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Volcano                1/8/87

The Lord showed me a vision of a high mountain with snow at the top. It began to shake and smoke poured out, then lava began to spill over. I saw other mountains behind it, like a chain of mountains, stretching out over a far distance. Down near the foot of the mountain, I saw houses with straw (thatched) roofs. I saw a great, terrible, volcanic erruption, and I felt in my spirit that it was an unexpected thing.


A Wind is Coming from the East            1/9/87

The Lord spoke and said: “Say to the west, that a great wind is coming from the east. Soon the world as it is shall be changed and it shall never again be the same.”


The Days are Counted Until the End           1/11/87

The Lord led me to Ezekiel 43. There it says that the Son of God shall come from the east. I understood then the meaning of the word of 1/9/87. The Lord spoke and said: “It is time to announce m coming.” I heard what sounded like a trumpet sounding from within my body. I knew that it was a significant day in the spirit. The Lord said: “The days are counted until the end. The days are short now. Tell them that I come with a balance in my hands. That which man has done for my sake shall be weighed on one side, and the rest of his life on the other side. He who is found lacking shall not enter my kingdom.” I asked him what of those who will say that salvation is not of works, and that I am preaching that it is? He told me: “You cannot earn your salvation, the price is the blood of Jesus, and his alone. My word says those who believe in their heart that Jesus is the Son of God, and confess with their mouth, shall be saved. But if they truly believe in their heart that Jesus is the Son of God, then they would reverence Him, they would fear and obey. They would truly seek to serve Him and do his will. There is a difference in those who say they believe but show they do not by their disobedience, and those who believe and show it by their obedience.”  Scrip. Ref. Mat. 21:28-32; Rom. 10:8-13; Eph. 2:8-9; I Cor. 3:13


Hell Opens its Mouth             1/15/87

The Lord showed me a vision of a great shark. I saw a man in the water swimming to get away from the shark. I could see the shark closing in, with his mouth open, and the terror in the man's face as he looked back and saw the shark. At first I thought this horrible scene was not possibly from God, but then the Lord spoke and said: “Even so is the mouth of hell open to swallow its victims. For in death, they see the mouth open, and they struggle to free themselves, but they sink deeper and deeper into terror, into the place which they can never come out of, a place of fear and torment forever. I never created man to enter therein. This is the place where Satan and his followers are to go. I created man in my image, that they might be my sons. But they have rebelled, they have rejected their Father, and have chosen another father, even Satan. It is he who speaks and says: “To hell they must go, for that is where my followers must go, with me.” It is his desire to take mankind there, it is not my desire. I have stretched out my arm to each generation to rescue them from this fate. I have reminded them again and again of the price that my only begotten Son paid so that they might be free. He gave his life to reconcile mankind to Me, their Heavenly Father; but many still choose to follow after the evil one, so that they might continue in evil also. The devil has lied to you concerning Me; you do not know Me. I am long suffering and full of mercy, kind and compassionate, and full of love. Why will you not accept the provision that I made for you in Christ Jesus? Why do you reject your Father who loves you so? I have made you a pardon, but if you will not take this pardon, then your sentence remains. You have not returned to be sons of your Heavenly Father. You have chosed to be sons of the devil, and his fate shall fall upon you also.”


Walk Humbly with Your God             1/23/87

The Lord spoke and said: “My people do not understand how to walk humbly with their God. Only a few have come to understand. By my grace you have been saved, you could not earn it, for the price could only be paid by the perfect one. It is also by my grace that you walk in your salvation. It is by my grace that you keep that salvation unto the day of my coming. You are not able to keep yourself along the straight path that leads to eternal life. It is my grace that leads you upon the path. He who trusts that I am able to keep him with his whole heart, shall be kept. For he has humbled himself and accepted that he is nothing without my grace which sustains him. He knows only by that One, that perfect One, leading his life can he ever enter into eternal life. Children, how can it be that you do not understand this? You also need Christ to keep you. Many, after they have been saved for a time, begin to believe they are now perfected enough to walk the christian life by themselves, for their actions display this attitude. Not only this, but they believe they are now perfected enough that they can lead others as well. They are now dependent upon their own selves to walk in their salvation. And I allow them to do so, so that they might learn that without Me you can do nothing. He who is strongest in my kingdom, and wisest, is he who knows that he is nothing of himself, only that which he allows Me to be through him will profit anything. For his trust and dependency is upon Me, and I shall never fail him. Remove yourself, and the elevated image that you have of your abilities, and believe my Word, there is none good. Only he who walks humbly with his God, shall be changed into His image. Trust not in yourselves, but trust in Me with your whole heart, and I shall keep you upon the narrow path that leads to eternal life.”               Scrip. Ref: Mat 7:14; Eph. 2:8-9; I Cor 10:12; John 15:5


