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The United States is Like Israel                            6/17/87

The Lord spoke and said: “Do you see what came upon my people, Israel, in times past? Because of their fathers, who knew Me and did fear Me, I called them my own and gave them a land, a beautiful land, where they could worship and serve Me. But they rebelled, they lowered my standards; they allowed the abominations of the other people to fill their land. They relaxed in ease and forgot the fear of the Lord. They said in their hearts: “We are the Lord's people, He will do us no harm; therefore, let us do as we please without fear, for if He does not punish the heathen for their sins, surely He will not punish his chosen ones.” They who once knew Me, who were mine, left my side; how did I deal with them for this? Did I not surely chastize them for their backsliding and harlotry? What of your own nationa and your own people? Did I not give them their land also, that they might worship and serve Me? Israel waits for their Messiah, but your fore-fathers have already received him. They were already redeemed by his blood; not by a covenant of promised through the blood of animals, but the covenant, the final covenant, made by the shedding of my only Son's blood. A covenant more precious, an everlasting covemant, not one that must be renewed again and again, but offered up once and for all. And through his blood, they became sons unto Me, therefore did I separate them and bring them to their own land, where they might worship Me, even as I had done in times past with Israel. But tell Me of your people, what have they done? Have they not done even as Israel did, and worse? For they have permitted evil in their land; they have welcomed the strangers and their gods. They have made room in my land for all manner of idolatry and evil. They protect the evil doers with their laws, ignoring my laws; saying: “Are we not God's chosen people, a blessed nation? He will not bring judgment upon us; He will not destroy a mighty nation such as us.” They have taken my goodness for granted, and lost their fear of Me, those that say they still believe in Me, for many do not. They have become polluted in their own intelligence and have reasoned that there is no God, that they are their own gods. They damn their souls through ignorance, though they claim it is intelligence, and do worse, for they sell their children through these lies to Satan himself. There is no fear of God, only rebellion in the land. The youth worship sin; they worship idols and make sacrifices to Satan, and to him do they sing praise. Oh wicked ones, you do worse than Israel, for you mock my Son, which Israel did not do, for she had not yet reeived Him. Though Israel rejects my Son, you who have received Him do worse, for you shame and make fun of Him. Israel has not yet accepted my sacrifice, but you have taken it, and then trodden it under foot. Even those who say they are my people have left their holiness and play in the streets as the heathen do. They have given their children permission to enjoy the music of praise to Satan. They have allowed their boys to dress as girls, and their girls to dress as boys. They pervert the truth and ignore my ways. If you have allowed your children to enter partially into Satanism, why are you dismayed when they inhale the incense used in worship to him? Did you not even open the door to this yourselves? Did you not let this in your churches, which were to be my holy sanctuaries? Have I not taught you to be chaste, pure, a holy priesthood? Yet, you sit and enjoy, and accept the watching of adulteries of others, and allow your children to do so also. You pollute yourselves and open yourselves to lust which will consume you. You say you are a holy people, yet you allow your eyes and your minds to be polluted and seduced. Do you not know that the seed is planted in your mind, it will produce fruit? Israel had not the means to pollute themselves to the extent that you have. In all your knowledge, you have become murderers of the innocent, adulterers of the mind, subtle worshipers of Satan through your music, your dance, and your entertainment. Because you have not built a temple and said: “This is my idol; I will sacrifice and worship here”, you say you are a Godly people and not idolatrous. But you sacrifice of your time to watch sin in your houses. You listen to the praises of evil and call it “only music”. You say you do no wrong, but I say you are a sinful, idolatrous people, even as Israel was. I brought judgment upon them, and I will surely bring judgment upon you. You have called yourself a Christian nation, but you have shamed the name of Jesus Christ before the world. There are only a few who have kept themselves separate unto Me and have not eaten of the ways of the world. Come, put aside the world and her evil. Cleanse yourselves in the blood of the Lamb once more, and return not to the mire again. I will separate the true, holy remnant of God unto myself, and I will pour judgment on those wicked ones who say they are mine, but tolerate sin, even enjoy it, calling it good and not evil. Have you not sinned greater than did Israel? Shall you not even receive as she did? You throw Me the scraps of your affection, and expect that I will tolerate you because you use my Son's name. I will take my Son's name and once more make it a symbol of holiness before the world, when I destroy those who have used His name and tarnished it before the eyes of all. Then shall the nations tremble in fear at His coming; when all eyes shall see Him, they shall tremble in fear of His holiness and be ashamed that they have so mistreated His Holy Name.” Scrip Ref: Is. 30:1-18; Is. 29:10-16; Is. 64:1-2; Ezek. 16:43-47


