in panic. The shelves were fallen and things were on the floor. The mother kept screaming she couldn't find her phone. She needed to call her mother to make sure she was okay and would not leave until she knew her mother was alright. The child was so frightened. I heard a phone ring from under some rubble and picked it up. When I answered it, it was the woman's mother. I passed the phone to her and her mother told her daughter she was in a shelter. She was safe. I prayed with the little girl and hugged her. She asked me why I wasn't afraid. I told her that Jesus was with me and he was taking care of me. She wanted Jesus with her, as did her mother, so I prayed with them to receive the Lord. Then I helped them get to the shelter. I continued on but there were others in need along the way, some injured, all of them lost and afraid. The Lord told me to continue to help them. He reassured me that He was taking care of my family and He needed me to take care of these people for him. Even though there were still fireballs falling, and danger all around, I was not afraid. I knew the Lord was directing my every step. I knew I was on a mission and nothing would happen to me as long as I trusted his guidance and was obedient.

When I woke up, I meditated on the dream and the Word of God came to me about when Jesus was asleep in a boat and his disciples came to fearfully wake him. They said, “Lord, we perish”. Jesus arose and rebuked their lack of faith. How could they believe they would perish if he was in the boat? They had seen when those who wanted to harm him tried to take him, but he was not able to be taken by them because he said “It is not yet my time”. He was on a mission from the Father and nothing could happen unless he allowed it to be so. He was in complete control even until the end. When they arrested him, it was because He allowed it to be so. When they crucified him it was because He allowed it to be so. It was all part of his plan to save mankind. When he is in us, we must believe he has a mission and purpose for each of us. We have to follow his leading and stay on his plan. No matter what we might be seeing in front of our eyes, no matter the danger all around, God is in control. If we will follow his plan, nothing can hurt us. He will keep us in order to fulfill his will, his plan in our lives, and not only ours, but he promises he will take care of what is ours, if we will be obedient and take care of what is His.

3/08/22 Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

The Lord spoke this message to me and then told me it was not only for me, but for everyone, especially those who are His children: “You must keep your eyes on Jesus. These are days of great darkness and only He is the light of the world. If you look at what is happening around you and focus on these events, you will be consumed in the darkness. You will be unable to see your way forward. Do not look to men or to governments to solve what they will not be able to solve. How can darkness cast out darkness? Do not be overwhelmed and surrender to fear, for faith and fear cannot walk together. Only faith in the light of the world can light the way in the darkness. He is the hope of all mankind. Keep your eyes on Jesus! This is why it is written: “And when you see these things come to pass, look up, for your redemption draws near.” Jesus is the only solution, the only hope for mankind. Without Him, they will destroy themselves. This I say to those who have ears to hear. Many will not listen, but I rejoice over the one who will. Surely, if you keep your eyes on Jesus, He will light the way before you so that you will not stumble over the many obstacles that are before you in the darkness. His light will guide you and give you peace. You will join with His light by reflecting it to others, so that they might find hope and come to the light as well. Darkness is not to be feared, my people, for you are children of the light. You have passed from darkness to light. Jesus is your light. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He knows what will happen and He will lead you safely through this storm to eternal life, where there is no darkness ever more. You must trust Him with all your heart. You must love Him and cling to Him, not to the possessions this world offers. The true wealth is in Him. He is the pearl of great price. All that He is, all that He has, is yours in the kingdom of light, the kingdom of God. Why would you fret over the things you will lose in darkness? Let this world keep it's possesions, for they will all perish with them. Your inheritance in Jesus is much greater, and it is kept safely for you. No one can enter and steal it; it cannot be destroyed. Jesus is the door that opens to eternal life, to the inheritance set for you. Therefore, I tell you once again, keep your eyes on Him; He will light the way before you and lead you to eternal life. Trust in Him.”

4/07/2022 The Dream of Jesus and the Church

I had a dream that had 3 parts to it. The first part, I was in a large church. The people near the pulpit looked like children, youth, and they had this toy figure of Jesus, only about 3 inches tall. I say when it was time for the message to be brought, the sat the toy figure of Jesus on top of the pulpit in a little chair they had for him. They then were going to proceed to speak for him, or about him. When they were about to speak, the Spirit of God spoke loudly through my mouth instead. This were his words:

“You grieve me, because you have made Jesus small, as if He is a play thing, something you take out to play with in order to entertain yourselves for an hour each week. What have you done? Do you really think you are able to speak for him? Your Jesus is small, without power, but this is far from the truth! You are fooling yourselves when you say you are his followers, for you do your will continually, and take the name of Christ, but you do not live for him. Oh, how it grieves me, for in the days ahead, days of darkness and trouble, how will you be able to endure? You will fall away from what little faith you have because you have made Jesus a small play thing, and you will flee when persecution comes. Repent, and return to him, while there is still time. Worship the Son and honor him. Serve him with your whole heart. Daily seek him for the will of God to be done in you. Understand that He is not part of your life, HE IS YOUR LIFE!” While the Spirit was speaking these words, I saw some who were touched, but most looked on in disbelief. Some mocked; some murmered, saying: “Who does she think she is?”

     The second part of the dream, I was suddenly outside, walking away from the church. There were people laughing, some shouting at me as they followed from a distance. Then this truck pulled up to me and was trying to intimidate me. It was almost touching me, and it followed me, as if it were going to run me over. The people inside the truck hollered out at me: “Who do you think you are? How dare you come into our church in talk to us like that!” I turned, and put my hands on the hood of their truck, I felt the power of God flow through me, and as I called upon the name of Jesus, the hood of the truck was dented in deeply, as if a mighty fist hit it. Those in the truck were astonished. They stopped and got out to see. They said, “How did she do that? Where did she get the power to do that from?” I turned and continued to walk away. The people who had been following shouting at me, stepped back astonished, fear fell upon them.