Many will Depart from the Faith            1/30/87

The Lord spoke a warning to me. He said that indeed these are the last days and the devil is attacking the body of Christ like never before. “There are many ministries who will fall to his devices. Many will become perverted in doctrine. Many will be taken by pride; many shall lust after riches. They will depart from the pure faith and replace their first love with another love. Many shall use the name of Jesus Christ for their own gains, money, success, and power over others. They shall give a bad testimony of Christianity to the world, because the world has no discernment to know that these are not my servants. Many will fear you; others will hate you because of the bad testimony these others have brought in my name. Many young lambs in the flock will see these things and they shall leave the flock in disappointment. Oh my people, do you not understand what the lesson of Judas teaches you? In the last days did not the devil enter into Judas, because his heart was not pure, and he desired personal gain? Even as the devil entered one of his disciples to stop my Son, even so will he do again. He will enter those within the body of Christ, so that he may stop the body of Christ. Beware, examine your hearts; wash and make yourselves clean against the attacks of Satan. Do not be prideful; do not desire riches, neither power or control over others. Follow after my Son; put your eyes on Him, and no other, so that you will not be taken in by Satan and loose your salvation. Trust in the Lord with your whole heart, and you shall not be deceived.”             Scrip. Ref: I Tim. 6:5-12; I Tim 4:1; II Tim. 3:1-9

Personal note: In March of 1987, the scandal of Jim Baker came to be known. Shortly thereafter, the scandals with Jimmy Swaggert and Oral Roberts. Leaders deceived by their lusts, and their ministries fell as God had spoken. In 1993 in Waco, Texas, a cult, led by a man named David Koresh caused the death of his followers, by refusing to obey the law, and entered into conflict with the authorities, costing many lives, including several FBI agents. This man used the scriptures, claimed he heard from God, causing many to fear or hate Christians because of his testimony. Many false prophets have appeared, and those who have deceived many saying they are the Christ.


My People do not Know Me                2/12/87

“I have said it again and again, yet I will say it once more, my people do not really know Me. They do not truly know whom they worship, because they have not yet entered in. They know of Me from afar, but they have not come close enough to know Me as I am. My arms are outstretched to them, that they might come into my embrace and truly have fellowship with Me. But they will not sacrifice the time or the effort to enter into my presence, through prayer. They embrace every avenue that leads to Me, but they do not embrace ME. They embrace their church, their pastor, their Bible, their brothers, but they do not realize that all these things are avenues I designed to reveal myself. Come in my people! When have you longed in your soul for Me, and wept before Me, seeking Me with your whole heart? You have been satisfired with the avenues I have given you, but you have not used them to bring you to the end that I desire, which is: that you KNOW ME.”   Scrip. Ref: Ps 119:2; Ps. 119:10-11


I Desire to Reveal Myself to You        2/14/87

“In these last days I will reveal the profound truth of Myself that they might understand the love of God. Yet, still in all this, there are many who will not hear, many who will reject Me. I reach my hand to touch mankind, yet they retreat from my touch. They do not understand that I do not come to destroy their lives. I AM LIFE. I AM what they are searching for. The devil has made a concept of Me, and many believe it, and many who call themselves by my name reveal another image of Me then who I truly am. But if a man will seek Me, I will touch him, I will walk with him, and he will come to know who I am. Come, walk with Me; take my hand; let Me reveal my love unto you; believe that I am He who made all things, there is nothing too hard for Me. If I desire to reveal myself, if I desire to walk with and share myself with someone, can I not do it? Why do you think that I am not able to love you? Am I not love? Am I not God who can do as he desires? It is my desire to have man reconciled to Me. It is my desire to walk with him even as I did Adam in the garden. My Son made the way, and through Him, I brought reconciliation. There is only one thing left, it is you that must enter in; reach out in love, and with faith, and enter in. If you will repent of your wrong ways and seek to become a new creature, clean of your old ways, then we can walk together. Remember what my Son said, that the kingdom of God is within you. For it is within you I will abide; I will walk with you and commune with your heart. You shall be my people and I shall be your God, and nothing shall separate you from Me. Can you not understand that this is why I sent my Son? You did wrong, you stopped seeking Me. I did not wait, oh mankind, for you to mend the broken relationship; I gave my very Son to pay for the way back to Me. I reached out to embrace you, when you did not want Me. Still, are my hands outstretched. Come, enter in children; you need not to keep running away; there has been offered up the peace offering, the wound has been mended; Jesus was the balm sent to heal the tear which you made between you and Me. Hurry, for soon I will send Him to bring you into my presence. It is time to call the children home. Scrip. Ref: Jer. 24:7; Luke 17:21; Rom.5:8-9


