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Fear not!          10/15/84

“Fear not, little ones, for the darkness that you will see come upon the face of the earth, for these things must be before the day of the coming of the Lord. I will be your light, says the Lord. I will be your protector and provider. As I was with the children of Israel in the wilderness, so shall I be with you. For they never hungered nor thirst, nor failed for warmth by night or shade by day, neither did that which they have, wear out. So shall I do again for My people who will trust Me.” Scrip. Ref: Joel 2:1-2; 2:30-32; Zeph. 1:14-15; II Pet. 3:10; Mat. 24:6-8


I Am A Jealous God                  10/17/84

I am a jealous God. I will not share My people with idols. What idols do you say? Though you see them not, still they are there. Man has always worshiped that which is created rather then their Creator. Beware, My children, that you form no idols in your hearts. I will not share your devotion with another. Cast down those things that have dominion over you. He who deceives you is a liar. For the pleasures of this world he uses to entice you away from Me. Surely, I will bless My people and give them dominion and material possessions; let not those things have dominion over you, neither peoples, not their traditions. My people are responsible unto Me, to obey Me and serve Me. Seek not to be a man-pleaser and you will not fail to please Me. My ways are not the ways of man. His traditions I do not hold. I am He who has set the sun, the moon, and the stars in the heavens, and My ways are all righteous. My people must be a righteous people, for like begets like. An apple tree will not bring forth pears, will it? Neither should My children bear any fruit other than My fruit. Neither shall they obey any other word, other than My Word. Neither shall they worship any other god, other than their God, the Almighty God. He who is the first and the last, the God of Glory, and His Son, Jesus Christ, for I am a jealous God. Scrip. Ref: Ex.20:3-6; Mat 7:16-21.


Obtaining the Mind of Christ        10/18/84

I saw myself with a glass dome over me, and there was a bright light over top of me that penetrated through the glass. I could see the light and feel the warmth from it, but I could not reach up to it, because of the glass that contained me. I heard the Lord say: “Break it!” I replied: “But how, Lord, can I break through the glass?” I wasn't sure for what reason the glass was there, nor how it got there in the first place. Then suddenly He gave me understanding. It was my mind that was the glass. My mind had put up the barrier that would not let me to fully reach up and touch Him, yet He could still reach down through that barrier and reach me. My mind was getting in the way of my faith, limiting what is possible for God to do through me. I knew instantly in order to be free, I had to break through the conditioning, the unbelief, all the limits that were set in my mind, in order to really reach out and touch Him, and to really be filled by Him, to have the mind of Christ, the fullness of God reigning in me. I saw myself reach up and leaping up, I shattered the glass into thousands of pieces with my hands. I was not hurt at all, and I could feel this cool breeze. It felt as if I were floating. I had never felt such a peace and a freedom. We must all do this; bring our thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ. We must break through the strongholds, and religious beliefs, and reach out in faith, to be filled completely by the Spirit. We must allow Him to have dominion over our minds and bring us into His fullness, making us into His image, which will enable us to carry out His mission upon the earth. Then the Lord said to me: “You must force back your thoughts, in order to give place to the mind of Christ. Pray therefore, in what ever circumstances or situations, that you might have the mind of Christ concerning the matter. This is the only way you will be able to walk in My perfect will. This is the only way you will be effective in praying, in ministering, or in preaching. In every aspect of your life, seek the mind of Christ on the matter, and you will be blessed. You must take authority over your own mind and bring every thought into the obedience to Christ. This is the victory. There is no other way to have My power flow through you and our to others, unless you have yourself in complete submission and obedience to Me, and are walking by the Spirit, knowing My will in what ever situation that you face.” Scrip. Ref: Eph. 2:5-8; II Cor. 10:3-5; Eph. 5:22-24


The Riches of My Kingdom are Souls           10/19/84

“Why do My children fight against Me? Do they not know that what I want to do is what is best for them? Oh foolish children; why will you not listen to Me? Does a child fear that his father will not feed him, or clothe him, or provide him a safe place to dwell? Your children do not concern themselves over this because they trust in you. How much more am I able to provide than you are, yet My children do not trust Me. This is why I said, unless you become like a child, you will not see the kingdom of God. How can I give you the riches of the kingdom if you will not abide in the place I provided for you, but are continually seeking a place of your own? Then I am blamed when you do not receive your blessings. It is because you have not come to the place where your Father has provided your blessings for you. Instead you go to a place of your own and then expect that I should go to where you are. I will not trade My will, nor what is best for you, for less. If you do not come to My abiding place, they you will miss what I have provided. You will still be My child, but you will not be walking in the riches of the Kingdom, for you are not abiding in the Kingdom. Submit yourselves unto Me; be obedient to seek My will. Trust Me! I will guide you. Do not take thought over your needs; I will proved, but rather, take thought over the needs of others, and how I might use you to provide for them. Seek to build the Kingdom of God, not your own kingdom. For the riches of this world, a fine house, great possessions, and power, they are not seeking My Kingdom. The riches of My Kingdom are souls, not possessions.”   Scrip. Ref: Mat. 6:30-33


