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The Beauty of God's Creation    8/4/90

The Lord showed me the sky at night. There was not a cloud in it; it was a clear night, without moon, so the stars shined like little diamonds on a black velvet surface. It was so beautiful. Then the Lord showed me a daytime sky with the sun rays beaming through white billowing clouds, like golden rays of light, beaming down upon the earth below, which was full of green grass and rolling hills, with trees and flowers all around. I saw a rainbow brightly shining in the sky. I said: “Lord, truly these things are beautiful, but what does this mean?” The Lord spoke and said: “Do you see the beauty of My creation? I created all this, and it please Me, that which I created.” Then He asked me: “How would you feel if you painted a work of art to be enjoyed and appreciated and those that came to see it threw things upon it, wrote upon it, and caused it to become ugly?” I said: “Surely I would be angry, Lord.” He said: “Isn't this what man has done to the world I created? Is this not reason for My wrath to be kindled against them? And worse of all, the most beautiful of my creation, even man himself, they kill and destroy. They kill my creation! Is this not reason for my anger against them? Even my children, whom I called, destroy that which I have created. How would you feel if someone came to your home and filled it with smoke, with alcohol, and threw things around?” I responded: “Surely, I would be angry and kick them out of my house!” “Even so”, said the Lord, “They do to My temple, which they are. They fill their bodies, the temple of My Holy Spirit, with unclean things, unclean thoughts, polluting MY temple, MY house, says the Lord! For did I not say that I would make My abode with them, even in them? Is there any reason why I should not be filled with wrath for these things?” I then said: “Lord, I do not understand how you have held back your wrath so long, and still hold back.” The Lord replied: “Do you know why I have held back? I have held back because of the lost sheep of My fold, that they might return. Say to the pastors of My people, to the leaders, I have not yet sent My Son to take away My church, and poured forth My wrath, because of the lost sheep of My fold that have gone astray, but the time is ending. Tell My pastors that they must go and look for the sheep that have strayed from the fold, that have fallen away, and return them with much love to the fold again. This I have called them to do, and they have not been obedient. They must restore those that have fallen in love with the world, and warn them that they must have fallen in love with the world, and warn them that they must establish themselves in the faith and not depart again. There will not be time for them to re-establish themselves firmly in the faith later on.” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 18:12; John 10:11


Work In The Harvest   8/29/90

This is the word the Lord spoke: “Call out to My people. Tell them that I call them to work in the fields, to harvest, for the time is ripe. I have sent out many before, but many failed because they did not watch their own testimony. They did not walk holy and clean before their Lord., and their testimony was not pure, neither were they walking in Christ so men might be drawn unto the Lord. Many have been offended because they did not live what they preached. But I call now to a holy people, to a people who are prepared for My return and also prepared to obey My voice and work until My return. My children, who will give up their lives, their desires, their ways, and have as their only desire to do My will on the earth. They shall be greatly anointed by Me. They will go forth as a mighty army. They shall not weary at the task. They shall not be overcome by the enemy. Though he throws darts, they will not penetrate, for faith shall be their shield and righteousness their covering. They will not listen to the council of men, but be led by My voice. They shall not walk by sight nor sound, but by faith in My Word, and they shall not be overcome for that reason. This is My holy priesthood, separated for a time, to prepare the way of salvation for many, and to greet their Lord at His coming. Let he who is called work: let him who is holy begin; let he who is unclean repent; let he who is of little faith believe; let all the children of God hear and obey.” Scrip. Ref: Luke 10:2; John 4:35


Message to Puerto Rico   9/4/90

I saw the island of Puerto Rico sitting like an emerald in the sea. I saw fumes, vapors, floating up from the island. Since it looked so pretty, I assumed it was like a perfume, but the Lord told me to smell. Then I noticed that it was not perfume, but rather, an awful stench. I could not understand why, but the Lord explained that it was the smell of their self-righteousness, their false humility, and their false holiness. The Lord told me they have failed in their call, and for that reason, (because they are prideful, thinking themselves to be righteous judges, filled with their own holiness}, He has chosen to look for another, a more humble, obedient people. It made me very sad to hear his words. I asked the Lord concerning His faithful remnant, and He said He would begin to call His servants out of the island. He will call out those who have been faithful, who have called out His Word, whose words have not been obeyed or accepted as a word truly from the Lord. He will take them to a more humble people, who will listen and obey the word of God that they speak. I asked the Lord what about the word He had prophesied over the island, that they were chosen to be a lighthouse, and I asked what would become of the island. The Lord told me He would leave a remnant. I saw them all over the island, like little forts with a lighted torch in their hands; the areas outside the fort were in darkness. God has spoken again and again to the island, but they refuse to humble themselves and unite in love, and leave behind their judgmental ways. As the Lord said, there are many who are stubborn, prideful people, and even though they repent of their ways for a time, like a dog returns to his vomit, so they return quickly to their judgmental ways. Personal Note: There is a war in Puerto Rico between the religious and those who are led by God's Spirit. The letter of the law kills. Religion brings rules. Only God brings love, forgiveness, unity and freedom.