     In the third part of the dream, I was at a great wedding celebration. I could see a couple that were about to be wed. As they were about to say their vows, the Lord spoke and said: “WAIT! Hold back just a little more. We must give them time, a short time only, to reconsider, before the doors are shut and the wedding begins.”

     When I awoke, the Lord showed me the meaning of this dream. The first is the condition of the church. They have made Christ small, powerless, something that they entertain themselves with. They go through the rituals, reherse the lines, and then say they have obeyed by having a “service” for him. They go back to their lives, their goals, their ways, until they comply with the ritual again next week. They call themselves Christians, because they have deceived themselves into believing that this is what Christianity is. They are in danger of falling away. They will not be able to endure the storms ahead, for their house is not built on the rock, but on sand. They are not rooted in the Word of God; they are not filled with God's power; they are children playing church. At the first sign of adversity, they will flee in fear. Among them are those who are rebellious, who do not what things to change. They do not want anyone to rock the boat. They do not want to hear truth or allow others to hear it. They mock the things of God. They want the appearance of Godliness without any of the responsibility of serving God and conforming themselves to the image of Christ.

     The second part of the dream is that there is power in Jesus. We have gotten away from using the power of God in faith. The scripture says his disciples went about preaching the Word of God, confirming it with signs and wonders following. We have power against all the attacks of the enemy, and we must not be afraid to use this power in demonstration of the authority of Christ. We must not only have faith, but act on our faith.

     The third part of the dream was most obvious, the time of the wedding supper of the Lamb has come. All is ready, yet the Lord himself called out to wait, to give more time to those who are lost. He has extended a short time of grace to this world, as He did with Hezekiah, to give people a chance to repent before it is too late. We have a window of opportunity to reach them with the truth, with the message of repentance and reconciliation, before it is too late for them. We who serve the Lord with all our heart will be there at that wedding, but we must take the time given to us to go to the highways and invite all whom we find to come to the wedding as well. We cannot just rest, thinking we have done enough, we accepted our invitation, and that's enough. No, God wants everyone to receive His invitation, that everyone comes to the knowledge of Jesus, and will be present at his wedding supper. We need to let them know this while there is still time to reach them.

7/09/2022 A Vision on Heaven

I had spent the afternoon in a beautiful, intimate time and conversation with the Lord. After I went to shower. I was thinking on doing some remodeling to my bathroom, then suddenly I had this vision: I saw this room with a beautiful pool in it. There were fragrent flowers blooming all around. The water was crystal clear, but seemed to have light coming from within it. It was not deep, but you could sit down in it and be refreshed. The water was envigorating. It was warm, and soft, but had this energy in it. The wall at the back of this great pool was made of stones, looking like light jade stones, each the size of a large brick. They also reflected light. There was this waterfall that flowed out from the top, which you could stand up under. I would say the pool was like 20 feet wide, so the wall was also this large. You could sit in the water or stand under the waterfall. It was the most refreshing, invigorating bath/shower. I asked the Lord kind of water it was, that reflected light, but there was no light source visible, and that was like bathing in liquid energy. He told me it was living water. It flows from His throne throughout the Holy City. It reguvinates everything. The stones reflected the light like a prism, causing colorful mini rainbows, but not only that, they had this same energy as the water. They were humming. The stones were resonating the praise of Heaven. Everything had life and gave life. It was so awesome. I thought on how when they were praising Jesus upon his entry to Jerusalem and some said to keep silent, but the Lord said if they were silent, the stones would cry out his praise. I was amazed at the beauty of this Heavenly “bath”. The Lord told me that the most luxurious places on this earth are primitive in comparison to what He has prepared for us, far above what we can even imagine. I thought on how He had shown me things in His Kingdom in the past, the great city, like a crystal mountain, it was like entering a huge diamond, and the streets that were smooth and polished, made of gold, and yet transparent. I remembered the great mansions, how they had giant windows made of solid precious stones, and when He showed me the entrance way of my heavenly home. It had beautiful flowers everywhere, and the floor was crystal clear. There was a stream that ran underneath the floor over top of golden rocks. I realize now, the stream was the living water that flows from the throne of God all over the city. Everything is light, reflecting the light of the Lord, and alive with His praise. This was a most awesome experience. You can see for yourself that it is defined in the Bible, Revelation 22. This is what God has for those who love and serve Him. He told me there we will be alive forever, creating whatever we can imagine. He gave us a creative nature, his creative nature. In the garden of Eden, He brought the animals He made to Adam to see what he would call them. God wants us to use our creative imagination; He delights in what we create, as a proud Father. Whatever we want to make in Heaven, we can make it. We can explore all possibilities, create things, flowers, trees, any color or size we want. We can come up with beautiful inventions. We can create art, music, dance, yes even majestic things in space. As He created all things by speaking them into existence, so He has made us in His image, after His likeness. Jesus said that we would do the things He did, and greater things, that doesn't just mean here and now, but it is what we were created to be, His children, doing things as He does. I have had moments with the Lord that are euphoric, pure peace, pure joy. He told me that in Heaven, we will live in His presence, in this state, continually. Everyone who has had a near death experience and come back, speaks of this great warmth, this love and sense of complete peace, so wonderful, that they do not want to leave it. Oh the wonders of all that await us! There is no reason to fear. We must tell mankind what God has for those who will love Him and follow Him. To deprive them of the knowledge of God's love is the greatest tragedy, the greatest sin we could commit. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

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