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The Lord's Prayer     7/5/2000

"My people do not understand the smallest things of the Kingdom of God. They believe themselves to be enlightened but they fail to understand the simplest things. If they could only fathom the depths of the Kingdom of God that is before them they would realize that they are spiritually still in the dark ages. It is all there before them in my Word. They see the words before them and claim to know them, but they have only an intellectual knowledge of these things. They have tried to understand with the wisdom of man, the deep things of the Spirit of the Kingdom of God. These things can only be understood by the spirit, for they are spiritually discerned; the logic of man cannot define them. Even the prayer that my Son taught you to pray, which has been repeated by many for generations, is not understood by man. "Our Father, which art in Heaven" Recognizes that I am the one true living God, seated on the throne of Heaven, ruling over all things. It recognizes my sovereignty over all, and your place in my heart as my children, showing forth the special bond, the great love I have for you. It denotes the knowledge that you were created in my image and have accepted my provision to reconcile you to me through my Son Jesus Christ. It recognizes you as the heirs of the Kingdom of your Father. "Hallowed be thy name" Recognizes that I am Holy, and my children, my heirs, this is the nature that you must put on. "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." It is my will to establish my Kingdom on earth, in you, even as it is in Heaven. It is my desire for you to walk as a child of God in the Kingdom, the spiritual world of your Father. In truth, in knowledge, in power, in glory, even as my Son Jesus does. I desire to establish him in you, that my Kingdom would abide in you and be manifest on earth as it is in heaven. I desire you to be spiritual children walking in your inheritance as princes of the Kingdom of God. This is a spiritual inheritance of rulership over the power of darkness, over sickness and disease, over death. You have believed it is a way of living as the princes of this world live. The princes of this world perish into outer darkness, leaving their kingdoms behind. This is not the kingdom I speak of, this is foolishness on your part to be so small minded. Is not power over sin, power over death, greater than riches?  "Give us this day our daily bread" Is to show this is all of this world that you truly need. In searching for more, you have gone far from me and from the knowledge of the truth. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" Is the essential thing that separates you from the children of this world. Only through repentance and forgiveness were you reconciled by the blood of Jesus to your Father. This is the nature of Christ, to forgive. It is the nature of the Spirit. Without forgiveness, you can not enter the Kingdom. You can not walk in the spirit unless you repent, asking forgiveness for your sins, and you are willing to forgive others, likewise. "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil". This is to commend your path, your ways, to me, so that you might walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Is it not the flesh that is tempted? "Keep us in the Spirit and not walking according to the lust of our flesh" is what this truly means. You are saying, "Let our spiritual eyes be open and our heart be one with Yours, so that we might walk with discernment, in knowledge and in truth, defeating all the power of the enemy. Let us be delivered by our faith and trust in You, our Father." It is seeking wisdom from your Father so that you might recognize the plans of the enemy, and all his wiles to lure you into the flesh, in order to close your spiritual eyes and defeat you by hindering the communication between you and your Father.  "For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, amen." You are recognizing that the true Kingdom to which you belong is the Kingdom of your Father, the Kingdom of the Spirit, where there is power, for your Father is God, and the Lord of all is Jesus, the Son of God, your Lord and Savior. All power and glory belong to him and through him, you are now a part, a participant of this power and this glory as spiritual children of God. You are members of a Kingdom which is above all the kingdoms of the earth, or the kingdom of Satan."