God Continues to Speak to the United States, the World, and the Church                        6/28/1987

The Lord spoke and said, “Say to this people, you are like a donkey who has become fat and lazy. Thought I hang a carrot in front of you, you will not rise; those of you who try, weary quickly, and sit again. You are as a fattened animal, content in your state, ignorant of the fact that tomorrow you shall be taken to the butcher. How is it that I have spoken to you so often, yet you do not know these things? Though evil increases all around you, you refuse to see it, believing that somehow it will all disappear and no harm will come to you. Why will you sleep and ignore my warnings? I call to you before it is too late; is not this the act of a loving Father? Yet, you hate my word, you hate my servants, you hate the mention of my name. Your ears are stuffed full of words which you have heard so that now you cannot hear, but not one of those words have profited you, because you have not taken them to heart. What shall I do with such a people? You are ignorant in all your wisdom, arrogant in your ways. Who can reach you? You will not hear Me, though I call again and again. It shall be upon your own heads, the destruction that shall come, and you will have o one to blame but yourselves. I would make this land once again a beautiful place, a land of praise, but you withstand Me, therefore, this land shall see destruction because of you. My house, my house, it has become a gathering place. It has ceased to be a house of prayer and praise. It is filled with those who sing to the air, for their hearts do not worship Me. Where are my faithful ones, my servants? They have become but a small number, so many have gone away. Is there no one who will mourn, is there no one who sorrows over this Me? Is there no one who will go and clean my house and gather my sheep and bring them back upon the narrow path which I first set them upon? Why have the pastors, which I set, turned aside? Why have they allowed my sheep to be devoured? Where have the mighty men of prayer gone? My house is being torn down, and no one seems to notice, they no longer care. The world and her pleasures have drawn you away from Me, my lovely one, and now you are as unclean as in the day that I found you. Why is their rejoicing when there should be sorrow? Surely, you do not know the signs of the times, or you would grieve. Let him who rejoices, rejoice in this, that the Lord of Glory returns quickly. Rejoice not in the things of this world, for quickly they shall be plucked up and destroyed. There are few who can rejoice in the coming of the Lord, for there are only few who have kept themselves for Him alone. Surely, He shall come with their reward. Oh, that He would come for all mankind, but only a few have understood, only a few have repented, only a few have submitted truly to Me. Will I find even those faithful on the day that I return? Hear Me, you who have obeyed my voice: the days that are yet ahead shall be a trial of you faith. Forsake me not; I will keep you and lead you that you shall not be overtaken, but you must believe and trust in Me in a greater way than before. Surely, I will come, and I will reward you who remain faithful. Do not despair, for I am faithful and true, and I shall come for you; even if there were but one, I would still come even as I have promised. Hold fast, and remain true.”  Scrip. Ref: Jer. 2:19-25; 10:19-21; 23:1-2



A Vision of New York City             6/30/87

As I was praying, I saw the skyline of New York City, with a great glow of red coming up from it. It was night time, yet the sky was lit up from the great fires. I heard the sound of helicopters in the air, and I could hear them saying, "Oh my God! The destruction is terrible! I can't believe what I'm seeing!" Then it seemed as if it were turning daylight and the Spirit of God took me into the city. I saw only one part in particular, where there was a rubble of bricks piled up, that used to be a building. I saw dead people, from a distance, and close by I saw a child lying, with blood coming out from his mouth, that was dead. It was so horribly real. I saw what appeared to be a fireman with some sort of gas mask on his face, trying to search through the rubble, and hollering to others that it was just impossible. Down the street I could see some apartments that were still standing. There was hardly anyone in the street, but coming from inside the building, I could hear a great wailing and moaning. In the distance could be heard people crying in agony, as a mother cries over her dead child. Oh, so much sorrow and destruction, I pray God have mercy.  I saw a woman who looked to be in her fifties, walking in pain and suffering. A person came to her and told her to call on Jesus, and she lunged at him, as if to strangle him, and said: “Your God has done this terrible thing!” She was not in her right mind, and began to curse God. I saw a young man dressed like a Rock star, with long hair, with a crazy look in his face. He said: “You see what we told you? God is bad; He has done these terrible things to us; look to Satan and receive power from him because he is good; he's not evil like they said he was.” In their anger and pain, the people listened to what this man was saying. The Lord spoke and said: “They have their consciences seared with a hot iron. This city will see even greater destruction because of their perverse and wicked ways.” Then California came to my mind, as I remember that the same deprivation exists there as well, and I wondered if the same would happen there. I saw the coast of California in the daylight. I saw the earth begin to shake and it began to crack open. I saw water come in and pass through the land. New York will be shaken to ruins and California will be wiped clean with water for the deprivation and evil within these places, if they do not repent and turn to the Lord. Pray that those who read these words of prophecy will respond to them before it is too late. Is not this the time that the church rises up and brings warning to the land? Many within the people of God don't believe or understand what God is saying. They prefer to believe this is just my imagination and that it could never happen, but in all this, the Lord says: “Surely, these things shall come to pass.” Scrip. Ref: I Tim. 4:1-2; Rom. 1:28-32


