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Overcoming Persecution 3/11/2012

“I love you. The faults you see in yourself, I do not see. I look past them because I love you. That does not mean I do not see them, it means I choose to look at the good in you, not what is bad. My Spirit is working to remove what is bad; just let Him! Let go; just let go! You could not change those things even though you try, so why worry about them? Trust in Me! Trust that my Spirit is working in you; working to remove the carnal flaws and form you into my image. Remember: “He who began a good work in you is faithful, (I am faithful), to finish it. Do not be concerned about what other people think or say. They cannot see you as I do; their vision is marred by their own imperfections. They cannot see truth as I do. Do not allow their opinions to form who you are. Allow my Spirit to form who you are. Remember when people, even loved ones, come against you, they enemy can use their words to discourage you, to silence you from speaking the truth...My Word. Remember I was rejected, despised for speaking the truth. Even those closest to Me abandoned Me. Do not be surprised when this happens to you. Forgive them, love them, but do not be moved. It is not you, it is the Spirit that rests upon you that they war with. Be still in those moments, and know that I am God. Leave your burdens at my feet. Ride the storm out knowing that I am in the boat. Let my peace reign in your heart. I will work in their hearts, even as I have worked in yours. You represent what they are resisting, but I will bring them to a place of surrender. Do not let their words, the angry winds and waves, rob you of your peace. Be still, and know that I am God; I am your God; the one who loves you. Continue to be led by My Spirit and do not be drawn into the emotional realm, for that is where you make mistakes, especially with your own children. Pray, and be led by My Spirit, not your emotions.”


The Church Must Continue Forward on the Path 9/20/2013

I saw a high, rocky mountain. There was a winding path up the mountain side which would widen in places forming ledges. The path got steeper, narrower and harder to climb the higher it went. At the top of the mountain there was a cloud which covered the peak of it. There were many people climbing the path. I could see only a few reached the top. Below there was a valley which had a stream of lava running through it. Where the lava touched it started fires. The valley was smoking with fires in different places. There were streams of people climbing the path, but when some made it to the wider area where there was a ledge, they would huddle there and not climb any further, believing themselves to be safe. They kept looking down at the valley, like they were waiting for things to subside so they could go back down. Others, who tried to climb higher, grew weary and tried to turn back to the ledge. As a result, the pathway was becoming blocked and those who wanted to go up further had to struggle to get past those who were trying to come back down. Those coming down became angry with those who wanted to go higher and tried to dissuade them. A few got through and continued on, but only a few. Those who reached the top passed through the cloud and found the air was clear and the sun was shining. The heat, smoke and gloom from below could not get past the cloud. I saw those few who had made it there were dressed in white, kneeling and praising God, with their eyes and their arms raised towards heaven. There was great joy on their faces. (The Lord explained that this was a picture of the church of these times.) I looked to those that were on the ledges and they were waiting for things to calm down so they could go back down to the valley, but instead, the stream of lava became a mighty river of lava that covered the valley and bubbled up, burning the lower levels of the mountain. The people were not safe, as the fiery river leaped higher and higher. By then the path was so crowded with people that they could not move. The river erupted quickly so there was no time or space for many to climb to escape it.


The valley is the world; the mountain is the church. Many start the climb, but stop when the climb gets too hard. Some do well, but then look back, and the lure of the world causes them to turn back. Seeking God’s will, walking in His presence, letting Him have His way, surrendering our will to His, is HARD work. The people came to the mountain but don’t want to climb. They want both worlds. They want God to lift them to the top with no effort or sacrifice on their part. Some are ignorant, believing that the goal is to get to the mountain. The goal is to get to the top, and we as a church have lost sight of that. We are to surrender ourselves to be His servants, to become like Him. We are to pursue righteousness, pursue Jesus, yet many not only don’t do it, they discourage those who do want to. The further you get away from the valley (the world) the harder the resistance, not only physically, but from those around you as well. There are those in the church and in the world who will tell you have arrived, you’re “safe enough”, and there’s no need to go further, don’t become a fanatic. But God says the way is UP. The only safety is in passing into His Glory. The scripture says, “And when you see these things coming to pass, look up, for your redemption is drawing nigh.”


The story of the little lamb - 9/20/2013

The Holy Spirit told me this story: There was a little lamb that belonged to a flock. A lion came and roared and the lamb was scared. In his fear and confusion instead of running to hide deep in the midst of the sheep, he startled and ran away. The lion caught him and tore him to pieces. The shepherd was too busy to go and fight off the lion. He was not watching when the lion came towards the flock; he did not see when the little lamb was frightened and ran. The rams in the flock which were stronger did not go after the lamb to protect it. The sheep did not gather around it to protect it. Then the Lord went searching for the lamb. He found only pieces. He gathered the pieces with tears in his eyes. He went to the flock to see why this had happened. The shepherd he had put in charge was too busy to explain. The sheep were busy eating and were indifferent to the loss of the little lamb. The rams were busy butting heads vying for position in the flock. The Lord became angry with the flock because they did not mourn the loss of the lamb as He did. They did not love the little lamb as He did. The scripture then came to my heart, “What you have done unto the least of these, you have done unto me.” Oh Lord, forgive us and teach us to love others as you have loved us. Amen.


