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Visions Concerning the World              5/2/2000

Pakistan-The Lord showed me the word: “Pakistan” several times. So I began to pray for Pakistan. I had this vision while I prayed, of what appeared to be an electronic device. I could see a panel on it, but I could not identify it's function. I could see the land below Pakistan, underground, and I saw a great erosion taking place, which could cause great danger. It appeared that whatever this device was, it was causing vibrations that were shaking the earth below it. There is a danger coming to Pakistan, and we need to pray.

China-I saw a Chinese man. He was a powerful man of high rank. There was a large, monster looking spirit which was speaking to the ear of this person. This spirit was filling him with evil thoughts and hatred.

Taiwan- I saw the island of Taiwan. I could see a man, a leader of some kind, who was standing on top of the island as if it were a platform in the midst of the sea. He had his arms crossed, with his back to China. His face was facing towards the United States. On his face he had an expression of determination and rebellion, and he also seemed prideful. In my spirit I heard these words: “Pride comes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Germany-It was as if I was in the spirit looking a the nations below from a very high place. I saw the area of where Germany is. In a moment, I saw it in ruins. It looked like a giant cemetery, with tombs in ruins. I saw a lion searching in the ruins. I saw a spot where the bricks were fallen and something began to move beneath. I saw a spirit emerge, dressed in a uniform like a Nazi, who looked like pictures I have seen of Adolph Hitler. God gave me this understanding: The lion is the devil who was looking in the ruins for the spirit which controlled Hitler, to raise it up once again.

Italy- Then I saw Italy, and I could see the streets of it's cities. I could see violence and bloodshed in the streets. I saw people who were angry, and determined to do violence. The people looked dirty, their conversation vulgar and loud, and their faces showed a lack of compassion. I saw them moving towards a confrontation with a spiritual force driving them to destroy the peace, selfish, without compassion or consideration for others.

Argentina-I saw Argentina. I saw these creatures that looked like wasps, which were biting the people. These bites caused inflammation and infection. I understood that these bites were filling the people with the love of money, with the love of the world, and the pride of life, which contaminated them with infirmities that manifested in their bodies.

Canada-I saw Canada. There I saw people and police with police dogs searching for a man, whose appearance was that of a monster. He had sharp teeth with blood from his victims dripping from them. The man would disappear, and then later reappear and take another victim. There was great fear, and many were searching to find and destroy this person. I understood that this “beast” was a devouring spirit, living within a person. The police did not have weapons to defeat this man. The church is the one that must enter battle in prayer to destroy this demonic force.

The United States-I saw arms being transported, like a river, from South and Central America, entering into the United States. I saw that these weapons were being distributed within the United States to people who looked like foreigners, who had the intention to bring destruction to this nation.

Africa- In Africa, I saw people being taken by force and made to be slaves. Their captors had no compassion on them, and no consideration was given to their lives. They were being treated like animals, as if they were merchandise, nothing more. Seeing the cruelty caused me to become very sad. We must pray for Africa, and for these poor people who are being treated as slaves. This is an old spiritual force that is attempting to arise and do the same once again to this region. It is a spirit of slavery and suffering.

After I saw these things, the Lord spoke and said these words: “The misery and suffering in this world will increase. Mankind increases in his inhumanity to man. My people, lift up your voices and cry out. “Come, Lord Jesus”, for only my return will bring the end to this misery.” When the visions ended, the Lord also said this: “Many will not believe I showed you these things. They will believe these were just figments of your imagination, but when they see it coming to pass with their own eyes, then they will know that it was not you, but it was the Lord that revealed these things to you.” 