The Millenium Kingdom       7/28/87

After praying and seeking the Lord for a long while, I felt as if the Lord had something He wanted to show me. Suddenly, I began to receive this vision: I saw the sky, which was very blue, and the leaves of the trees, as if I was looking down on them from up in the air. I saw myself being lifted in the air. I passed through the clouds and felt the mist on my face. I began to leave the earth's atmosphere and approached the sun. It was enormous in size but I was surprised that it didn't burn me, neither could I feel the heat from it. I could see the darkness of space and stars flying by in front of me. Suddenly, there in space, I entered a tunnel that was full of light. I traveled rapidly until I reached an area that seemingly had no dimensions; it was just pure light. I saw some children dressed in brilliant white dresses with garlands of flowers in their hair, who were dancing and singing to the Lord. They laughed and played. I looked down at myself and saw that I was dressed the same way. I started to laugh and dance with them. Then I heard people shouting praises in the distance, and I saw the Lord come riding on a donkey; I looked back at the children around me and then looked back towards the Lord again, but this time He was dressed like a king all in white and gold with a crown on his head. He was riding on a huge, majestic white horse. Everyone was praising Him. He got down from his horse and came to me and said: “Come, there is something I wish to show you”. He took me to a gigantic book in which I thought for an instance that He was going to show me my name, thinking it to be the book of life. But when He opened it, and told me to look inside, it was as if I was looking through a picture window down at the earth which was way below. There on the earth I saw a dragon walking and breathing fire. The Lord spoke, and a chain appeared from heaven, and it went down and encircled the dragon, binding him up. As the dragon was being bound, I noticed that he changed forms. First he was a dragon, then an angel of light, then a serpent, then a beast with the body of a man and the head of a monster. As the chain continued to wind around him, he shouted over and over again, “No, No, No!” Then the Lord spoke again, and with that, the dragon (which was bound up) was lifted in the air and thrown into a deep dark hole. I could see him falling and falling, all the while shouting, “No, No, No!” Then I heard this shout of victory all over heaven and all over the earth. Even the plants, the grass, the trees were shouting in triumph. After this, I saw the earth was still and peaceful. I saw a lion that was lying down and this little lamb was jumping over him and playing with him. Then the Lord shut the book. I know that this book somehow had shown me the vents of the future soon to come. The Lord then took me back to where I first arrived. There I saw a line of women dressed in white dresses with garlands of flowers in their hair. I was in line with them. The Lord spoke to me and said: “Stretch out your arm”. I extended my arm and He took what looked like a long satin sash and wrapped it around my wrist once, crossing it over in front. He spoke and said: “You are mine. I have sealed you to Me.” Then I saw that He did the same with the others. Many of the faces I recognized, great servants of God that I have had the honor of knowing here on earth. I then asked about the men, wondering in my mind where they were. At that moment I saw a line of men, kneeling down and the Lord went to them and put something that resembled a Jewish hat, which was white, which had a garland of flowers around the border of it. He repeated with them what He had said to the women. I understood in my spirit that this was a ceremony, in the spirit, like an engagement of sorts, between the bride of Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ. I remembered the scripture: “Many are called, but few are chosen”. It was such a joy seeing some faces of loved ones, and the expression of love and gratitude on their faces, the tears of joy, as the Lord sealed them unto Himself. Then the vision ended. I asked the Lord concerning all this. He showed me that it is customary in Jewish tradition, as well as our own, to be engaged before the wedding, a betrothal. He said that the same as when someone sees an engagement ring on a women's finger, they know that she is betrothed to someone, even so, the Lord is sealing his bride in the Spirit, and the devil can see this seal on us. Scrip. Ref: Mt. 20:16; Rev. 20:3-4; 21:3-4.