Some Holy Spirit inspired thoughts 9/21/2013

We are the work of His hands…When you criticize another person you are criticizing God’s workmanship. The Church without the Holy Spirit is like a big beautiful boat…with no motor. “This is the Sabbath, the day which is for the Lord; yet the world takes the Sabbath for pleasures and sin, for revelry and perverseness. They do not even think of Me, says the Lord, and not only the world; even so, they have drawn away the youth of My flock to such revelry and perversions. None think of Me until they are in need, until adversity comes, then they become angry with Me for allowing the adversity to come to them. They do not remember Me in the good times, therefore I have permitted the bad times that they might yet think on Me and return. Those who are leaders, watchmen, sit and watch as even their own go out to sin in the world, waiting for the time that their sons and daughters will mature and return, trusting in the promise, “When they are old they shall not depart”. Helplessly they watch, waiting for the time that righteousness will return and grace will lead to repentance. Do I not desire this more? Like sand slipping through the fingers, so they slip away. Trust in Me, and be firm, for surely not one grain falls to the ground that I have not noticed. They are ALL precious to Me. Will I not do all? Have I not done all to secure their redemption? Labor with Me! Do not surrender to doubt and defeat. Did I cause you to conceive that which is to be lost? Your fruit, My people, IS MY FRUIT. I watch over My Word to perform My promises to you.”


A message on Grace 9/23/2013

“Say to My people: “The time has come that judgment will begin with the house of God. Shall I judge the world’s sin before the sins of My people? They will say, “Oh, but we are under grace. “My grace is not a license to sin. My grace leads you to repentance, not to continue in your wicked ways. It is as if they think everything is allowed because My grace will cover it all. The price of My grace is total surrender, for its cost required the ultimate surrender on the cross. To take advantage of My grace is to disrespect the cost that was paid. Do you think I am not aware? Do you think I cannot see the intentions of the heart within? You cannot fool Me with words; I know a repented heart, and I know one that is not. Grace is given to those who repent, not only in word, but in truth. The first church would be appalled by many of those who call themselves by My Name today. They would say, “They call themselves Christians, by our name, but they are nothing like us.” Where did you err, My people? Why have you taken My Name, yet not My nature? The world has seduced you to believe that you can have both, because of grace, but I say it is not so. Those who stay in the world will be condemned with the world. Reason with this any way you like, but the decision is not yours to make, it is Mine. Do you think the sacrifice of My Son was such a cheap thing? Does it mean so little to you? You deceive yourself when you say, “But it doesn’t mean anything; God will not be upset; God is love and we are free to do as we please.”You do not understand My Word. You have made it to mean what you want it to mean so that you have an excuse to continue in your sins. Did My Son pay for the price of sin? YES indeed. Does that mean that you are free then to go on sinning? Absolutely NOT!”


The lesson of this word from the Lord is that when we sin, we must come humbly to God with a repented heart and seek His forgiveness and His strength to not return to our sin. In this, we honor Jesus and the price he paid. If we make excuses for our sin, trying to justify it and continue in it, then we have not repented; we are not humble; we are demanding our own way and worst of all, we are not appreciative of the cross of Christ or His suffering on our behalf.


The Two Paths 9/24/2013

The Lord reminded me of Hezekiah, the king who received a word of judgment, which when he heard it, he repented in tears, and God stayed the judgment. He was told that he would die, but when he cried to God, God added fifteen more years to his life. Then he reminded me of Nineveh, where he sent Jonah to prophesy that judgment would come, but when they heard, they repented, fasted and prayed. Once again God stayed their judgment. I was reminded of how many times God sent warnings to His people, and how He pleaded with them to repent, over and over again. Some think of God as just sitting there watching, waiting until we sin so He can punish us, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. He is not a cruel God who delights in punishing His children. He is watching and waiting for us to repent and run to Him for forgiveness and help.


Then the Lord spoke these words: “I love My children. I am love; I am faithfulness; I am mercy. I tell them, “Walk this way with Me”, but they say, “No, I don’t want to walk that way; I want to go this way, my way.” So they walk on their own path, a path of foolishness, believing they are smarter than all the rest that went before them and will not make the same mistakes. I am wisdom. I walk on the path of wisdom; I do not walk on the path of foolishness. They would prefer to walk that path out of their stubbornness and pride rather than walk on My path with Me. They want to control their destiny; as if they could! Then, when things go out of control and they are powerless to save themselves, they cry out to Me. MY DELIGHT IS NOT IN PUNISHMENT BUT IN SALVATION. My goodness leads to repentance so that I might save. Are these not the actions of a loving father? Then for a time, while they are recovering from their wounds, being humbled, they are willing to walk on My path with Me. But as time passes and their wounds heal, they want to go their own way again. Each time I plead with them not to go, yet their pride has returned and they assure Me they can handle things now, they have learned their lesson, and away they go down the path of foolishness again…and again they return. Each time they go away, their heart gets harder. They no longer hear My pleas and they no longer care that they are breaking My heart. Soon, (when they fall once again), they become angry, asking Me why I have allowed this to happen to them again. They don’t run to Me because they blame Me for their fall! How can this be? Have you walked in your pride and foolishness so long that you have no wisdom left in you at all? Did I tell you to go? Have I not pleaded with you to walk close to Me, to walk My path with Me? To depart was your choice, not Mine. You cannot have it both ways, though you think that you can. No one can walk two paths at the same time. I will not leave the path of wisdom to walk the path of foolishness, I cannot. I will rescue you from that path when you cry out to Me with your whole heart, but beware, because your heart grows harder after each time. There will come a time that you will no longer be able to cry out with your whole heart. Why do you think there are so many stories recorded in My Word? So you will learn from the mistakes of others. I stay judgment, and delight in doing so, when My people repent and turn from their sins back to Me. But, there reaches a time when judgment must come because they have left Me no other alternative. Their hearts become so hard, their minds so stubborn, so rebellious, that they have to be broken. I do not take pleasure in this. I send warnings with the purpose of adverting this. How long can I cry, “Repent; return to Me”? Yet when judgment comes, then many will accuse Me of being cruel and unfair. Have I not sent you warnings? Is there not a book filled with warnings? How can you say I am not a God of love when you see My son? I SENT YOU MY LOVE IN THE FLESH; what more proof do you need? None of you would sacrifice your son for loves sake, yet I did! Do say these words to Me: “You don’t love me.”