How To Inherit the Promises of God                5/7/200

I have spoken to my people. I have sent them the Word. There are promises in my Word, but there are also things I require of you in order for you to inherit these promises. There is protection provided for you, it is promised in my Word, but you must abide under the shadow of the Most High in order to receive, to be in the hand of protection. Why do you doubt my Word when your disobedience hinders you to receive the promise? Is it easier for you to believe that I was unfaithful then to admit that you were? There are those of you who read the part that you wish, without reading what is required of you. You do not follow instructions. You wish to receive things quickly and without effort. Tell Me, if you try to put something together in a hurry without following the instructions, without taking the time to read them, does it come out perfectly? And when it comes out flawed, do you get angry with it and think it a useless thing, rather than admit it was your fault for not following the instructions? I tell you this, so you will open your eyes and see yourselves as you truly are. You are always looking for a way to obtain the end results without putting forth the required effort. You want the blessing but not the work. You want the promise, without the sacrifices. How many times have I sent messengers to my people to speak a word and they have only heard that part which they want to hear? They do not receive the warning, the exhortation, and consider their part, their need for repentance, for obedience. They hear only the promise, the blessing. Then, when they fail to heed the instructions, to be obedient, to seek Me, to change their ways, to humble themselves, they become disillusioned with the word and say it must not have been a word from Me. They would prefer to not believe, to call my message false, and my messenger in error, than to admit they have failed to obey. Some do this because of their pride, others because they were too impulsive, too much in a hurry to receive, that they did not listen to the instructions. Some of you do not wish to be taught. You want to receive your blessings and be in charge of your own life. Hear Me! To receive the promise of God, you must be in submission to the kingdom of God. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot live in the manner that appeals to you and inherit the blessings of the kingdom. In order to inherit the blessings of the kingdom, you must submit and walk in the kingdom, being obedient to the King! Why can you not understand this? Have I not allowed these things on earth in order to teach you these principles? Can you live in disobedience to the law and authority in this earth and receive the blessings of that authority? If someone breaks the law and has their liberty taken from them, do you not call this justice? Why then can you not understand this? Do you expect Me to ignore my own laws to satisfy or accommodate you? If a person of authority did this on the earth, you would say they were unjust or even corrupt. I am a just and Holy God. I, even I, obey the words that I have set forth. I cannot break my own Word. Why do you think I will allow you to do this? If you want the promises of my Word, if you want the blessings of the kingdom, you MUST OBEY the conditions I have set before you. You must repent of sin; you must turn away from it. You must surrender your will, your ways, and seek My will, my ways. You must deny your flesh and walk according to my Spirit. You must empty your heart of hate and pride, and humble yourself like a little child. You must be willing to listen and learn, to be teachable. You must be willing to serve and not demand to be waited upon. You must learn to give without expecting in return; you must think of others, not only yourself. They that do these things are they who inherit the kingdom of God, who receive the promise. If you choose to disobey this word and continue on in your own selfish ways, do not be angry and blame Me when you do not receive the promises written before you. You will have only yourself to blame. Listen to these words and learn! Do not be as the mule, having large ears to hear, but not willing to obey what he hears. I speak in order to bless, for it my desire to bless you and give you the kingdom, but you must obey in order to receive it.”