Seek to Do My Will On Earth               10/20/84

I was up high and the Lord was with Me. I looked down upon the earth, and to the right side of me I saw the fields full and ripe for harvest. There was only one man in the field, with a sickle. As far as I could see, the field extended, but there was only this one man. It was like that in other places on the earth as well. Then Jesus said for me to look on to my left side. I saw a field, ripe to harvest also, but this field was now sparse, as if it had already been well picked over. In that field there were many workers with sickles, all of them looking and searching for work. I told the Lord that I did not understand why it was this way. He showed me a pair of scales. One side, the left side, was filled with gold coins, but the right side had only a small copper coin in it. The Lord spoke to me and said, "Pray for My servants that they be not covetous, full of lust and greed, for many desire prosperous ministries and a place of comfort, where they can work in the harvest. Many flock to harvest such a place, but where there is no riches, no recognition, no comforts of life, there are few that will go there. It is there that the fields are full of hungry souls waiting to hear My Word. Oh, that My children would burn with desire for these lost ones, even as I do, and be willing to let Me send them there. Children, seek not rewards on this earth, but rather, seek to do My will, and I will reward you with great treasures in heaven." Scrip. Ref: Mat. 6:19-20; I Tim. 6:5-6; Luke 10:2


Those Suffering Persecution are Blessed by God                10/22/84

“There is coming a day on this earth when men shall recognize you and hate you for My Name sake. Be faithful! Be not afraid of them or their power, or what they can do to you. Render them not evil for evil, for surely, I shall reward them for the evil of their ways, and I shall bless you for your faithfulness to Me. In those days shall the righteous ones shine like the sun, and none shall put out the light, for My Spirit shall be upon them to keep them and deliver them until all be fulfilled that has been written, and the end shall come. Walk in the fullness of my Spirit that you might have the righteousness of God dwell in you, and be a vessel of honor unto the Lord. Though men hate you and speak evil of you, yet will I cause you to rise and to shine, to overcome and to have victory; and to be blessed in the midst of them.  Scrip. Ref: Mat. 5:10-11; 44-45; Mat. 24:9-14


We Are Here to Produce Fruit for The Kingdom Of God                10/25/84

The Lord told me, "Write down what you see." I saw a rusty gate, and it was hard to open. When I entered, I was inside this garden. There was a rose trellis that had no roses, vines had overgrown it. Everything of beauty was dead. The grass was overgrown and weeds filled the flower beds. Then I went into this house that the garden belonged to. It was abandoned and full of cobwebs. The furniture was covered with sheets and there was dust everywhere. There were rats in the house. I climbed the stairs, and all the rooms were dirty also. The doors were shut, but one by one, I opened the doors and looked inside. There was nothing pretty. Everything was dusty and worn. There was also an attic full of junk; bats were up there. I went back down to the garden, and there I asked the Lord what all of this meant. Suddenly, I saw Jesus come down from the sky and into the garden. In an instant I saw the garden change to a beautiful thing. The Lord spoke and said, "This is man's heart, and what happens when he lets Me into his heart. I give him a new heart, and a new life." Then I followed Jesus into the house. Here, he girded up His robe, and tied it about His waist. He took up a broom and dust rags, and began to clean up the house, room by room. Last of all, He went into the attic and threw out all the old things stored up there. In each room, as He entered, the rats would flee, and the bats flew out of the attic when He went there. The house was all clean and pretty again. It was fit to live in. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "This is man's mind. His heart I transformed instantly, but his mind I must get to work in to clean out all the dust and cobwebs and remove the coverings, from each room, one at a time. Lastly, I went to the attic where his deepest memories were stored, and I threw out all those things. I made everything clean and new. It is a good place for him to live in now. I have put a new heart in him, and I have renewed his mind. I have taken out all the hurts, all the false concepts, all the dirt that was therein. I will clean it one room at a time until it is all done. There are some doors that man locks and will not let me inside. How can I clean it and make it new unless you open the door to that room? Let me clean each part of your mind until the whole is clean. My presence will drive the evil and you will be set free and made clean. The heart is the ground which the tree grows from. If it is a warm heart filled with love, it will bud and bring forth fruit. If it is a cold heart full of selfishness and indifference, it will be a bare tree; it will not even have leaves on it. I have put My people on this earth to produce fruit in the kingdom of God."