How to Combat Fear 9/25/2013

The Lord said: “Fear is not an option…fear is unbelief. “ I was reminded of the scripture that says: That which is not of faith is sin.” I asked the Lord: “But there are times when we are facing pain, or danger, or death, where it is only natural to feel fearful.” He replied: “That is not the fear I am referring to. There is apprehension when you face something that you do not want to go through, when you face the unknown. You may become anxious and hesitant, but the fear I am referring to is when you do not trust I am in control of the things concerning you, and do not believe I will make all things work for your good, and bring you to the expected end I have promised you. Fear is when you doubt Me and My Word. You may dread facing an unpleasant experience, but as long as you are trusting in Me to deliver you through it, you are not in fear. At the moment when your flesh and your mind are being bombarded with unpleasant thoughts, unpleasant sensations, when your heart begins to race, and you seek a way to escape, look deep inside, take a deep breath, and ask yourself: do you really believe I won’t help you or that I will leave you? If in your heart you can say “I know you are with me and you will see me through this”, then you are standing in faith and have defeated fear. How the flesh feels and the truth of the spirit are two different things. Your flesh can be experiencing panic, but your spirit can be at peace. If you are led by the Spirit, the Spirit will rise up to control your flesh and calm your fears. Your flesh can be like a boat that goes off course during a storm, but the Spirit is what steers you back on course again.”

As I meditated on this, I thought of Jesus and how he cried out in the garden of Gethsemane for the cup to pass from Him, yet surrendered in faith to the Father’s will. Was He reluctant to face the ordeal before Him? Definitely! Was He anxious, fearful of the experience He was about to suffer? Absolutely! His agony over it was so great that it says He sweated drops of blood. But did He doubt the Father’s will? Not at all! He knew the Father’s will was the best. He knew He had an expected end. He had previously told His disciples that He would be put to death and rise again on the third day. He knew the outcome was for the ultimate good. It’s alright to feel anxious and dread bad experiences, as long as we retain our faith that in the end, the outcome will be good because we trust in the living God who promised, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”


Economic storm 9/26/2013

As I was praying, I saw the ocean and it was calm at first; then the skies became cloudy, the wind picked up, and the waves began to get choppy. As the storm intensified, the waves grew in strength and force. Soon it was dark and the force of the wind and the waves opened a maelstrom in the midst of the ocean. I saw a big ship with the letters U.S.A. on it, and it was being sucked in. It struggled, but its bow was pulled in and then it quickly disappeared. There were other ships of different sizes, with different countries names on them which were close by, and after the U.S.A. was sucked in, the maelstrom grew and began to swallow them as well. The Lord told me: “They will sell their precious things, and trade their treasured things, their technology, for bread and for blankets to warm themselves. “ I understood the vision was an economic collapse. I began to become concerned, when the Lord told me that His people would fare well through it all, for He would be their provision. Then He said, “Like it was in the days of Joseph in Egypt”. Then I saw these words: “7 years” as if they were written on a wall. (I do not know if this means 7 years from now, or a seven year period of economic collapse.)


The Peach tree 9/27/2013

The Lord reminded me of the peach tree planted in my yard. I saw how it had been loaded with fruit this year, but when it was time to harvest the peaches, when I opened them, they had little worms inside. I had to throw them all away. I investigated as to what to do so that it won’t happen again next season. It seems that an insect comes, scratches the surface, making a slit in the flesh, and then lays its eggs there. When the larvae hatch they eat the fruit from the inside out. On the outside, the fruit can look perfectly normal. I wondered why the Lord was bringing this peach tree to my mind while I was praying. Here is what he said: “The tree is the church, and the fruit is the believers. The church has produced much fruit. The insects are the lies the enemy sends. He penetrates through their flesh and plants the seeds of unbelief, fear, rebellion, deceit, and lust, and then waits until the seed takes root in the mind of the believer, where it will begin to eat from within. The crop is being ruined from within. It is not visible to the eye, but it is visible to Me. I have given you the freedom to choose, and so you may choose what you want to believe, but beware, for not all your thoughts may be your own. Some are seeds planted from the enemy which have taken root in you and are eating away your faith, and the relationship you have with Me. If they sever that connection, then you are no longer able to hear Me. Even though I still speak, you cannot hear Me.