,Faith, Hope & Love                                   5/15/2000

The Lord showed me a huge tree. It had big limbs and many branches. It was filled with lovely, green leaves. I saw myself climb up in the tree and lean back on one of the thick branches, like I use to do when I was a child. I could feel a cool breeze, and see the leaves above me moving gently in the wind. It was very peaceful, very restful. The Lord spoke to me these words: "See what a great tree the little seed of faith produces? It is a place to take rest, a place of comfort, a place to escape the heat of the day, a place of safety. It is a place where one can lean back and look upward. Faith is a resting place from fear and trouble. It is the place where your trust in me brings peace from the storm." Then I saw a beautiful little river that flowed by the tree. The river gave water and nourished the tree. The tree had gown to the size and beauty that it was because of the water from the river. The Lord then spoke these words: "The river is love. Love is what nourishes faith and gives it growth, life. Without love, faith would begin to dry up and no longer produce results, growing smaller and smaller."Then I saw a leaf from the tree floating along in the water of the river. The Lord said, "This is hope that floats along in the river of love. Without the water of the river, the leaf can not float; it will not move along downstream, reaching to far a way places. Hope is a positive thing, always looking forward towards for good in what is to come. It expects great things, it expects good and not evil. Hope is not easily discouraged, and is carried on it’s way by love. The tree produced the leaf as faith produces hope. The tree is nourished and grows because of the water it receives, even as faith is nourished and grows by the flow of love, the river is love. The leaf is hope that travels to distant places carried on the river of love. It is written, that faith, hope and love abide, yet the greatest of these is love." As I meditated on this vision and the words, I began to consider so many people that seem without hope, without faith. Even in the body of Christ, there are so many who are negative, lacking faith, lacking hope, and then I realized that God was trying to show me that love is what is needed in order for their seed of faith to grow. They can not produce a leaf unless they first grow up in faith to the extent that they are bearing branches. But in all this, I realized the greatest thing for them to grow is love. Their faith can not grow correctly without it. We needed to be grounded in love, fully aware of the love of God for us and allow that love to flow through us. That knowledge of his great love casts out fear, and allows us to begin to grow in faith. Faith is trust in him, and that trust can not fully developed unless we are confident of his love for us.Hope is that positive outlook, that confidence in him, that causes us to reach out and embrace the possibilities, to extend ourselves to believe when there is uncertainty in front of us. Those who are weak in faith, are lacking the knowledge of the love of God in their lives. Those that are negative, without hope, are those that can not flow in love, they loose their faith to believe, they doubt God’s love, His goodness that guides us to better things.


"I AM"                                                           5/20/2000

I heard the Lord’s voice say, " I AM". I could see the great Rocky Mountains and I heard "I AM" echoing through the snow covered peaks. I saw the Grand Canyon, and I heard "I AM" echoing through the walls of the canyon. I saw Niagara Falls, and I heard His voice thundering out "I AM" over the sound of the thundering waters. I saw the city of New York, and I heard "I AM" echoing down the busy streets. I saw the Hollywood sign on a hill in Los Angeles, and I heard "I AM" sound forth over the hills and down to the city below. I saw the Golden Gate Bridge, and I heard "I AM" coming in as a whisper in the fog. All across this land, the Spirit of God was proclaiming, "I AM". Then God spoke these words; "I AM GOD, there is no other! I AM what this nation needs to save it from destruction. I AM the God of their fathers, which they have pushed aside to serve other things. I call out to them, that they might repent and turn back to Me. I AM their peace; I AM their hope, their deliverance. I AM salvation; I AM eternal life; why would they reject me? Was I not with them from the beginning? Was this not a beautiful land that I brought them to in order to serve me? Did I not intervene when they fought against their oppressors and give them the victory? Even those that were brought as slaves to this land, did I not move to set them free? For I said, this is the land I have given to my people that they might be free to serve me. When the world was at war, did I not give them the victory, not once, but twice? Is this how they thank me for their freedom, by forgetting me and turning to sin and lust? This land of freedom you have turned into a slaughterhouse of the innocent. I bless your land, and you destroy your seed! I give you my word, and you spew out filth! The house of worship, that is so close to you, you leave for the house of perversion! The wife I gave you, you beat and betray. What evil has entered your heart? You stand astonished that your children are so wicked and violent, but is this not the see you have sown, oh mighty nation? Did you think you could take all my goodness, my mercy and my blessings and then order me to leave? You do not want me in your lives, you do not want me with you children, you want goodness but not the one that is good. Can you not see what your rejection of me is producing? When you reject the One that is good, you loose the one that which is evil. Do you think that you are good, and that you are able to keep back evil? I AM he who protects you! When you reject me, you reject my protection. You have unleashed evil by your blindness, by your wickedness, and then you turn in anger and blame me! In this you provoke my anger even more. Still, I AM willing to forgive you and restore my goodness, my protection, over you if you will only repent and return to me. Oh hear me, I AM the answer, your only refuge from the evil to come. You can return and be restored, or you can continue on in sin and cause your own destruction. I AM the answer! Why will you not turn to me and live? Lo, destruction is at the door, like a rider bearing down upon it’s victim. You are prey to the enemy. He will divide, scatter and devour, utterly conquering you, sweeping you down to death. Is this what you want? Is this what you choose? This is the price of your rebellion; these are the wages you will be paid. Think! Stop and think! Consider your ways! Is this the great freedom you want, a freedom that leads to eternal slavery?" Then the Lord stopped speaking, and I could hear great groaning in the Spirit, as a woman giving birth, great pangs of pain from the heart of God. As a woman pushes the child out of her body and the cord that binds is severed, leaving the mother and child separated, is this what God is about to do with this nation? He has carried us as the apple of his eye. We have grown too big, too proud, this nation wants to be free of him, to have the cord severed so they can continue on their own, without his laws, without his truth. I could not help but wonder if God is about to "deliver" this nation over to the desires of their own heart, to be free from him. God have mercy on us if he cuts the cord and leaves us on our own.


