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Egypt    1/13/89

The spoke and told me that there was war coming to Egypt and there were three countries that would be involved.


Mercy    1/17/89

The Lord spoke and said: “Mercy; My people call out to Me for mercy all the day long. They do not know what they ask for. They cry mercy for their sins, yet continue to sin. They believe that if they call upon My mercy they can continue to do what they desire and I will not punish them. How little you understand, My people, for My mercy is shown when I do what is best for you. My mercy convicts you of your sin. My mercy chastises the rebellious. My mercy is shown in correcting My children so that they might be saved and not perish. Yet, when I deal sternly with you to correct your ways, you say I have been severe and have not shown mercy. How little you understand your God. For you, mercy is allowing you to do what you wish and not disciplining you; for Me, mercy is to keep you from destroying yourselves in your own lusts and your own ignorance. You choose to do what is harmful when you are left to yourselves. I call you to walk in obedience, but you are unwise, and will not choose to do what is right on your own. Inevitably, yours sins lead you astray. I have had mercy on you when I sent My Son to pay the price for you, for there was no way you could walk uprightly with Me. I have hid you in His blood; is that not mercy? I have sent My Spirit to dwell in you to give you strength to walk in My ways. Is that not mercy? Do not ask mercy that I might let you continue in your sins, for it shall not be. For your own sakes, I will indeed show mercy, but not as you desire to see it. I will chastise you and teach you the price of sin, that you might learn to flee from it. I am a loving Father who does that which is good for His children. It is good for you to obey Me. It is good that you die to the lusts of your flesh, for your flesh will lead you to hell. I desire you with Me, My children. One day you will understand My mercy and you will give thanks that My mercy was true.” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 2:4; Ps. 25:10; Ps. 136


Rise of the Antichrist   1/18/89

“The fear of the nations arises. The one to whom they call out to and embrace, the man of peace that will save them from destruction. They have rejected the true One, even He who will do that which they seek, for the false Christ who will speak what they wish to hear, but turn then to devour them. He has not the love of the people, neither their good at heart, but rather a heart of steel that desires only to control, and to take for himself. He arises, and no man can stop him. Oh, blind ones, you will embrace him as your king not knowing you are embracing your own destruction, the emissary of the devil himself. They will call his kingdom glorious until the day that his power is established where none can escape him. Then he will turn and his true nature will be revealed. It will be too late then for you, oh mankind, to escape him. Like the spider who embraces her mate, only to turn and destroy him when her needs are fulfilled, so is this man. The prince of deceivers is he, for he is the son of his father the devil. My Spirit does withstand his kingdom, but for a time yet. But when I remove My Spirit, then will his kingdom truly be seen. Even now he rises awaiting that He who restrains him be taken out of the way. My Spirit continues to strive with man, to warn him to flee unto Me that I might cover them from the evil at hand. But I will not strive forever; soon, very soon, will My Spirit be removed, for they have heard and have not responded; they have been offered the truth, but choose a lie. Therefore, I will remove My own and let wickedness have its way. The time of grace shall be over and judgment shall begin. Tell them, there is little time left to decide. Those who delay their decision will find themselves left behind with those who opposed Me, in the hands of him who will be the fear of the nations.” Scrip. Ref: I John 2:18-22; 4:3; 2 John 7


Visions from the Lord     1/19/89

I saw a gold rock that was worshiped because of its great value. Then that which was once solid gold, cracked open and it was hollow inside. Worms were eating it from the inside out.

I saw the country of Japan, and great swellings in the sea. It was dark and the waters were turbulent. The waves grew bigger then one came like a great black wall out at sea and headed towards the nation of Japan. (Fulfilled, the great Tsunami of Japan, March 11, 2011)

I saw the southern part of Asia, where Cambodia and Thailand are. There were serpents that bit people. It was like a plague of poisonous serpents. (I did not know if this was literal or spiritual)

I saw the tip of South America. I saw a cold thing like a rod of steel go up through the land separating Argentina and Chile. This thing gave off electric shocks between them both. (I did not know what this means)

I saw Brazil, and it was extremely humid, and the air was still. I saw great swarms of mosquitoes and other insects tormenting people. I saw a flower in the midst of a jungle. The Lord said this flower was poisonous, but I saw that men desired it.

Then I saw people in a euphoric state in the United States, in large cities around the nation. They had no moral control over themselves because of the use of this drug taken from this flower. In their apathetic euphoric state, they gave themselves one to another without thought of precaution spreading disease rapidly among them.

I saw another country in South America, and there was a great increase in wealth among the rich, but the poor rose up against them.

I saw in the Alps a great mountain of snow collapse and cover houses, and I also saw the ground shaking in the Andes Mountains which destroyed some ancient ruins. There was sorrow over the cultural loss, even more so than the loss of lives.

I saw a plague of rats in the inner cities carrying disease to those they bit. The Lord spoke: “Plagues and pestilence, earthquakes and wars; look up My people, for these things have begun. Your salvation draws nigh.” The Lord told me that the large computer companies would unite even more, making way for a one world system. I also saw a shift (a change) in off shore currents. (I did not know if this is literal or not.)

I saw in norther Europe near Sweden and Norway, fish being caught that were rotted with some disease and were unfit for eating, which had serious economic repercussions.

I saw Israel in woe saying, “Long and hard have been the days of our lives and still Messiah has not yet come.” They were in the midst of inner turmoil, with outer turmoil surrounding them as well. They are out-numbered; they are sinking; they are calling out to God to send Messiah. Their destruction is inevitable with out divine intervention. The Lord will not forsake Israel.


United States            1/20/89

I saw war ships, United States wars ships, speeding towards the Middle East. The Lord told me President Bush would make a grave error in judgment, for wisdom is not found in him. I saw the waters were dark and troubled and heard the sounds of explosions. (I believed this was referring to the 1st President Bush and his decision not to enter Iraq in Desert Storm) The economic state in the USA will grow worse and the President will not be able to handle it. Those whose council he will accept are those who secretly will help the nation’s downfall, for they wish the antichrist to come to power. He will turn the reins over to their council for he will find no solutions on his own. (I do not know if this referred to the 1st President Bush, or to another President yet to come.)


Spiritual Warfare           1/21/89

“Tell My people what you see.” I saw a wall that was broken down. The enemy passes over the wall easily, like a flood, one after another. The Lord then spoke and said, “This is a servant of God who forgets to pray.” Then I saw a chain formed by people, and they were united in prayer. The enemy comes against them but cannot penetrate through their lines. “There is power when My people join together in payer. My church has been overrun by the enemy because of a lack of prayer and a lack of unity. Millions are being deceived and My church does not stand to defend them. My mighty army has broken ranks and has gone to rest in the middle of the war of ages. The enemy, like a flood, is destroying them. Many of them will not recover from the defeat, and will not even realize it. The end is near, yet My people are giving up the fight. Did I not tell you that your weapons are not carnal? This war is not carnal, it must be won through prayer. I will show you your enemy and his plans by My Spirit that you might defeat him, but you must pray and seek Me. You must walk in the Spirit in order to fight a spiritual war. You cannot do this accept through prayer. You fast to discipline your flesh, to remove the carnal so that the spiritual might grow in you, but if you fast, yet neglect prayer, you have done nothing; for you decrease the flesh, but you do not increase the spirit. You will not overcome until the end, unless you dedicate yourselves to prayer. You will suffer defeat after defeat unless you hearken to My words this day. Let all My people hear, but let them not be hearers alone, but rather doers, for their own sake, and for the sake of My church. Let My warriors arise in prayer and defeat the enemy at hand, says the Lord.” Scrip. Ref: 2 Cor. 10:4; Eph. 6:11-13