How can you recognize his seeds from your own thoughts? His seeds are recognizable, they begin with: “Has God said?” They cause you to question My Word, to question Me. Whatever is contrary to My Word is not from Me. And while your own mind may question, because you do not understand, I will lead you to seek the answers in My Word. The seed of the enemy will cause you to doubt My Word, so that even when I lead you to it, you will say, “I don’t believe it.” The seeds of the enemy will puff you up; in your pride you will believe yourself more intelligent than to believe the simple truth of My Word. You are left powerless, unbelieving, even though you are still in the church, and that is exactly what the enemy wants, a church full of fruit that is good for nothing. I told you to seek My Kingdom, to walk by the Spirit, not by the flesh. The Spirit will lead you to all truth and will show you the seeds the enemy is trying to plant. If you walk in the Spirit, the enemy cannot plant the seed in your flesh, or in your mind. If you study My Word, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. If you use My words against the lies of the enemy, My truth will destroy the seeds.  They will not hatch and take root in you. This is why there is such controversy among Christians. One believes one way, another believes another thing. There is no unity.  How can they walk together if they are not united? In attempting to do so, they enter into debate and soon the fellowship is divided. They were not able to complete their task. The seeds have taken root; they have produced unbelief and rebellion. Each believes himself more intelligent than the other. Each believes the way he thinks is the right way, not knowing that the thing that has caused your thoughts to stray from the truth, to become prideful in your own understanding, were not even your thoughts to begin with, but the lies sowed by the enemy.  Recognize that you have been deceived! Do you really believe you are smarter than Me? Are you able to dismiss My Word as error and not truth? Who told you this? Awake! You have believed a lie. Where is My power in you? Is it missing? The enemy will tell you it is because My power is just a lie that it doesn’t work. Nothing could be farther from the truth. He has hindered the power I gave you through sowing seeds of unbelief. Recognize that you have surrendered to his lies and repent of your pride. Humble yourselves and return to My Word. Believe Me, and the power will return. If what you think you believe does not agree with My Word then cast it down as a vain imagination, a lie sent to deceive you from the truth. My power, My presence, flows in truth not in lies.”


I Am the Strength of My People   9/30/2013

“I am the strength of My people. Come before Me and present yourselves, body, soul and spirit. You go before men to present your bodies, trusting in their ability to heal you; do I not know the workings of your body better than they?  They need instruments to see what is inside so they can determine what is wrong. I see inside you; I know what is wrong. I am the one who designed you. I caused your heart to begin beating. I see each chamber, each door that opens and closes. I see the blood as it flows like a river to each part of your body; like little roads, it travels until it reaches each part. I caused your lungs to open and fill with air and to break down the air into the what the body needs to absorb. I formed your brain and I monitor its thoughts. Even while you sleep, I cause your brain to organize your thoughts and store them.  I strengthen your bones, and I know where each nerve goes and how it connects to your brain. No one knows you better!  Present yourselves to Me, to your Maker, and let Me bring healing to your body, restoration to your mind, and comfort to your soul. You wait to do this until you have exhausted every avenue, then you come to Me as a last resort Present yourselves daily before Me, that I might keep you well and strong. I gave you authority over your body, over your thoughts, and freedom to choice. You must choose to come to Me, to trust in Me. I will direct you and give you peace when you ask Me to do it. It is My desire, My will, to do so, but it is your choice to seek Me or not. My people struggle carrying so many things, until they can carry no more. In desperation, they break down and cry out to Me, but would it not have been easier to give those things to Me each day, little by little, and let Me carry them for you? My arms never get tired. You insist on doing things your way, in your own strength, rather than surrender them before Me and ask for My help. Do this on a daily basis and see how light your burdens become, and see how strong your body becomes. Trust in Me.”


Political Crisis in The United States of America 10/1/2013

While praying for our nation and the current political situation, (that government has reached an impasse and cannot agree), The Lord spoke this to me: “If the people become angry and do as their leaders have done, argue among themselves as to a course of action, then they will be doing no different than their leaders. But if the people humble themselves and obey My Word, and pray for their leaders, and seek My intervention, then I will move upon the hearts of their leaders and I will give them wisdom. If this were truly, “One nation under God”, they would be seeking Me for the solution. They would not be leading this nation to shipwreck if they were under My leadership. They would be the great nation that I called them to be. Oh, America, I truly did shed My grace on you, and I would continue to do so, if you would only return to Me with your whole heart. You, who were called to be a light set on a hill, now struggle in darkness. You stumble at every turn because you are no longer walking in the light. Return, and let Me light your path once again. You were once My beacon of the news of salvation to a world that was lost. Now you cannot find your way through the simplest situations. You are divided, each butting heads with the other, and none wants to give in. Return to the shepherd of your souls and there you will find peace. Your pride has blinded you from seeing what is right in front of you. The battle has become an issue of pride and not what is best for the people. How can this be resolved unless you humble your pride? To the leaders: Admit that you do not know what you are doing and seek the Lord your God for help. I will surely help you if you do.”


The Lord's Time is NOW 10/3/2013

We have lived in the time of peace, but that is coming to an end.

We have lived in a time of prosperity, but that is coming to an end.

We have lived in a time in which everyone walks as he wants to and there is no fear of the Lord, but that is coming to an end.

Prepare yourselves, for the return of the Lord has come.