The Light of His Presence                          7/22/2000                   

In prayer, I entered into the light of his presence. There was nothing but light and warmth, the warmth of love. His light was all around me; I entered into his light and his light entered into me. I could feel it shine from inside of me. It was pure peace, pure love, and joy beyond words. The Lord spoke to me; "In the light of my presence there is only peace, there are no troubles, no fears. When you enter into my presence there is only truth, no darkness. There are solutions, not problems. This is the rest I spoke of to my people, saying that this is the rest they should enter into. There are no impossibilities in my presence. My people seek me from the darkness, being trapped in fear and worry. They can only see a thin line of light penetrating their darkness; it is all of me they allow in. This little ray of light gives them hope to continue on. Oh, that they would enter in completely! If they would only leave their self outside and enter into my presence, they would see and understand. This is my will for you, that you enter into me and have your burdens taken from you. You enter into my presence and I enter into you. We are one! I left my word as a key to unlock the doors of heaven, as a light to shine the way in the darkness. Did I not say, "You are the light of the world"? How can you be this light, unless you come into my light and let my light come into you? When we are one, you are in me and I am in you. I AM light, thus you are light. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." The Father is light, the light of love and truth. When you walk in His light, His light walks in you. Men will see the light of the Father, they will see the glory of God, in you, and give thanks. They will see the Father and know of His love. Did I not say, "I and the Father are one"? "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father"? I spoke this to my disciples when they asked me to show them the Father. I walked in the light of the Father and His light was in me, shining forth for mankind to see. I left Heaven and came to earth to do this for you because you could not find the way on your own. I came to pay the price for your sins that kept you in darkness, not allowing you to enter the light of His presence. I showed you the way to the Father. I was sent by Him to show you the way, to make a way for you. I AM the solution, the answer of the Father. You could not reach his love, his truth, his light, so he seen his love, his truth, his light, to you. I AM THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT; I AM LOVE; I AM THE WAY. Open your heart and understand! The Father sent me to reconcile the world to him. He wants to be one with you, through me. Because your sins are now paid for, you can enter where you could not go before. The darkness in you could not enter into the light of His presence. I paid for the darkness to be covered, your sins to be forgiven, so that now you can enter in. Why have you stood far off and not entered? You have not understood my word, for this reason, I speak these words to you. The Father is calling you to come in; be still and hear his call. I showed you how, I made a way so that you can. Come, embrace me, I will take you into his presence. I in the Father, you in me, we shall be one! This is your place, your destiny. You were created for this, not to live in sin, sorrow, and death. Hear my voice! Come, let us enter into the Kingdom together! Let us walk in the light. The world will then see my light in you and glorify our Father which is in Heaven!"


Come and Worship and I will Be Your Covering                       8-21-2000           

"The word is given. The word is peace. My peace I give unto you. Therefore, lean not unto your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your paths. My ways are not your ways, neither my thoughts, your thoughts. I have sworn, I have chose you, you are mine, and I will direct your paths! Fall down before the Lord your God and worship him, and your sins will be forgiven. The Lord will forgive and set you free. You are mine, and you know me. Come before me and worship me, and I will be a covering for you and for those that are yours. I have entered into covenant with you and with all that is yours. They are covered by the covenant between us. My covering is peace; my covering is joy; my covering is healing; my covering is a promise for you and for all that is yours. Therefore, give thanks! Worship and praise the Lord your God, for you have been permitted to enter, to praise, and when you adore, you will find grace!"


Our Worship is Heard in Heaven                  8-31-2000                        

 During a praise and worship service at the church we attend, after we had sang songs to the Lord, we began to sing and worship in the Spirit. This continued for a long time, each praising God in his or her own way, in a soft and beautiful way. I had this vision at that moment: I saw the throne of heaven. I could see angels standing around it, and saints dressed in white before it. I saw this vapor that came up through the floor, that had such a sweet smell. The music of our praise was traveling up in the vapor, before the throne of God! I could hear our voices, but not only could I hear us, but all of heaven could hear! The saints began to smile and to dance and sing with our praise. The angels lifted their wings above their heads and waved them with the music. Everyone was smiling, as the Lord inclined his ear to hear our praise. Soon, the sound became softer, and at that moment, I saw that all the saints in heaven bowed down upon the floor, and the angels bowed down also, and covered their heads with their wings. At that same moment the Spirit of God instructed me to open my eyes and look. As I did, I could see that here on earth, in the church, the pastor and the members had knelt down also. It was done simultaneously, by the Spirit, both in heaven and on earth. As I closed my eyes again, I could see everyone in heaven bowed down before the throne, once again. I heard the voice of someone in heaven say, "Who are these?" The voice of God replied, coming as a thunder from the throne, "These are they who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. They are those that will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." At this, the vision ended. This commentary I am led to write by the Spirit of God: There is a great secret in praising the Lord in Spirit and in truth. The word says He is looking for such to worship him. It is well that we sing songs and hymns to the Lord, but we must also take a step deeper. We must enter the Spirit and worship him from our heart, in truth, with the words that are in our heart. We must adore him and minister to him with our love. He inhabits the praise of his people when they worship him from the heart. This is high praise, the kind that enters heaven and causes the inhabitants there to rejoice and to join in praise. This is the praise that we must enter into, in order to enter into his presence. It is most necessary in these days that we learn this, that we make time for this, for this is how we will overcome, this is how we will persevere through what lies ahead. It is our source of strength. It is where we receive grace from the throne of God, and strength to overcome. The body of Christ has not learned the secret of our strength as of yet. We have let religious tradition and time schedules rob not only us of our strength, but rob him of the praise that he desires, and is worthy to receive. I pray that this commentary will exhort you who read it to enter into the Spirit of God, in true praise and worship, getting your minds on Christ, and loving him, forgetting all else, forgetting the time, and just entering into His presence to minister to the King of Kings, the Lord of all. This is not something that is done only in the church, but in our lives, in the secret place that we set apart to be with Him. We will find His ear inclined to hear us, and His grace ready to be poured over us, if we will just allow our minds to be at peace, our thoughts to be still before Him, so that we can concentrate on ministering to Him, forgetting about ourselves, and worshipping Him for who He is. He is worthy of such praise.