The Harvest           1/22/89

God spoke this message: “You have sown and have reaped. You have gathered souls, but now I say unto you: sow abundantly! Prepare to reap, for I have called this the year of great things, the great year of salvation. I will draw mankind to Me as never before and many shall be saved in this year. Blessed are they who carry the gospel of peace to the hungry, for they shall be given many souls to bring into My Kingdom. I shall fulfill the time of the gentiles even as it is written.”  I then looked and saw thousands upon thousands with hungry faces coming to hear the Word of God. Thousands were running to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. “Lo, the great year of salvation is at hand! Work then, in the favor of your God, for I shall fill your nets with souls. Proclaim unto My people that I have spoken and said that this is the great year of salvation. More shall be saved in this year than any other before, for I come quickly!”  Personal note: I noticed many more souls coming to Christ at the altars when preaching, and heard of great moves of the Spirit that began around the world in 1989. (2015: when talking with people it is surprising how many say they came to Christ in 1989.)


Persecution      1/23/89

“There is coming a time when many will be persecuted for the faith and put in jail for my sake. Hold fast to My Word and the confession of your faith, and I will give you the crown of life. Do not fear death, neither suffering, for does it not say in My Word that My grace is sufficient? Will I not surely do for them as I did for Stephen, even open the heavens and reveal my glory? That glory will erase the sting of death and change that which is horrible into that which is glorious. Settle it in your hearts to serve the Lord your God; settle in in your hearts that the treasure of the Kingdom of God is more valuable than the world and its possessions; more valuable than that which you have, even your own life. Rejoice, for I will not leave you! My glory will I manifest upon you and My peace shall be in you. Fear not, for yours is the Kingdom of God, My faithful ones!” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 24:9-14; Luke 12-19; 2 Cor. 12:9


Times of Trials     1/24/89

I looked and saw a tree in the springtime. It had beautiful blossoms on it and tiny little green fruits began to appear. The Lord spoke and said: “Remember that in My Word it says that when you see the tree begin to grow you know that summer is near? Even so, when the things of which I have spoken are beginning to blossom, you will know that the end is near. For in the spring begins the fulfillment of those things which are to be; in the summer comes the fullness of those things; in the autumn comes the harvest, for then the time is completed, and in the winter, the tree withers and dies. Even so have the things concerning the end begun to be fulfilled. Shortly will the fullness come, where the light will shine brightly, and the fruit will multiply in size. Then will come the harvest of those fruits which are without spot or blemish, the ones that are full and ripe. The rotten ones, the ones with worms and holes in them, will be discarded. The fruits that are under-developed in size and in sweetness, will be left behind. The harvest will be carried to My Father's table. Then life shall wither from the earth and the days of darkness will appear.”Tell My people that in the summer there are many storms, sometimes fierce and intense, but the darkness of the storm passes; these are not yet the days of darkness and death, for first the fruit must be ripened and harvested, then I will bring the days of great darkness. Many shall wither away that were not found fit for the kingdom of God because of their evil hearts. But when the end has come, then comes the spring again, and a new thing appears. Even so will there be a new thing upon the earth, even my Holy City. Know this, from the blossoming forth until the harvest is but a short time, and from the harvest to the death, an even shorter time. The signs are clear, even as it is with the tree. In a short time will the great fullness be. I will pour out the rain to bring My fruit to ripeness, then I will pick the fruit and gather in into My Kingdom. Then shall the wrath of My Father fall and wither the wicked of the earth, those who forsook the Kingdom of God.”Understand this: after the harvest of the first fruits, even the choice, ripe fruits, there comes those who take that which was not fit to be taken and was left behind. They take and cut away that which was bruised, and that which was deformed, so there still might be some use for them. The rotten are destroyed. Even so, after the harvest, those left behind will be looked over and if they are found to be repented, they will not be altogether discarded, for there will still be use for them. Even so shall there be lives who will not hear until it is too late for them. But if they truly repent and seek Me, cutting away those sins that caused their growth to be stunted, I will find use for them and they will be deemed useful, and not discarded from the family of God. But how hard it will be for them in the days of darkness! They shall pay the highest price for their disobedience; yet, if they are willing to remain faithful and not disobey, I will surely forgive them and provide a place for them in My Kingdom. Let those who hear these words understand: the mystery of the Kingdom of God is soon to be unfolded.” Scrip. Ref: Luke 21:22-36


The United States of America and Russia       1/25/89

I saw the sky; storms clouds were in every direction. The wind was blowing the storm clouds. They gathered over my nation, the United States of America. From the east, the west, the north and the south, the clouds came and gathered over the nation. Then the storm began; thundering and lightening poured forth. The Lord spoke and said: “Once everything they put their hand to I prospered, but now everything they purpose to do will fail, for they have forgotten the Lord their God.” I thought on the judgment that had fallen on Russia recently and the terrible earthquakes there had been there. I saw judgment fall on Russia like great blood drops. Then I looked and saw it fall on the United States even more severely, and I wondered why. “They declare there is no God in Russia, yet I have shown them signs of My existence; they refuse to receive, but rather deny Me. Their people believe the lies they are told. Many have come to the truth, but have payed a high price for it. They truly sit in a place of fire, and the persecution is just beginning against them. Their government will do all in its power to bury their voices of truth. They are a nation who says there is no God, and will hold back all who try to prove them wrong, even My Spirit. They will strive, but I will win. The more they try to cover the truth and to silence My voice, the tighter My hand will grip them. In all this, many will turn in fear and call out to Me. It has only begun. They will destroy My witnesses, and in this they will only heap more fire upon their own heads. But as for your country, they who say they are a Christian nation, woe unto them! For Russia says there is no God and receive the judgment for denying Me, but your nation says there is a God in heaven, yet they openly permit the worship of Satan. What is worse, to deny Me or to betray Me? Russia denies Me, but you, who once were My people, have betrayed Me. One has been My enemy, the other, My daughter. You embraced My truth and then discarded it. Why have you taken My Word from your schools? Did I not say to train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it? Yet you have taken My Word as if it were a book by man, and laughed at it and trodden it under foot. You raise your children in your own doctrine, even doctrines of devils, and deny them My truth. You raise unto yourselves a rebellious generation, even sons for the devil. But you knew better; oh, you knew! How is it that you left Me for your own vanities, when I blessed you so? You have grieved My heart; you have spurned My love. Is not a traitor treated more harshly than an enemy? What of My doves in the midst of the wolves? I will cause them to fly away and hide in the shadow of My Rock. I will surely take My staff and beat the wolves. Your time has come! Try to escape, but you shall not. Be wise; look and see what has happened to your neighbor and repent quickly, that judgment be not spread upon you. Turn, you devil worshipers, to the God of your fathers, while there is still time. For the clouds are beginning to gather, the clouds of judgment, and a great rain of judgment shall fall upon you.” Scrip. Ref: Prov. 22:6


