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The Worst Words Heard              1/22/2014

The Lord put this message in my heart:  The worst words a person can ever hear is: “Depart from me, I never knew you”.  Once they are spoken, all hope is gone.  Those words will echo over and over again for eternity, and the regret for not allowing the Lord to know you, when you could have, will never leave you.  Doesn’t the Lord know you anyway? Of course He knows you, He knows all, but that is not what He is referring to.  We must choose to allow Him into our life. We make the choice to have a deep friendship, an intimate relationship with Him or not.  He desires it; He created us for this purpose, but He does not force it on us.  We must come to Him freely, because we desire to, because we want Him as well. 

Those who live their lives for themselves, who don’t want God telling them what to do, who keep God as a “safety net” in case they get into trouble, never allow themselves to truly know God, or to be known by Him.  They put up walls; they deny God entrance to parts of their lives.  They want it their way, and expect God to be there when they fall.  They use God for their benefit, never considering His feelings, His wants or needs.  If this was a relationship in the world, we would say it was an abusive, unhealthy relationship.  We would say the abuser doesn’t really love the other person, and we would be right.  Why is it that some think that this is okay in a relationship with God?  He deserves so much more.  I sense such a sorrow in His heart.  The words: “Depart from me, I never knew you”, are not words He speaks in anger, but with a broken heart.  Do not grieve the Lord who loves you so.  Open your heart up completely to Him. Open your life to Him and make Him a part of everything.  Love Him with all your heart and the words you will hear spoken to you on that day will be: “Enter, faithful servant, into the blessings that I have prepared for you.”


Come While There is Still Time       1/29/2014

There is a urgency.  The day of decision approaches.  The church must awake and cry out! The time to choose the offer the Lord has extended is now!  His grace has bought us pardon for our sins.  The period of grace draws to an end.  Take His offer of peace and forgiveness and be reconciled while His hand of mercy is still outstretched.  Why would you choose sin, rebellion, and death over forgiveness, freedom and life?  If you reject His offer you will regret it for eternity.  Choose life!  Embrace the Son, for He paid for your forgiveness; you do not have to live in fear and sin any longer.  He has offered you the way out.  Why will you not love the one who took your place, bore your sins, and took your punishment?  You do not need to understand to accept His offer.  You do not need to be worthy.  It is His free gift to all who will receive it.  It has already been paid for.  It costs you nothing but to believe and receive it.  “Come, I have so much to share with you, so much to teach you, says the Lord   Do not tarry; Come!  I have prepared a refuge for you.  Why would you not take it?  My refuge is peace and love, it is hope.  Come and see.”


A Dream Concerning the Church           2/9/2014

I had a dream in which I was preaching in a church where there were a lot of young people.  The Spirit of God was telling them through the message to stand for righteousness and not to compromise the truth of God’s Word.  The people seemed indifferent to what God was saying.  They were eating, listening to music, talking, almost oblivious to the message being preached.  Even the pastor was not listening.  I became very upset, but continued to call to them to repent and turn to the Lord with their whole hearts, but they didn’t seem to care.  I awoke very disturbed about this and prayed.


A Time of Darkness Lies Ahead        2/10/2014

The Lord has placed urgency in my spirit concerning the days ahead.  There is a time of darkness coming, a time of trial, and a time of falling away.  It is in these times that the light is most needed.  No one can see the way in the dark unless there’s a light that lights the way.  Jesus is that light, and we are mirrors of that light, called to reflect His light.  In order to reflect His light, we must draw closer to Him; we must face Him in order for His light to reflect off of us and light the way not only for ourselves, but for others as well.  This is not the time to be in the world.  If we draw close to the things of this world, that is what we will reflect.  It is time to draw closer to Christ if we are to avoid the darkness ahead. 

Jesus said He was the light of the world.  He also said we are light.  He said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”


I Speak to My Children            2/18/2014

“I speak to you every day. What father does not speak to his child? Not all things are messages to share with others, or profound revelations, these have their times, but my comfort and encouragement is there, daily. My mercies are new every morning. Your daily portion is prepared each day. As Manna from heaven fed the children of Israel, so My daily Manna feeds you. You have seen that Manna means “what is it?”…surely, you should understand. I speak softly to your heart and your response to My call should be, “what is it that you have for me today?” Listen and you will hear. Be still and know that I am God. I will speak to you the things you need to hear. I will teach you; I will guide you; I will encourage and comfort you; I will love you. You are so busy, too busy to be still and listen, but let Me ask you, what is more important than Me? Who can give you more than I can? Is there one who loves you more? No not one. There are so many things you could learn, so many things you would avoid if you would only be still and listen.”Lord, help us all to be still. Teach us to listen.

