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Message to New York City                        11/1/1988

I looked and saw the earth like an enormous globe that I was standing upon. I looked towards the north and saw upon the horizon a ship on the sea. It was an old ship, like a pilgrim ship. Upon it was a flag, a black flag. It was a death ship, a plague ship. I saw it approach the United States. Then I saw from up close as if suspended in the air. The ship entered the New York harbor. I saw it sail past the Statue of Liberty, but the statue was not as she normally is; her hand, which carries the torch, was dropped down at her side, and her head was bowed down. The ship began to sail up into the harbor, and along the sides of the waterway, I could see fires burning. They were burning the dead of the first plague. There were no other ships moving. Then I saw the death ship, which sailed on her own, for she had no man to guide her, enter and dock herself. Yet another plague had arrived while they were still burning victims of the first plague. “Woe upon woe; plague upon plague; destruction upon destruction; says the Lord. Who shall deliver you out of this, seeing that you have rejected the Lord your God? It shall be as a wildfire, fanned by your sin, spreading in the land. They shall no longer say, “the lepers of old”, for you shall be as those lepers. The spots shall be seen upon your skin and shall not be removed. The curse of the unclean shall be upon you for you have rejected He who is the healer of lepers. In your weakness shall you easily be overtaken. As the waves upon the shore, which continue to come and do not cease, so shall the woes upon your land be. But I shall not completely forget you, neither the covenant which was made by your fore-fathers with Me. I shall preserve a remnant. Tho who have wlaked in my ways I will lead to safety. You look upon your land and see it for what it was, yet you do not see it as it is, neither can you perceive that which is to come. My people cry out for repentance, yet the do not repent themselves. Many of you who think you are under my cover are not. But I will be true to my word upon those who are true to me. Mourn my childre, mourn in their sights and proclaim to them the woes that are to come. It shall be a sign unto them, a testimony against them; yet they shall not see it, neither understand, but shall mock my warning. They shall heap fire upon their own heads for laughing at my words. And when it shall come to pass and they find these words to be true, they shall call out, but there will be no answer for them; for this is the bed they chose to lie in, and in it shall they surely rest. Many of my children will hear these words, yet they will not proclaim them for fear and for unbelief. You say you are different from them, yet you will not distinguish yourselves from them in front of others. You will speak it among yourselves in whispers and in unbelief, but you will not rise and set the trumpet to your mouth. You will not mourn in their presence and proclaim that which I have spoken. You will hold your voice until your eyes shall see the completion of this prophecy and then you will say that you knew. I will hold you accountable for your silence for truly you know, yet you fear to do anything while there is still time. You do not wish to appear different; you are afraid to be rejected by others. So few there are who hear my voice and obey it. The dead will not hear you. Speak now while they are yet living.” Then I looked and I saw Christians who decided to obey God's word. Upon their arm was a black band, a sign of mourning. And when they were asked why, they replied by the Spirit of God, “This is a symbol of mourning for those who will die of the plague in this nation and the plague that is yet to come; because this nation has not called upon the name of the Lord, neither have they walked in his ways.” And I saw that they put this band on and that they kept it on them until these words came to pass. “Blessed is he who is faithful and true and obeys the word of God.”

Personal note: I do not know if this is a literal plague or a spiritual plague of unbelief and sin. It may be both. More and more are compromising their beliefs, returning to the world, and sin continues to grow and corrupt, bringing spiritual death to millions. As the Lord said in this word: “So few who hear his voice and obey it.”