A Dream About the Church 10/4/2013

I had a dream last night, in which I was in a car, in the front passenger seat. There were two other women in the car. One was the driver; she was an older woman who was thin and frail looking. In the backseat was the second woman, she was much younger, and very heavy set. We were headed to some event. The woman who was driving was busy talking as she drove. At one point, I noticed she made a wrong turn and I tried to tell her, but she didn’t stop talking to listen. Suddenly, I looked ahead and saw the road was coming to an end, and we were headed off a cliff. I shouted to her, and she hit the brake. We stopped on the very edge of the cliff. Relieved, I told her to gently put the car in reverse and slowly back up. The ground underneath the car was comprised of sheets of shale rock, and it seemed very fragile. Instead of putting the car in reverse, she hit the gas and we plunged down into the ravine below. It seemed it was about a thirty foot drop, and the car turned as it fell and we landed on the roof. We all seemed to be a bit shaken, but alright, and the driver and I managed to climb out of the car. The woman in the back seat only opened her door, but did not attempt to get out of the car. I looked up the rugged walls of the cliff, looking for a way to climb up, but the jagged edges of layers of shale rock made it very dangerous to climb. The older woman headed towards an area that she thought looked a little wider and started to climb. I told her to come down, that it didn’t look safe, but she didn’t listen. Then I heard the voice of my husband in the distance so I cried out, “help us”. I looked and saw that the older woman had climbed nearly to the top on her own strength. She was about three or four feet from reaching the top. There was a little bit of a ledge there with the jagged edge of shale over top. She stood on the ledge and reached up to try to pull herself up over the rock, but it broke and fell on her, striking her in the head. She tried again, but more rock tumbled down on her. She fell face down on the ledge and the rock covered all of her but a part of her head. I called to her, but she was silent. Then my husband appeared at the edge of the cliff. He had ropes with him and lowered them down to me. I told him I did not have much strength in my arms to climb up the rope, but he told me not to worry, to tie the rope around me and he would hoist me up. He had some type of hoisting device and easily pulled me to safety. I told him of the woman who was buried in the rubble and the woman below who was in the car. I was concerned because of her weight that the rope or hoist might not hold her, but he assured me that he would be able to get her, but she would have to get out of the car and do something to try to help herself. I heard others coming and I cried out for them to help, and ran over to the area where the woman was buried below. I told everyone to stand back and not to stand on the edge over top of her because a lot of rock had given way there. I could see her hair through the rock below. I laid down on my stomach and reached down over the edge. I began to break off pieces of the shale. They were sharp, and they hurt my hand, but I kept breaking them away until my hand uncovered her head and I was able to touch her. She felt warm. I hollered out in joy, “She’s alive!” I placed my hand on her head and prayed for her. She began to moan. Then she managed to struggle and slide out from the rock onto the little ledge, and rolled over and looked up at me. She was badly injured. At that moment some emergency workers arrived and said they would take care of getting her up.


The dream ended. When I awoke and thought on it, God revealed the meaning of the dream: The car is the church. In the church there are those who are sitting in the passenger seat, letting the Holy Spirit take them to where He wants them to go. Then there are those that insist on being in control and want to do things in their own strength, with their own agenda. There are still those who sit in the back, not making any effort, expecting others to do all the work for them. One seeks God, one looks to himself, and the other looks to men. The Spirit of God is warning the church that the leaders who are not led by His Spirit have taken a wrong turn. The Spirit is speaking to them through His servants, but they refuse to listen. They do not obey His word and “plunge” ahead with their own ideas which lead to disaster. Still, rather than call out to the Lord and wait on Him, they try to find the solution in their own strength until everything crumbles around them. The Spirit led believer will cry out to Jesus (our husband) and He will come and rescue them. He will also rescue the lazy ones, but they will have to make the effort to leave where they are at and seek His help. The Spirit led believer will go to the aide of the one who is wounded. They will continue to reach out to them, even though they themselves are wounded in the process. They will pray for the ones who are fallen (even due to their own pride and stubbornness) and God will hear and revive them, if they turn and look up to Him. He will send His angels to deliver them when they seek His help and look to Him.


Cleanse Me, Fill Me, Use Me 10/5/2013

“This is the prayer that My people should be praying, with their whole heart, continually: Cleanse me, fill me, use me. These are more that simple words when they are spoken in truth from your heart. If you ask Me to cleanse you with your whole heart, you are acknowledging your sin and repenting of it. It is not enough to say the words, “forgive me”, but that your heart would hate the sin that separates you from Me. And if you seek Me to fill you with My presence, you are surrendering yourself to Me completely. You are desiring to be with Me, to be one with Me, which is My perfect will for you. If you ask Me to use you, then you have taken on the cry of My heart, the mission of My heart, to reconcile all men unto Me. Then have you truly become My servants, My friends, My sons and daughters.”


The Fire is Coming 10/8/2013

I saw a fire in a forest area. The wind came and blew it and it swept through the forest like a wave. I saw that it burned trees, leaves and twigs on the ground. It swept over everything and burned everything except for the rocks. “The fire will purge and cleanse, burning away the wood and the stubble, until nothing remains but the rocks. So it is with the fire that I am sending; it will burn away sin, worldliness, the flesh, but that which is formed of rock, formed of Christ, will stand. You have asked Me to make you more like Me, and you have asked Me to send revival. This is the purpose of this fire, to purify you and to fill you with My glory and My power. If you have surrendered all to Me, you will be like the rocks, who feel the heat of the fire around them, but they are not affected by the flames. If you resist and try to hold on to those things that are not of Me, you will get burned. If you try to escape and run to the world to hide because the fire is too hot, you will be lost in the world. If you become angry and fight Me, you will not be chosen to receive My glory and My power. There will be those who thought they were standing, who will fall. This is the trying by fire of your faith. If your faith is in your own strength, your ability, more than in Me, you will get burned. What will remain is truth, truth which has been revealed by fire. Many think they know who they are, they know their own hearts, but until the fire comes and reveals the truth, no man knows what is truly in himself, or what he is capable of. The fire will show you the truth about yourself, whether your commitment to Me is true or not.