I looked and I saw fruits; some of them were beautiful with no spots, clean and shining. They were set aside together on this table. Then I looked and saw a pot that was boiling. In it all the spotted and blemished, the shriveled and undersized fruit were put. I asked the Lord what this meant. The Lord answered me; "So shall it be at the end of this age. I shall gather, and that which is washed and pure I will set aside for the Master's table, but that which is imperfect shall go to be tried in the fire, that they may still be of some use to their Master." I asked the Lord how we can become like the first fruit, and not the latter. The Lord replied, "Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, for it is the flesh that is spotted and blemished. It is by being in the flesh and not in the Spirit that you are small and under nourished." I asked the Lord how we can walk in the Spirit. He replied, "By remaining in Me, by seeking My will, and not your own. Submit yourselves unto Me; seek Me, and you will find Me, and I will instruct you in the ways of the Kingdom. Put no other things before Me, nor give importance to the things of this world. Learn to do the will of your Father in Heaven and you shall be a precious beloved child of God indeed. Let the Life of My Son be manifested in you. If you desire to be the good fruit, do as you see Him do, and you shall be fit for the Master's table." Scrip. Ref: Romans 12:1-2 Mat. 3:10; Mat. 12:34-35 John 15:16

The Most Dangerous Sin is Pride           10/31/84

“The most dangerous and subtle sin is pride. Warn them from Me of this sin. It will embrace them in a pleasing way until it turns and strangles them. It is the most deceptive of all sins. It has no reason, and is hard to deal with. Its ways lead to hell. My people must not give place to pride, or they will lose their souls. It is idolatry for it causes worship of one’s own self over the Creator. These are those to whom I will say, “Depart from Me; I never knew you.”

Scrip. Ref: Mat. 7:21-23; Proverbs 16:18; Galatians 2:20; Galatians 6:3

The Stagnant Believer         11/01/84

I saw a river flowing swiftly. I saw it branch out and flow in more directions; its tributaries increased as it continued flowing. The Lord said: “This is how I want My children to be; filled with living water that flows through them out to others, and brings life wherever it touches.” Then I saw the same river, as at the beginning, but this time there was a dam put up and it stopped the flow of water. The ground past the dam began to dry up and everything died. The water began to back up and it began to find a new way to flow, further up, by-passing the old river channel and creating a new one. The old river became a stagnant pond, and a new river flowed off the the left of it. “So it is in My Kingdom”, said the Lord. “To him who will not allow My Spirit to flow through him, he shall become as a stagnant water pond. My Spirit will find another way; He will move through someone who is willing. Many of my children are like the stagnant pond. They have not allowed My Spirit to flow through them and they have not produced any fruit. They set up obstacles in the path of the flow to hinder it, or they bind its flow all together. I will make a new way, for My Spirit will not be stayed because of them. My will shall be done on his earth. I know the heart; I know the motive behind your excuses. Though it sounds justifiable to you and to others, I examine and measure according to the willingness of the heart. Though you deceive yourself and others, you do not deceive Me. Come; be honest with yourself; examine your own heart; do not try to justify you lack of obedience, your laziness, or your apathy with Me. It is better that you repent of your attitude and be cleansed, but you will not, because you fear I will require you to do that which you make excuses not to do. Do you prefer being a stagnant pond; A place where insects hover and life always remains still and unmoved? You ask Me to bless you, yet you resist He who leads you to those blessings. How can you say to Me: 釘less me, Lord, but leave me where I am. Give, but ask nothing in return from me?” How long shall I strive with such a child? My children desire to be like Me; they desire to do the work of their Father. They take pleasure in giving and in being used by Me to reach others. These are My children indeed. But to him who asks continually, but will not give; to the selfish, unfeeling child, I will chastise him to drive the selfishness out of him. I will burn out the imperfections so that I may be able to mold him into a useful vessel. But if he refuses and is rebellious, I will put him out of My Kingdom, for such are not the children of God.” Scrip. Ref: John 7:38; I Thes. 5:19


If My People will Seek My Face          11/05/84

I was seeking the Lord about this nation (The United States of America), and this was the Lord's reply: “If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” I then asked the Lord: “What if they do not do this?” He replied: “Then I shall make them like the sand of the desert. I will remove the hedge; I will take away the dividers, and they shall be like the heathen; and their land like the land of the heathen. Even the plagues in Egypt of old, so shall it be again.” Scrip. Ref: II Chronicles 7:14