Prophecy to Mexico    2/17/87

I looked and saw a great mountain in Mexico shaped like a temple. On top of it was seated a huge creature with the body of a man, a head like a wolf, claws like a bear, and feet like a lion. He had gold chains around his neck, and a golden helmet on his head. I saw people at the bottom of the mountains who were in chains and they brought this creature offerings. When he was displeased them he picked them up and through them into a burning lake, like they were ants in his presence. Then the Lord told me he had shaken the earth in order to awake them from the hold of this creature, but they swiftly returned to worship him again. “They are idolatrous people, a superstitious people, who are not willing to change their ways. They cling to what they believe is the true faith, rejecting the true and living God for this creature, that is no god. I will call out my remnant from among them and they shall serve Me in another land. I shall lead them out of this idolatrous nation. Repent quickly; hear the voice of the Lord and leave your idolatry behind, before that which is yet to come begins.” Personal note: Upon visiting Mexico for the first time in 1990, I was told that indeed there is a deity that is worshipped among natives in Mexico, who appears as a man-beast, and many poor give of the first of their crops in offering, and to the Catholic church as well.


Prophecy concerning America                        2/17/87

I looked and saw the country of the United States, and upon her danced a woman dressed like a belly dancer with gold pieces on her clothing that shook as she danced. She enticed many lovers, and invited all types of creatures to come to her bed. She rejected none saying, “I have the right to do that which I desire with whomever I desire, and who is there to tell me I cannot?” She had a prideful look; her face was painted, but she was very pale and thin, and her teeth were rotting. She looked sickly, but she would not admit it. “I will not give up my ways!”, she said; “I will die in pleasure, if I must die, but I will not let go of my lovers.” The I saw a great tree and upon it was written, “AMERICA”. An axeman said, “this tree is the highest of the trees, but I shall cut it down. The pride of America will fall.”


Message to Puerto Rico        2/17/87

I saw the island of Puerto Rico, and upon it many lambs and many rats were at war. The lambs were fighting back the rats. There were many lambs fighting, but others were just grazing, still others were arguing between themselves. But God sent blessing to strengthen that lambs that were fighting. I saw them trying to push the rats out into the sea. They would not allow these creatures to infest their land. The Lord sent an eagle from on high, who helped the lambs to rid the island of these rats. The eagle helped those who were weak from the battle. He picked up the rats and threw them into the sea. He called to the the other lambs who were grazing, and those that were arguing, to work with their brothers and sisters and rid the island of the rats. And God looked upon the island with compassion, for the sake of those who loved Him and loved his Word, for their were many who sought the Lord and came in one accord with the other lambs to do that which the Lord commanded.


Message to the Children of God        2/17/87

The Lord showed me many different creatures ruling over some countries of the world. I looked up and saw a great battle in the heavens between the angels of God and the armies of demons who went to and fro from the earth, where their were princes (demons), who ruled over different areas on the earth. The children of God are being destroyed by a lack of knowledge concerning the power of God within them. They are not in communion with God in order to receive instruction; they are spiritually asleep, and can only see what can be seen with the natural eyes, because their spiritual eyes are shut. They are not using the gift of discernment given to them by the Holy Spirit, with power, in order to fight against these forces. The body of Christ has been given all that they need to equip them for the battle, and they are able to overcome the enemy, but they do not understand and they do not believe it. They are resting and do not wish to be disturbed. “Your enemy has crept up on you. While you were resting and not listening to my warnings, he was working, preparing his strategy. He has invaded into the body with his messengers, and you are too sleepy to recognize them. You are not prepared for that which is to come. I have sent servants to warn you, but you have not considered these warnings. I have called you to awake and enter my presence that you might be safe in the days to come, but you do not heed my call. To you who are mighty in the Lord: You have not entered into my presence to learn from Me how to fight this battle. You have not taken responsibility for the younger ones to watch over them. To the younger ones: You have not entered into my presence so that you might learn from Me and grow in stature. To the babies: You have not entered in so that I might cover you and protect you from the evil that seeks you out. A great and terrible storm approaches. I call to you to anchor your boat in the harbor. Anchor yourself in Me, says the Lord, for my love is the safe harbor in the storm. If you will not believe that which I have spoken, then the storm shall come and you shall be scattered in fear. Some of you will run to Me then, but many more shall run away to hide on their own, and they shall not find safety. In that day there is no safety except for the safety for those abiding in Me. With love I call to you over and over. Hear my words! Think not that they are words of my servant, for they are not her words, they are mine. Surely, the day will come when these things will come to pass. If you wait to see them in order to believe, it will be too late. Children, come now and hide under the shadow of my wings. Hide yourselves in Me and I will protect you, says the Lord.” Scrip. Ref: Ps. 91; Eph. 6:11-18; Mt. 7:24-27