The Footsteps of the Lord               9/16/2000         

I saw this vision several times in the past week: I saw these large footprints in the sand. I saw a child trying to walk in the footprints. I could see how small the child's foot was inside the footprint and how she had to jump from one footprint to the next. Sometimes she would loose her balance trying to jump to the next footprint and wouldn't quite make it, but she would straightened up, concentrate on the footprint ahead, and try again. I could see up ahead who it was that was making the footprints. It was Jesus! He was walking towards a great light. His shadow fell behind him, over top of the footprints he had left behind. The child was following in those footprints, covered by His shadow, as long as she stayed in the footprint. I saw that as she continue on, she began to grow. Her feet were not so small now, her legs were longer. She could step more easily into the footprint in front of her, with more accuracy than before, with less effort. She was catching up to the Lord, and was now walking in his stride. His shadow completely covered her.The Spirit of God spoke to me, saying: "This is the way, walk ye in it! He who abides under the shadow of the almighty is he who walks in his footsteps, in obedience. This is what the words "Follow Me" mean. I have shown you this so that you might understand their meaning. As you walk in obedience to the word, you will grow and find it easier to continue on. You will come closer to the Lord Jesus and walk in the way that he walked. Many have not achieved this because they walk a path set by religion and tradition, believing themselves to be on the "right" path, but after years of following it, they are no more closer to Jesus, no more like him, than when they started. I did not tell you to follow religion, I told you to follow me, says the Lord. In order to follow my footsteps you must become like me. Look and you sill see!" At that moment, I saw the footsteps again, but this time, each had a word written in it. In the first footprint it said, "humble"; the second said "love"; the third, "forgiveness"; the next said "sacrifice", the next "giving", then "mercy", "thankfulness", then "kindness" ;then the vision faded.The Lord began to speak again, saying, "These are the footsteps you are to walk in, my footsteps! My footsteps do not contain pride or selfishness, or criticism, or self exaltation, religion's steps do. This is why I said, "You shall know them by their fruits", for their fruits show you whose footsteps they are following and what path they are on. When the child is small, they may waver, following the path; they might not quite reach the mark. Do not judge quickly, for such it is for ALL of you! "Patience" is one of My footsteps, step into it! Notice through the trials and errors, the child straightens herself and returns to her determination to continue on. The issue in the beginning is not how well it is done, but the effort in trying, the determination to not give up, to continue on despite of the shortcomings. This is what I am looking for, and so should you. Do not condemn, do not criticize or mock a small child's effort; whether they achieve the goal or not is not the point, it is the desire, the effort that is important. Encourage the effort, do not discourage them. If they are reassured of my love and my approval of their effort, they will try again and again. As they do, they will grow, and be able to reach the goal, more precisely, more perfectly. The lack of compassion and tenderness among you, my people, is appalling. You judge so quickly. This is not my way! I sent you to edify, to build up one another through love and patience, through encouragement and kindness. So many little ones have been beaten down by your rules; they have become discouraged and have walked away. They have taken your disapproval and harshness to be mine. They feel they have failed me and are no longer worthy to be my child. You have made it more than hard for them, you have made it impossible for them to continue. This is not my way! Do you still not understand? It is the effort of the heart I am looking for, not the perfection of the task! I know that in time, they will perfect the task if they continue on with encouragement and determination. Give thanks, that I, being perfect, am much more tolerant than you that are not! Your lack of tolerance is due to the lack of love in you. I counsel you that you walk in my footprints and keep your eyes on me, and not on others. If you look behind to see how others are doing, how can you continue to walk forward? If you think you have arrived and stop to view the efforts of others, you are very mistaken. My footsteps continue on! There is no stopping place! Each of you must continue on, concentrating on me and following my next footstep. You will see those you judged for their lack of balance, reach you and pass you by, because their eyes remained focused on me, yours did not! Follow me! Learn to be as I am, an encourages, a minister of love. In this, you will come closer to me and be walking in the step right behind me."