Harvest the Fields             11/07/84

I have heard the requests of My people. I have granted them according to the desire of their heart. I have given them a godly leader, for their sakes. I have given reward to the righteous, rather than punishment to the wicked. Those who have prayed and sought Me, must now go forth and work for Me. Surely, I will send revival, but I shall send it through My people. You who have earnestly sought Me for a godly leader, so that this nation might remain free to worship Me, must now work, for I have given you light to work in; I have given you times of peace and prosperity for you to go forth in. I have held back darkness so that the fields may be harvested. But, it will not be held back forever; work now while there is still light. Behold, darkness will come when no work can be done. This is not the hour to rest from your labor, but rather to labor more; for soon you will come into My rest when all is accomplished, and My Kingdom comes. Pray therefore, that I will fill you with My Spirit, and that He might use you to the glory of God. Love the lost; care for the sick; have compassion on the broken hearted; forget not the lonely, nor speak evil of My servants. Strive not amongst yourselves; but rather, come together, in one accord, that you might bring forth a bountiful harvest. Cast away sin, but not the sinner, for sin has no part in your life. Reaching those who sin is your commission. Put aside your personal ambitions and dreams, and let My will be your desire. Pray that your bodies, and your minds, might be strengthened to complete the task at hand. I shall be with you; I shall lead you, and none shall defeat you. This is the hour of victory form My children that are willing to submit themselves, and be a part of My body, that shall move upon the face of the earth and bring it to the knowledge of My Son, Jesus, before His return.” Scrip. Ref: John 5:17


The Path that Leads to The Kingdom of God            11/8/84

I had a vision in which I saw a shack that had a door that was chained and locked shut. I asked the Lord how I could enter and He told me: “By faith; Jesus is the key”. So I spoke and said: “I believe in you Jesus and I have given my life to you; help me open this door that is front of me.” In an instant, the lock opened and the chains fell off. When I entered, everything was dark, so I lit a match. To my great surprise, there were jewels and treasure everywhere. I asked the Lord why such a treasure would be hidden in such a place. Then I saw a tunnel at the back of the shack. I entered the tunnel and I could see bright lights at the end of the tunnel. In an instant I was in this enormous dining room. I could not see the end of the room. The walls were made of gold with curtains hanging of purple, blue and red. The ceiling seemed to be about thirty feet high with designs of gold, and with paintings on them but I could not make out what they were. The Lord spoke and said: “No man can see what is in this place until that day.” There was a great, long table which I could not see the end of. It was made of fine wood, over laid with gold. A white table cloth of fine linen was over the table. There were plates of silver and cups of gold set on the table. The chairs were covered with gold and had a cloth seat that looked like red velvet and on the back of the chair, each had a different design on it. I saw one with a lamb on it, another with a cross, another with a man destroying a serpent. On the top of each chair there was a gold name plate, with the name of each person engraved on their chair. The floor was of gold, but it shined like clear crystal. This is where the marriage supper of the Lamb will be celebrated, and everything was being prepared! There was a chair which was larger and more elegant than the others. The seat was covered in what looked like white velvet, and the back of the chair was very high with a crown of gold on the top, and I knew this was the Lord's seat. Then I found myself once again on the path that led to the shack. I could see the the path divided up ahead, and another, wider path went off the the right. On that path I could see: money, a luxurious car, a mansion, a large beautiful church, fur coats and other luxury items. In front of the shack there were bushes with thorns. I could see that the path that led to prosperity and fine things was wide and was greatly traveled upon, but the path to the shack was not so. I understood that this was a path that Christians travel, but many had been detoured to the path that was wider and led to riches. It was as if they came to Lord with the desire to get ahead, to prosper in this world, to be the head and not the tail, to reign and not to serve. Then the Lord spoke to me and said: “The humble are content to come to the shack which has no outer attractiveness, because they only want My will to be done, and the things that please Me; they understand that without Me, they are nothing. The prideful will never walk on this path.” I asked the Lord why there were thorns on the path to the shack, but none on the path that lead to riches, and He answered this: “The thorns are the devil and his workers, who know the true path, that is why they are there trying to block the path, with the intent to keep people from finding the shack. They use the other path to detour people from the true path that leads to the Kingdom of God. Inside the shack are the true riches of the ages, the mysteries of the Kingdom; the true riches of the Kingdom, and this is where one finds the true Kingdom of God.” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 7:13-14


Love Them for Me 11/10/84

I saw a city; then the Lord took me into this dark alley way. There I saw an old, drunken, person passed out on the sidewalk with his bottle still in his hand, and the Lord said to me: “I love him.” Then he took me where I could see through a window; there was a mother hitting a child and screaming at him, and the Lord said: “I love her.” There was a prostitute, and the Lord said, “I love her.” A man came and went with her, and the Lord said: “I love him also.” I saw a man with a gun robbing someone; I saw a person shooting a policeman;I saw a crippled man in a wheel chair, a person in a hospital with tubes in his body; a man going off to work; a rich politician at a business dinner, and each time I saw each one of them, the Lord said, “I love him.” Then I saw a playground of children and the Lord said, “I love them especially.” Then the Lord spoke and said: “Give your life to Me. Let Me make you a channel for My love. Love them for Me.”  Scrip. Ref: Mat. 18:11; Luke 15:4-7