Spiritual Warfare             1/26/89

“I have told My people of the times in which they live, and how their enemy has desired to destroy them. I have told them to prepare to do battle. I have given them the power to cast out demons and to trample on the head of Satan. Theirs is the victory. Yet they do not wish to do that which I have said. They do not wish to wake up from their dreams. They do not confront the truth of the evil around about them, neither prepare for the fight, because they do not want things to be this way. They want peace and prosperity, not war and hard work. But ignoring the reality will not change things; the truth is what it is, not what you wish it to be. The great forces of Satan are against you, My people, and much work lies ahead. You must be prepared, alert, diligent and most of all, without fear. I AM WITH YOU! You ignore the truth because it is not pleasant, and because you fear it. But why do you fear, when I have given you My power? If you are unwise and do not obey My Word, then fear, for surely the devil will find access to you. But if you have obeyed My Word and do what My Word says, then stand, and fear not, for I will protect you. You are under My protection when you are obedient, and the devil does not find a way to penetrate. Know this; every person must stand in obedience for themselves. Every man must give account to God for himself, and so shall it be. You look to lean on someone else to pray for you, to keep you before Me, covered in My protection. Do not lean on others to pray for you, to watch over you. Lean on Me, draw near to Me for yourself. Seek My protection through your own obedience to My Word, for another cannot do it for you. If you believe so, then your faith is in man and not in Me. I am your mediator, and there is no other, for none other can wash you in his blood and make you clean. Each of My children must give account to Me, and be cleansed by Me, and filled by My Spirit, and walk in My ways. Another cannot do it for you. Neither will another be responsible before Me for your failures, you will answer to Me for your own sins. For the way of the cross brought forth the death of one who is perfect to forgive the sins of mankind, but each man must accept Him individually and walk out his salvation individually as well. When will you understand this, My people? When will you realize that you are not safe under the coverings of man, only when you are under My covering? Trust in Me! Obey My Word! Put on the whole armor of God! Go forth in faith and defeat the enemy! If you are under My covering, cleansed by My blood, then walk in faith! For if God be for you, who can be against you? Surely, it is written in My Word. I will make your enemies fall. If you trust in others to protect you, then you have no trust in Me. If you do not prepare, and do not confront your enemy because of fear, you do not have faith. If you draw back and do not press forward because you wish to rest where you are, but let another do the work, surely you will be overrun. The Kingdom of God is for those who will work; those fighting the battle, running the race, and winning the prize, which is the high calling of your God. Trust, obey, persevere, be diligent, believe, and do not waver; flee from sin; repent quickly; pray always, and watch; rejoice and give thanks, for your God is with you.” Scrip. Ref: is. 54:17; 2 Cor. 10:4; Eph. 6:11-13


Turn Control Over to the Lord            1/27/89

“Why do My people not learn to allow Me to be in control in their lives? I will be glorified through them if they will only allow Me to do so. You must let go; you must learn to let go of yourselves. Let go of your ways, your pride, your fears. Let go, and let Me reign. I will transform you into something beautiful. I will take you and make a vessel of gold out of you. Why do you fear? Why do you hold back? Remember the rich man who had done all things right, but lacked just one thing. He had just one thing he had held back for himself; just one area of disobedience. Yet he could not let go of it and give it fully to Me. He could not commit himself completely. He could not give up control; he loved his money and the power it gave him. He was not fit for the Kingdom of Heaven because he withheld from Me. What are you withholding? What have you not given up to Me? You do not surrender all because you fear; you have no faith in Me. Surely whatever you give up for Me, I will give you back more. I will make your life a priceless treasure filled with love, joy; what is it that you need more than these? I have need of surrendered vessels. I need to transform many more into golden vessels for My Father's table. Trust Me! I will do you no harm; I will do you no harm! I will give you life everlasting!” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 17:20; Heb. 11:6; Jam. 1:6


Be Examples of Me            1/28/89

“You must learn, my people, to allow My Spirit to do the work. You must put your eyes upon Me, and keep them upon Me! Much of the problems in your lives are caused by your eyes looking at the faults in others. You so easily see their errors, but not your own. You are so quick to judge, so quick to criticize, but so slow to forgive. You are constantly trying to change others. I spoke in My Word and said that you must first remove the beam in your own eye before you try to remove the speck in your brother's eye. Did you not understand what I was saying? Why are you disobedient then? Examine yourselves, and leave your brother's examination to Me. You have not the power, neither is it your calling, to transform your brother. You are called to be an example that inspires your brothers, not a judge who passes judgment upon them. Pray for your brother and his faults, and leave the work of changing him in My hands, for My Spirit is capable of the work; look you to the things of your own, that you might walk uprightly before Me. Allow My Spirit to transform you and you will be an example to others. Many words are unfulfilled by the speaker; they say one thing, but do another. A true example speaks truth. If you are what you were called to be, yielded to Me and filled with My Spirit, kind and loving, patient and merciful, surely, others will desire to imitate such an example. But if you are full of words, and pride is in you, others will see this and turn away from you; they will say you are a hypocrite, for you speak to others what you do not do yourself, and rightly so. Therefore, be obedient! Submit yourselves to Me, and when you have died to yourself completely, and you are sanctified and walk in perfectness totally, then are you able to judge your brother. But if you judge him with your eyes alone, you are not made perfect yet, and if you judge him with your mouth through accusations, you have sinned! This is not the work of My Spirit! My Spirit convicts; he does not accuse. If you make judgments, and there is a lack of love in your heart, then your judgments are untrue, for only in love can you see the truth. Therefore, allow Me to transform you, that you might love your brother and be a good example to him. In this, I will be able to work in him and through you both.” Script. Ref: Mat. 7:1-5


Outpouring of the Spirit            1/29/89

“Proclaim unto the people, surely My power will fall upon them. To those who have walked consecrated unto Me, it will empower them; to those who have walked wavering, it will purge them with fire; but to those who walk in sin and wickedness, it will crush them! Yes, My power shall fall like lightning from the sky so that this generation might see what a mighty God rules in the heavens. Once, among the people, there was reverence, a fear of the Almighty God of the universe, but this generation mocks Me; they provoke Me to My face. Never has there been a generation of such a people, without the fear of God. I have been merciful; I have withheld judgment, but no more says the Lord; no more! Hear ye, oh nations, and tremble, for you shall soon see My consuming fire poured forth upon you! You will see the power fall upon My faithful ones and you will think it is them. You will try to extinguish the fire by destroying them. They are but My vessels; the fire is Mine! If you touch My vessels, you have touched Me! Surely, you shall die for your rebellion against Me and against My holy vessels. Run! Hide in fear! Cover yourselves! Flee from My wrath even while there is yet time. Turn from evil and fear God, that you might not be utterly consumed! There will come the day that it will be too late for your escape. You will cry out: “Now we believe; have mercy!” But it will be too late for you then. Now is the time of salvation, while it is still offered to you; accept it before the great power of God falls! Only the righteous will stand before Me in that day, says the Lord.” Scrip. Ref: Joel 2:28-31; 3:13-16