MY WORD      9-26-2000            

"Write my word upon your heart and in it meditate day and night. For my word is the key to all you need to know; it is the answer to all your questions; it is the guide to safety in the storm. My word will direct your feet and keep them from falling. The enemy may lie in wait to snare you, but my word will deliver you from his snare. You must know that my word is your weapon, your shield in battle. Do not go to the battle without it. Place it in your heart so that your weapon is continually with you; hide it in your heart so that you sin not. It is the latch on the door of your heart that keeps the door shut and safe so that the enemy does not come in. If you do not hide the word in your heart, then the door is unsure, having no lock upon it. Your heart embraces so many things, embrace my word! Love it as you love life! Make a place for it in your heart, for I am the word that became flesh! This is my word! It is me that you embrace. This is the bread of life, even my body, broken for you. I and my word are one. As you take in my word and hide it in your heart, so you take in me and hide me in your heart. My word and I are inseparable. Where my word is, I am, and where I am, is my word. Ask for a hunger and thirst for my word, for as you eat and are filled with it, you are being filled with me. This is the intimate knowledge of me that leads you to know who I am and to recognize my voice. I will speak to you; I will guide you by my word. When you hear my voice you will recognize it by my word, and not be deceived to follow other voices. Listen! In the quiet of your heart, where my word has been stored, there am I! I will speak to you and you will know me! How do you fall more deeply in love with one you have never met? By hearing his words and learning who he is. Many have fallen in love through the words in a letter, where one heart conveys to another, through words, their very heart. So it is with my word. It is my love letter to you. It is my revelation of who I am. It is my heart being revealed to you. Read it, and fall in love with me!"


The Greatness of God            9/28/2000          

I was meditating on the greatness of God. I have seen great majestic mountains, and I seemed so small next to them, and yet, they are like a small grain of sand next to the Lord. You can stand on a seashore and look out to sea, and not see the other side, yet, it is only the distance between one of your hairs from the next one, compared to the greatness of God. The universe is so vast, man cannot comprehend it. No man knows its size or dimensions, and yet, the Bible says that Heaven is his throne and the earth is his footstool. Imagine one who could create such things! One who can not only make a star, but hang it in it's place, not one, but millions upon millions of them!The Lord showed me how large a whale is, and I saw this small little minnow next to him. The minnow could swim all around the whale, and yet never comprehend what the whale looked like, for he would only see a small space of the whale at a time. We can look to God, look into his wonders and his works, look into his word, and we can never see all of him, only small pieces of his greatness at a time. The Lord than showed me how easy it would be for that little minnow to be swallowed by the whale. God has made it so easy for us to enter into him. He provided the way, through his son Jesus. He gave us his word, all we have to do is receive it, and we can be born again, we can enter into him. It is easy for the minnow to enter the whale, he just has to swim to the mouth and wait for the whale to open his mouth. The way to God is "open" to us, through the cross of Christ. The greatest miracle is not that the little minnow can enter into the whale, but that the whale would enter into the minnow. That would be impossible for something so large, so great, to enter into something so small. Yet, with God, nothing is impossible. He wants to enter into our small hearts and abide there! Not only does he want to, he can, and he does! Immediately, when he showed me this, I thought to myself, "Why would such a great and might God want to live in the small heart of man?" Never mind the unfathomable concept of how he does it, but why, having the heavens to dwell in, would he choose to dwell in one tiny little heart in the life span of a small little being like man?The Lord spoke to me, asking me this question: "When you were first with child, wasn't the child within you just a few small cells, not having neither the shape or form of a child yet? Even though the child was still not formed, being so tiny within you, didn't you love it? Didn't you plan for the child, even choose a name? Were you not overjoyed? Your heart waited with anticipation, with love, for the birth of that child. The overwhelming desire to have a child is no different than my desire to have you. I desire to be one with you, to nourish you and watch you grow. I desire to birth you into the Kingdom as my child. The small embryo is loved by the mother, because it is her child. It does not have to be formed or seen to be loved. She sees by faith the day she will hold the baby in her arms. To that little embryo, the mother's body is like a universe. It is so tiny, yet it is so loved. The mother would risk her life for that child. The love I have for my children is greater than this. I have given you this example to help you to understand and to share with others, how important your lives are to me.As great as I AM, so great is my love. That little egg cell will never become a life without the seed of the father joining it. The father's seed gives life and being to that egg. Even so, I am the Father, and each man is like the egg. Without my seed entering into man's heart, the egg lives its appointed time and perishes. Yet, with those that receive me, a new life is formed, an eternal child of Kingdom begins to grow. Without me, there is no life. I am the Father that gives eternal life. I do this because I desire to have children. My love is so great, that I desire many children. My desire is that none should perish, but that all should receive me and become my children." Three Types of People in the Body of Christ.