Everything Spoken Will Come to Pass           11/11/84

The Lord said: “Time passes, yet no one knows the hour or the day; if they did, they would repent before Me. They do not notice that summer is passed; spring is long gone; the fall is soon passing also, then will come the winter and the death of many things. Oh foolish man, though you know seasons of the earth, you cannot see the signs of the times. Darkness creeps upon you more each day, yet you do not notice the spiritual darkness that is overshadowing you. The fear of the ages is come; the time of sorrow is at hand. That which has been dreaded by Satan approaches. It will not pass your lifetime oh man, but you shall be consumed by it. Hear ye, as I live, says the Lord, all that is written shall be accomplished and nothing shall be omitted. I will not turn back; I will not repent. Repent ye, oh man, for your Creator has seen the works of your hands and shall surely give you the reward of them, unless you repent. I have suffered you long, that you might awake and turn to Me, but you will not! Blessed are those who when they hear My words repent and choose life; they shall be called the children of God. But woe to those who laugh at My words and sin the more; your time will soon end, says the Lord.” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 24:32

I Will Reveal Things to Come              11/13/84

“My people pass by opportunities to allow My Spirit to minister every day. They are not prepared to go out. They have not sought Me; they have not been still before Me, nor listened to Me. Therefore, when they are busy going out and around in their day, they are not spiritually alert and they pass by people in need, who I desire to touch. If they do, per chance, stop to minister, they are not prepared to minister fully. My Son would come and pray and seek Me before each day, to receive guidance and instructions. If it was necessary for Him, how much more is it for you. Do not go out unprepared, not knowing what you will face that day, but rather, seek Me that I might prepare you mentally and spiritually for what will be before you. The devil does not cease in his plans to hinder you in whatever way he can. How can you be an effective soldier if you do not know where your enemy is and how to avoid him? And how will you know unless you allow Me to reveal it to you? Each day, come before My throne and seek My will for you for that day. Stir up the Spirit within you, and the gifts, that you might be fully prepared to battle, and to serve, to the glory of your God. For I am seeking servants who will obey Me continually; who will be faithful in everything, that I might use them in a mighty way. You are that servant, if you will do this which I ask of you, and I will bless you above the others who will not be as faithful; I will bless you and reveal things to come unto you, for I will have confidence in you.” Scrip. Ref.:Prov. 1:24-33; Prov. 8:17; Ps. 63:1; Luke 11:1


Small Things Build the Kingdom                          11/14/84

"Do not covet your brother's gifts, nor his ministry, but rather, be content with what I have given you. Give praise to God for the gifts of your brother, and give praise to God for your own, for each has a part in the body of Christ; each serves its purpose. Be content in the part that I have called you to be, for in that I will be glorified. Let all of you do according to what he has been called to do, that the body of Christ will be whole and not lacking any part. For if you serve Me as a preacher, or if you serve Me by being on your knees in prayer, what difference is there? Am I not served in both? Seek Me, that you might be useful in the body of Christ, in whatsoever position I desire to place you in. Seek not to be the comely parts only, for not all can be in a place of prominence, and those that are, are not the ones that I use in the greatest things. It is the simple, small things that build the Kingdom of God, one upon the other, a little here, and a little there, until the body is made whole. Become like Jesus. Be conformed to His image. He who preached to the multitudes, was it not also He who washed man's feet? No act that is done in the Name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, is a small thing in the sight of God. Do not despise or reject the small things, for these are important to your Heavenly Father as well. If you are faithful in what I ask, I will exalt you in due time. Be content in Me, says the Lord. Scrip. Ref: I Cor. 12:12-26; Rom. 12:1-2


