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Vision of America   4/27/2016

While praying for the United States of America, I saw a panorama of the land from coast to coast. Then I saw a black train engine, like an old coal burning engine. It puffed out large plumes of smoke. It began charging across the nation, picking up greater speed and power as it went. I saw warning signs, road blocks, even walls erected to stop this train, but it broke through every hindrance and continued to gain speed and strength. Finally it approached Washington D.C., crashing into it and shattering its monuments as it went. It reached the coast and plummeted over a cliff into the depths of the ocean. All efforts to stop it failed. I realized then that no one would be able to stop it but God. Only prayer for an encounter with God can change the heart of man. I thought of Paul on the road to Damascus, as he encountered the Lord, and how his direction and mission completely changed from that encounter. The Lord spoke to my heart and told me these are the times He had once spoken to me about. The great storm has come. He reminded me of His promise. We must not fear; all who seek safe refuge in Him will weather the storm.


Times of Chaos   6/15/2016

The Lord spoke and said: “There are hard times coming, times of confusion and chaos. Men running to and fro, but not able to find peace. In all their searching, they will not be able to find a solution. Give them the solution! Be the light you were called to be! Reflect the love of Jesus to them, so they might find their way to Him in the darkness. Do not be afraid! I am with you! I will keep you through all of the chaos, through all of the turmoil. Nothing will harm you. You are set to be a light in times of darkness, so let your light shine! Shine for Me!”


In His Image   6/17/2016

God shared these thoughts with me: Mankind was created to be with Him. We were made in His image, in His likeness. The devil hates us because of this. He has tried with all of his strength to destroy us, to deter us from becoming like Christ. He mocks God by drawing us into filth and perversion, where we become as animals, imitating them rather than being formed into the image of His Son. The Lord showed me how pigs wallow in filth because they like to. If you clean them up and put them in a clean place, as soon as they see filth, they will roll in it. Much in the same way, there are many who chose to “roll in filth” rather than to be “clean” in Christ. Man has become obsessed with ways that are animalistic, pleasing to the flesh, and has rejected holiness. All the while, the devil laughs mockingly at God. “This is the creation you formed to be like you? Look at them! They are no better than filthy animals!” What a sorrow to the heart of God. He has made provision for us to be made into His image. He sent Jesus to be our example, to wash us from our filth. He breathes new life into us. We are “born” into God's family. But He does not stop there, He provides a “mentor”, the Holy Spirit, to teach us how to be Christ-like. He causes us to become new creatures, and the old things are passed away, dead to us. We were once ruled by our carnal nature, with our spirit being virtually held captive, silenced by the sin that reigned in us. But when we come to Christ, we are suddenly awakened. Our Spirit becomes alive, one with the Spirit of God. We are now able to become what we were created to be, sons of God. What a sadness that mankind does not understand that they were created for so much more. We were created to be His sons and daughters, formed into the image of His Son. If they only knew the truth. God did not make us to be ruled by animal instincts. We were meant to be in communication with the Creator, led by His Spirit, like Him.


Word for Central America   6/17/2016

I saw in an instant, a narrow winding asphalt road. It had a river near it. Suddenly, the river rose to the level of the road. Up ahead, the water had eroded the ground and the road was broken up. I mud sliding down the mountainside, along with banana trees and plants. Then I saw as if days had passed and water was pooled all over, stagnating. It was very humid, and mosquitoes were everywhere. As I saw this, I saw the area of Central America on a map. I then felt a rumbling that was coming from the north. It was a harsh rumbling, like there was a strong earthquake north of where this great flooding took place.