Mercy Killing:A Deception          1/30/89

I saw a nurse of some sort in a hospital standing with a doctor. I saw them enter a patient's room. It was an elderly person. There were a few others in the room, I think they were her family. The nurse and doctor took this needle and injected this solution into the IV tube of the patient. Everyone smiled. The patient just smiled; the pain seemed to leave her, then she spoke a few words, and shut her eyes and died. The doctor and nurse seemed content because they had taken the cruelty of suffering from their patient. The Lord revealed that this was offered to the terminal cases. There was a law passed that made it legal to choose “death with dignity” instead of a prolonged suffering for terminal patients. But it wasn't just to stop treatment for them; they could choose to die by injection. It was a painless, euphoria type of death that was seen as a blessing. It was considered “civilized”, a great step forward in mans humanity to man. The government heartily backed this to help ease the rising cost of caring for the terminally ill, which was bringing economic disaster. Then I saw the funeral of this woman who had been injected. Everyone was saying what a “blessing” her death had been, so peaceful, so quick. They were saying: “If it happens to me, that's the way I want to go too; no pain, no suffering.” But then I saw deep withing the earth the same woman in torment. There was fire all around her and yet there was such darkness. There were creatures grabbing her and pulling her down. Her eyes were wild with fear. Her tongue was out of her mouth, dry because of the heat; her cheeks sunken in. She screamed an awful scream because of the torment and suffering. I saw the hospital again. I saw the doctor and nurse entering another room with another “injection” in their hand. Everyone in this room too was smiling, including the doctor and nurse; and there, in the corner of the room, was the devil with a big smile. Personal note: Some may read this and say how could a God of mercy allow a woman who was in pain and suffering go to hell? At no time in this vision did I see people praying, or hear the old woman pray or call on God. This was a “mercy killing”. There was no minister in the room, no prayer. There was no evidence that this woman believed in God. There are many who would believe this is humane, but putting someone to death, or someone choosing to die without seeking God, without providing them spiritual counsel, is declaring ourselves god and denying He exists. I have great sympathy for those who are in pain and see no way out of their suffering, but we must always turn to God and have hope.


Spiritual Army            1/31/89

The Lord showed me the earth. I could see an army rising up. It was a spiritual army. Brothers and sisters filled with the love of God, rising and standing side by side. They formed lines and began making ranks, with their eyes fixed straight ahead, and praises were coming forth from their mouths; they marched in perfect step, in perfect unity. They circled the earth; row after row of dedicated soldiers carrying forth the Word of God and singing forth His praises. It was a beautiful sight to see, a strong army dressed in white, working for the glory of God. “Surely, says the Lord, I am raising My army to carry forth My Word. I shall go before them. I shall provide for all their needs. Whatsoever they put their hands to, I will bless, for they go forth in My Name. They are My army, and I am their leader. They will not cease until the work is done and I call them to their rest. No man can buy them, neither control them. They are My servants, chosen by Me, having passed through the trials that have proven them as Mine. They will win the victory in My Name, for I have spoken it to be so. They are rising even now; I am training them for the battle. Who will join them? Who will hear My call and join them? Cast down all that you have and surrender yourselves unto Me full, and I will prepare you also, says the Lord. My army is on the march; the first line is moving out, then the second; still there is time, but a little time, for you to fall in line and join the ranks. Consecrate yourselves, as holy vessels, separated unto Me. I will equip you by My Spirit. Come! Join with your brothers and follow Me!” Scrip. Ref: Eph. 6:11; I Tim 1:18-19; 2 Tim. 2:3-4

God Sends Warnings 2/1/1989

I saw a car speeding down a dark road. The driver was talking to others, looking back only occasionally at the road. The passengers were not paying attention either. They were in a hurry to get somewhere; they were partying in the car, almost oblivious to what was going on around them. There were hazard sings, road blocks, people with stop signs, warning them, but they were not paying attention. Suddenly, their car went over a cliff and exploded in flames. I wondered why they had been in such a hurry and why they paid no heed to the warnings. The Lord showed me how they were wrapped up in themselves; they feared death and were trying to run away from it through partying. They were running from reality, unaware that they were actually rushing towards it. Why didn’t they stop at the warnings? There were so many warnings. Then I saw in an instant the people inside the car again, right before the accident, and I heard the driver say, “I don’t see anything interesting enough to stop for it.” I was surprised at his response until the Lord explained it to me: “I put up the warning signs. I set forth the roadblocks, but those who tried to stop them failed. The world is looking for Me, yet My church has given them an image of Me that they do not desire, a false image. They see the division and the strife, the lies and the hypocrisy, the religious, self-righteous attitudes, the lack of love and compassion in those who say they are Mine; they see the indifference and laziness of those who say they are Mine. They find nothing that attracts them. Though they fear death, they find no answer to it, so they run, trying to forget it, hoping to escape it. Why have My servants failed Me? There are so few laborers and such a great harvest. Many start the work, but quit when it becomes hard and never finish the job. Many more begin the work only to begin copying others instead of following Me, in hopes of finding a short cut. The world is heading to her death. People in fear are racing against time trying to find some meaning to it all, trying to find some love in their lives. They don’t look to Me because what they have heard of Me has not convinced them. They see your example, church, and what an example many of you have given them! I am calling My servants who will be faithful and true. Those who love Me and truly know Me, to go forth and let them see what I am truly like. Give freely of the love and the gifts which I gave you. Release the power I have given you. Let My Spirit move mightily. Believe in your hearts and do not waver. Heal the sick; raise the dead; cast out demons; move in the power of God, so they might see who I am. Surely if My church would have been surrendered to Me, filled with My Spirit, and had faith to believe, many more souls would have come to Me. Rise up, My people! Rise up in faith. Go and warn the people that if they continue in their ways, they will surely die; tell them I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall not perish but have everlasting life. Show them in love and in power that I am; I am what they are looking for. I am their escape from death. Work, My people, work! Fail me not! The hour is late; the warnings have been unheeded; quickly speak forth, for the world reaches the end of its path soon.” Scrip. Ref: Mark 16:15


Depend on the Lord 2/02/89

“Tell My people they must learn to depend upon Me. They must learn to seek Me for themselves. They must learn to hear My voice and be led by My Spirit. They seek others to guide them, to speak a word from Me for them, to pray for them. You put yourselves in danger when you depend on others and not on Me. Why do you seek out My servants who have grown in Me to do for you that which you are not willing to do, or that which you are afraid to do? If they have matured in Me, and hear Me, why do you not realize that you can as well? You are looking for a short cut to Me. You are not looking to dedicate yourselves as they have, neither seek Me in prayer and wait upon Me. Because you are not diligent, and have no patience, you consult others who have more spiritually grown, that they might do for you what you should do for yourselves, which is seek ME! You want the blessings without the work. Others of you are so filled with fear and unbelief that you do not believe I will speak to you directly, or that I will guide you, so you look to someone else. You have not changed; even as those before you who looked for a priest to go into the holy place for them, so you do also. When will you understand that the veil was torn? The children of God now may come into My Holy place through the blood that I shed on Calvary. I am their High Priest. They have no need of another. I am sufficient! They may come before the throne of My Father and ask; surely, if they ask in My Name, they shall receive. I have given them the Comforter, He who will lead them into all truth. Yet they do not believe; they do not trust the Holy Spirit to guide them. They have not believed My Word. Read My Word, and believe what is written! Trust not in men to guide you; you have one much better to guide you. Seek Me! Wait upon Me; study will all diligence what I have said; believe, oh you of little faith, and surely you will hear My voice, and I will guide you in the path that you should go. Be patient! You are a generation of impatient people; you have not learned to obey these words: “Wait upon the Lord”. Surely, I will renew your strength; I will lead you in the paths of righteousness. You must obey Me and wait upon Me, on My time, to do and to speak My good will for your life. I say again, wait upon Me, and do not become impatient and seek out others. You must learn to be patient, My people; I am teaching you this; that is why you must learn to wait. The impatient man rushes quickly to and fro. He does not stop and consider. He does not use judgment; he is void of wisdom and easily deceived. The wise are patient; they consider their actions; they weigh the consequences. They avoid sin because they have waited and thought, and My Spirit has revealed to them the dangers. In their patience they have delivered their souls. Do not be in a hurry for answers, My people. Learn to wait upon Me and listen to My voice. When you are still, you will hear Me, and I will guide you.” Scrip. Ref: John 10:3-5; 27-28; Luke 21:19; Heb. 10:19-23