The Latter Rain             11/24/84

“There shall come a time of refreshing on the earth. The desert shall bring forth a fountain and the fountain a river, and the river an ocean of believers. For it is My will that none should perish, therefore I will send forth My Spirit and the mighty angels of God to bring refreshing and a time of renewal. A great harvest shall come forth. My people shall shine like the noon day sun, for their Lord shall be upon them, and prosper them with spiritual blessings, that this world might see and hear that I AM HE. I AM THE ALMIGHTY GOD, AND BESIDES ME THERE IS NO OTHER! Pour rain! Let it pour down upon My people; Holy rain; cleansing and sanctifying unto Me, holy priests, and a holy nation, to be My army. There is much to be done, My children, for the days of My Kingdom are nigh; the appointed hour draws near. Prepare! Prepare for the coming of the Lord. I shall prepare the people for My return. I shall prepare a bride, spotless and without blemish. I will thoroughly cleanse and fill My people. You, who are willing, listen to the voice of the Lord! Hear Me! My voice shall go forth from the mountain tops; it shall echo in the valleys. I shall sound the alarm; I shall ring out the news of salvation to man. I shall sound forth the trumpet, and announce My return. For surely the Son shall return with power and with healing in his hand. He shall restore all things and return to the righteous their just rewards, and to the wicked, judgment. Beauty and honor are His; He walks in grace and glory. He is King, and He shall reign from My holy hill. Rejoice, oh My people, for soon your redeemer will be with you. He who shed his blood to redeem you will visit you, and bind you to his side, that you might forever be there. Blessed is he who has chosen the path of light and does not weary in well doing. He shall receive a crown of righteousness, a new robe, and a seat in the house of his God.” Scrip. Ref: Isa. 35; Joel 2:21-29; 2 Tim. 4:7-8; Jam. 5:7-8


Visions for The USA, Cuba, Russia, Germany, Japan                11/24/84

I saw a map of the world. I saw the United States, where California is, a great earthquake, and part of the earth slid into the sea. I saw buildings that began to crumble and great destruction throughout the area. Then I saw the East coast, where the area of New York is, and I saw earthquakes there as well. I saw the same thing happening in Florida, and the lower part of Florida was under water. I saw the islands disappear and only a mountain top remained where Cuba once existed. In the center of the nation, where the Mississippi river is, the earth opened up and a great gulf between the east and west sides of the nation appeared. I understood that something was causing the continental plates to be shaken. I saw the western part of the United States, and there was a great drought and dryness. In the eastern half of the nation, great hail came down like stones, which destroyed the crops. I looked across the ocean and saw the European continent. Where Russia is, I saw fire and great destruction and great walls of smoke came up from the area. Where Germany was and the western part of Europe, I saw the land filled with gray ash, which fell like snow. I saw infirmities and death all around. I looked back at the United States again, and over the ocean to Japan, and I could see great waves hit the country, and these waves wiped away cities. I saw all of this as if I was way up in the atmosphere looking down. I was moved by such destruction occurring all over at the same time, but I did not feel afraid. I had a peace and I knew that somehow I was protected from all of this. ( I do not know if all that I saw occurred at the same time, or if it was different things occurring and different times. I cannot say, or interpret these things, but I do know God is calling mankind to look to Him and be salved.) Scrip. Ref: Rev. 9:17-19; 11:6; 17:17-21 Personal note: April, 26, 1986 Cherynobyl, Russia suffered a nuclear power plant accident that caused radiation leakage that spread from Russia to parts of Europe. March 14, 2011, an earthquake of 9.0 hit offshore of Japan, resulting in a Tsunami that wiped out entire towns in Japan and caused nuclear power plants to suffer failure.


Blessed is the Man Who Waits on the Lord            11/26/84

Blessed is the man who will humble himself before his God. His life shall be blessed, and I will see that he lacks nothing. Blessed is the man who will rise early and seek Me and who gives thanks when the day is done. All his footsteps I will order and his paths shall be straight. He shall eat of the good of life and his spirit will be strong, through Me. Blessed is the man who walks upright in all his ways, and does not heed the counsel of sinners. Glory and honor shall be his, and his garments shall be spotless. Blessed is the man who pours out himself to the poor, to the weak, to the hungry, and the sick. He shall be rewarded all that he has given, and more in return, for the goodness of his heart. Blessed is the man who seeks those that are lost in sin and gives them a light that they might find their way out of darkness. Darkness shall have no power over him. He shall cause rejoicing in heaven. Blessed is the man who fears God, and seeks to do all that he does according to God's will. This man shall not err from the truth. He will be a beacon to the house of God, pointing the way in which they should go. Blessed is the man who will wait on the Lord, and be patient, being a diligent servant unto his God. He shall receive power from on high and be used in a mighty way in the house of the Lord. Blessed are you when this manner of man you are, for such men do I seek to walk in My Kingdom and to do mighty works on the earth. They have been chosen to be My servants indeed, and to walk in the stature, the very stature of My Son Jesus Christ. Unto them are the doors of the Kingdom open, that whatsoever they might ask, it shall be given unto them. Scrip. Ref: Mt. 5:3-16; Mt. 7:7-8; Prov. 3:6; Prov. 29:23; Ps. 1:1; I Thes. 5:18


