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Warning for the United States of America     6/05/98

The Lord showed me that the movie “Titanic” is a prophetic warning to this nation. The Titanic symbolizes the United States; thinking that they are the greatest, secure in themselves, believing that no other nation on earth can bring them down. But this ship, filled with the rich as well as the lower classes, sank! The ship of which was stated: “A ship that not even God himself could sink”, was given just a few short hours before it sank below the waves into the deep along with most all of them who traveled upon it. God has allowed this movie to be made and to gain world notoriety with the purpose of warning this nation. The only way that we can avoid this same destiny is by repenting and returning to God with all our hearts.


Everything Comes to the Light   9/06/98

Today the Lord spoke to me in relation to President Clinton. He showed me that the result of the things he has been involved in, his sin has been revealed before everyone, globally, and that it is the hand of God bringing judgment of the United States, beginning at the head of the nation. God will judge us for our sin and nothing hidden will remain in darkness. God will bring everything to the light. The Lord has made this a public revelation, but this does not mean we are to point out his sins, but to examine our own sins. I have felt of the Lord that in the way that we judge President Clinton, we will be judged. As we recognize that what he did was wrong, so we also need to recognize what we have done is wrong. God will not only judge him, but us as well. If we become indignant and filled with self righteousness instead of using this situation as a learning experience for us to repent of our sins, then we have learned nothing from this public humiliation.  Scrip. Ref: Mat. 7:1-5; I John 1:8-10



The Power of Intercession     9/19/98

God gave us instructions to call the people of God through our television program to 22 days of prayer for this nation, to seek the Lord that He pour out His Spirit upon His people and bring them to repentance. The last day we were to pray and fast for 22 hours. I felt in my spirit that the number 22 was symbolic of a period of time given to this nation, a day perhaps,for each month or year. Something very bad is coming towards us, and God was allowing this warning in order to bring us to repentance before these judgments fall. We announced this over the air and on the last day we fasted and prayed for 22 hours, and we had a special 3 hour program of prayer live on Television. The Lord manifested His presence with great power. Tears poured out of our eyes as we prayed fervently, which we could not stop. Then the Lord spoke and said: “If there were those who cried with tears in their eyes for Sodom, it would not have been destroyed. I have waited to see tears in the eyes of My people, tears of repentance, tears of compassion, tears of affliction. But the sins in this land and the loss of souls around them has meant very little to them; no, not even enough that they would shed one tear for them. They have been busy in their businesses, living their own lives, making money, and their indifference has allowed the enemy to destroy the land. When will My people wake up from their egotism and cry out to Me? When will they become concerned enough to cry out for the sin covering their land? Surely, if they would cry out with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, I would hear them, and for their sakes the land would not be destroyed. But, if the land I gave to them means so little to them that they could not be bothered, then because of their indifference and egotism, they will permit the enemy to continue stealing, killing and destroying. Surely, My judgment will come over the land, not because of the evil the enemy has done, but because of the indifference, the laziness, the lack of love and gratitude from My people.”

Scrip. Ref: 2 Chron. 7:14


Was It All In Vain?     9/26/98

The Lord showed me an American naval vessel in turbulent seas. I saw this ship rapidly sink and all aboard perished. I could see them at the bottom of the ocean. After this, I saw Arlington Cemetery, where the veterans from all the wars are buried. I have been there in the past, which is why I recognized the place. It is a cemetery located on rolling hills, which has plaques of names by rows as far as the eye can see. I was looking at them from a higher place and I saw close by me a tomb that was by itself in front of the graves that laid out before it. The plaque in front of this tomb had an expression written on it: “It was all in vain!” These words rocked me to the core. I thought of all those who had died for the freedom of this nation; “It was all in vain”? I thought of our founding fathers, of the pilgrims who came to this place desiring a place that would have freedom for them to worship and adore God, and these words kept passing through my mind, “It was all in vain!” What has this nation chosen? Why have we departed from God? What will be the cost of this decision? We need to pray for our nation as never before! We cannot allow all this great sacrifice to be in vain!


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