A Message about our Identity in Christ     8/27/2016

This week the Lord reminded me of an event in my life, one which completely changed the course of my life. It was when a well known evangelist, Yiye Avila, in Puerto Rico, asked me, a lowly housewife, living below the poverty level, with no credentials, no diplomas, no experience, who could not even speak Spanish, to preach his radio program. I remembered God told me to say “si” (yes). I obeyed. I had no idea as to why me, or what I would say. When I arrived the next day, I was scared beyond belief. Before the program, I went to pray. I asked God: “What am I doing? Why would you tell me to say yes?” At this point, the Lord spoke to me and said: “Fear not! For this reason you were born. For this reason I called you. Open your mouth, for it is not you but I who will speak through you.” I believed! I obeyed, and when I opened my mouth, God preached through it in fluent Spanish for 45 minutes!   As I meditated on this event that happened 30 years ago, the words He spoke, “For this reason you were born”, kept echoing in my spirit. I realized that it was my destiny, my purpose. I was created to be a chosen vessel to carry His Word. Looking at the scriptures, they tell us: “Who He did foreknow, He did predestine to be conformed to the image of His Son.” He chose us! We didn't chose Him first, He chose us! I realized that it was not that He picked some to save and not others; He died to save all, but He fore knew those who would believe; those who would receive Him, love Him, serve, and obey Him. They are the predestined vessels to carry out His work in establishing His Kingdom.  We see ourselves in the mirror with one identity, the one life, our family, this world have given to us. But He sees us in a totally different light. We have a destiny, an eternal identity that we need to receive, believe and allow to define us. I asked the Lord why He did not just tell me all this in the beginning. He told me I would not have been able to receive it then, or embrace my true identity, until I shed the old identity first.  If he were to reveal our true identity, many being yet immature in Christ, would become over inflated with their own self worth and become prideful. They would think themselves better than others, believing themselves to be more valuable and not realize this truth: God did not choose you for your great ability, but because you would believe in HIS GREAT ABILITY to perform His will in and through you. It has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with who has called us. He transforms us into the image of His Son, giving us our true eternal identity as His child. With this knowledge, this identity as His child, as joint heirs of Christ, all thing are ours and all authority that Christ has is now ours as well. The things He did we can also do. Not because we do them, but because He has predestined us to do them through His Son Jesus. We will never cross over this threshold into the realm of the impossible becoming possible, until we understand who we are in Christ; only then will we be able to embrace our destiny and eternal identity as a child of God.   Scrip. Ref: Rom. 8:29; Eph. 1:5-11; I Pet. 2:9; John 15:16   

A Prophetic Vision for America   9/7/2016

As I was praying for America, I saw a ship, an old ship, like the Mayflower. It had it's sails up, and I could see the Captain, (dressed as in colonial times), setting course. They seemed to be sailing from England to the Americas. When they were out some way to sea, it became very cloudy. There was no sun to guide, and no land in sight anywhere. The Captain found it difficult to keep the course, not seeing the sun to guide him. They had started heading westward, but with the currents, they slowly had changed to a south-west course without knowing it. I could see where that course would take them. It was to waters where there were sharks, pirates, and reefs, which would kill, steal, and destroy them. At this point, a great storm blew up. The waves were high, the winds were strong. They struggled in this storm for three days. The wind was so intense, that it broke the tip of the mast, and it was hanging down, being held there by the ropes. The waves nearly capsized them. In an attempt to stay afloat, the captain said they had to lighten the ship. All “excess” was to be thrown over into the sea. Those on board began to throw their trunks, and whatever was not necessary for survival overboard. The ship, now lighter, somehow managed to be carried by the waves further from the center of the storm, until they were able to finally be free. What they did not know, is that the storm changed their course. It had put them back on the correct course. After all had calmed, to the west, as the sun was going down, they spotted land on the horizon.  Here is the interpretation of the vision: In the beginning, America was founded by men of faith who wanted freedom to worship God. Over the course of time, this direction has slowly changed. We have gotten off course. We are now headed in the direction of peril, where the enemy will destroy us. God sends a great storm, in order to get us to let go of our excess, our sin, our love for money, all that “weighs us down”. The broken mast symbolizes pride being broken. They struggled for three days, possibly symbolizing three centuries. The storm, while it may take us to the brink, is actually what will cause us to change our course. In the end, when the sun is setting, we will find our way back to where we are supposed to be, not by our own strength, but by the intervention and direction of God.