1)"When you read My Word it inspires you, so why don’t you read it every day?"   Lord, help us; teach us not be lazy.

2)“When you are afraid it is because you are looking at the circumstances instead of looking at Me.” Help us Lord to keep our eyes on you.

3)“When you hear the sound of laughter you run quickly to it, but when you hear the sound of sorrow, you shy away, yet it is in sorrow that you are most needed and can do the greatest good.”Help us Lord to serve the needs of others before doing what we enjoy doing.

4)“Look at your friends; their words and opinions carry so much weight with you, yet look for them when you are old, when you are in need, and where are they?”Lord help us not to be influenced by others but to be influenced by you and your Word.

5)“Kindness is the act of a generous spirit; rudeness is the act of a selfish heart.”Lord help us to have a kind spirit and not a selfish heart.

6)“When the door is left open, the thief can come in. In the same way if you go with those to places of sin and temptation, you are leaving the door open.”Lord help us to have the strength of character to say no and close the door.

7)“Tomorrow is a mystery; yesterday is a memory. Live as unto the Lord today, for what you do today will affect your tomorrow and will become either a good or bad memory.”Lord help us to focus on you today, to not be anxious for tomorrow and to forgive the mistakes of yesterday.

8)“If you focus so much on the things others need to change, you will never see the changes you need to make. Work out your own salvation, not that of others.”Lord help us to look to you to change us and help us to not focus on others.

9)“You are a student in the course of life and I am the teacher. You will make mistakes, it is part of learning. Never let a mistake defeat you and cause you to stop learning. The greatest lessons are in how you overcome these obstacles. That is why these tests appear. The only failure is when you quit trying.”Lord help us not to be so hard on ourselves.Help us to see our tests as challenges and rise to the occasion. Help us to forgive our failures as you do.

10)“Look for peace with all men, and not for strife. If you offend others in your attempt to win, what have you really won? Your pride has cost you a friend.”Lord help us to humble ourselves and consider other people’s feelings as more important than our need to be right.