Vision of Chicago                 7/29/87

While praying, the Lord began to show judgments that are to come on certain cities in the United States. I saw Chicago, (although as of this date, I have never been there, and do not remember ever seeing pictures of it). It was a large city. I saw many large red brick buildings, (in a certain area), that looked llike factories or warehouses. The Lord spoke and said that seven times this city would be visitied with great winds. I saw the windows in those factories begin to shatter as if they were under great pressure. I saw great winds begin to blow things around. Cars turned on their sides. I saw a great big bridge swaying to and fro, until it also began to break up under the pressure. I saw the sky that it was dark and full of furious looking clouds. They seemed to be whirling around in different directions. Then I saw a large dark funnel cloud appear, and it began to tear up and destroy everything in its path. (I have never seen a tornado in real life). I saw the suburbs, where there were some streets made of bricks, and the funnel cloud went down the middle of the street, ripping up bricks, throwing them in every direction. I saw large trees being uprooted which fell on houses. I saw great destruction in the city; the wind even pulled up some lamp posts and hurled them into cars. Then the Lord spoke and said: “Seven times will this city be visited with such winds, and it shall begin soon.” Personal note: I was able to give this message over the radio shortly after the Lord had given it to me, as He opened the door for me to go to Chicago. A week after the broadcast the first of the seven storms arrived out of nowhere. It dumped so much rain that the airport was closed, underpasses were up to 10 feet deep with water, and the National Guard was called out. In 1989 a sister sent me a picture from a terrible snow storm with winds that literally blew people down the street. These are possibly just two of the seven, that I was made aware of. I do not know if there have been more since, but I do know that in one a tornado will come.


Vision of New Orleans       7/29/87

The Lord spoke to me concerning New Orleans. He showed me the wickedness of this city and the witchcraft within it. He said of them, that they would be strangled in their witchcraft, and in their own blood. Personal note: In 2005 Hurricane Katrina brought such disaster to New Orleans, leaving in underwater.

Vision of Washington D.C.             7/29/87

I saw some of the great monuments of history crumbling, and being destroyed as if some explosion were destroying them.


Vision of Las Vegas       7/29/87

I saw the city as if from an aerial view, with desert all about. It was a city of bright lights in the midst of a desert of darkness. (I have not as of this date ever been to Las Vegas). Suddenly, I saw a great crack in the earth open up and the entire city was swallowed up in the hole and disappeared in to it.


Vision for Miami        7/29/87

I saw the streets of Miami, as if they were filled with lions and beasts, thet went about and ate the youth that they found. I saw the parents with their hands tied behind their backs, looking on in anguish, unable to help their own children from the great evil that stalks and devours our youth.


My Sheep are Being Scattered          8/11/87

I saw a young mother go into a room to pick up her baby from his crib. When she looked in the crib, the baby was gone. I saw the look of horror on her face, the despair and pain in her eyes, as if she were saying: “Who has stolen my baby?” Then the Lord spoke and said: “Even as this young mother is grieving over her child that has been so abruptly stolen from her arms, even so I have grieved over the little ones who have been stolen from Me. Can no one hear the heart of their God? Where are the night watchmen? The night has come, and my little are being stolen away. Satan has come as a thief in the darkness and preyed upon the young and defenseless. The shepherds I have set to keep watch, many have turned their faces away and have not defended my little ones. My sheep are being scattered. The shepherds have become fat, rich and increased, and have not risen to the aid of my sheep. Their hearts have been hardened; they have not the heart of a loving father any more. They have gained wealth from the labor of my flock, but they have not been servants to my people. Why have you been deceived? Why have you left behind the love for the flock which I gave to you? You have allowed the devil to burden you so, until you can only see the burden. You have become hardened and indifferent. You have come to resent Me, saying: “The burden of the Lord is great”. You serve my sheep, wearily, with slowness, as under some great , grevious burden, or you become bitter, and no longer serve them at all. You murmur against the sheep, and you murmur against Me. I called you to lay down your life for the sheep, but you have become selfish, eaten with your own desires of gain, and you have made your life more important than the souls you were given charge over. Oh my little ones, be not offende in Me. I am not as those who stand in front of you, claiming to love you, saying: “I will lead you”, only to abandon you in your hour of need. Remember, they are but men, and many have failed Me, but I have not failed you. Take your eyes off of examples, and look to the true and everlasting shepherd as your example, and you will not be offended. Their sin has caused you to sin and depart from Me. The devil waits until the wounded of the flock are straggling behind, hurt and alone. Then if fury, he attacks and devours. The shepherd has not watched, but what of the older sheep? Could they not have stood watch over the little ones and nurtured them back to the fold? You are so busy with your lives; when will you be busy for Me, says the Lord. I will deal with the shepherds that have failed Me. You must go to the aid of the sheep. Gather together in love and form a protective hedge around my flock and stand guard. When one wearies, let another strengthen him. Be the body that I have called you to be. Hear the heart of your God.”         Scrip. Ref: Jer. 23:1-4; 23:33-34; John 10:11-15