A New Thing   9/21/2016

The Lord spoke this to me: “My Spirit is doing a new thing. Have you not seen in My Word that I said I would do a new thing? My Spirit must be free to flow like the wind. The wind cannot be contained, neither can My Spirit. Man says he wants to see where he is going. He wants to be in control of his destination, in control of everything. It is not the way of My Spirit. Man wants to light a candle to see in the darkness, because he fears what he cannot see. My Spirit will lead you through the darkness, whether you can see your way or not. He knows the way! It is the test of faith. If you can see, you can do things by yourself. It is when you cannot see that you must trust and let go, and let My Spirit guide you. Most of My children find this difficult to do because of their level of faith. They do not completely trust Me. How can I lead them to greater things if they are unable to let go and trust Me? The church has become comfortable in the way it does things. They have gotten accustomed to a certain way. They have boxed Me into a pattern which they can define, that they can predict and control. They say they want something new, while all the time holding fast to what is old. It has become their security blanket. They cannot move with out it. This is why they don't see anything new, even though they ask for it again and again. In order to receive the new, you must first let go of the old. It has not even entered their minds that their routine has been what has kept them from moving on to something greater. You think in one dimension, My people. You are set in your ways and not open to new ways. There is so much more. My Spirit is able to do so much more but you limit Him because you refuse to step outside of your pattern, your rules, your traditions. Come; swim into the deep end. Do not worry that you cannot touch the bottom. Do not fear your arms will tire. Do not worry what is in the water, just let go and be. Be free! You will find if you let go, the struggle will cease and you will be amazed by how easy it is to float. It requires that you trust Me totally, not half way, but completely. I am waiting on you to let go so I can take you to greater things, new things, says the Lord.”  

The Vision of a Great Storm    10/4/2016

The Lord spoke this word to me: “The powers in the heavens are being shaken, and on earth, turmoil and distress. These are the signs which I told you to watch for. Behold, they are here. The fear of the nations has come. Quickly, hide yourselves in the shadow of My hand. There is but one safe place, in Me. Trembling will come upon all, but he who abides in the shadow of the Almighty will know peace. I am your refuge, and you shall not be moved. I am the only safe port in the storm. Be still and know that I am God, your redeemer, who will redeem you from the destruction all around you. This is My promise.” Then I saw a hurricane that approached. (I cannot say definitely if it is the one approaching at present, or another). It was massive, and grew in size. It covered all of the Caribbean and had layer upon layer of clouds that were in bands like a spring in a watch, that wound itself tighter and tighter as it grew in size. It was a monster that slowly headed north. It covered an area that went from the islands to the mainland of America. It paralyzed all commerce in the sea. It slowly crept northward as if on a path straight towards Washington DC. I heard this: “We were not ready for the magnitude of this.” Then I saw a concrete area which began to show small cracks that spread rapidly in all directions. I saw the president (symbolized by Obama, our current president), standing on this cement foundation, and as it cracked open, it became unbalanced. It was as if something underneath was pushing its way up from below. The president and others, which were standing on this cement foundation, began to stagger as it broke apart. At one point, he was brought to his knees, with his hands outstretched on the ground. He tried to crawl to safety, but he was unable to escape the crumbling beneath him. The words I then heard were this: “You are reaping what you sowed.” Once again I saw these massive clouds, and a dove flew over top of the clouds. There was a rainbow over the clouds, and the dove flew over it. She was singing praise to God, as if she were totally at peace, separate from all that was going on beneath her. That brought me back to the message the Lord spoke at first: “There is but one safe place, in Me. Trembling will come upon all, but he who abides in the shadow of the Almighty will know peace. I am your refuge, and you shall not be moved. I am the only safe port in the storm. Be still and know that I am God, your redeemer, who will redeem you from the destruction all around you. This is My promise.”