It will be easiest for those who have already surrendered everything. If all the wood, the sin, the stubble, and the flesh have been given to Me already, that what is left is faith, the rock, and that cannot be burned. Everything I do, I do for your good. You may not think so in the moment, but My will is for the ultimate good, for an eternal good. Medicine may not be pleasant when you take it, but you do so for the good of your body. This is My medicine, sent to heal you, to take away the diseased parts, the sin within, in order to make you completely whole. You have been given many opportunities to surrender these things, so that I could carefully remove them, but you chose not to. Therefore, the fire comes to remove what you would not. I am preparing My church for My return. The time has come and I must do a quick work. Do not fear; trust Me. Raise your hands and praise Me in the midst of the trial, for the truth is that a great blessing is before you. Weeping will last for the night, but joy WILL come in the morning. TRUST ME!”


Message to America                                       10/9/2013

I felt a heavy burden to pray for the nation and its leaders.  As I prayed, the Lord spoke this word:  “A house divided will not stand.  Your house is divided, the church is divided, and your families are divided.  The breach is open.  You cannot put a band-aid on a gaping wound.  A temporary solution is not the answer; it will only prolong the outcome.  To heal the wound there is only one solution: humble yourselves, put aside your division, your pride, your opinions, and admit that you need My help.  Unite in prayer and turn from your strife and debate, which is taking you farther from your goal.  It does not matter who is to blame; all are guilty; all have sinned; all have judged.  It does not matter who is charge, because the ship is sinking.  The only one who can save you is the Lord your God.  Turn to Me and live! Swallow your pride and unite in prayer.  Surely, I will hear your prayer and I will heal your land.  I promised so in My Word.  This is the solution I gave you and it is right in front of you.  Now all you need do is obey.  Without Me, is there anyone who can fix these problems?  It is impossible for man, but it is possible for Me.  My solution works; Prove Me!  Come together in your families and humble yourselves, and seek healing; come before Me in your churches and humble yourselves, and seek healing; come before Me in your houses of government and humble yourselves, and seek healing.  I will be found of you; I will hear your prayer, and I will heal your land.”   II Chronicles 7:14


End of Days                                                         10/11/2013

While praying I saw a place that was on fire. It looked like mountains on fire, and there was a great fire below. It looked like the earth had split open and the heat and lava from the core was erupting out of from the cracks, setting fire to everything around.  High on the jagged mountain peaks I saw a few people who had climbed up looking for a cave to hide in, but it seemed pointless.  It was just for an instant and then the vision was gone.

I thought on what this was and what it might mean.  Was this the end of days I was seeing? Suddenly the thought of Noah came to my mind, and I heard these words: “As it was with Noah, when I wiped the earth clean and started again with a few righteous, so I will wipe the earth clean and start again with the righteous; this time it will not be with water, but with fire.”  God spared the righteous and started again with Noah, will He do it again?  The Word of God says He will.  He will create a New Heaven and a New Earth, a place where only the righteous will walk on its streets.  He will separate those who trust in Him and obey Him, like Noah did.  Many will not believe, but God did this before, so what is to keep Him from doing it again? The way to escape this fate is through Jesus.  He is our righteousness, our refuge, our ARK.


My Sheep Know My Voice                           10/13/2013

“My sheep know My voice. So many people say that I don’t speak to them, but the truth is that they don’t listen.  How can you not understand? You speak to your own children and they do not listen to you.  Which of you remains silent?  Because you do not know how to listen, does not mean I must not be speaking. I speak to your spirit. If your mind is constantly in the carnal world, how can you hear the spiritual world? In order to hear Me, you must learn to be still and listen. You must take your mind off of worldly thoughts and concerns and seek Me in Spirit and in truth.  It is written: If you seek Me, you will find Me, when you search for Me with your whole heart.  It is also written: Be still and know that I am God.  You are not still!  You must surrender yourself, your thoughts, your will, and seek Me earnestly, if you want to hear My voice.  If you have already made up your mind, there is no point in speaking to you; You will not listen.  I know who is listening with  an open mind and a willing heart.  Many times I have tried to guide you, to warn you, and you have ignored My leading and done things your own way.  You are free to choose, but many of you don’t even consider listening for My voice, My will, because you have already decided what you want.  How can you make wise decisions if you are not willing to seek My counsel? If you truly seek Me, and wish to hear and obey My voice, you will hear Me.  Do not accuse Me of not speaking to you when you are not willing to listen.”


The Lord is Coming                          10/15/2013

I heard this upon awakening:  “The Son is coming; the Son is coming. Let Israel know the Messiah is coming; let the believers know their Lord is coming; let the world know the Son of Righteousness is coming with healing in His wings!”    (It was given with the sound of trumpets, as a royal proclamation, and great excitement swept over me)

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So”                   10/16/2013

I awoke from a dream in which I was sent to look for Christians who were hiding in their basements. I was to tell them: “Now is the time; Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so!”  There was an invasion of the enemy (which looked demonic); outside the skies were dark, and the battle had begun.  The enemy was overwhelming the land. God told me to go and get the Christians to come out of hiding and to stand and fight. Then I saw when they encountered the enemy to fight him; they had a sword and although they seemed hesitant, they took the sword and proclaimed: “I am the redeemed of the Lord”; then great power would come upon them to fight, even to the weakest of them. 