Money Is A Idol In The Heart Of My People             11/27/84

"Hear ye, My people, I, The Lord, am God; you shall love Me with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind. You shall have no other gods before Me, for I am a jealous God. I change not; that which I spoke in the beginning, I am still speaking today. The greatest idol in the hearts of My people is money. Your money corrupts you, for you live for it, and you live by it, and without it you are in despair. It is not the money that is evil, it is what you have in your hearts towards it that is evil. They will forsake the commandments of God in order to obtain money. They will steal, they will kill, they will hate, over money. Oh man, why does the god of paper so entice you? Once you obtain it and embrace it, it will only leave you hungry for more. It cannot feed your soul. It will starve that which is good in you, and leave you more and more corrupt. For this cause the gospel is hindered, for man seeks to obtain money more than to serve God. These are the ways of the wicked; it is the way of the world. It should not be so for My people. Yet My people have embraced the idol of this world. They have become defiled in the worshiping of this idol. I know what your needs are, and I am able to provide. But you are not satisfied with this; you desire to have all the world can offer you, and to serve Me also. Did I not say you cannot serve two masters? Choose whom you will serve and in whom you will put your trust. Put away the idols from you; put away the fear that drives you and trust in Me to provide. Do that which is right; serve the Lord with all your heart; share what you have with those that are in need; give to the work of the Kingdom freely, and happily, for it is an honor. I have blessed you in order to enable you to give, and I will bless you more. But to them that refuse, behold, a day comes when I will take away even what they have. I am God and I alone will stand on that day to be worshiped." Scrip. Ref: Mat. 6:19-24 I Tim. 6:5-11 Ex. 20:2-6


The Body of Christ is Sick        11/29/84

“The body of Christ staggers; it is sick; it has disease, and it is confused within. There is division among them; there is bitterness; there is judgment and strife. There are false doctrines; there is apathy; there is idolatry and greed. There is pride and selfishness. How can My body accomplish what it must do in such a state? I must bring My body to its knees in order that they might repent and seek Me to be healed. Those members that are well, pray for those who are not. Love them, you who are mature in faith. Show forth the love of Christ that they might see an example. It is good that each cell of the body repents and makes itself right with Me, but what of the organ that it is in? And what of the body that the organ is in? You who are humble; you who are well; you who show forth the love of Christ; pray for the body of Christ, for there is one body, with many parts. Pray for the part you are in and those that are in that part with you; but pray also for the rest of the parts, for your brethren, that the body might be made whole, sound, in unity, with one heart, and in one accord; that My will be accomplished on earth, and My Kingdom come.” Scrip. Ref.: John 17:21; PS. 133:1; As. 5:16


My Promises are Faithful          12/1984

I saw a horse running back and forth. He was a beautiful white stallion. There was a garden and a beautiful rainbow, but the horse kept running on dry ground outside of the garden. Then Jesus came and He bridled the horse and climbed on him, riding him into the garden and up into the air on the rainbow, as if it were a street. The Lord told me that we run to and fro seeking for ourselves, and tire ourselves out, finding nothing. But if we allow Him to take the reins, He will lead us the the promised land, and cause us to walk on the promises of God.


Then I saw a cottage, and inside a woman was slicing a small loaf of bread. She cut the slices thin in order to make them last longer. Yet, against one wall there was bread piled up to the ceiling. The Lord said He has made abundant provision for our needs, but since we do not see it, (as the woman who had her back to the wall of bread), we too, worry if we will have enough, and are fearful. Suddenly, I saw the roof of the cottage break open and a whirlwind of money flew in until the woman was waist deep in money. The Lord said: “I will pour out a blessing from heaven, by My Spirit, and it shall overflow you.”


Then I saw a river. A man was standing on the bank, wondering how to cross over. Suddenly, Jesus lifted him up and flew him to the other side, and safely landed him there. The Lord said: “I will lift you up over troubled waters and bring you safely to the other side.” Then I saw the hand of God take a brush, and going around the man, He painted a rainbow. The Lord said: “I have surrounded you with My promises. Prove Me and you will see once and for all, that you can trust My Word.” Scrip. Ref.: Mt. 3:10-11; Heb. 10:23; Heb. 11:6; Rom 1:17


