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3/23/23 As in the Days of Nehemiah

I was meditating on the Lord and asking his forgiveness for being so busy recently. I have noticed how time seems to be going faster; everything is at a faster pace. Everyone is rushing around; things are changing drastically from one day to the next, and it is getting harder and harder to keep up. The Lord said: “The days are shorter, and time has decreased. Things are moving so swiftly, and my people hurrying to keep pace. Their lives, their thoughts, all running faster, trying to keep up. In all the needs that demand their attention, they have let down their guard. In the hurry this world is in, there are things that slip by, and no one takes notice. They are too busy to notice the small incursions the enemy makes, and seeing no resistance, he gains ground. You wonder why sin, evil, violence and perversion has increased? They have come in uncontested, little by little, and have made a foot hold, because they have found place to do so.” I saw the truth in God's words, and wondered if there was anything that could be done. Should we, could we, somehow stop this, get off this wild ride this generation is on. How do we slow things down? The Lord replied: “You cannot stop this. These are the days which were spoken of. You cannot step out of the times you were born to live in. As in the days of Nehemiah, where there was much work to do, and an urgency to be busy at getting it done, the enemy came against them night and day to stop the work. Read what they did! They understood they had to do two things at once! They knew they had to keep pace with the task, while defending themselves and each other. They built with one hand and held their sword with the other! These instructions are your instructions as well. You cannot slow down the pace of events; you must keep up, yet you must be aware the enemy is seeking to stop you, to penetrate your defenses. You must learn to do two things at once! It is not either or, it is not, be still and seek me, or work while there is yet daylight to work. You must do both at the same time, and quickly! Only by my Spirit will you be able to keep pace. Only by my guidance will you be able to stand against the enemy when he comes, and yet still continue the work you must do. I will enable you to do both things, as I did those who were with Nehemiah. They had a heart to work, a heart to build my kingdom, and to defend it. Do you?”

7/11/2023 Repentance

I awoke from dreaming I was ministering. This message was what I received: If we want to see revival, it comes when there is repentance. Repentance requires acknowledging truth. It requires us to wash away the filth and contamination of this world from ourselves. We run to the Lord to be cleansed. We wash in the sacrifice of his blood that was shed to cleanse us from our sins. This is what sets us free from sin. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. This world sees freedom as doing whatever they like, no rules, no restrictions, just what pleases you, but freedom is not “free to sin”, but rather it is “free from sin”. It is holiness, being set apart from this world and consecrated and cleansed for God's service and his purpose. The wage of sin is death; it is bondage, which is the opposite of freedom. Whom you yield yourself to is who becomes your master, whether to God for his service or to sin, to serve it. The scripture tells us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways...”, this is a message to God's people, those who call themselves Christians. If they will humble themselves, let go of their pride, their selfishness, and admit and confess the truth, not judging others, but judging themselves. If they will get honest with themselves and with God and stop trying to make excuses for their sin, or blame others for it, but seek God, and confess their sins before him, and turn form their sin, which is what repentance is. It is not enough to acknowledge our sin, we must despise our sin and desire to be free from it. We must willingly, whole heartedly, give it up. Then God will hear; he will forgive and he will heal our land.

We can see sin and violence in our land, but standing in judgement of sin will not bring healing to the land. We must love them, while not allow their ways to contaminate us so that we begin to tolerate sin in our own lives. Being loving and tolerant with others does not mean to agree or conform to their ways, it means to not accuse or become judgmental. Jesus said, “let he among you who is without sin, cast the first stone”. Therein is the problem, we are so busy looking at their sins, that we don't see our own. We are called to humble our pride and self-righteous attitude and examine our own life, to cleanse ourselves first, and to turn away, to wash away those things which have contaminated us. We have to get real with ourselves and with God. Only when we see ourselves in his light can we see how far we are from being like him. If he did not accuse, why do we? If he did not judge, why do we? Judge yourself, not others! We are not better than another; we are simply forgiven, even as they are. The only difference is that we acknowledge it, we embrace him, Jesus, and turn from our sin to serve him. We are saved by what he did on the cross for us, for all who believe and receive it: “For by grace are you saved, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any many should boast (or be prideful of).” Walking humbly with God means to acknowledge he is good, not that we are. “He has shown you, oh man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you, to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Do what is right, means to choose to flee from sin. Love mercy, means to forgive in love, to reach out in love to help others; and to walk humbly with your God, means to walk in repentance, in gratitude, knowing that it is because of his grace, his goodness, that we are able to stand in his presence and walk daily with him. If we are ever going to impact this world, it will not be by being holier or better than they are; it will be when we are willing to wash their feet, willing to sacrifice our lives for their sake; willing to forgive them when they spit on us, beat us, or abuse us. It will be when we walk humbly with our God, in his footsteps, to the cross. This is what he means when he said: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways.” We are to reflect Jesus to this world, not reflect ourselves or the world.