The Kingdom of God: A Dream                  10/19/2013

I awoke from a dream in which I saw myself writing. The Lord told me to write down these words: “This is the LAST DAY!” I trembled as I wrote these words. Then I felt great sorrow for all who would be lost. I thought on the things that would come upon mankind, and then I thought of my children and grandchildren.  The Lord, knowing my thoughts, gave me a marker and told me to go and write on them these words: “The Kingdom of God”. I saw myself writing the words on one of my granddaughter’s, on her dress.  Then I awoke, and as I thought on the dream, I remembered in the book of Revelation when God’s wrath was going to be poured out, He sent His angles first to write on the foreheads of those who here His, so that the wrath would pass over them. God will always protect those who trust in Him, even until the end.  I also thought of the scripture that says “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and your household will be saved.” This is God’s covenant with the believer.    Rev. 7:4      Acts 16:31


God will send living waters      10/21/2013

While praying, the Lord asked me: “What do you see?”  I closed my eyes and saw a whirlwind.  It caught up debris from the ground around it as it spun around.  The Lord said, “I am the whirlwind; no man can control where I go, or the strength of My wind.  I remove all that is loose, all that is superficial.”  Then He asked me again; “What do you see?” I then saw a river flowing into a great lake, but it was covered with fire over the surface.  Wherever it flowed and touched, it burned.  The Lord said, “This is My Spirit, burning away that which is on the surface.” Then I looked and saw someone who was completely underwater, completely submerged, and they didn’t get burned, neither did they drown.  The Lord said: “So it is.  Those who submerge themselves in My Spirit are not burned, neither can they perish. Those that stay on the earth, attached to this world, through fear or lust, will be burned by the fire.  You cannot wade into this fire, you must be submerged.”  Then He said a third time: “What do you see?”  I suddenly saw a bucket and a rope next to a well.  I saw the whole land was dry like a desert.  The bucket was dropped in the well by some who were thirsty, but it hit dry ground.  The well was dry.  Then the earth shook and cracks appeared. Through the crack I could see water begin to bubble up in the middle of the desert.  Soon it was spraying up into the air like a geyser.  People came and rejoiced, dancing in the water, and laughing for joy.  I saw another terrain, a mountainous terrain that was also very dry.  The rock cracked open and water came seeping out.  Soon it gushed out, and people came and played in the water with joy.  The Lord told me the well is the church; the place where one should go for water, but many are dried up.  He will not let those who thirst go thirsty.  He will shake the earth and cause living water to break through, in places where water has not flowed before.  He will send it in abundance and the thirsty will come and rejoice in the abundance of His Spirit.


Teach Your Children                                       10/23/2013

“There is a generation which is not being taught who I am.  They have removed Me from their schools, but worse yet, they have removed Me from their homes.  The children are not being taught about their loving Heavenly Father.  They are not being taught about the Son; how He walked among men; how He blessed all the children that were brought to Him, or how He paid the price for the sin of mankind.  They do not know Me.  They do not acknowledge Me; they do not turn to Me when they are in trouble.  What has this brought you, oh man? Your children turn to evil things; they pick up weapons and hurt others in their anger.  Teach your children that I AM.  Teach them when they are young and willing to learn.  Let them know I love them and will be there for them always, even when you cannot be.  Teach them to cherish their time with Me.  Tell them if they will seek Me, I will help them and guide them.  How would you feel if someone took your children and raised them with no knowledge of you?  Would you not feel anguish? Would you not feel robbed? Your children ARE My children, as are you.  Why do you keep them from Me?  Let them know Me.  I will give them strength, wisdom and goodness; why would you withhold this from them?  You desire to give them all the things that life can offer, yet you neglect to give them the very author of life, who will give them meaning and purpose to their life.  Many of you do so because you were not raised to believe.  You do not know Me, therefore you cannot teach your children about what you yourself do not know. If you did not receive this teaching, why would you want your children to be deprived of it as well?  You do not know how much I love you.  You have missed out on having a loving relationship with Me; but is it right for you to deprive your children of this also?  If you truly want to give your child all the things you did not have, then give them Me.  Take them where they can learn, and learn together of the God who loves you so much that He would give His life for you. Those of you who were raised in the knowledge of God: why do you not teach these blessings to your children?  You have become too busy and you find no time.  You encourage your children to learn and grow in the education of men, but what of their spiritual education?  Do they even know My Name?  Teach them from the earliest age to call on Me. Teach them about Me and My great love for them.  Remember you are an example to them of Me.  If you become angry and harsh when they fail, they will believe that I am also that way.  They have learned to hide their sins from you because they fear you, but is better for you to teach them to trust in you so that they can come to you without fear of rejection, or else how else will you be able to help them?  Their sin is not a reflection on your job as a parent rather, it is human nature.  Do not become angry when they fall, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Teach them how to overcome, how to forgive, and to be forgiven.  It is your opportunity to teach them of a better way, and to lead them to Me.  I will forgive them when they seek Me, shouldn’t you do the same?  Teach them there are consequences, but do so in love, in this way you teach them to make wise choices. Above all, teach them that I am your God and your friend.  I will help them whenever they ask for My help.  I will in no way reject them; they do not need to hide their sins from Me, for I know them already.  If they come to Me and ask Me to forgive them, I will forgive them and I will help them to change their ways.  If they do not know Me, who can they turn to who will always love them, always help them, and always forgive them?  Who will give them wise counsel and guidance?  You cannot guarantee you will always be there for them, but I can.”


Earthquakes                       10/24/2013

As I prayed I saw a vision that I had seen long ago, the island of Puerto Rico being shaken by a massive earthquake.  I saw old buildings crumbling, and the cobblestone streets of San Juan buckle up.  I saw a plaza in the center of a town crack open, and the rocky cliffs of the western side of the island where a large rock broke off and fell on the highway below, closing off the roadway to traffic.  When the shaking stopped, and people began to emerge, I saw the west that sea rose up and a massive wave headed to the island.  This I saw many years ago.  Then I saw the west coast of the United States being shaken, then the North east of the United States was shaken violently as well.   I do not know which place of the three will suffer this great quake or if it refers to all of them.  I had seen a series of three earthquakes to occur before in the 1980’s, and it was these three places I was shown.  It seemed to me the sequence was first Puerto Rico, then California, then the New York area, or at least that was the order in which I saw them. 