A Time Of Mourning For The United States              2/20/87

When I awoke this morning, I saw the map of the United States, and upon it was a black flag flying on a pole. I saw women dressed in black, weeping. Many seemed to be angry with God for what was happening. The Lord spoke this, "Your pride deafened your spiritual ears. I warned you again and again, but you would not hear, so has this destruction come upon you. Be angry with yourselves, for I called to you, but it was you who chose not to listen. Awake, for these things shall come to pass. Yet, before they happen, I am telling you. This is a warning to you; open your ears and hear. Seek me while there is yet time. I am calling to you, though many of you will not hear or believe. You trust in the security of your nation and not in me. Your pride will not allow you to believe that you can fall. Only he who is anchored in me is safe. I am the one who sets nations or tumbles them. It is not the nation that is safe, it is only he who abides in me that is safe. These things I tell you before they come to pass to give you opportunity to repent and to seek me, for I am a just God. In that day, you will be without excuse, for I have not left you without a warning. From all over your land, I have risen up prophets to warn you, yet you will not hear. But to those who will listen and come in and abide in the Rock, Christ Jesus, they shall be kept safe in the storm, for they are anchored in me. Even as it was in Egypt, when the death angel passed over and only those who had come inside and covered themselves with the blood of the lamb were safe, so shall it be in these days as well."


The Mark of the Beast            3/2/87

I looked and I saw a man with gold pieces in his hand. He threw them down on a table and left weeping. He went to find a gun he had hidden in order to kill himself. Then I saw a woman with dollar bills in her hands, standing like a beggar in the street, asking if there was anyone who would trade her food and clothing for the dollar bills. The people passed her by, and some ignored her, but others laughed at her. Then I saw this white card which looked like a credit card. It had numbers on it that I could not understand, but I noticed that there was a rainbow colored triangle imprinted on the card, and it looked as if a sun was rising over the triangle. It seemed to me that it meant it was the dawn of some new age of financial freedom. (This is what I heard people saying about it.) Then I saw a store, and in it, a check-out register that spoke with a voice, and some sort of camera was attached to it. It was like a computer more than a cash register. I saw a person give the card to a woman at the register, and she passed it over some plate. Then the computer voice said the persons name and number and a light from the camera came on and flashed on the person forehead. In only a second, the computer said, “verified”, then the person was allowed to pass his groceries over the plate, which recorded all that he bought. I looked at his forehead, but I did not see anything abnormal. I wondered what it was that the camera light saw. Suddenly, I was in a place that looked like a government office, like where you go to get a driver's license. I saw people filling out forms, and one by one they went through this processing until they came to a person who had some sort of instrument in her hands. It resembled an injection gun. I saw the person injecting something in their foreheads, then the people would wait to receive their plastic cards. I noticed that it was done so quickly, without any pain, and that if left no mark on their foreheads. I saw this man with tweezers holding this tiny little chip, like a micro-chip. It was so small that you could hardly see it. It seemed to be made of gold. Then I magnified it, and on it I could see the name, address, vital statistics, birth records, fingerprints, all kinds of information along with an identification number and a monetary type of limit for the individual, like a credit account. Yet it was not written in any understandable language, it was all in computer code, but somehow for an instant, I understood what it meant, and the information it contained. It was so tiny, smaller than a splinter, and the pressure injection gun inserted it into the foreheads. I understood then that at the store the computer camera picked up the chip in the man's forehead and verified his identity, allowing him to use his credit card to purchase what he needed. This was presented as a good thing, which would do away with poverty, robbery, crime, and discrimination. Money had no value, and you couldn't steal someone's identity chip, and without it, the card was useless. There could be no more drug deals for money, no more thieves stealing cash; the system was set up to relieve the world of poverty and crime. I could see people rejoicing over this “invention” as if at last it was safe. Yet behind it I knew there was an evil that wanted to use this to control, to enslave people in the end. Those that refused it could neither buy or sell. They were seen as fools at first, but later they would be seen as enemies of the state, to be hunted down; all the crime, all the unrest, would be blamed on them. When you see these signs flee and hide. Believe God to supply your needs and wait, for your salvation draws nigh. He will cover you and keep you under the shadow of His wing until He comes to claim his own. To you who read this: it may seem far away, or completely unreal, but imagine how quickly this present world would change if there were a great depression, a worldwide plague, or a nuclear war. Life as we live it now would change in only a short space of time, leaving mankind devastated and suffering. All mankind would be looking for a way, for a system, for someone to bring peace and to relieve the suffering of millions. All that I have seen could suddenly be possible. They have the means to do it now. Only those that are safely hidden in Christ Jesus, secure and trusting in Him, will be safe in those times. Personal note: In 1989 I read an article in a science magazine stating that they were experimenting with a new method of indentifying and tracing animals. It was by inserting a micro-chip into the forehead of the animal. It had to be made of gold or stainless steel they said. The purpose, according to this magazine, was possibly to use them like social security numbers in babies in the future in order to identify children that are lost or stolen, in order to aid in the halt of missing children. A very good motive, but is this really the only motive? Scrip. Ref: Rev. 13