End Time Judgment             11/5/88

The Lord took me before his throne. I saw the enormous throne of the Father, and to the right, Jesus was sitting upon his throne. I could not see the form of Him who sat upon the throne of the Father for it was a glory of shining lights, but I recognized Jesus. I saw to the left a great host of angels dressed in white with golden armor. They were on horses which paced back and forth as if they were anxious. I saw seven great cups filled with what appeared to be like blood, which were filled to the brim and spilling over. I saw seven shining trumpets in a row. I saw angels standing before the trumpets waiting to sound them. I saw near the throne of the Father, upon a wall, another trumpet which was much different in size and shape. I wondered what it was for, why it was apart from the others, and why it was different. “This is the trumpet to call the children home”, replied the Spirit of God. “It is the trumpet of God the Father which He will sound at the moment which only He knows.” Then I saw the four horses of the Apocalypse passing anxiously, breathing fiercely, and they were held back in a place, but their riders were mounted. I saw a gold chain which held them back. But suddenly, I saw the first horse, a white horse, dispatched towards the earth. Then the Spirit of the Lord said: “Come, I will show you.” Then the Lord showed me the host of angels on horseback ride out of heaven at the Lord's command. The Spirit of God showed me the great war in the heavens. I saw great forces of darkness warring with the angel of God in the heavens. The angels pushed back the forces of darkness to open a pathway that descended down to the earth. I saw a great river of water flow forth from the Holy place and descend to the earth. The war raged, but upon the earth many who appeared as if dead, were raised up in great power and warred against the evil forces that were on the earth as well. I heard a voice say: “The great war of the ages has come!” The earth was shaken with the impact of the enormous war that was being fought in the spiritual realm . The Spirit of the Lord spoke and said: “Let not my remnant despair, neither let them doubt. Thought the messengers of heaven are hindered, yet has my Spirit has flooded my servants with power that they might speak forth in my Name and receive!” Then the Spirit of God took me up to the throne of God again, but I looked and saw that the horses were all gone, all but one, the fourth horse of the Apocalypse remained; then I saw the last horse, a pale horse, leave the heavens and ride towards the earth. I looked at where the seven golden trumpets had been, and I saw one trumpet was laid down, for it had already been blown, and six trumpets remained. I looked and saw the seven golden cups had all been emptied. I looked then to the throne and saw that Jesus was no longer seated there upon his throne. I wondered where He was, and from the throne of God came forth the voice of the Father saying: “ He is with them who are at the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Then the Spirit of God said: “Come and see what the state of man is upon the earth.” He took me towards the earth, and I saw the earth as if it were saturated with blood, and smoke came up from it. I saw in the cities: vehicles that came and collected the dead and took them to a dump where the bodies were burned. I saw demented, sick people filled with violence in the streets. I saw a woman who was sitting in the corner upon a street, give birth there in the street in the midst of the filth and the poverty round about her. I saw several men come up while the baby was yet attached to her and the cord was not cut yet, and in their sick demented state, they laughed, while taking a knife, which they used to cut the child free. Then the stabbed the infant and ran away laughing, saying: “Now we will have something to eat.” I saw the look of horror on the woman's face, yet she could not even get up, for she had not finished the birth process. I then saw slaughter houses, which were once used for the slaughter of animals, but out of them I could see arms and legs of humans being discarded. It was horrible, and the stench was unbelievable. I cried out in my spirit for God to take me from that place. I then saw the mountains begin to shake, and fall upon the evil of those cities. I saw the sea come out of her place to swallow up the evil in the land. I could stand no more, so the Lord took me from that place. I shut my eyes at the horror around me, then suddenly when I opened my eyes, I was in a different place. I was seated at a beautiful table of gold and silver with crystal settings and beautiful roses and flowers on the table (which never die). Their perfume was beautiful. Everyone was dressed in white and had golden crowns. There was rejoicing and laughter; there was singing and dancing. Then I saw the Lord in the middle and the bride of Christ dancing around Him. It appeared as group, all in white, which danced around until it seemed as if they were all just one, just the bride and the groom. Then the Lord returned me. Later He told me he had taken me to see these things in order for me to preach to mankind what will await those who reject his Son, and to warn the church to walk in all humbleness and obedience before their God, that they might not be left behind in those times; for it is not His will that any should be left on the earth to suffer so terribly, but that they might flee from the wrath which is yet to come by coming to Jesus Christ now!   Scrip. Ref: Rev. 14:13-20;15:1-8;16:1-21;19:1-9