A Dream Concerning the Leadership of the Church     2/25/2014

I had a dream that is a powerful Word for the leadership of the body of Christ. It began as I was suddenly invited to go and preach at a church I had not been to in many years. This had been a vibrant, on fire church. When I got there, there were only a few people. The pastor didn’t even have people to lead the praise and worship. He used to sing with the worship group, so I thought he would lead it, but he asked me to sing some songs, as he said he was tired, and no longer did that. I was shocked. I had a CD that had the song “I am a friend of God” on it, so I led them in that song. I was so into the words of the song that I began rejoicing, jumping and singing. Some of the people began to rejoice as well. When we had sung a couple of songs, I saw my husband leading this young girl to the front for prayer. I went down and we both prayed for her. Almost immediately, she fell to the ground, facing face down. Some people began to praise God, but I did not feel comfortable, feeling that God was not yet done with ministering to this young girl. God wanted to do more than make a “show” of power. We both knelt down next to her and continued to pray. I rebuked several spirits and the girl began to twitch and vomited up this orange looking substance. She then rolled over, sat up, and said she was feeling better. We continued to pray, and I asked the Lord to fill her with the Holy Spirit. She got this look of joy all over her face and began praising God. The people all began to shout and praise the Lord because the power of the Holy Spirit had returned to the church.Then the dream changed, and I was in a hallway with a lady pastor who had once had a vibrant church, but it had dwindled to nothing. She was speaking her discouragement about all this to me. I told her, “You are under spiritual attack! You want to give up; you’ve lost the fire. You need to listen to a teaching I heard by Jentezen Franklin about the spirit of Python, because it’s strangling you!” She sort of dismissed the idea, but I told her that was her problem, she no longer wanted to listen. I told her the secret was to listen, to be teachable again, and to praise God, to return to praise instead of complaining and giving up; that is our greatest weapon against the grip of the enemy. We as ministers sometimes think we don’t need to listen to the teachings of others. We just listen to God for ourselves. We become isolated. We forget that it’s not all about us. We don’t have a corner on truth or on the gospel. I told her, “God gives each of us a piece of the puzzle to share, but it’s when we come together and listen to what He is telling others, not just on what He has told us, that the picture starts to come together.” None of us are an island. Ministers get so busy with “what God is telling me”, that we forget He is telling things to others as well. We feed the sheep, but neglect to allow God to minister to us through others. I remember saying in the dream, “How arrogant to think only what God is showing US is what matters.” We burn out like this. We set up our ministries like little kingdoms apart from the others, having no fellowship, no communion with others. We submit to God, but to no one else. We are not the head, HE IS! We still need each other, and we need to be ministered to as part of the flock, even though we are called to leadership in the flock. The spirit of python has gone after the head in order to strangle life out of the body. If he can drain the head of power, of life and energy, the body will become limp and weak. We tell our sheep not to forsake assembling themselves together, not to stop coming to church and listening to the Word, but we as leaders don’t listen. We’re so busy preparing what we are going to serve that we don’t sit down to eat what God has prepared for us. There is great truth being taught, and not all of it is given by direct revelation to us alone. God wants us to listen, to submit to one another and receive truth from His Spirit, be it through another vessel than ourselves, and then go and share it. Truth is truth, no matter who it comes from. We do not have an exclusive right to His truth, and we were not meant to be an island, or to be in competition with each other. We are meant to benefit from each other.Moses came down from the mountain to give the people God’s word. So many leaders like to think of themselves as a Moses. But God’s plan to begin with was for all the people to sanctify themselves and go up the mountain. The people wouldn’t do it. They wanted Moses to go and then come and tell them what God had said. The leading of the people became a burden to Moses, and in anger he struck the rock, (because he was burned out). God knew it was too much for one man to handle all that responsibility alone. It still is. We need to listen to each other and share the task of feeding God’s sheep, including ourselves.


This is a message that the Lord inspired me to write:   3/03/2014

As I was meditating on what the Lord said a few days ago, that He is the Lord of our body, (the landlord whom we should present our bodies to for repair when something needs fixing), I began to just thank Him that He is able to take care of and upkeep this body. But while I was doing that, I realized that while I always thank Him for my life, for healing me, for all my blessings, I don’t usually thank Him for my body. If fact, if I’m being honest, like most women, I spend more time in regards to thinking about my body, on the things I don’t like about it. All my life I have complained about my weight, or my teeth being to large or crooked, and I have a feeling I’m not the only one. In light of God giving me scriptures about how we are His now, and not our own, how our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, I began to think how wrong of me to complain or dislike this house He has permitted me to live in. We focus in on the fact that this is our body, and not that this is a house God has given us to rent while we are living on this earth. We say we surrender everything to God, but somehow we still retain ownership of our bodies. We decide what we will do, where we will go, what we will eat, all the while saying we are the Lord’s. It’s like we give control to Him, only to take it back over and over again. We decide when we are sick to go to a Doctor or submit to surgery; we decide how many children to have and when, as if we owned our bodies, without even asking God what He wants us to do. Granted, God has given us wisdom and freedom of choice to make decisions for ourselves, but we seem to forget that if we gave ourselves to Christ, body, soul and spirit, then we have turned ownership over to Him, and we should consult Him with every decision that is to be made. But the issue I want to address is how we see ourselves. God says in His Word that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Yet do we see ourselves like that? We see all the flaws. We wished we were taller, or thinner, or had different eyes or hair color, or a smaller nose…the list of the things we criticize about ourselves goes on and on. The Bible also tells us in everything to give thanks, for this is the will of God for us. Are we honestly grateful for the body, the house, we live in, or do we spend time putting it down? Isn’t that being a bit ungrateful? Yes, it is, and I’m preaching to myself with this as well. If we would honor our bodies as gifts from God and be truly thankful, we would probably not get so frustrated and grumble and complain as much, and take better care of this marvelous gift God has given us. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a tragedy for us to often realize these things, like when someone is told they have months to live, or are paralyzed by an accident, or lose their sight or a limb. Sad isn’t it? How would we feel if we gave someone a house to live in and all they ever did was complain about it? The problem is how society portrays beauty…and we have heard and seen it all our lives. Then we look in the mirror and become dissatisfied because we don’t measure up. Sometimes it’s because of what we have done to ourselves out of frustration, like over eating, but that can be remedied. There is no reason to dislike, or downright hate our bodies. Do we realize that as we look at those thin, young, beautiful bodies and wish we could look like that, that we are actually coveting? Some go so far out of jealousy to attempt to put down and find flaws in others, just to not feel so bad about themselves. It all stems from not being grateful for the gift of God, our life, the body, that we live in. You can exercise, diet, take better care of yourself, and you should, but not because you don’t like how you look. It should be because you love yourself and want to be the best you can be; because you are thankful to God for your life and for the marvelous house He has given you to experience life in. I thank God that He spoke this to me today, and I am thankful for the house He has given me. I want to appreciate His gift, and when I look in the mirror, I want to see the wonder of it all and give thanks rather than see the flaws and complain. I hope that this ministers to you.