Obtaining the Promises of God                        5/27/2000                 

The Lord gave me this message while in prayer, "I have spoken to my people. I have sent them the word. There are promises in my word, but there are also things I require of you in order for you to inherit the promise. There is protection provided for you, it is promised in my word, but you must abide in the shadow of the Most High in order to receive, to be in the hand of protection. Why do you doubt my word, when it is your disobedience that hinders you receiving the promise? Is it easier for you to believe that I was unfaithful then to admit that you are the one who is unfaithful? There are those of you who read the part that you wish to read, without reading the pare that speaks of what is required of you. You do not follow instruction. You wish to receive things quickly and without effort. Tell me, if you try to put something together in a hurry, without following the instructions, without even taking the time to read them, does it come out right? When it comes out flawed, do you not get angry with it, and think it is a useless thing, rather than admit it was your fault for not following the instructions? I am telling you this so you will open your eyes and see yourselves as you truly are. You are always looking for a way to obtain the end results without putting forth the required effort. You want the blessing but not the work. You want the promise, without the sacrifices. How many times have I sent messengers to my people to speak a word and they have only heard the part which they want to hear. They do not receive the warning, the exhortation, and consider their need for repentance, for obedience. They hear only the promise, the blessing that is for those that are obedient, and that is all they focus on, for that is all they want to receive. When they fail to heed the instruction that accompanied the promise, when they fail to be obedient, and seek me, to change their ways and humble themselves before me, they become offended with me when they do not receive the promise. They become disillusioned with the word spoken, reasoning that it must not have been a word from me, rather than recognize that they failed to obey and uphold their part. They would prefer to not believe, to call the message false, to accuse the messenger of being in error, rather than admit that they were not obedient. Some do this because of pride, others, because they are impulsive, in a hurry to receive, and do not like to take the time to listen to the instructions. They hear only the part that appeals to them, and race off with only half of the message in their hands. Some of my people do not wish to be still, to be taught, to be patient, and wait on the Lord. You want to receive your blessings now, then conduct your life in your own way. You want me to let you do things your way, and bless you for it; you want it all. Hear me: to receive the promises of the Kingdom of God, you must be in submission to rules of the Kingdom of God. You can not have it both ways. You can not live in the manner that appeals to you, and inherit the blessings of the Kingdom. In order to inherit the blessings, you must submit and walk in obedience to the King. Why can’t you understand this? I have given you a picture through the things on this earth so that you could understand spiritual things. Can you live in disobedience to law and authority in this earth and receive the blessings of that authority? If someone breaks the law of the land, and has their liberty taken from them as a result of their disobedience, do you not call this justice? Why then, can you not understand this? Do you expect me to ignore my own laws to satisfy or accommodate you? If a person of authority did this on the earth, you would say they were unjust, or even worse, that they were corrupt. I am a just and Holy God. I, even I, obey the words that I have set forth. I can not break my own word. Why do you think I will allow you to do this? If you want the promises of my word, if you want the blessings of the Kingdom, you must obey the conditions I have set before you. You must repent of sin, you must turn away from it. You must surrender your will, your ways, and seek my will, my ways. You must deny your flesh and walk according to my Spirit. You must empty your heart of hate and pride, and humble yourself like a little child. You must be willing to listen and learn to be teachable. You must be willing to serve and not demand to be served. You must learn to give without expecting in return; you must think of others, not only your own self. These are those that inherit the Kingdom of God, that receive the promise. If you choose to disobey this word and continue on in your own selfish ways, do not be angry and blame me when you do not receive the promises written before you. You will have only yourself to blame. Listen to these words, and learn. Do not be as the mule, having large ears to hear, but not willing to obey what he hears. I speak in order to bless, for it is my desire to bless you and give you the Kingdom, but you must obey my word in order to receive the promises of my Kingdom.