Indifference          9/9/87

“Arise, oh sleepy ones, you who have become indifferent to the things of God. For your outer appearance as a Christian has not changed, but I see what is inside. There you have become indifferent, uncaring, lazy towards the things of God. Can you not understand that this is the work of Satan? He has sent a great heaviness and apathy against the body of Christ. It covers the land like a blanket, but not all have permitted him to do so. Many have stood the attack with the sword of my Word in their hands. But there are many more who have fallen to this silent attack. The weakness of the flesh has caused you to give in, for the flesh is lazy by nature. This has not been against your flesh alone, examine your hearts, have they not also been affected? Where is your compassion, your zeal? Where is your fire for lost souls, your hunger for my Word? Your heart is being led away from Me, and you are in such a deadened, sleepful state, that you have not seen it happening to you. Your enemy is coming with the greatest attack of all time to destroy my body, whom you are. He knows I have given you power over all the power of his armies. He cannot defeat you if you are alert, led by my Spirit, and submitted completely unto Me. Therefore, has he sent out this heaviness and has lulled you to sleep. He slowly rocks you into a deeper state of apathy. Your hearts are being hardened, and you have not been aware. You are in great danger, for in this state he can defeat you. But I have come to tell you, to reveal to you his strategy, in order that you may arise, shake off the heaviness, and defeat your enemy. The longer you remain in this state, the harded it is for you to break free; arise now! Do not be caught unaware! Arise, before it is too late! You are more than conquerors through my Word. I have given you the power to be free. If you know now the truth, and understand why you have become so indifferent, then you also know that the truth will set you free. You have blamed many things for your condition. You have even felt that I have put a wall between you and Me. You say that I have not been hearing your cries for deliverance, neither speaking to your heart. Yet I sent this message as an answer, for this heaviness has dulled your ears and your eyes, even your heart. I reveal to you the truth that you might fight you enemy, Satan, and win. Rebuke the heaviness; resist the indifference; repent of your waning faith in Me, and seek Me with your whole heart, for it was not I who left you this way. Return to Me, and I will fill you once again and in power will you go forth to resist your enemy, and you shall win. Remember those days when it was a good thing, a joy and a blessing to your soul to sing praises and to thank Me. Now all you can do is question Me why I have done these things, when it was not I, but Satan, and because of the weakness of your flesh, that you have permitted these things to happen. It is not my will that any should depart from Me. Give up your life to Me, and I will live fully through you, and you will not give in to the flesh again. Arise now and command the devil and his heaviness to depart from you. Let the blindness of your eyes depart, and the hardness of your heart be melted in my presence.” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 8:8; 13:11-14; Luke 21:34



Hurricane for Miami        9/12/87

I saw a great wind with heavy rain. The wind was blowing and bending trees, with some of the branches flying off the trees. The sea was hitting the beach with great intensity. I saw a street of the city, through heavy rains and darkness. There were no lights, except for an oncoming vehicles headlights. The winds were strong that the palm trees along the side of the street were bending way down. The vehicle was an ambulance, trying to make a way through the rain and the wind, but I saw no other lights on, and there were no other vehicles in movement on this large street. Then I saw as if from up in space, the state of Florida covered with clouds. First, I saw out at sea these clouds and a hand stirred them up. I saw them approach and hit the coastline. The heaviest part of the clouds were over Miami and South Florida, but I could see these bands of clouds covering almost the entire state. Then the Lord spoke and said: “I will bring this city to a standstill for one day, that they might repent of their sins and turn to Me, lest a worse thing come upon them.”