10/4/2000        Three Types of People               

God showed me 3 types of people: there are God-pleasers; there are man-pleasers and there are self-pleasers. These 3 exist in the body of Christ. The smallest group is the group that are God-pleasing, although, most people will profess to be God-pleasers, for that is what they think they are. But, do we truly live to please God, or do we just think we are doing so? The Lord spoke and said, "Your own hearts have deceived you into believing a lie, that all is well with your soul, when it is not. That is why so many of my people suffer from the ails that afflict those in the world. They can not sleep; they fear; they are anxious; they are troubled. My word says there is no peace for the wicked, yet you have not even considered why there is no peace in you. Is there something wicked hidden in your heart that has masqueraded itself? That is why I said if you will examine yourself, you will not be judged, but you fail to do so. This  generation is deceived. They see things how they want to see them, and readily believe whatever lie is most convenient, most comfortable for them to believe. They justify themselves rather than repent. I will show you the truth. Many are ruled by what others will think of them. Their pride, their need of attention and acceptance, is greater than their desire to please me. They convince themselves that they are seeking peace, serving one another, esteeming their brother more than themselves, whatever excuse that justifies their actions. If in truth they were doing this, then why are they not at peace? They have submitted to avoid rejection from man! The motive of the heart, your heart, is what is of issue here. Have you feared men more than you fear God? A peacemaker is one who seeks peace because he fears Me; he does so in obedience to my word. My love, my heart, leads him to make peace, to reconcile with his brother. He does not seek peace because he fears man, which would mean he considers man's approval of more importance than Mine. Be not deceived, measure the motive of your hearts! Those that have become most deceived are those who are self-pleasers. They  convince themselves they have heard from Me, in order to do their own will, what their "self" desires. They are soulish people, believing they are spiritual. They are religious, having a form of godliness yet denying the power thereof. They claim to serve me, but in truth they serve themselves. As long as obeying me is in line with what they desire, they are obedient. But when it is not, they fast, they pray, they seek, until they hear a voice telling them it is all right to do what they want to do. It is their self speaking to justify what they have already determined to do in their heart. Now they can rise, go about satisfying their self without guilt, because they say, "God spoke to me." Be not deceived, weigh the motive of your heart! If truly I spoke, you would be on your face in tears, crying out for forgiveness! My goodness leads you to repentance, my people, not to indulgence. I have said that it is my desire to bless you, to give you the desire of your heart. I have spoken, I have told you, I am a jealous God. Why have I not been the desire of your heart? Why is it, when you consider the desires of your heart, I am not the first you consider? Don't be deceived, examine the motive of your heart! If you say that it is not so, you lie not only to me, but to yourself as well. Can you not see this truth? Let this truth bring you to recognize who is really on the throne of your heart, not who you say is! If it were truly Me your life, your actions, would reflect holiness not worldliness! You have desired the pleasures of this world and have justified yourselves in doing so. You have become a self-pleasing people who say you are God-pleasing. It makes you feel well to believe this lie so you can have my name without true obedience. Is this the bride that I shall come for? One that seeks her own good, her own will, not looking to please her husband? Do you not see how you have deceived your own selves? The devil has not done this, you have done it yourself. Repent! Open your eyes and see what has become of you, oh my people! Where is your heart? Oh, that it were one with mine! Oh, that you loved Me more than your own life! I am not to be a "part" of your life, but your very life! Have you loved Me with such passion that you have forsaken all else? Perhaps, you say, I did at one time. But what has happened? You have grown cold towards Me! Your lips say you love Me, yet your heart goes after whatever gratifies you. Is this not an adulterous heart? Come, come back to Me, saya the Lord! Come back to your first love; come back to Me! Who is like Me? What did you lack when your heart burned for Me? Why has your eye looked upon this world? Why have you gone out from my presence to touch, to taste, to feel the world? Was not my love better than the pleasures of this world? Why have you deceived yourself into believing that you can have both? Do you think my love is so great for you, that I will agree with sharing you? What have you done? I will not share you! I will let you go to the world if that is where your desire is! Oh, that you would repent! Oh, that you would turn your heart back to me! It pains me see you drift away! It pains me, that you pretend that all is well between us. You play a game; you go through the motions; you kneel to pray; you go to church, and all the while, your heart and your thoughts are on other things, not on Me! To everyone you seem to be right with Me, even to yourself, but you are not right with Me! I change not! You have tried to change Me to fit your ways, so you can do your will, and say it is my will! This is the great deception, for I AM the same, yesterday, today, and forever. You have changed, for I cannot! Your love has grown cold; you have gown weary of pleasing Me, and have gone off to find other pleasures. Do not mix Me into this! Do not try to change Me! I will not be conformed to the image you feel more at ease with! Men fashion gods in their own image so that they can serve what is convenient for them. I AM not one of those! You did not create Me, I created you! I formed you in my image so that you might serve Me, so you would be mine!You have placed my word in a small form so that you can place it in a pocket and take it with you wherever you go. It is good that you seek to hide my word in your heart and to keep it with you continually, but do not think that you can make me small and place me in your pocket! You have done so; oh, look and see; have you not done so? You have made every Holy standard smaller until you can fit it comfortably in your pocket and then justify yourselves by saying, "all is well". I am not asking you to use this word to judge others. This is not sent to measure the hearts or the holiness of those around you! This word is sent for you to examine yourself! I am dealing with you, who read these words. If it is true for others, why can you not see that it is true for you? Be not deceived! Examine the motive of your heart and lay it bare before me. Come, though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them white as snow."