Do You Love Me?            6/11/2000

The Lord gave me a message in a dream and when I awoke He spoke these words to me: “Ask my people: Do you love Me? Says the Lord. Do you truly love Me? Many of you have trouble believing that I truly love you, much less deciding if you truly love Me or not. Love is not forced; it is a choice you make. Love does not demand, does not seek it's own way, but rather, to give, to serve, and to share. I have shown you what true love is in my Son. He came to show you my heart. I give life to you. I give my love to you. I gave my Son for you. He came to give, to serve, and not to be served. He laid down his life for you. He shared my words with you and my love with you. Answer Me this: In a marriage, if one enters with the idea to be served, to see what the other will give, without having to give of themselves in return, will the marriage prosper? Do you not enter into a marriage in order to give yourselves to each other and to sacrifice for one another? Do you not look for ways to please one another? Do you not try to avoid that which will hurt the other? Have these not been my same actions towards you? I call my church the bride of Christ, so that you will understand the relationship I desire with you. I will send my Son for his bride, but are you the bride? Or are you one who says with their mouth “I love you”, but they are only words, for it is not truly in your heart? Do you love Me? Mediate upon this before you answer! Isn't your love for Me more that of a selfish child, always expecting, always asking, but giving little in return? It is time for you to grow up from a selfish love to a true love. Why is it so easy for you to enter into sin? I will tell you why, it is because you do not really care whether your actions will hurt Me, as much as whether it is what you want to do or not. You do not care if your actions anger Me, as long as I do not stop protecting and blessing you. When I chastise you, then you repent, but is it because you are truly sorry that you displeased Me, or because you are sorry that you are being chastised? Repentance is not an action so that you can get your blessing back. It is when you are truly sorry for not being what you should be, or behaving the way that you should towards Me. It has nothing to do with what you will receive or what has been taken from you; it has only to do with what you have done to hurt the one you love. You will then want to atone, to make amends for your actions. You will want to please, to serve, to demonstrate your love, and the sorrow that you feel for your sin. This is repentance. You will hate your sin; you will not want to return to that which caused Me hurt. This is the love I seek from you; so I ask you again: Do you love Me? Love is also what motivates you to be the best you can be. Your desire to please the one you love, to do your best for that loved one, in order to make them proud of you. Love means sacrifice. You sacrifice your time, your effort, to be all that you can be and do all that you can do for that person. You give your best, you give your all. Is this not what I have done for you? Have you done this in return for Me? I have put this question before you so that you might understand what I require of you before you quickly answer yes. Your ways are not my ways, and your thoughts are not my thoughts. I have taught you my thoughts, my ways, through these words. Now you must examine yourselves and answer my question. If you truly love Me, you will desire to be like Me, and do the things that you see Me do. You will give of yourself to others. You will give your life for others. You will love them through Me and for Me. You will let my way be your way and love the sheep.”