The Time to Turn to God is Now    10/5/2016

I saw a majestic eagle soaring over a great valley below. He cried out as he flew over it. Then he returned to rest on the mountain top. Before long, he flew out again crying out as he flew. He flew throughout the valley calling out, and then returned, completely worn out. After awhile, when he regained his strength, he flew out again, calling out as he did before, but he did not return. The Lord then spoke and said: “So it is with this nation, a cry calling them to repentance, was sent out. They heard for awhile, then they returned to their ways. Another cry went forth, and they turned once again, but now the time to return comes to an end. Once more I will send My Spirit to cry out to a rebellious people, but He will not return to cry out again. With blessing comes great responsibility. I have blessed this land like no other. They must turn back; turn back to Me in order to fulfill their destiny, their purpose. Do you see the clock? It is ticking on the wall. Minutes remain, only minutes. Respond quickly; repent! Return quickly, says the Lord. Listen to My words. It is urgent that you listen and obey. Do not return to your old ways of selfishness and disobedience when the calm comes after the storm as you have in the past. There is no time left for you to wait for another call, another opportunity. You cannot go back to sleep. You must awake now and remain alert, if you are to save your souls and those of your nation. Do not despise My words; do not mock them. Do not laugh in unbelief, for so did the people of Israel before they were taken into captivity. Be wise and heed My warnings. Look for Me with your whole heart. Why would you choose wealth and substance over Me? Those things will perish, but your relationship with Me is eternal. You will not be able to keep these things. No man can take them out of this world when he goes, and neither will you. Surrender them to Me now while there is time, before they are abruptly stripped from your hands. You will lose all you have worked so hard for, all that you have so loved and devoted your time, your effort, and your heart to. But there is one treasure you can never lose. The gift of the Father, the Son of God. He was given for you. He is the greatest treasure of all. Seek Him! Be filled with Him! Love Him! This is the eternal treasure that will never be taken from you. All that you invest in Him will be saved. This is true wisdom.”



The Issue of Sin   10/8/2016

“My people have become far too complacent with sin. The world holds the view, 'that which is bad is good', and My people have slowly adapted to this in order to fit in. I called you to be in the world, to share My love with them, but not to be of the world, or like the world. You are to represent Me, to stand apart as an example, an ensign of hope. If you become as the world in order to be accepted, to prosper among them, then how can you be a representative of Mine? How will they find Me if you do not show them? You deceive yourselves into believing that because you have been forgiven, because you are set free, you can do whatever you want without consequences because you are under the blood. The blood washes away sin, it does not mask it. I said be Holy as I am Holy. You are called a royal priesthood, a holy people, which requires action on your part. You must resist sin, not surrender to it, not make excuses for it. It is not easy, but for that reason I sent My Holy Spirit to help you. He will give you power to resist the flesh, but you must make the decision to surrender to Him and allow Him to do His work in you, or surrender to sin. This is where your freedom lies, the freedom to choose, not the freedom to sin.”

A Warning to America   10/17/2016

While praying for the nation, I saw the strangest thing, but undoubtedly it is a warning for us to pray for protection from those that desire to hurt us. I saw a boxing ring. There was darkness in the background but the ring had a bright spotlight on it. Oddly, I saw a map of the United States, which looked like a puzzle map, with all it's bright colored pieces pieced together. It was about the size of a man. I saw it entangled in the ropes of this boxing ring, struggling to free itself. Then I saw a man jump in the ring; he was a heavy set man in uniform, whose appearance was Asian looking, but he suddenly became a map as well; I thought it looked like the map of North Korea. I heard him call to another: “Quick! While they are entangled on the ropes, let us attack now while we can!” I saw another man jump in the ring. He was a thin man, middle eastern in appearance, but he also changed into a map which looked like the map of Iran. I heard the sound of still others, growling in the darkness, as they approached the ring as well, in order to jump in and join in the attack.

Personal note: While we are in such a divided, vulnerable state as we are now in this nation, we have put ourselves at risk from those who wish us harm. We must not be so distracted by political events, but remain vigilant in praying for the protection of our nation, as well as for God's guidance and wisdom for our leaders.

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