Prepare for a Great Catch 2/03/89

I saw a boat upon a still sea. I saw in it several men. They were docking the boat. There, on the shore, stood Jesus. He spoke to them and said for them to go out and throw their nets in again. One man replied that they had fished all night and caught nothing; but he was willing because Jesus asked him. I saw them out in the water throwing their nets out. Then suddenly they were filled with fish; so full, the nets could not be pulled in alone They had to call to the other boats to come and help them. The Bible tells us that this happened long ago with Peter, but why was the Lord showing this to me now? The Lord said: “Many have fished and have caught little or nothing; they have become discouraged. They say, “But I spoke to them already”; or, “I preached there before”. But I say, throw the nets in again, for I am with you! This is the year of great things. The great year of salvation. Just as it was with Peter, when I drew the fish to the nets, even so I am pouring forth of My Spirit and drawing souls to salvation. Go and cast the Word out once again, and I will bring the results. Even in the areas where salvation has been proclaimed and many were saved, even these places I will bring forth a new harvest of souls. There is much to do, plenty of work, but few obedient laborers; because I ask you, go out and cast your nets once again.” Scrip. Ref: Luke 5:4-11


Without Faith it Impossible to Please Me 2/4/89

“There is an error on the part of My people, a lack of understanding among them. I have spoken in My Word concerning faith. I have said without faith it is impossible to please Me. Yet there is such a lack of faith among My people. It is accepted by them and they do nothing to change it. There is no place in My Kingdom for unbelievers; many of you believe I am only speaking to those who have not believed in My Son, Jesus Christ, as their savior, the Lord of glory. This is so, for He is the only way to reconciliation with Me, your Heavenly Father. What you fail to understand is that unbelief is sin. It is not acceptable in My sight. It is the opposite of faith; without faith in your life, you cannot please Me. How easy it is for you to dismiss My Word by saying that an unbeliever is one who has not been washed in the blood. But what of you, when you fail to believe My Word? Are you not in unbelief in that moment? I did not specify unbelief, or unbelievers, because for Me, it is yes or no; lukewarm I spew out of My mouth. You believe, or you do not, it is that simple. Do you believe I will provide for you, even as I do for the sparrow? Why they do you worry and look to the world and her wisdom? Do you believe I will clothe you even as the flowers of the field? Why then do you worry yourselves over what you shall wear, or what you shall eat, or where you shall live? Do you believe I will lead you in the paths of righteousness for My Name's sake? Why do you hesitate in fear to go where I tell you to go then? Do you believe by His stripes you were healed? Why do you go around confessing your sickness then? Do you believe that My sheep hear My voice? Why do you seek out others to guide you then? This is unbelief and you are an unbeliever of My Word! Do not look at things the way you wish to see them, neither at how the devil shows them to you, but in the light of My Word, for My Word is truth. Do you believe that through you I can raise the dead? Or do you believe that whey you lay hands on the sick, I will heal them? Do you believe you can speak with other tongues? Do you believe that in My Name you can cast out demons? Do you? You say yes with your mouths but no with your actions. If My first disciples believes as many of you, the devil would have defeated them. Where there is unbelief, there is no faith. You say of those who have not accepted the Savior, that they are unbelievers for they do not believe in the Son of God to save them; you say you believe in Him as your savior, but the words that He spoke, many of them you do not believe. You try to justify yourselves saying: “Oh yes, it is true all that He spoke, but it some how does not work in my life.” This is unbelief and that is why it has not worked for you. Because you are wavering in your faith you receive nothing; because it is not true trust, true belief, or true faith. Oh, how many times must I tell you? Why can you not believe that I am faithful? Everything I work out for good in your lives when you love Me and trust Me. How can you have perfect love if there is no trust? Trust Me! Trust My Word! You are not like those unbelievers who do not believe in the Son of God; they have no faith. You are of little faith; but if you will trust in Me, the little seed of faith you have will grow. If you will read My Word and believe, your faith will grow and produce much fruit. Then you will not be unbelieving, but believers, and you will be pleasing unto Me.” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 6:25-34; Jam. 1:5-8; Heb. 10:6; Mat. 19:26


Signs of the Times 2/05/89

The Lord spoke these warnings: These are signs of the times. It is time to flee to Him. There will be an increase of earthquakes, and the ground will also shake in Italy, Spain and Mexico. There will be great fires in Australia. Riots will begin to occur again, in the United States, and elsewhere as well. There will arise strong anti-Jewish feelings. The rise of prejudice is spiritual, paving the way for it to be focused against the Christians as well. News will continue to surface, horrible things, things involving those who confess to being “so called” Christians, even ministers. The devil will use this to put fear and hate in the hearts of people against Christians. There will be an increase in terrorist activity, but they will not limit themselves to airplane bombings and kidnappings only. Also, India will suffer a plague, over 100,000 dead in Calcutta alone.


Don't Fear! 2/06/89

The Lord spoke and said, “Tell My people not to fear the devil. I have given them power; I am with them; they must not walk in fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. If you fear, you are not trusting in Me. You are not believing My Word. You are in unbelief, and that is sin. Sin will open the door for the devil to enter and to put that which he has caused you to fear upon you. Why do you think he attacks your mind and causes you to fear in the first place? Because when he there is no open door, he knows if he can cause you to fear and waver from your faith, you will open the door for him. If you remain steadfast in your faith in Me and in My Word, and resist the lies he tells you, he will not find an open door, and he will be unable to enter. How is he so quickly able to cause you to fear? It is because you do not know My Word as you ought to. It is because you have not grown spiritually close to Me. If you truly know Me, and love Me, there will be no room for fear in you.” Then the Lord told me to write what He had shown me earlier. I saw several demons together laughing. One spoke and said: “Well, what shall we make them afraid will cause cancer this time?” And they all laughed. The Lord revealed there is a spiritual force behind cancer, which will take advantage to enter through fear and ignorance of the truth. The scientists announce their findings. People who have eaten something they state produces cancer, or do something that provokes cancer, hear these findings and begin to fear. The devil then attacks their minds and their bodies with symptoms. When they believe these symptoms and open their mouth in fear and confess that they are afraid they may have cancer, then they have given place to the lies of the enemy and have opened the door. They give authority to spiritual forces, to cancer, to come in them by the words of their own mouth. The true enemy is fear which opens the door. Fear is a stronghold for this disease and many others that are being sent by the enemy to “kill, steal, and destroy”. The Lord spoke again and said: “Tell My people not to fear the devil. I am with them; I have given them power over all the power of the enemy. Draw near to Me! Draw near and be made perfect in My love. My peace I give to you, that you may not waver in fear. Remember My Word: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” Believe, and hold fast the confession of your faith and you will not be defeated.” Scrip. Ref: Isaiah 54:17; Heb. 10:23


Message to Puerto Rico 2/08/89

The Lord showed me Puerto Rico, and I saw the mountains begin to shake. I said to the Lord: “Remember the righteous, Lord; you would not have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah if there were but ten righteous found, and here in this island there are many more then ten righteous.” The Lord replied: “I will have mercy on the righteous, but a house divided cannot stand. They have brought this judgment upon themselves because they have disobeyed My Word, but I will separate those who are righteous and have obeyed Me.”