The United States Fallen from Holiness            3/23/87

I saw the United States many years ago. It was small, like when there were only the first colonies. I saw that the frist was structured and built upon a large rock. Then I saw it as it is today. It was much larger, but its structure was no longer on the rock. They had pushed the rock away for what they thought was a better foundation. It was as if the whole United States was on a platform, and the foundation under it was sand. The platform was held up by white pillars. The pillars were were old and the paint was chipping away. Suddenly, I saw them begin to crumble, and the platform began to break apart and fall. Then the Lord said, “My daughter has become as the daughters of the heathen. She has painted herself and dressed herself in their clothes. She has removed the white robe which I gave her. She has mixed their ways with my ways and has brought them into my temple. She has polluted my temple. My presence cannot abide there any longer for they call that which is unclean, clean. The pastors have obeyed another voice; they have joined in the dance. They have gone away from Me. They have done even as my people Israel did before them. Israel rejects her Messiah, but you have received Him, then cast Him aside. What shall I say of you? Have you not done more wickedly? I gave you freedom through my Son, that you might be free from sin, free to worship Me from your heart. But you have taken the freedom which I have given you to turn aside to sin, saying: “We will not fear the Lord our God, for we are no longer under the law, but under grace.” You have taken advantage of the goodness of your God. You abuse the freedom given you. Even my people have been enticed to join in the dance with you. Few there are who have kept the ways of the Lord. I will take my daughter and wash her brazen face; I will strip off her lewd apparel; I will take away the beauty of the things that she clings to. I will bring her to repentance, that she might return and be my daughter again. Those who will not, but run away, desiring to cling to the unclean world as their lovers, will no longer be my daughters.” Scrip. Ref: Mt. 7:24-27; Jer. 3:1-5; Ezek. 16:4-25.


The Fall of Large Ministries           3/24/87

I was praying concerning the circumstances in the United States involving some of the large ministries there. This is what the Lord told me: “Have I not spoken? Have I not said that I would shake everything, and only that which is built upon Me shall stand? My name is thrown about and used for whatever purpose man sees fit to use it for in order to accomplish their own desires. They use my name and the authority of it to do their own wills, hiding under what they believe is my grace to get away with it. They have shamed my name! They have rolled in filth, but worse yet, is that they put on my name before they do so. They make me an accomplice to theirs acts by so doing, in the eyes of the world. Have I not said to come apart and be holy, even as I am Holy? Yet you do worse that disobey, for you drag my Holy Name with you. I will not tolerate my name to be disgraced so, neither my little ones to be offended in Me, because of you. I will disrobe you and uncover your nakedness that all might see, that you are not as sons of mine, for you have departed from Me. You flock together to cover up that which I am uncovering, because you fear you will be next. In protecting one like you, you hope to gain allies and protect yourself. You are fools, for it is against my Spirit that you fight. I will destroy your standards and raise up my own. Though you try to hide, rather than repent and be truthful, I will seek you out. Why will you not speak the truth to my sheep? Why can you not say: “I have sinned, because I left my first love to follow my own desires and not God's?” Would it not be better to give up that which you have and gain your soul? But you are not willing to give up your ministry, your money, or your control. You say you are doing these things for Me, but you are not. You feed a few hungry, support a few missionaires in order to justify yourselves and to say you are fulfilling the great commission. You say: “But we do not take this money for ourselves, but for our ministries.” You have made your ministries as they are, as you want them to be, rich elaborate, powerful, so that your might enjoy the benefits. Though you do not receive great money yourselves, you convert your ministries into ornate temples that you sit and rule from, saying that you have not done evil. If your desire is not for riches and power, why then did you not use the money to go and preach the gospel, or to help those who do? You have put more in your shrines to yourselves than you have put into winning lost souls. I know what you have done; you cannot hide truth from Me. Oh my children, awake and realize this is not of Me. I am not as they have portrayed Me to be. I did not send them riches to be used like this, neither power to deceive so many. I have called those who would follow Me to lay down their lives, their own desires, and to take up my cross, my will, and follow Me. It is my will that none should perish; it is my will that the gospel of the kingdom be preached in all the earth. Humble yourselves, you preachers of my word. Seek not rewards in this life, but in the kingdom of God. Do the work of your Father, even as the Son did. He took no thought for his own needs, but in the needs of others, and in doing my will. Why have you allowed the devil to deceive you into believing that it is through money, and great ministries that the gospel will be spread throughout the world? It is by my Spirit; not by might, not by power, that I will reach the world through my sons who have submitted to my will, and are filled with my Spirit. So shall it be! I will raise up my servants full of the Holy Spirit, who seek only my will, and I will move them by my power to where I will, to accomplish what I have sent them out to do. You who claim you are mine, using my name for your own gain, will see the true move of God and be ashamed.” Scrip. Ref: Zec. 4:6; Rom. 16:17-18; I Tim. 6:5-10; Luke 17:2


The Condition of Many Christians          4/1/1987

The Lord asked me: “What do you see?” I saw a light with the center darkened, like a solar eclipse. The Lord said: “Many Christians are like this, they shine on the outside before others, they praise me on Sunday in the congregation, but on the insde, darkness has penetrated. They have covered the Lord of Light in their hearts and have allowed other things penetrate and darken their hearts. I must be the Lord of all, and have first place in your lives, or darkness will begin to come in and cover up your light from the inside out. They still appear as a Christian on the outisde to those around them, but on the inside, Christ is not the center; His light does not shine fully inside of them.”