Message to America   10/09/90

I looked and saw a great gathering of clouds. They were dark, thick clouds, gathering together quickly over the United States. They seemed to be coming from all directions; they moved quickly, swirling around in the sky. I could see the United States, and how the clouds gathered over her and began circling in the center of the country. Suddenly a funnel began to descend. I saw the land green and prosperous, but when the funnel came down towards the land, it began sucking in everything. When it returned back to the sky, there was nothing left. The whole country looked like when it is late autumn and all the trees are bare and the grass is brown. All the beauty and riches and possessions seemed to have been sucked away, leaving a dry, barren land. Then I heard a voice from heaven coming from within the clouds saying: “The Lord gave unto them, and the Lord takes away; blessed be the Name of the Lord.” Personal Note: God's perfect will is to bless and use this nation as a lighthouse for the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the world. He has spoken that for decades, and His will does not change. However, if the nation turns aside from God, they will suffer the same consequences that Israel suffered for turning away from the Lord. In all this, God will not abandon His will for America, neither for Israel. He will do what is necessary to perform His perfect will. Israel will turn back to the Lord in the end. They will repent and receive their Messiah. America will return to God, it is just a matter of time, and what it will take in order for that return.


Message to America 10/10/90

I began to meditate on the vision given to me the previous day, and to pray for my country. Suddenly, I saw the United States and it shrunk in size and was very small. I looked over at Europe and marveled how big it looked. The United States was a small country that could fit inside of Europe. As I wondered what would cause this nation to shrink from a great powerful country to a small one, I saw the United States once again, when it was large. It was floating inside a huge black pot. I saw a witch standing by the pot. She began stirring the water. There was fire under the pot. I saw the United States spinning around and around, then it began to shrink until it was very small. I heard the witch laugh an evil laugh. Surely the witchcraft in this nation has brought about destruction. It is a silent, invisible enemy that has cast spells and brought abominations to the land. Personal Note: For a long time, the church has been ignorant to the forces of darkness that have been at work trying to extinguish the light of the Lord that emanates from America. For many years, America has carried the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world. Is it any wonder that demonic forces would be at work trying to extinguish this light? The church has become comfortable, and lazy, ignoring these forces, allowing them to destroy us from within. We have been given power over all the power of the enemy, but power that is not used is useless.


America: Death of The Nation is Imminent   10/11/90

The Lord spoke to me in the middle of the night; He said, “Surely, I have told you; surely, you are seeing that which I spoke to you coming to pass. Did I not say that the death of this nation was imminent? Did I not say that she has traded her God for an idol? I gave her riches and blessed her, for she was Mine. I prospered her way and made her great among the nations, but now she has said it is of her own strength and worthiness that she has grown to such a stature She trusts in her armaments to protect her. She trusts in her people and in their wisdom and she has forgotten her God. She has departed from the fountain of living waters and has made for herself wells that will run dry. She sings in confidence and arrogance, “America, God shed His grace on thee”, supposing that it shall always be so, believing she is worthy of infinite grace and blessing, though she plays the harlot, turning to sorcerers for her folly. Indeed, I poured out of My grace upon her in the days that she was young and innocent; in the days when she was weak and helpless, when she cried as a child unto her Father. But now she has grown, and stepped aside from the commandments of her Father, believing she is too big to be disciplined; she is now the Father's equal, and no longer under His authority, believing she is capable of her own decisions. She looks at her Father as one who is obligated to support her still, but will not reverence Him, neither obey Him or do Him honor. She finds His ways obsolete, antique, and of no use to her, for her own modern ways seem more appealing. She has become totally selfish, a spoiled child, who thinks only in herself and her appearance and needs. Oh wicked daughter, do you not know that you have been left to your devices in which you trust? You have rejected Me, even so, I have removed My grace from you. You are so arrogant in your ways, believing you need no council from your Father to protect you. I love the memory of you, when you were young and trusting, and you needed Me, but you are repulsive to Me now. I long for the child you once were to return to Me. You have decided for yourself, therefore, let it be so, that you might fall and learn who was your source, even I; I AM, and without Me, you are nothing. I have not left you completely to yourself, or cut you off entirely. I have left remembrances of Me. Though you despise them, many of you, when you fall, will seek them out, begging for reconciliation and for the knowledge of the truth which I have deposited in them. Be wise then, and do not destroy them, lest you be left with nothing in the day of disaster, with no one to lead you to the way.” Personal note: This message is to those who have turned away from God in this nation, but God has left a remnant of people who still serve Him with their whole heart as messengers to lead the people back to Him in the day that they are broken.