Seek The Lord        10-19-2000      

In prayer the Lord spoke the following; "The people have an idolatrous heart. They seek the council of others. They seek the prayers of others, seeking a mediator to intercede for them. They do this rather than repenting and cleansing themselves, instead of entering my presence to seek me. Their eyes are on their problems, on what the the enemy is doing. Their hearts become faint for fear of the enemy, so they run to others for safety. They will never walk in victory this way for the attitude of their heart is one of fear and uncertainty, not of faith. They believe others can help them, others can guide them. Why will they not come to me? They pray but they do not truly believe. Why would they doubt my faithfulness? They believe I will be faithful to answer the prayers of those who walk closely with me, but why don't they walk closely with me as well? I will tell you why. They would have to surrender; they would have to confront the truth of the sin in their hearts. They would have to repent and discipline their flesh, crucifying their desires and passions. It is easier for them to let someone else, who is willing to pay the price, do the seeking for them. They want my mercy, my favor, without the conditions, without obedience. Since they are not willing, they seek one who is. They hope to receive from the obedience of others, from the sacrifice of others, so they might freely receive what someone else has paid for. They are relying on the word, on the faith of someone else, rather than seeking Me for themselves. They believe if two or more agree together touching anything, it will be done by their Father in heaven. They believe if they pray with one who is right with Me, they will receive for that persons sake, and for the word's sake. This is an easy way out for them. They receive the reward without the sacrifice. Do they think that I am unaware of their attempts to get something for nothing? It is their heart I wish to expose, and to change. I am not someone who is in your life to dispense your every need. If you have believed this, you show yourself to be a spoiled, unruly, and selfish child. I did not create you just to have something to do. I created you to be one with Me.I desire to share my heart, my love, myself with you. I desire your presence and communion with you. You see Me as the one who supplies all your needs, but you fail to understand why. I want you! I want your love and devotion! I have always required this of my people, and few have understood. You want my goodness, my blessings, but not Me! You do not want to surrender. You do not want to give up your ways to know my ways. You want all things your way, and my blessing besides. But you are not willing to do it for Me, neither for your own good, so you run to those that are willing. You seek the blessing by trying to hide under their covering. You seek to receive the blessing that falls on them for their obedience, without your own obedience. Can you not see what you are doing? You are holding on to someone else's anointing, rather than seeking Me to be anointed. My son Jesus is your high priest; He is your mediator, no one else! He is the door; He is the way! If you need someone to look to, someone to hold on to, look to him! He is my provision for you! Give up your life and seek him! You will find that He will lead you to know your heavenly Father. You will find that He will baptize you with my Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. Then your eyes will be open and you will begin to know me, and the purpose for which you were created."