My People Do Not Allow Me to Use Them                    4/03/87

“Why will my people not allow Me to use them? My spirit is looking for a channel to flow through, yet my people stop the flow in their own lives. I desire to reach out my hand and touch through you, yet you draw back. What has happened to many of you who were once on fire? You have become as embers. Why are the churches left without prophecy, without miracles? I gave you my Spirit and my gifts, which you used for a season, but as a child soon wearies of a toy, so you also have set them aside. Am I no longer able to speak to the congregation? Do you believe that I do not speak because I no longer desire to, or because there is no need to? Who has deceived you so? The need for my people to hear my voice and be led by Me is greater now that before. I have not become silent; you have become disobedient to my Spirit. You mask your guilt by saying: “I am not worthy”. It would be better if you would speak the truth: “I am lazy and have not sought the Lord”, or “I have not obeyed and allowed the Spirit to move through me.” You have not yet come to repentance and admitted the truth. Many of you have rebelled because you desire to be left alone and leave the work to another. You fear error more than you fear saying “NO” to your God. Will I not keep him who trusts in Me on the right path? Many of you have come to despise prophesying, which my Word says you must not do. Others have been hardened in their hearts through unbelief. All these are dams that have blocked the flow of my Spirit. Many of you pray: “Fill me Lord with your Spirit”, but why should I fill you will not allow Him to flow through you, but block the flow through your unbelief? You desire that I should fill you with my fruits, my blessings, my annointing, in order that you might feel good. You say: “Use me Lord”, but then when I move upon you, you pull back in fear and unbelief. My church has grown since the days that I began pouring out my Spirit, but in her growing she has come into her own wisdom, leaving my wisdom and my ways behind. Why do you believe that which I began by my Spirit needs now to be improved upon by the wisdom of man? It is not by your great intellect or your great wisdom of the Word that I will move mightily. It is, and has always been, and shall always be, by my Spirit. Yield unto Me to have my way in your lives. Do not deny Me to move through you as I desire. I have given gifts to my people, through my Spirit, to be used. You do not know a better way that my Spirit does. Allow him to do that work, in the way that he desires, for this is my will. It is only by my Spirit that great healings will come, great revival will spring forth, and I will speak to my people. My Spirit will do so through those who will allow him the freedom to do so. Which one of you shall take no thought for himself, or his reputation, or his inadequacy and allow Me to be glorified through him? If you will yield completely, I will fill you and use you completely.” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 10:14-15; II Cor. 10:5; I Cor. 12:7-11


The Day of The Lord Approaches     4/09/87

“I have set the time. The day of the Lord draws nigh, and nothing shall delay or prevent it. Oh man, your time grows short; your time runs out. The great battle has begun; the sides are being drawn. I will call you to my side; hear Me and obey. I will yet strive with man that he might hear and repent, and turn unto Me with his whole heart. But know this: I will not strive forever! I will bring an end at the appointed time. The devil has hardened your hearts; he has put many obstacles between you and Me. I will burn; I will shake; I will blow all those things from before Me, and I will stand there to see if you will repent or not. For if you humble your heart before Me, I shall circumsize the hardness away from it. Many of you, when you are tried, will bend your knees and allow Me to rule in your heart, but even more of you will harden your heart further. I know you, oh man, there is nothing that your heart is not capable of. Though the love of the living God is before you, which the birds of the air and the beasts of the field bow down before, you alone will harden yourselves against Me. You resist your Maker, for you desire not to be ruled or controlled by anyone but yourselves. How foolish you are, for are you indeed in control of yourselves? You are so fragile, yet you think yourself so mighty. You think of yourselves as so important, yet the truth is that you are truly important to no one, but to Me. I have loved you so, but you have ignored Me through the ages. I grow weary of trying to win your love. You did not choose Me to love first, it was I who chose to love you, even when you did not love Me, says your Heavenly Father. The evil of man has increased, and every imagination of his heart does abound. Why do you reject your only hope? I reach out to you; I do you no harm, but rather, I bring good to you. I desire that you would be one with Me, but I cannot be one with you unless you repent and allow Me to change you. I am Holy, and I will make you over into my image, cleanse you with my blood, and make you pure, so that we might be one. But you do not wish to relinquish your control, or submit to anyone. An you save yourself from death? Do you truly have control? Reject Me no more, for my Father waries of your hardness and will soon send Me to receive unto my own. It is I, Jesus, who asks you to come unto Me, and be my own, that I might come for you also. Think not that this word is to the unbeliever alone, for there are many in my church who believe with their minds, but their hearts are far from Me. The hardness remains, and unless I circumsize the hardness from your heart, you cannot go with Me.” Scrip. Ref: Mt. 13:15; Rom 13:11-12; Heb. 3:7-13