Message to Venezuela 2/08/89

The Lord spoke and told me to prophesy to Venezuela. This was the message He gave me: “I have called you, and I have blessed you with a purpose. I have prospered your land; I have made It rich in gold and precious stones, rich in oil. I have done these things; it is not by the wisdom of man that you have received these treasures. I have given them to you. I hid them in your land so that you would use these riches for My Kingdom; but if you do not serve Me in this purpose, surely, I will remove that which I gave you.” Then I looked and saw gold that turned green and it looked like rocks covered with green mold, which were no longer gold. I saw pools of oil which had come up from the ground, and in a moment they became rusty water. The oil wells rusted over and dried up. The Lord spoke again, saying: If you worship these treasures which I have given you, and make them idols of gold, certainly I will do with you what I did with the children of Israel on My Holy Mountain. When Moses came before My presence, the people corrupted themselves, making a golden calf to worship, for which reason I struck the ground beneath them, and it opened up and swallowed them up for their iniquity. I will do the same with you as well if you do not reverence My Word. I have blessed you with a purpose that you would supply for the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. This is your purpose, it is your calling, for this reason I called you. You must do your part in the preaching of the gospel by helping My servants who I have called to go and preach My Word!”


Spiritual Warfare 2/09/89

I looked and saw a war in the heavens. I saw the forces of Satan falling down to earth. The angels were fighting them back; pushing them down towards the earth. The Lord spoke and said: “The angels indeed fight, but only My church has been given the power in My Name to bind and to cast out with their words, as they speak My Word in My Name. But they do no use the power that I gave them. They cannot see spiritually neither hear spiritually, that which goes on around them. They have no faith to see with, or to hear with, therefore they are defeated.” Then I saw the evil among men increase. Wars increased everywhere. I saw a space shuttle blow up in space. Man will not be able to escape the earth, and what is to come. I asked the Lord if there would be a nuclear explosion; would man come to such a state? The Lord told me that His Spirit is who holds this back from happening, but His Spirit would not strive with man forever. There will come a time that His hand, which has held back such things, will be removed, and man will be given over to his own devices. Then I looked and saw a great explosion, like a flash of bright light. I saw it from miles away, but in seconds this great flash of light seemed to sweep outward for miles; the air went from the sky as if all the oxygen was suddenly sucked out, and a great billowing of clouds rolled upwards in the sky, and then a great fire engulfed everything. I saw windows explode and cars were left in an instance with just their metal frame behind. I saw trees that in less than the time it takes to blink an eye, they were reduced to charred stubs. Off in the distance, where the flash came from, everything was leveled to rubble. Where I was seeing from, I could see a few buildings still standing. It had been a city. I saw the wave of bright light coming. I saw people running in fear, but when the heat reached them, their clothes, hair, shoes, everything was instantly burned away. All that was left was a black corpse, like a piece of charcoal. Then I saw as if from up in the air, a great hole in the earth, and nothing standing for miles around it. As the distance grew outwards from this “crater” there could be seen parts of a few walls still standing; even further, a few shells of burnt out buildings were standing. The area was enormous. I cannot guess in miles how large the area of destruction was. This is what awaits mankind, those who choose to live without God. I did not see what city it was, neither who was responsible. It is by God's grace, by His Spirit, that this evil in man has been held back from such a thing. But soon, He who holds back, will remove His hand and man will begin to destroy each other. Demons will enter men and cause them to do even greater evil than what can be imagined. They will be given over to a reprobate mind, having their consciences seared with a hot iron, and they will have no compassion one for another. A generation whose minds have been conditioned to violence and death, having no awareness of the reality of it. Thieves, murderers, men bent on surviving at the cost of anyone’s life but their own. The Lord showed me that there will come a time even in the United States, that it will be dangerous to travel for thieves and murders along the highways. Scrip. Ref: 2 Thes. 2:7-12;Rom. 1:28-32


Religion Enslaves 2/11/89

The Lord spoke and said: “This land is truly filled with many pharisees. They put burdens upon My people that they themselves do not keep, neither do they in compassion try to ease the burden, but heap more on top. Law givers, forever flogging My people with My Word, which was to be administered in love. They administer it cruelly, leaving out the parts that speak of them and reveal who they really are. They enslave My people. They withstand My Spirit. They quench My holy fire. They wish to control and they do not allow My Spirit to move. They do not administer balm to the wounded. They are not shepherds, they are task masters. Hear Me, you lawgivers, you who enslave My people; you have taken their joy from them; you have burdened them so. They leave Me because of you. Let My people go! Repent, while there is yet time, that I might have mercy and forgive all that you have done out of your evil pride. Read clearly what became of those pharisees that withstood My Son. Read carefully what came upon pharaoh because he would not set My people free from slavery. Do you think I will deal with you differently because you call yourselves Christians? Even more harshly will My judgment be upon you because you are with out excuse. My Word is before you. Feed My sheep! Love one another; submit yourselves to one another in brotherly love! You submit to no one, not even to Me. You follow your pride, and not Me; he who wishes to be great in My Kingdom, let him be the servant of all. Let My people go, or I will surely bring judgment upon you and your house, says the Lord! Ah, but you say: “In what have we oppressed the people?” Do My people dance for joy in My presence? Do they rejoice to enter the house of the Lord? Are they free to seek Me? Is My Spirit free to speak to them and comfort them? Do you wait upon Me to move in the midst of the congregation? Have you encouraged the gifts of God to flow among the sheep, or do you guard them for yourselves? Do My people seem hungry to hear My Word? Or are they weary and heavy burdened? Look at your sheep and see the church that you have raised; is it free to worship Me? Why do you continue to chastise them? Why do you continue to burden them? Love them! Obey Me! Move in the power of My Spirit! Loose your bonds upon them, and let them be free, that I might revive them and fill them with My Spirit. Then shall the church be filled with rejoicing, with healing and miracles, and lives will daily be added to the congregation.” Scrip. Ref: Jer. 3:15; Mat. 23:2-28


Stand Against Sin 2/13/89

“It is better to live in the fear of God then to live at peace with sin. My people have not learned to hate sin. They have not learned true obedience. They were not taught from childhood, neither were their fathers, therefore they do not teach their children. They allow disobedience without consequences. They make excuses for sin rather than teach their children to flee from it. Disobedience is sin. If you do not walk in My ways, you walk in sin, for there is only one way. All the others are false; all the others are outside of My will, they are sin. This is too hard”, you say, but obedience will turn into a blessing for you. You will inherit eternal life. Truly, if you continue in your own ways, in disobedience, you will be on the path to hell. There, truly you will say: “This is too hard!” Obeying is not impossible if you submit yourselves to Me. You must discipline your flesh, and force it to obey and to submit to Me. Because you tolerate sin in your children, as your fathers did with you, you believe I will tolerate your sin as well. I do not tolerate sin. I forgive the sinner who confesses his sins, but I demand true repentance in actions as well as in words. It is not enough that you ask forgiveness, you must hate your sin; you must flee from it. You are far too easy upon yourselves, and your adversary is glad it is so. He wishes to rob you from Me, that is why he continually lures your flesh to disobey Me. He knows that if you walk in My truth and obey My Word, he cannot have you; you are Mine, under My protection. But if you walk out of My protection to a path of disobedience, he awaits to snare you and steal you away. Can you not understand that I love you, and I wish to keep you with Me? Love does not mean allowing you to do whatever you want. It does not mean allowing you to get away with something now and then. Love is protecting you, forcing you to walk in a safe place. I chastise you so that you might learn to obey and not put yourself in danger again. Fear sin, for it will destroy you. Flee from it as if it were death itself. Cling unto Me, and I will lead you in the right path and give you strength to overcome sin.” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 6:1-3; 23 8:1-8