Personal note: In July of 1992, the door opened for the first time for me to preach in the Miami area. I brought this message at a church in Perrine, just south of Miami. The Lord spoke to this church and told them if they would enter a time of prayer for thirty days, not a drop of water would enter the church. The people obeyed and began a month long prayer vigil. Six weeks later, hurricane Andrew appeared, and the eye of the storm passed over this same area, leaving the area like as if a bomb had exploded. The church, however, suffered no harm, just as the Lord promised; praise the Lord!


Division in the Church Will Increase                 9/18/87

“The division amongst the churches will increase. They have not obeyed Me. They will not humble their pride and surrender their position. They will not yield to my will, but will continue to insist on their own wills, claiming it to be of Me. This will hinder the work I called them to do. For one will build up, while another is tearing down. They will not stand together and use their power against Satan. Therefore, he will sow greater seeds of error among them. They have left the door open. Only by repentance and love can the door be shut. They have disobeyed my Word, that they should love one another; they should think on whatsoever things are pure, lovely, and of good report. They have been influenced by the spirit of the world, and there is no peace in the world, neither among the brethren. Who are the true children of the Most High? Let them overcome all this.” Scrip. Ref: I Cor. 1:10; 3:3; Rom. 14:19


There is Much Error in the Body of Christ           9/18/87

“There is much error in the body of Christ. For they seek to understand with their minds rather than to be led by my Spirit. They have taken what is a mystery and formed themselves doctrines according to their understanding, rather than seek Me for understanding. They try to see what is seen only through a glass darkly, and explain it as if they had full knowledge. How can you explain that which is a mystery, when I have not given revelation of the mystery? Hence, your doctrines have errors, for you atttempt to explain everything, even those things that it is not yet time to understand. That which is written, which has come to pass, that you do know, but that which is written which is yet to come, no man knows. It is yet a mystery and only those who seek Me for wisdom and understanding shall be able to the truth of that which is to come. You are quick to believe what you are taught by other men, but you are not so quick to seek Me for the truth. Did I not say to try the spirits? That which you hear, do not allow it to reside in you without first seeking Me. Lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways, in all your thoughts, look unto Me, and I will direct your path.” Scrip. Ref: Rom. 8:6-7


Man Is Not Able To Find Peace            9/18/87

The Lord said, "Mankind is racing towards a day in history such as there has never been. The nations of the earth shall be in great distress. The hearts of men will fail them for fear. In all man's wisdom, he has not been able to find the solution; he has not been able to obtain peace."          Scrip. Ref: Luke 21:26 I Thess. 5:1-3


Danger in the Persian Gulf             10/9/87

While praying concerning the current circumstances in the Persian Gulf, I received this vision. I saw American warships in the water. Over the land area near Iran (more or less) I saw a large hornets nest hanging. I could see several of these hornets coming out from the nest, buzzing around, and occasionally stinging at the ships. Then I saw the ships hit the hornet's nest, supposing it not to be of much danger, but when the nest broke open, thousands and thousands of hornets came out and began to fly to all areas of the world. From there, they began stinging and they could not be contained. I do not know if this is a vision of what will happen, or what could happen, if the United States should go to war. I think it is time for the body of Christ to pray seriously, for more danger is involved that what we think.

A War is Coming        10/13/87

The Lord woke me in the night and spoke these words, "Soon a war is coming, a bloody war, in which thousands will die. Man remains the same, the evil in him does not change; they will find war, for the way to achieve peace is not in them. Pray now, for soon it will come."


The Church is to Be A Spiritual Nurse           10/19/87

I looked and saw a body of a person. I saw a great axe swing and wound it in the side. I saw the blood come out. The strenght of the body began to leave. The I saw another person come who served as a crutch for the wounded person to lean on. They went to a place where the wounded one could sit down. The servant began to bind the wound, to pray and to weep over the wounded one, to anoint him with oil and tears. I asked the Lord concerning this and He replied: “The wounded body is my church. Satan will land a fatal blow against my church. Their strength will begin to ebb away. I have called you, my servants, you who are stong in faith, in tune with my voice, to go and alleviate, to minister, to bind up the wound of my wounded body, the church. Seek Me that I might give you strength to give strength to those who have been wounded and are falling aside. For the devil has said: “ Let us go forth and cut down those are weak and unable to defend themselves now, before they grow to full stature.” Open your eyes, for the enemy is coming to destroy. Have I not given you power? It is not enough that you use that power to minister to yourselves and to those close to you. The body is in need, great need. You must exercise your faith and use what I have given you. It is time that you sacrifice your lives for the church even as I sacrificed my life for the church.” Scrip. Ref: Luke 10: 30-37