A Great Darknes Approaches                  4/26/87

I looked and saw the sun as if it were the moon; the sky was dark. The ground trembled and people ran looking for safety, but there was none that they could find. The sky was thick with insects, like a blanket that darkened the light from the sun, as if it were midnight. I saw this cloud of insects approaching a field. There, in the trees, were all manner of birds. Suddenly, a great flight of doves left the trees when they saw the cloud approaching, and flew to a huge rock. In the rock there was holes, which the doves hid themselves in. They were safe there, but all the other birds did not pay attention to the cloud that was approaching, and did not fly to the rock. They stayed in the trees. When the cloud of insects reached them, they began to fall to the earth dead, one after another. Every class of bird fell before the black onslaught. Only those doves that had flown to the rock, who had sensed the cloud of insects that were coming beforehand, were unharmed. The Lord spoke and said that this would surely come to pass. The doves are his servants, led by the Holy Spirit, to hide in the rock ahead of time. The rock is JESUS. The insects are demons from hell. The great battle approaches. I looked also and saw Jesus holding out some gifts to a servant. White robes were given to the servant, and a sword, a helment and a shield of gold. The servant took them in his hands with joy and examined them. He gave thanks to the Lord, but then the servant put them on a chair next to him and sat there with a smile on his face. He folded his arms and remained there just seated. God has given us all that we need, but we have been too lazy (as the servant), to put on that which God has given us and use it. This servant is not like the doves I had seen; he was foolish like the other manner of birds. May God awake us all by his Spirit before it is too late.           Scrip. Ref: I Cor. 10:4; Eph. 4:8; Joel 2:1-11


If There Is No Repentance, The United States Will Soon Not Be A Great Nation                          5/4/87

I looked and saw great dark clouds covering the entire sky; they were in the distance, but suddenly, they began rolling in closer at a rapid rate. I was standing in a field, and suddenly, the clouds were darkening the sky above me. How quickly the came! I could see what appeared to be drops falling, but they resembled little arrows when they hit the ground, and fire was on their tips. Then I could see the map of the United States. I saw myself standing on the beach, and there the clouds were rolling in, and the sea was roaring. I could see in the cities that the clouds were coming and covering the sky. I saw great wheat fields, and the clouds covered them, and the arrows of fire fell. The fields began to burn; there were great flames leaping up. I saw rivers that were dirty. A terrible smell came from them. Then the Lord spoke and said, "Go and tell your nation , that they will soon not be a great nation anymore. Tell them to fall upon their faces in weeping and seek me, that they might be spared." I asked the Lord, "Then it is possible that if they repent, that the nation will be spared?" The Lord replied, "Those that come unto me with their whole heart, I will spare."               Scrip. Ref: II Peter 3;7-14


Vision of a Powerful Volcano            5/5/1987

The Lord showed me a vision in which I saw a very tall mountain which had snow at the top. The mountain began to shake and smoke came out from it. Then lava began to erupt and flow down the mountain. I saw this mountain was part of a chain of moutains that were stretched out over a great distance. At the foot of this mountain I saw many houses, which looked like they had thatch roofs. It was a terrible scene seeing this explosive eruption and the lava flowing down over these houses. I felt in my spirit that this was something that was very unexpected. 


It is Time to Praise God                           5/28/87

I looked and saw a mighty flood of rushing waters. I saw people being carried away by the water. Next to the rushing waters was a bank of land. Jesus was standing on the bank. I saw people kneeling and worshiping Him. There were some standing and weeping; others were standing near the edge of the bank looking at all those that were being swept away. They began to cry and ask the Lord why He did such a thing; they were questioning the Lord, and they were so grieved, even angry at what had happened. I saw the land under their feet breaking up, and they too were swept away by the water. Those that were kneeling, and those that were standing and weeping, facing towards Jesus, praising Him in the midst of their tears, were not swept away. The Lord spoke and said: “There shall be times of great sorrows upon the face of the earth, a time for mourning for that which was lost. Yet, it is a time to praise and worship Me in the midst of all this, for soon the battle will be finished. Grieve, but do not allow your grief to cause you to accuse, or murmur against your Lord. Be compassionate, yet do not let your compassion over rule your commitment to Me. I am the Lord, and my hand forms and molds. I shall form the vessels of honor, and I shall remove those of dishonor. They have chosen to be a vessel of dishonor because they would not submit and allow Me to form them into a vessel of honor. It was their choice; do not say that I am unmerciful and unjust. Remember, I poured my Spirit out upon all flesh, but not all responded the same. Do not cloud your mind in grief over those things that you shall soon see, so that you begin to question Me. Surely, you shall sorrow, even as I have sorrowed over those who have chosen destruction rather than to serve Me throughout the ages. But in all this, remember that I am the Lord, worthy to be praised at all times, through all things. Do not abandon your love for Me, for I am your hope, and without Me, there is no hope. Surely these times will pass quickly, then shall I wipe every tear away forever. He who turns back, or he who forgets that his Lord is good and worthy to be praised, shall be even as those who praised Him not; he shall be counted unworthy, even as those were unworthy.”  Scrip. Ref: Ps. 18:3; Rev. 4:11