False Doctrines 2/14/89

Mankind will believe anything before they will accept the truth in My Word. I have given them account in My Word. I have told them of a spiritual world which exists, yet they refuse to believe the Bible. If there were other beings than these would I have not said so in My Word? Does it not say in My Word that Satan can make himself to appear as an angel of light to deceive many? They do not understand that the beings that they see are demonic forces sent to deceive man into believing that which is not true. They do not want you to know who they truly are; they do not want you to learn the truth, oh mankind; they want you to believe their lies and look in hope to other beings from other worlds (which are truly demons) and not look unto the Lord your God for salvation. They cause you to question My Word and My authority. Do you not know that these are tricks of the enemy to destroy you? They have changed themselves to appear as holy people, that you might worship them, and many have become idolatrous because of them. But those who have not believed, still they seek another way, and another. They have spoken of times and peoples of the past, so that people might believe that they lived before. They have allowed you to see them as illuminated creatures from other worlds, so that you might believe My Word is untrue. My Word is ancient and there are no greater truths than it. They wish you to believe that my Word was written by men and therefore it is not the source of truth, for in it is the way of salvation and the source of power to destroy them. They will cause you to believe anything, but the truth. They have brought about other religions, with themselves as the gods of these religions. They have perverted the true faith by appearing as Mary, and the disciples, so that you will worship anyone instead of the true Lord of Lords, even My Son, My only Son, Jesus, My Holy Lamb. They wish mankind to believe that there are greater beings and the hope of man rests with the knowledge they will bring. All lies, all are lies! Oh foolish generation, one truth has stood throughout the generations of such lies. I AM the truth, says your God, and My ways are shown to you in My Word. There is only one way to know Me, through the sacrifice for sins which was offered up on Calvary, Jesus Christ! You are so hungry for something that will bring hope and peace, and the devil and his forces have offered you so many false answers. Why have you not looked to the truth of the ages? When will you stop this wild hunt to find lies, and seek Me? You do not want Me. You know of Me, but you do not want to believe. You believe it is far to simple for your intelligence; it is for the poor and ignorant, you say. Oh foolish man, you have allowed the devil to make you prideful and he will surely appeal to that pride, giving you what you wish to hear. What you do not know is that in the end, you will find the truth, you will find it when you die, but then it will be too late. How you will wish then that you would have left your intellectual pride for the simplicity of the gospel of truth. Open your eyes, that you might see in time, before it is too late for you.” Scrip. Ref: 2 Cor. 11:14


Persecution Arises 2/15/89

The Lord revealed that there was a great force, a satanic host moving to bring a resurgence of prejudice, of racism. There is a pride, a supremacy spirit, causing men to join together with their own kind against those they deem as “inferior”, to exterminate them. Like in the days of Hitler, when this satanic force caused so much destruction so is it beginning again, but with an even greater impact. They are uniting as a elite group. They are obtaining power within their hands. They are trying to control the world systems and use this control to starve out “inferior” peoples and nations. They wish to preserve those like themselves because they believe they are the superior people. It is the same satanic force, the same demons that filled hearts with hatred to destroy millions of people. Nothing has changed, man is the same. The demonic force will bring forth the rise of the system of its leader who will send forth destruction. They will hate the Jew; they will hate races and religions, but most of all they will hate the Christian. Satan wants to destroy lives and send them to hell, and there is one thing that opposes him, the Christian; the true Christian filled with the power of God is the only one who can destroy his plans. Look at the worlds population; the majority of the people are in nations where this satanic force causes men to be filled with hate. The power and riches are in the hands of a few, and the enemy will try to use them to kill, steal and destroy for him. In truth, he hates all men. He wishes to destroy mankind to help him in his plan. His plan is to torture, starve, afflict and destroy the most that he can. Therefore has he risen up a select group with power, and is putting hatred in their hearts towards the rest; towards other races and their nations. They somehow have believed they were chosen to rule, to survive, and they must preserve their kind, their beliefs, and eliminate the others in order to insure the purity of their own. The Lord said: “Oh foolish man, how is it that you cannot see? You will be used to send thousands of millions to hell, sealing your own sentence there as well. You who believe yourselves to be superior are nothing more than ignorant pawns of the devil, hired assassins for his cause. What has he promised you, to rule the earth? Very well he knows the destruction that comes and those of you who survive will rule over desolation until My coming. Then you will go to be with those who you helped to send to hell. There you will rule over no one, but be tormented and mocked for your ignorance by those who promised you kingdoms to rule over, even the devil and his demons who will be sent there with you. Oh, how is it that you could reject so great a salvation for the lies of Satan? Oh foolish man, I am not the one who chose this for you, you have chosen for yourselves. You have chosen hell. Let no man say I am unjust! I have prepared a place, a way to reconciliation. You have rejected it. It shall be upon your own heads, the consequences of your choice.” Scrip. Ref: Mat. 24:9-10; John 15:18-20


Apostasy 2/16/89

“There is a great drying up among My people. At the hour they need to produce the most fruit, they are drying up on the vine. They have lost interest; they have lost faith. Surely, in these last days, only those who are truly hungry and thirsty for the things of God will be satisfied. I will feed them and pour out of My Spirit upon them, but those who are full of their own ideas, those who are not hungry for more of Me, they will dry up spiritually, and be of no use. You think you have received enough, you are mature, you are firm, but much of what you have received is not been edifying, not given by My Spirit. The flow of My Spirit in your life is quickly quenched when you stop seeking Me. Be hungry, My people, for there is much more yet to be revealed; the mystery of the ages is unraveling before you. There is much to tell you, much you need to know. Seek Me and be fed. Be thirsty, My children, to do that which is right; be thirsty for holiness in your life. Do not stop thirsting to obey Me and to serve Me. You have a carnal hunger for material things. You receive, and believe you are satisfied, but these things do not nourish your soul; for that reason, you quickly hunger for more. Come to the fountain; let My Spirit truly feed you manna from heaven that you might grow into My sons and daughters, filled with love, filled with power, examples of your Father." Scrip. Ref: 2 Thes. 2:3; Mat. 5:6; John 4:13-15


Seek the Lord 2/17/89

"My people, seek Me with your whole heart. Seek Me in spirit and in truth. Pray from your heart, because you desire to speak with Me. So many of you pray out of habit, out of obligation, to ease your conscience and take the responsibility off from you. You say, "Oh, I have not prayed yet!" Then you hurry and pray, saying a few words, as if to please Me. What am I? Do you think I am like a dog, that you can throw Me a few crumbs? I am worthy of much more than that! All that I have done for you, and you throw Me a few quick words rather than seek Me truly? I would that you pray in spirit and in truth, or that you don't pray at all, for to say a few words hastily, without reverence, without true thought, is an insult to Me. Speak to Me in all honesty, in all sincerity. When you call on Me, I hear you; you have My attention. I listen to each word you say and remember it. Why do you repeat some quick prayer with your mouth, without speaking from your heart? You insult Me when you take Me so lightly. Do not come to Me with great words to impress Me. Do not pray to be heard, so that others will see how spiritual you are and how well you pray. This is not truly who you are. This is not from the heart; it is not truth. I desire a deep personal relationship between us, a true friendship, a true confidence. Come to Me in this way, and every prayer, let it be a conversation from your heart with your loving Heavenly Father." Scrip. Ref: I Pet. 3:12; Jer. 29:13