Rescue Souls from Going to Hell             10/23/87

God brought back to my memory a vision I once had long ago. I saw a great hole. It was dark, and it seemed it was an endless hole. It was very wide, and the way to it was also wide, with an awful smell. It seemed like it was full of mud everywhere. I saw great lines of people walking, in sorrow, and falling into the hole. Then, I saw myself, and other christians joining hands and making a chain, to reach this place, and grabbing people from that desperate, never ending line, right before they would fall into the hole and be lost forever. The Lord spoke to my heart and said: “What if those people in line on their way to hell were your own children, would you not get help? Would you not do everything in your power to reach them, to save them? Would you not rush quickly to rescue them, and sacrifice all that you can in order to get to them on time? Surely, you would do so and more. You would cry out to Me, and you would call out to others to help you form that human chain to get to that awful place in order to rescue your child. And you yourself would be the last in the chain, reaching and stretching yourself in order to grab that child before he falls in the hole, putting your own life at risk also. Look at the world, even unbelievers do the same. The child that was caught in a hole for days, did they not go hours without sleep or rest, risking their own lives to reach the child in time? Those who did not know this child, but heard her cries, had compassion to save a child, that would soon be lost forever. Oh my children, why have you failed to see that there are children, precious to Me, that are falling in that hole from which they will never come out? Why has my church failed to join together to go and rescue those souls before it is too late? You would do it if it were your child, but you fail to do it when it is one of my children. How then can you say that you love Me, when I have called to you to join and help and you have not? You have not cared for those who perish, neither have you had compassion on your Father, who grieves over those that perish. What will I say to you on the day that you stand before my presence? I will say: “How is it that the unbelievers had compassion and rescued the child trapped in the hole, but you, my children, did not rescue the children from the hole that leads to hell?” You are without excuse, for if unbelievers show more love and compassion to those who are in need, to hungry children, to the homeless, or those trapped in burning houses, and move to help them, how then shall I judge you who claim to love Me, and you do not do these things? You have loved yourselves and your lives more than you love Me. He who does not forsake all, and take up his cross and follow Me, is not worthy of Me; he who loves his life will shall lose it, but he who loves not his own life, even unto death, for my sake, he shall find eternal life. These words shall stand as a testimony against you, unless you repent and obey your Heavenly Father. Join in love as one body, and reach out and rescue souls from entering hell, before it is too late for the, and for you. If you love Me, you will love them also, and you will obey Me.” Scrip. Ref: Mt. 18:11; Luke 19:10; Jas. 5:20



Guard Your Mouths                 12/6/87

“Tell my people, I am tired of their empty words; for they make vows with their mouths, but honor not the words of their own lips. Return my people, to the the time when ones word had honor, and a man stood by that which he spoke to perform it. This generation has become a generation of liars. Even my church has become full of liars. Tehy speak so swiftly yet seldom perform what they speak. Is this not lies? You have given a bad testimony before others, and before Me, when you value you not your own words to perform them. You so easily dismiss your commitment to Me. Oh how I grow weary of this generation, who are unfaithful with their words. It is time that my people repent of this sin and return to people of honor, with man and with Me. Guard your mouth and make no vows that you do not intend to keep. Better not to vow at all but to do, then to make a vow and not do it. I am not a liar, neither are my words empty, but filled with power, that will not return void, but will accomplish that which I send them out to do. Be followers of Me, says the Lord your God. That which you speak do, or do not speak at all. For my people who are dishonest in word cannot enter my kingdom, for there are no liars in heaven. Honor your words before Me, and perform what you have promised Me, to serve Me with your whole heart, and you shall see the kingdom of God.” Scrip. Ref: Mt. 5:33-37


I Do Not Like Procrastination 12/27/87

“I do not like procrastination. It does not come from Me, neither does it please Me for one of my servants to be procrastinators. In my Word it says to wait upon Me, it does not say that I should wait upon you. I have waited through the ages to reach the time of the end, where I might complete all things that have been spoken and do away with sin, and evil, and death once and for all. But my church does not rise quickly to obey, that these things might be quickly accomplished. My church procrastinates in the things that I have told them to do. You have become fat and lazy, so the work progresses slowly, done by those who are overworked already. They shall have their reward for their faithfulness and you lazy ones shall receive yours. Why do my people not honor their word to obey? Why have they become so carnal? How quickly you obey the carnal things, but how slowly you obey the spiritual things. Your intentions to obey are not good enough. Do you not know that procrastination is a sin? It is a sin that many of you have, yet recognize it not, neither confess it, nor ask forgiveness for. It is a blemish on you; though you see it not, I see it. For you hear and you receive, but you obey tomorrow, not today. For many, tomorrow does not come, hence you are made liars which is even worse. Repent of this sin. Rebuke the procrastinating spirit that has deceived you. Submit your flesh to Me, that it might not be such easy prey for this laziness that so easily overtakes you. Obey Me promptly, for those who are quick to obey please Me, and I am quick to answer them when they pray; I am quick to send them their reward.”       Scrip. Ref: Prov. 6:6-10; 19:15; Rev. 21:8; Jas. 5:12