The Gifts of The Spirit  12-21-2000  

The Lord spoke these words: "I have given my Spirit to the Church. The gifts of the Spirit are to edify the Church. Why are my people not using the gifts? Why do they not stir them up, as I instructed them to do? The heart of my people is not right. They have been contaminated by the spirit which moves in the world; a spirit of selfishness, of self interest, self service. They look to receive rather than to give. This is not my nature; it is not my heart; it is soulish, carnal. My people seek Me for that which is of benefit to them, seeking to receive, rather than give. They do not earnestly seek after the gifts of the Spirit in order to minister to others, rather, they seek for those ministering in the gifts to minister to them. Can you not see that your heart is wrong? You are commanded to go and preach the gospel to all people, and yet you neither do it, nor do you seek after the tools given you, the gifts of the Spirit, with which to do it. You have become a self serving people, always seeking in the word that which will bless you. You complain when your needs are not met, when you are not ministered to. Why have you not died to self? When you truly put on my nature, you will seek to be a blessing to others, taking no thought for yourself. You will hunger after the gifts of the Spirit so that you will be able to serve others. This is what has happened to you: you have forgotten that you are called to serve others not to serve yourself. How can I send you a spiritual blessing when your heart is like this? You would fall upon it and devour it up without leaving a crumb for someone else. I speak this to some, for not all have been this way. There are those that seek rightly, so that they might have to give, and this pleases me. There are those who when they gather with others they seek to give and not to receive. They are those who are chose;n, for they have a heart to serve. To them I will give a double portion. I will give to them the use of the gifts of the Spirit that they might minister to the needy. Have you asked why you have not earnestly desired and sought after the gifts of the Spirit? These gifts are to minister to others, not for your own personal use. Have you considered that this may be why you have not hungered after them? Examine your hearts. Not all are pure before me. To say you love your brothers,  you love the lost, and yet you do not seek to serve them, is evidence that your words are not true. Repent! Recognize the truth and seek me that I might change you and put my heart in you. Giving to others is true love, it is the heart of your Father."


A Prophetic Message for the New Year           12/31/2000                   

While in a New Year's Eve church service, the Lord spoke this word of prophecy to the Church: "My people, be prepared, for many will fall away from walking with me in this coming year. It will be a year of trials, and many will be offended. Do not take your eyes off of me. Do not be concerned over what you shall eat or how you shall live. I am your provider, and I am able to sustain you. Many will become anxious for these things, and be caught up in worry over the things of the flesh, over the things of this world. I am allowing these things. These trials will shake up my people, so that they might know what their faith is truly built upon. Many say that their faith is in me, but in truth, it is in the things of this world, and in their own ability to provide for themselves. They have loved this world and are not willing to give it up. I will put their faith to the test, so that they might wake up to the truth, and surrender to me. Fear not, for I do this for you own good, that you would draw closer to me. Do not be dismayed for the things that you see going on around you. It is time for you to look to me and to put all of your trust in me. I will keep those who's faith is in me, and I will not permit them to fall or be taken. I will be your strength in this storm. Fear not! I will be with you and I will not leave or forsake you. Do not forsake me!"


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