Lying to God 2/19/89

"When will My people stop trying to hide things from Me? I see into the very marrow of their bones, yet they try to hide from Me. You keep secrets from Me, but I know them. I see what you do; I know what you think. You cannot fool Me, yet you continue to try. How little My people know. They think themselves to be wise, but they understand so little. How is it that you can turn to sin, and then try to hide yourselves in order to continue in sin? You block Me out of your mind, but I do not remove you from My thoughts. Because you can easily forget Me, does not mean I forget you. I never forget you. I never abandon My children, even when they abandon Me. I am faithful. When you abandon Me for sin, you commit adultery, spiritual adultery against your God. You grieve My heart when you stray. On come, remain faithful; do not push Me aside and forget Me so quickly, My people. Surely, I am worthy of a true heart, a pure love from you. Return, and leave Me no more." Scrip. Ref: 2 Tim. 2:13; Heb. 13:5


Unity 2/20/89

“I am calling My body to unity. Unite in love and do the work of your God! I am calling the pastors to unite; the church councils to unite; the brothers and sisters to unite. Join hands and close the ranks. Fight against the devil, for I have given you the power. You are over-comers through Me, if you will only believe, put aside your differences, and unite in brotherly love to do the job that is at hand. Then will the world see what a might God you serve, and believe. Scrip. Ref: John 13:34-35; I John 5:2


Step Out in Faith 2/22/89

I saw these eggs, and I could see that there were Christians crouched inside the shell. Some looked fearful, while others were sleeping. Then the Lord said: "It is time for My people to break out of the shells that they are bound in. There are many different shells; some are in shells of ignorance, some of false doctrines, still others are trapped in tradition. These shells keep My people from growing and fulfilling the call I have given them. I am putting a hunger, a yearning for more, in order to force them to look outside of their shells, but they must break the shell and come out. They must seek Me. They must break the shell in faith and walk out into the spiritual world. They must not be fearful or continue to trust in the security of their shells. Those that will survive must break forth into the new thing I am calling them to. If they remain, they will surely starve to death, for the food source has run out inside their shell. They must boldly break out and seek for spiritual food in order to survive. The time has come; you cannot hide any longer; I am birthing you into a new thing, a new move of My Spirit, but you must do your part. I will not break your shell; you must break it. You must surrender it to Me and step out in faith. I will give you strength to do it, if you only call on Me. Break forth! Come forth, My people, come forth, with joy and praise, for you are being set free from the bondage, the slavery that has kept you bound. Put behind you the things that were, and go forth in a newness in Me. A great work I have for you. Fear not! I go before you." Scrip. Ref: Mark 11:22; Heb. 11:6; I John 5:4


Overcome Fear by Faith 2/24/89

I looked and saw the sky turn black. There were black clouds everywhere. The wind began to blow hard. Lightning flashed across the dark sky. My heart began to pound, but then I said in my heart, "There is nothing to fear, for I know He is with me." I opened my mouth and said, "Lord, in you do I trust. I will not be afraid; though I pass through the waters, they will not overflow me. Though I pass through the fire, it shall not burn me, neither shall the flame kindle upon me; for you are the Lord my God, the Holy One of Israel. You have sought me and redeemed me for yourself, and I am yours." Then I felt this great peace come upon me. I felt faith soar in my heart, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I had nothing to fear. I saw I was standing on a solid rock. I looked and saw other Christians huddling together in fear, trying to hide from the tempest. They ran past me. I stretched out my hand and smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, Jesus is with us. Come here with me. Stand still in faith and don't be moved by fear, and nothing will happen to you." But they did not listen. They continued to run and hide behind anything that they could find. Then I saw this lion, a great big lion coming towards me. I stood very still and said in my heart, "Lord with my whole heart have I trusted in you." The lion was searching for whom he could devour. He walked right by me as if he didn't see me. He went towards those who were hiding. He smelled their fear. They ran screaming, and he lunged at them. Tears came to my eyes, as I cried out to the Lord: "Why, oh Lord, could they not have stood firm in You and believe?" I had trusted in the Lord, and I was safe, they could have been also.Then I saw water coming. It was a mighty rushing river. When it almost reached where I was, it split in two and passed on either side of me, but not a drop touched me. Those that the lion had not devoured, many were washed away in the waters. I said in my heart: "If they would only stand on this rock and believe, Oh Lord, for not a drop has touched me." Then I saw a fire coming, a great sweeping fire. When it reached me, it went around me in a circle. Outside the circle everything caught on fire, but not a hair of mine was burned. I heard the voices screaming in the midst of the fire. The Lord had saved me from it all, but why? I was not special, neither did he love me more than the others. The Lord spoke and said: "Because you believed in Me with your whole heart, thus have I kept you safe. Tell My people what you have seen, that they might learn this lesson before it is too late. Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord and will not be moved, for he shall be kept and no harm shall come to him. But the fearful and unbelieving will perish. Faith is more than knowledge, it is a knowing of Him in whom you believe. If you truly know Me, you know that there is nothing to fear. Draw close and know Me, My children, that in the day of trial you might have confidence in Me and not be overtaken with fear. It is time to learn to stand in faith upon the Rock of Ages; to know and to be fully persuaded, that I AM." Then I saw that the dark clouds covered the whole earth, and I knew there was no escape, only to stand and believe. I was alone upon the rock, but God showed me why; everyone must learn to stand upon the rock for their own salvation. You cannot stand for another; he must stand in the Lord for himself." Scrip. Ref: I Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 10:38


Come Closer 2/25/89

The Lord spoke and gave a warning: “My people do not walk close to Me. They have not come in close. How many times have I told them, yet they still do not listen. I have told you to come unto Me; I want you to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lusts of your flesh. I want you to walk in holiness, separated unto Me, consecrated, dedicated, a holy people, separate from the world and its ways. But you continue to walk in the way that is not pleasing to Me. You continue to give occasion to the devil. There is coming a day when great darkness will fall. A great time of testing, My people, will come, even the trial of your faith. In that day many of My children will fall away; many of you will fall away. I shall lose you! Oh, I shall lose many of My children because they were not close to Me; they were not under My protection. Yes, I call to you now; come close, that you might be safe and not perish.” Scrip. Ref: Gal. 5:16; I Pet. 2:19

Healing 2/27/89

“In My Word it says that I healed all who came unto Me It does not say that they all continued to walk in divine health after that. I heal; even as I healed in those days, so I also do now, but there are those who give occasion to the devil to put sickness upon them again. They must walk in faith and believe; they must not walk in sin. If they doubt Me, they have opened the way for the devil to attack them. If they leave Me, to sin in the world, they have walked out of My protection, My covering.” I wondered why the Lord allows some things to happen. He replied: “Those things which My Father allows, He allows for a purpose. He permits it to be so; that does not mean it is His perfect will. For it is the will of My Father that none should perish. It is His will that none should sin, that none be sick, that none should depart from the truth. It is His will that all should seek Him and walk with Him. But mankind does not obey. They do not believe. Even My own wander away at times. If they would believe and walk in obedience, they would be safe from the enemy. Many of you are filled with unbelief; that is why My Father allows them to receive the trials, in order that they might truly seek Him and that His glory might be revealed. In this way, their faith and trust grows, and their knowledge of their need to depend on Me. Oh, you are a hard people to be taught, and you do not learn easily. Many lessons you learn the hard way, for you will not believe and other way. For this reason, does My Father allow it to be so, that your souls might be saved. But His perfect will is that you walk humbly before Him, in faith and sin not, that He might bless you.” Scrip. Ref: 2 Pet. 3:9; I Pet. 2:24





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