The Two Daughters (Israel and America)   10/12/90

The Lord spoke to me saying, “A man had two daughters. The eldest was heir to all he had. She roamed from him, for she was a rebellious child, so he picked the most precious of gifts to give her, in order to win her heart to him once again. She rejected his gift and did not appreciate it, thinking it not to be a fine gift, not wrapped elegantly enough for her. A time later, his younger daughter was born, and she was tender, and her father gave her the gift which was rejected by her older sister. She seized the gift and held it to her heart and kissed the father for his beautiful gift. She walked with it night and day. Her older sister departed, but still the younger could see what became of her sister. She saw how she was taken and used by many, how her beauty was stripped from her, how her pride caused her own destruction. The younger daughter clung to her father in fear of what had become of her older sister. But time passed, and she grew to be a woman herself. She became interested in others besides her father, and she no longer delighted in his company alone. The gift, though still precious to her, was left aside, more and more while she went out to be with others. She still lived at home, but spent little time there. She had begun to copy the ways of her older wayward sister and to forget the fear of the evil that came upon her for her behaviors. Shall the father abandon his daughters? No! He awaits their return. Hasn't the little daughter done worse than the older? She had an example before her to learn from, yet she has not learned. Surely, the father will chastise the daughters he loves, so that they learn and return to him. But if they will not, he will let them go their way, for it is their choice. Be wise then, and learn; repent quickly and come and embrace your Father. Hold His precious gift once again to your heart and walk day and night with it. Treasure the Son who was sent to pay the price for you, the gift of God, which takes away the sins of the world. Do not be like your sister, Israel, surely one day her eyes will be open; but you, oh younger one, come in quickly to your Father. Abide in His house and go out no more. Surely the Father will shut the door to you when He pours out His anger and you will not be able to enter until His anger has passed. Then He will deal with your older sister and she shall come to terms with Him after such a long time. For the Father will set His house in order. Do not provoke Him further, little one; be wise and return. Get inside before His wrath boils over and the door is shut to you. Obey the Father; love His Son, and all shall go well with you; yes, and you shall be rewarded and decked with precious things, that He might rejoice over you. Lo, the Father arises to come and judge His daughters and He will deal thus accordingly with them. Run to Him and plead His forgiveness before it is too late.” Scrip. Ref: I Pet. 4:17-19 Personal Note: This message compares Israel and America. Both countries were given by God to a people who knew Him and desired freedom to worship and serve Him. When God sent His Son, His most precious gift for the sins of man, Israel rejected His gift. America was founded by those who embraced His gift, founded as a Christian nation. If we, as a nation, reject the things of God, as Israel once did, we will suffer the same consequences; nevertheless, God will protect the faithful, who serve Him even under persecution.


The Line is Drawn   11/05/90

While praying, the Lord gave me this vision: I saw Jesus with a bar in his hand; it looked to be an iron bar. He began tracing a line on the ground. I asked Him: “What is this line you draw, Lord?” Then He replied: “The Father has said to draw this line, for He will take no more. The line is drawn, and woe to him who steps on it or tries to cross over it!” Then I looked and saw that the line had writing on it; I saw these three words: Justice, Obedience, Holiness. (If there were more words written, I do not know, but these three I saw). This is the measure of God, His standard, His commandments, that we, as His church, must obey and not cross over. I saw people approaching the line, inching forward towards it, as if they were testing it. I saw that the line broke open, like a hole. Those standing on it, or nearby, fell in the hole. Those who tried to jump over the line were burned up. I saw those that were close to the line, but not close enough to fall in. Of them, there were three groups: One group had tables in front of them with a balance and coins. I saw the Lord raise the bar above His head and with furious anger in His face, He began to beat them and break their tables up. He said: “The zeal for my Father's house consumes Me. You have made it a place of gain; you have stolen and dealt unfairly with the fiances of the house of God. You have loved gold more than souls!” Then I saw Him turn to the second group which was to the left of the first group. It was a group of men dressed in robes, carrying shepherds staffs. He began to beat them with His bar also. He said to them: “Woe unto you, you wicked shepherds, who care not for the sheep, but only for yourselves. You have scattered and offended many of My sheep.”

Then He turned to a third group which was to the right of the first group. These had tongues like serpents. He beat them also with the bar, saying: “Woe unto you, wicked ones, liars, who speak not the truth but devise evil with your mouths; speaking hurting words against your brothers; you accusers, that have tongues like the devil.” I saw that when they were beaten, some repented, seeking God's mercy on their knees, but most of them ran to escape. Those that tried to jump over the line were burned up. Those that tried to run back into the crowds of people behind them, could not escape for long, for I heard the Lord call His angels and He said: “Surround them, and let not one escape!” I saw a great group of angels come behind all the people, forming a line, a great line, enclosing the great mass of people from behind. They slowly began moving the people forward towards where the Lord was standing in front of the line. The people could not escape, they had to face the judgment of the Lord. I saw however, as the angels passed by, there were some left behind. They were those who had humbled themselves on their knees. Those on their feet were steadily being moved forward towards their encounter with the Lord and His justice. At first there were only a few knelt down, about one every ten feet or so, but as the crowds became more pressed together, being more enclosed and squeezed together on every side, I saw more people begin to fall on their knees. Those on their knees which the angels passed by, were closer together, 8 feet, 6 feet, 4 feet apart and on it went as the angels marched the people forward. Those trying to escape the Lord, by jumping over the line, were burned up. I heard the Lord say: “This day has the line been drawn; this day has it begun. The Father will no more contend; He will put His house in order. Blessed are they who have humbled themselves before Him, to walk in obedience to His Word, for the judgment shall pass over them and they in no way shall be chastised.” Scrip. Ref: Heb 10:26-31;I Pet. 4:17-19

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