The Kingdom of God is at Hand       10/26/2013

“The Kingdom of God is at hand!  The gates are still open, but they are beginning to close.  The time to enter is now!  The opportunity for man to do so is coming to an end.  The sun is setting and darkness is on the horizon.  Enter now before the gates are closed.  Many will choose not to enter.  It is a great sorrow to Me that they will reject My love and protection.  Once night comes they will not find their way.  What have I done, oh man, that you would reject Me?  The great  war approaches and many will fall.  The slaughter of the innocent is not at My hand, yet they will blame Me.  I provided a refuge, but they refused to accept Him.  If you do not accept the refuge and hide within, how can you be safe?  What is, is, and must be played out until the conclusion.  This is the law which I set in the beginning that you must choose.  You are free to choose.  I will not break My own law, for I am not like you.  I honor My Word.  Did you not understand? The bone is the structure which gives strength to the body.  Jesus is the Word, and not a bone was broken.  I keep My Word; it is upright and true.  He came to fulfill the Word, not to break it. He was the sacrificial lamb, so that you can be the scapegoat.  All sin was placed upon Him.  You are able to go free from your sentence because He paid for your sins.  You are free in Him.  He is the door to Heaven.  This is My Word.  If you do not accept His sacrifice for you, then you cannot escape the judgment that comes.  You will stand in your own sins. Why would you choose to do so?  There is no logic to your decision.  You are foolish, stubborn and unwise; you are fools.  You want to be loved; you run to and fro in the earth searching for love; well here I AM.  What more are you looking for? Who will love you forever and ever; and who will never leave you?  Who will walk each step with you and never betray you?  Who has power to save and keep you?  Only I, says the Lord.  The enemy has filled your mind with silly notions.  He has led you to believe there are other ways; he has challenged My Word and caused you to doubt its truth.  The vain philosophies of man have taken root in your heart and you prefer to rely on the wisdom of man rather than the truth of God.  He has recruited his army and I have recruited mine.  The great and final war is coming.  Still, the gates are open; still there is time, howbeit, a short time, but you can still choose.  Who is on the Lord’s side?  This is a battle that you must go through; you must pick a side.  If you do not choose, you will be left outside and be slaughtered.   Wake up! You cannot change the truth because you do not want to believe it is so.  The truth will come and swallow you up, and move on.  Truth can never be stopped.  Why do you think Jesus said, “I am the truth”?  He is the answer.  He is the only one who could make such a claim.  All others are liars.  A partial truth is not truth, for if there is partial truth, then there is also partial error.  He is the truth.  He gave His life to be you Savior, your refuge, your hiding place.  Come now, while there is still time and embrace Him.  He will surely receive you and give you sanctuary.  CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY.  WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE?"


The Kingdom of God          10/29/2013

“You can remove idols from the house, yet they can still be found in the heart.  You can profess I am your King, while in truth you follow another.  Who is on the throne of your heart?  If I am the King, there the Kingdom of God is.  Though you call Me King, if you do not consult Me, if you decide which direction to take based on your own leading, or that of others, then I am not truly your King.  Where I am, the Kingdom is.  The Kingdom is power and glory; the Kingdom is love and truth.  If you are not walking in these things, then you are not walking in My Kingdom.  If you are not walking in My Kingdom, it is because you do not acknowledge Me as King over everything in your life.  It is as simple as that.  When you rule for yourself, you are in rebellion.  Rebellion is when you do not accept My truth, My leadership, or My authority.  It is when you choose to do things on your own; when you choose to walk on your own path.  It is pride.  You believe you know better.  You justify your self- willed behavior, saying: “God gave me a brain to decide for myself.”  I give you wisdom, when you ask.  I give you freedom to choose.  You can do what you desire with what I have given you, that is your right.  You can choose to be your own king, but where will that lead you?  Have you power to deliver yourself from death?  Or, can you heal yourself?  If you need Me for those things, how can you not see how helpless you truly are?  I desire for you to choose to serve Me.  I will not force you, neither will I share the throne with you.  If I am the King, I will rule with truth and mercy, will you?  You can walk in your kingdom or in Mine, but you can’t have both.  The blessings of My Kingdom are yours, but you must surrender to Me as your King, in everything, first of all, then all I have is yours.  I will not wrestle with you for the throne of your heart.  It must be freely given, freely surrendered.  If you choose rebellion, My Glory will depart.  If you choose your way, you will lose the glory of My presence, My Kingdom moving in you and through you.  That is the way it is.  You can choose not to believe this; you can choose to try to find another way, but this truth is My truth:  there is one King, One Lord, and His name is Jesus.  He alone is worthy to receive this honor; He is worthy to wear the crown.  Why do you debate with Him?  Why do you defy Him?  What He brings is great blessing, victory, and peace.  Why is your pride more important?  Be satisfied with Him!  Surrender to Him  Remove yourself from the throne of your heart and invite Him to take this place.  Then the Kingdom of God will come to you; it will engulf you in yoy and peace, in glory and power; it will flow forth from you to others, and the Kingdom will be enlarged.  This is My will, that I establish My Kingdom in you.  Embrace the King and serve Him.  Humble yourself and repent.  Surrender your will and accept My plan and be blessed, lest My Glory depart.”




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