Message to the United States            12/29/1987

While praying, I saw a gold statue. It was of a beautiful woman, with a gold robe on her, and on her head, there was a gold crown. She had chains of golden necklaces around her neck, and a cloak of white silk wrapped around her. Suddenly I saw a great hand pick up the statue and throw her to the ground. She fell in the mud. The rain beat against her, and the wind blew her silk cloak off, and her golden chains also. When she fell, her golden crown broke off of her head. As she lay there in the dirt, it was if the wind and rain eroded the gold layer off of her, little by little, until she was nothing but a gray, broken, ugly thing. Then I saw someone dressed in rags come and pick her up and wrap her in a rag, mourning her, and the memory of the glory that she once had, that was now gone. The Lord spoke and said, “In your nation they worship the idol of prosperity, the love of wealth and riches. It is a great sin that they have sinned against Me. I shall throw their idol to the mire. Poverty shall come upon them, that they might repent and seek Me once again as their fathers once did. When they were poor and helpless, they looked to Me, and I blessed them. But now, they worship that which I blessed them with and have forgotten Me. For their sake, will I strip their idol and allow destitution to come upon them, that their souls might seek after Me once again and not be lost forever. Alas, their love for their idol is great, for there are many who will mourn her, and embrace her memory, in their poverty, and worship the memory of her glory in the former days I will rise up my voice, a call to repentance, and see who will hearkened and turn from the love of their idol to be saved.” Then I saw a group of gray haired, feeble old men, sitting around in fine old suits, looking at watches they had taken from their vest pockets. They were looking at one another, but had no answers. They waited for the time to pass to bring an end to all this, for they had no strength to find an answer. “These are the leaders of your nation, unable to find an answer. Waiting on time to change things, but not seeking Me and waiting upon Me. In all this, the pride of this nation is great, for they say, “We have gone through hard times in the past, and we made it; we will make it again.” But they have forgotten, neither have they recorded why they came through those hard times once. It was because that they are of strong character. They have still to realize that without Me, there is no hope.” Then I saw the map of the United States and a black wreath was thrown upon it. The Lord said, “Put a garland, a wreath of mourning upon this nation, for her death is imminent.” 


As I continued to pray, I saw Mexico to the south, and a great fist struck the land and the land began to tremble. “They are a stubborn, idolatrous people”, said the Lord. Then I saw a great foot step on California and it began to crumble and break apart into the sea. I saw another fist strike the New York City area, and the city trembled and began to collapse. The Lord said, “I will destroy the evil and perversion that is sent out to the world from these two places, called entertainment, but I call it perversion, evil, wicked deceptions of Satan to lead souls to hell. I will stop this evil at the source, that they shall no more pollute the land.: Then I saw the sun under a hazy sky; it seemed very small and gave very little light or warmth. Then again, I saw the sun and it was very large, and blazing down with relentless heat, scorching everything. The Lord said, “I will cause the sun to not bring warmth, and cold, bitter cold, shall be felt. I will also cause the sun to shine and pour forth much heat to scorch and dry upon the earth. Man shall not understand, they will not be able to explain these two extremes, for they have yet to realize that by My word does the sun shine, and by My Word does it bring warmth or cold. I AM the law of nature. I AM He who created all things, and they do obey Me. You cannot find logic to understand, neither predict by the course of nature, Me. I have allowed man to see the perfectness of my creation, my order, but they do not worship Me. They have not sought to know He who did these things, only to explain that these things happen of themselves. If they deny Me, I will show them that their understanding is void, their theories faulty, for I shall speak, and normal order of things shall change, and they will search, but find no cause as to why. Tell them it is because I AM.”     Scrip. Ref: Job 38:24-27; 38:33; Col. 1:16; Rev 6:12; Mt. 24:22; Ps. 74:16-17.






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