8/4/2023 A Plea from God


In my dreams I was speaking to people about the Lord. Then I saw a paper and pen and was led to write. As I awoke, the Spirit of God began to dictate a message. It was as if the words were bursting forth, like a wall of water that could no longer be contained. God was pouring out His heart. Here are His words: “Look and see, time is growing short. Evil and depravity are on every side. Men run in desperation seeking what will satisfy their lusts. I call out to them, but they stop their ears. Their eyes roam to and fro looking for more they can possess. They will not hear; they will not listen. You hear with your ears, but you listen with your heart. Though I am speaking, they are deaf to My voice. They have drowned out the sound with the noise of this world. They have hardened their hearts with the lust of this world so that they cannot hear Me.


Oh, what is to be done? I will send My angels to loose the winds of the earth. It is a harsh thing, but how else will I get your attention? You will say it is judgment, and that it is, but not for your destruction, but for your own good. You are on a path to hell. I must correct you or hell will swallow you up. Can you not see it is My love for you which provokes Me to this desperate action? If you would seek Me with your whole heart, you would find Me. It is a pleasant and easy way, but you seek everything else but Me. You seek what pleases you. You are lured deeper and deeper into the mire, not realizing it leads to death. Another has become your master, even your own flesh, your own lusts. I cry out to you to stop, but you turn the volume of the world up even louder in order to drive out My voice, which speaks to your conscience, in order to guide you back to Me. You turn to things that will numb your pain, dull your senses, in order to deal with the voice of My Spirit pricking your conscience. Those things then enslave you even more. You are in bondage, in torment, and find no rest.


Oh, what grief, what agony was endured on your behalf by My Son, in order to spare you of all this. It grieves My Spirit that you reject what He so freely suffered for you. He died to set you free from all of this so you would not have to suffer it. Yet, foolishly, you choose to suffer it. You choose this world and seek your identity and purpose in it, but this world leads to death; there is no purpose, only death and destruction. Only I have a plan and a purpose for you. You are so busy trying to make sense of who you are, when all you have to do is discover WHO I AM. It is in knowing Me you will truly discover who you are, who you were destined to be. I will create you into the best version of yourself, all that you hoped to be. It is only in Me you will find peace. I AM PEACE! It is only in Me you will find love, true love; I AM LOVE! I created you to live in Me for all eternity; to accomplish things beyond your imagination. Why do you seek the world for these answers? You will only fall deeper into this pit. There is only depression, fear, anxiety, and hopelessness there. You were meant to find your answers in Me. I am the way, the truth, and the life.


Oh man, must I chastise you in order for you to finally turn to Me? Why will you wait until all is gone, every other alternative is taken, before you look to Me? I will tell you why, because you want it all...the knowledge, of good and evil. You want to rule your own existence. Your pride leads you to believe you can do it on your own. You want to lead and not to follow. But your choices are perverse, your ways are destructive. You are being deceived into thinking you will have the answers. You rationalize if you want something, it must be alright. Not everything you want is good for you. Let a child choose what he will eat, and what happens? Will he choose only what is good for him? What parent would allow this? And if the parent denies him what he wants, for his own good, is the child pleased? No, he is not, yet love provoked the parent to intervene. Can you not see that is what I am doing? I am intervening on your destructive behaviors. I will deny you what you want because it is not good for you. It will destroy you, but you are too foolish to see it. Do not become angry with Me for correcting you in love. I am seeking to save your soul. The price could not be any higher! My Son paid the price to redeem your soul, and He did not do it in vain. Why do you resist? Whay are you so stubborn to see the truth. You try to invent your own truth, without Me, but I AM TRUTH, so how can you find truth apart from Me? Take My words to heart! Open your ears and choose to hear the words of My Spirit, which will lead you to peace, to love, and to salvation. Surrender your heart and seek to know Me and My ways. I will guide you out of the mess you have gotten yourself into. If you turn to Me with your whole heart, you will find Me. You will hear My voice. It will be peace to your soul. I will soothe your wounds and heal your heart. You will find true love and friendship. Let go of finding out who you are, and find out who I am. I will bring healing and restoration, and create in you a new heart and mind, where peace rules, and joy overflows. But you say, “How do I do this?” Cry out to Me with all of your heart, all of your being! Give up trying to control your life and surrender to Me. Ask Me to forgive you and to take control and lead you. Surely, if you ask in truth, I will respond: “yes”. I am waiting for you to do so. I will rejoice over you when you come home. I am your home. I am where you were meant to be!”

2/27/2024 Your True Identity

The Lord sent this message to his people: “You must get over yourself in order to truly know Me. It is in losing your 'self', that you come to know Me. You will discover who you are, and who you were meant to be, only through Me. You must give yourself to Me in order to find yourself. Your identity, your true identity, is hidden in Me. You seek for who you are and tire, for you become more involved in thoughts of you to the exclusion of all else; this does not help your search, but rather, hinders it. Your frustration, the futility of it all, saddens you and robs you of your peace. It is because you fail to understand, it is not all about you; your life, your existence, is not about you; you are not the center; you are a piece of the plan, of something much greater than you. You are a part of my plan, my kingdom. You will only find your place, your part, your self, when you realize Me. I am the center of it all. It is in finding Me that you will find who you are.”

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