A Message to Israel             12/1984

“Oh Israel, My people, My land, My chosen ones: I have looked upon you, yea, and continually do I keep my eyes upon you. Despised of the nations, you are hated for My Name's sake. The jealousy of mankind is against you because I have chosen you and not them. All that has been written by the prophets concerning you, do I bring to pass. In every detail I fulfill My Word concerning you. Yea, I have loved you; you who are unlovable to all, I have had pity on you. As an orphan child that no one desires, I have taken you in as My own, according to the promises I spoke to your fathers, who knew Me. When will My people return unto Me? When will they know that “I AM” has come? You seek your Messiah. Has not time told you that He has come already? Does not My Word reveal to you who He is? How can I bind you to Me, if you choose not to be bound with Him who is the binder, even My own Son? Will you receive another? He who will come to you is not sent by Me. He is corrupt; forsake him; flee from him. Know that I am the Lord; I have already come, and when I shall come again, I will not come as a man preaching peace, nor good works; I shall come in glory and majesty, upon the clouds of heaven. As the sun descending, so shall it be, the brightness of My glory , on the day of My coming. I shall reign from you, oh Jerusalem. I shall sit upon My throne as it was spoken, there in the house of David, and upon his throne shall I sit, to reign over the ends of the earth. Come unto Me, My children, and be no more outcasts and wanderers; be washed and cleansed, that I might receive you unto Myself at My coming. I will bring revival in Jerusalem. There shall be he who will preach in the market places, in the streets, and he shall prick the hearts of My people. They shall fall upon their knees and upon their faces, weeping and crying out: “Jesus, I did not know it was you; forgive me!” Then shall I move among them as on the day of Pentecost, and fill them with the Holy Ghost, and with fire, and they shall go forth expounding the scriptures, from the beginning to the end, that Jesus is the promised Messiah. They shall proclaim it throughout the land. They shall be filled with the Holy Spirit and His gifts, and many miracles shall be wrought. I will have My church in Jerusalem once again. They shall turn the people's hearts to their Father once again, through the Son. Then shall the devil rise to destroy them, but I shall sweep away those that he shall send against My people. For I have called them to be My people and their land to be My habitation, and I will bless them, and those who love them.” Scrip. Ref.: Is. 24:23; Mic. 4:17; Rev. 15:3-4; Rev. 11:3-13; Zec. 4:14


Christmas: A Time to Preach the Gospel        12/17/84

“The earth prepares to celebrate My birth, yet few realize that I am coming again. Use this time, not to proclaim that I came once as a baby only, and of the cross and the victory in Me, but also to announce My second coming. What did I say in my Word? Surely, I have said I would come again. Many who believe that I have come, do not truly believe I will come again. If they did, they would not live their lives so. I would that all men live each day in preparation as if that day might be the day I will come. Then truly I would find a holy people. Remember the virgins who were not ready? Even so, there are many who say: “He will come by and by, but for today, let us be about our ways.” They do not prepare; they do not adorn themselves; they do not pray. They do not put on the fruits of the Spirit. They do not consider whether they are filled with the Holy Spirit, and yielded to My teachings. They will prepare when the time draws nigh, they say, but it is written: no man knows the day nor the hour of My return, but My Father, who is in Heaven. Will you barter with your soul? This is not a game of chance. Why will you people not consider the weight of this? Is it not better to prepare, then to be caught unaware? Why will you not prepare? You desire to seek your own will and to prosper in this life, more than to prepare for the next. What is this life compared to eternity? Will you live your whole life just for one day? It is the same, for your life is just as a day, or part thereof, compared to eternity. Pray and ask for wisdom that you might understand these things. There are many around you this time of year who will listen when the story of Jesus is told. It is tradition that is accepted at this time, so use this opportunity wisely. I have allowed doors to be opened, and hearts which are hard to become softer. Now is the time to speak to them and to tell them who I really am, and that I have come to set them free, and I will surely come again soon.” Scrip. Ref.: Acts 1:9-11; Mark 13:26-33; II Peter 3:3-10; Rev. 22:12


An Opportunity...Before Judgment               12/1984

I saw the earth, and God took a golden cup and poured oil out of it. I saw it fall and begin to cover the earth. “This is the oil of My Spirit, which I will pour out on all men”, said the Lord. “I will call all flesh to repentance; I will give them a final opportunity.” Then I saw a silver cup with blood, and the Lord began to pour it on the earth. I saw it cover about one third of the earth. Then I saw Him take a coal from the altar, and drop it on the earth. The coal burned down into the earth, and great smoke arose, and demon looking things came out of the earth and began circling it. Then there was a time of stillness. Afterward, the Lord reached and took his hands and shook the earth. I saw the earth filled with rubble, and with the dead, and it was dripping blood; stench arose from it.


At this point, I saw Jesus coming on a horse with a golden vest on, and armies following Him. He dismounted from His horse, and in a breath, blew away the evil, His enemies, and all the smell and destruction, and He sat down on a throne in the temple in Jerusalem. Then there was a time of peace. I saw women bring Him their babies; they would put them in His arms, and He would kiss them and bless them. And people came to worship Him, but He came off his throne and went among them, and hugged them, and loved them. He danced with them before the Father. He then sat upon His throne once again; I saw Him look at people who would enter into the temple; as He looked at them, great power would go out from Him, and those that were old were made young again. There was no sickness, no old people bowed down; everyone was rejoicing and praising God. Scrip. Ref.: Rev. 8:5-13; Rev. 9:1-11; Rev. 19:11-16; Rev. 21:3-5

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