Walking in our Spiritual Inheritance                           6/27/2000                       

The Lord spoke this revelation for His people: "My people have not yet understood what it means to come into the light. I have placed a treasure, riches beyond their belief in the light of my presence. These treasures are theirs for the taking, for I have given these things to them without measure. But, they must enter in and take them up themselves. My people stand groping in the darkness seeking those things that are given to them. They call out to me from the darkness that I would come and give them these treasures. They say, "Send us light, Lord; heal us, Lord; save us, Lord." They do not yet understand that I have already done these things. I have given them life, even their inheritance as my children has been set before them. Somehow, they have believed that it is far off, that it will be theirs in another time. I have prepared a table for them to come and sit and dine, but they call to me, that I would go and take the table to them. It is not so, and will never be so! The law of faith requires action. Look and you will see; did I not say to the lame, "Rise", and to the blind, "Go and wash yourself", and to the leper, "Go and show yourself to the priest"? These are all words requiring action on their part. There must be a move, an action for faith to manifest results. This is a spiritual law. You say, "Show me, and I will believe; heal me, and I will walk", but I say, "Believe, and I will show you; rise up and walk and you shall be healed." See, my ways are not your ways? I cannot bring the treasure, the secrets of the Kingdom to you, you must rise up and enter in faith into where they have been set for you to receive them, even into the light of truth. My presence is light; I am truth; you must enter into me in order to see the truth of the ages. The secret of victory is in me; power over all the power of the enemy is in me. It is of the light, where there is no shadow of darkness. You must wash in the blood, and put on Holy garments. You must anoint yourself with the oil of the Spirit and walk into the light, into the Holy of Holies, even my presence. There you will find what you seek, the mind of Christ, the will of God. There you will find power to defend yourselves and truth to thwart all lies. You will find the sword of truth and the crown of righteousness. You have been deceived to believe that the riches that are there are of carnal gain, therefore, the words you have heard have led you no where, because your heart, your motive, was not pure. You tried to enter light when there was darkness still within. You could not enter, neither could you see truth, for your eyes were darkened. The riches of the Kingdom of God are not as the riches of this world. They are spiritual treasures of much greater worth than gold. These are even the very laws of the Spirit, or faith, that I have set to govern the universe. This is My way of operating all things. It is a way where all things are possible and there are no limits, no boundaries to the possibilities. It is total freedom. I desire you, as my children, to sit and feast from my table. To taste and to savor the things of your Heavenly Father. I desire you to be as I am and to follow in my ways, so that it might be clearly seen by all that you are my children; you are made in my likeness. Up until now, you have walked in the likeness of your carnal fathers. You are their children in all your ways, but my desire is that you should be transformed into spiritual children, leaving off the carnal inheritance for a more blessed, spiritual inheritance. I have adopted you and made you mine. I have given you my name. I desire of you to adopt my ways and discard your old ways. To do this you must draw close and learn of me, learn my ways. You must enter into the light, for I am the light. You must enter in! You can not sit in your flesh, in your world, and say, "Bring the Kingdom of God to me." You must rise up and take your inheritance in hand and put on the robes of your Father. You must cast off the old, for you can not have two fathers at once. You must put on all that identifies you as the child of your Heavenly Father. Then, the enemy will flee from you, for he will recognize the light in which you walk, and the authority you have been given. He will see my seal upon you and hear my voice speak over you, "This is my beloved son." You must shed the old garments. You must take them off and put on the new. You must walk out of the darkness and into my marvelous light. There I will teach you all things that you will need to know in order to defeat your enemy and walk in victory. I have allowed trials to come to you in order to unsettle you, to make you uncomfortable in your flesh, your old garments. I have done this so that you might seek me, so I might be reveal this truth to you. Why should you choose to remain in that which is uncomfortable and no longer fits you? It is time for new garments. It is time to be courageous and step up into your inheritance. I will clothe you in the glory of your Lord and give to you even that which is his, for all that my Son has, he has desired to give to you, his bride. I will make you one with him, and we shall be one together. Is this not better than the life you lead? You do not have to wait until death to find eternal life. This is your concept, not mine. I give eternal life to the living so that they will walk in that life forever! This is my concept, embrace it!"


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