The Rapture       11/11/88

The Lord showed me this vision: I was standing in a cemetary at night. Suddenly, I saw a bright light shining from underground. The light was so bright that it shown right through the dirt. Not all the graves had this light, only a few. Suddenly, I saw bodies that glowed as if they were phosphorescent, come out of the ground and shoot up in the air like they were shooting stars. Then suddenly, I was in a house, in someone's bedroom. There was a man and a woman asleep in their bed. Suddenly, the woman's body glowed, and she sat up, looking at herself; then she too shot up through the roof and flew into the sky. The man remained asleep. Then, from a great distance in space, I could see the earth like a ball. From all over I could see these little lights fly out, as if they were fireflies in a night sky, and they shot up to the third heaven, the heaven of God. The rapture had occurred! Praise the Lord!   Scrip. Ref: I Thes. 4:13-17


Message to the Dominican Republic        11/28/88

The Lord showed me this vision in the morning: I saw the island of the Dominican Republic. I saw a great rock from the sky fall upon it, as I had seen once before. But this time when the rock hit the land, I saw that it was actually a fist of iron that began to break apart and to squeeze the land. Later in the afternoon, the Lord showed me this vision: I saw soldier marching, dressed in green camouflage uniforms with green beret caps upon their heads. They were Latin looking men. They marched through deserted looking streets. People were hiding inside for fear of them. I then saw another group of soldiers dressed in green dress uniforms, passing by in a military parade. They marched, lifting their legs high, but not bending them at the knees. They saluted a leader who was seated in some stands, but I could not see his face clearly, for they were a distance away. I felt a fear come upon me for the people of this country. I felt great persecution and evil was coming upon them. I cannot say exactly that these two visions are of the same place, but since I was praying about the vision for the Dominican Republic which I had received earlier in the day, I thought perhaps this too was for them.


Seek the Lord in Prayer        12/8/88

The Lord spoke this message and said: “Why do my people rob from Me? Do they not know that I desire to hear them? I desire that they communicate from their hearts their love for Me. When they come aside and seek Me with their whole hearts, it is a precious moment for Me. Oh, how I long to hear your voices, but you neglect Me and remain silent. My people, you rob from Me my precious moments. Give unto Me that which I desire, and do not withhold from Me your praise and your precious words of adoration, for that is a precious moment for Me, says the Lord.”


Russia      12/20/88

The Lord showed me the country of Russia and said: “The earthquake was but a warning of that which is to come. This has come upon them because they are a hard people, and because their leader has a heart of stone. He has made himself a man-god. He has exalted himself and believes that he is to be worshiped. He has made the nation to tremble at his presence. Even though he speaks of peace, he looks for a way to destroy my people and the Holy Lamb of Israel, for he speaks words of honey but breathes forth fire. For this reason I will bring him down; I will bring down his kingdom; I will bring down his people, his cities and his flocks. I will make him as the dust of the earth. I will rise up my seed to worship Me, and nothing shall detain them. Those who rise up against them and against Israel, I will swiftly judge. Woe unto you, for what you see now is only a drop of the judgments that are yet to come upon you, oh wicked ones. There is but one God, and unto Him shall ever knee bow, not before a man of the earth filled with Satan himself. Every knee shall bow before Him who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Son of the Living God, who comes quickly to bring justice to the earth; and He shall sit upon his throne upon the earth!”


Jerusalem, England, France       12/28/88

The Lord showed me a vision of Jerusalem: I saw the temple of the Arabs, the Mosque. I saw the ground under it shake and the dome shattered like a glass Christmas ornament. I then saw England, and the ground shook along the southeast side down through the English channel and also in part of France.


Follow the Lord     12/31/88

The Lord spoke and said: “Follow Me! I have called my people to follow Me, for I have prepared your path. I have a purpose for you, and the way I have declared. I lead you upon this path, even by my Spirit. But not only have I prepared your way, I go before you to show you the way that you must follow in. It is not a hard thing, my people. Follow Me, for it is not a hard thing to do. I have prepared the way already. I have given you my strength. I have filled you with my Spirit. What? Do you not know that I am with you? I am your strength; I am your victory; I am your health; I am your provider; I am your help in times of trouble; I am your refuge; I am your joy; I am your peace; I am your comfort; I am your smile in the midst of your tears. Follow Me!”



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