I Will Remove the Old and Bring Forth New                      5/29/87

“I am the Lord of Hosts. Hear Me and obey! I am the Lord of a vineyard which I planted by my Spirit. The church is my vineyard. As I planted each new plant, it would grow in my light; it depended upon Me in order to grow and flourish. My vineyard is large now, but it fails to produce as it should. Many of the younger plants are yielding more fruit than the larger, older plants. Many of you older plants have become content at your growth, content that you have once produced. But now your vine withers, for the precious flow that once brought it life has been hindered. You have become lazy and indifferent; you no longer find joy in praising Me. That which needs yet to be done cannot be done through you. Prune yourselves; cut away all of the useless ties that bind you so that you might spring forth something new. I will pour out of my Spirit and bring forth new plants. I will plant them in my vineyard. I will remove those plants that will not yield to Me, to make room for the great group of new ones that shall come forth. For many of the old ones produce not even praise or prayer any longer, for they have dried up. Come, prune yourselves; cut away the worldliness; cut away pride; cut away apathy, and drink up the water of life and bloom once again, that I might see new growth and not remove you from my vineyard.”     Scrip. Ref: Is. 42:9; Is. 43:18-19; Luke 13:6-7


Prophecy to Mankind                    6/13/87

“Soon shall the world know what a mighty God is their God. Mankind will have to come to terms with Me, for if they ignore Me they shall die. If they hide from Me, I shall seek them out. I am the Lord, not you, oh mankind. You will not be able to solve your problems; your wisdom shall fail. You will revert into the simple barbarians that you are by nature, for your intellect will profit you nothing. Even as Egypt will all her power could not overcome the plagues upon her, neither shall you come out of the plagues, but by Me, says th Lord. Your pride shall be useless to you, for the curse upon you shall strip it from you. You have had generations of time to draw near Me, yet you have chosen to worship yourselves, and you have gone further away from Me with each passing generation. If it were not for my people and their seed, I would have destroyed you long ago. The creation which I made in love, to love Me, has spit in my face. Quickly, I will separate my own who have not done so, but have sought my face, and I will bring and end to the rest of you. It is your own selves that has caused you to receive this sentence mankind, for it was not my desire to bring judgment, but rather, to see repentance. Your knees are so stiff, they will not bend, and your heart is even stiffer and will not allow your knees to even try. With one swift blow shall my mighty arm bring you down to your knees, and your strength will be gone. In that day you will know you are no more than dust, and to dust you shall return. In that day you will know that I AM THE LORD!” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 14:11-12; I Cor. 3:18-20; Rom. 2:5-9


Prophecy to Puerto Rico                        6/13/87

“Why have you disobeyed my voice? Have I not said through my word, and through my servants that the division among you must cease? Why are there parts of my body who continue to sow division and to come against their own brothers? Who has made you their judge? Not I, says the Lord. Why have you come against my servants the peacemakers, which I have sent? You accuse them of lowering my standards, but I accuse you of disobeying my word. You shall love one another or my love shall not be in you. The zeal that consumes you is not my holy fire. You have brought a cause falsely against your brothers, and have occupied your time cutting them down. Oh foolish servants, you have opened a breach in the wall. While you have been deceived and distracted in accusing and attacking your own kind, the devil has passed through the breach you have left unguarded. Evil creeps into your land, the land which I have claimed as mine. You have not defended it. You have left the battle with your real enemy, believing his lies that the enemy is your brother. What have you done? Make peace with your brothers, repent of your ways; humble yourselves of your pride, which has gotten you into all this trouble. Love your brother and leave judgment to Me. Am I not able to correct my own? Why do you say you speak for Me, when I have not spoken to you? It is your desire to be better than another, tthat has spoken to you. Open your eyes, you blind servants, and see that your enemy has truly deceived you. Join hands with your brother and close the breach. Stand against the uncleanliness, the rebellion, the idolatry, and the fornication that has crept by you, and destroy the works of Satan together in one accord. Cleanse yourselves and be one in Me, says the Lord, that I might see your repentance, and cleanse your land.”



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