Dream about leadership of the church    3/21/2014

I had a dream early this morning where I was serving the sick, the elderly, the poor, who were hungry and thirsty, at a church facility. They were in a big open room with a few tables that had nothing on them. The pastors and leaders were in a meeting in an upper room. In there they had pitchers of ice water and fresh fruit and food. They were too busy to go down and feed the people in the other area. The people told me that they were thirsty so I went in to the ministers meeting room to get water from their table to give to the ones who were thirsty, and they seemed annoyed that I had interrupted them. The people then asked for food so I had to go back in and interrupt again to get the food. When it was over with, I was told by the leaders that I needed to stay and clean up all the mess that was left behind, and they left. What does that say? Sad isn't it? Maybe those in leadership need to take another look at how much is business of men and what is the true business the Lord has called them serve others and to feed his sheep.

Matthew 25:34-46


Time is Up      3/30/2014 

When I awoke this morning the Lord impressed me with these words: “Time is up”. As I prayed about it, the message continued: “The time of those things which I have told you is at hand. The time to speak is now. The time for people to repent is now. Time is running out. The time of grace is coming to end. The day of decision is here. If they do not decide to turn to Me and seek Me now, they will find it increasingly more and more difficult to do so. The force of the tide against them is increasing. It is a raging river that leads to destruction. The current is too strong for them to stand alone. I will stand with them, but they must ask Me to be a part of their lives. I have called and called, yet they have gone further and further. If they will not hear now, when will they hear? The time to hear is now, before the noise of the waters drowns out all sounds. Look to Me and live! Come, hide yourself in Me and be safe, but do so now, for tomorrow will be too late for many.”


The Time When the Word of God is Rejected        4/21/2014

“Behold, the time is coming when men will not want to hear the teaching of the Word. The Word will become an offense to them and they will seek to destroy it. I have told you head of time. They will become enraged when you mention the Word and fall upon you to destroy you. The Word was in the beginning, yet they believe mere man can destroy it? The Word will stand forever, and it will stand in judgment against you, oh man, who seek to destroy it. The Word is life and health to those who receive it. It is peace, joy, and strength. Why do you hate that which is good? It is spiritual food that feeds your spirit. Why would you choose to starve yourselves? Because you do not like the food, would you choose to starve to death instead? There is no wisdom in this. I have given you this spiritual food so that you might live and prosper. But you do not want my good food that nourishes you. Carry on in your ways; hate the thing I have provided and see where it will lead you.What of those who say, “I don’t hate the Word of God”. Yet they don’t read it? Those of you who are indifferent: you have no objection to the Word, but you do not have a need for it either. You are neither hot nor cold. Are you not just as ungrateful? While you do not hate the things of God, still you find no importance in them. You choose not to read because you believe you are not in need of this food. Are you not starving yourselves as well? You have no time, no need to pick up the Word and read it, so you starve your spirit man of what is necessary for strength. In the day that peace is taken and you find yourself in battle for your soul, how will you defeat your enemy? You will not have strength to even lift your weapon, much less fight with it. Then you will cry out for those who have not neglected such things to come and fight for you. But I say, each man must fight his own battle. They will be busy fighting their own battles, winning their own victories and will not be able to fight yours as well. Ask yourself, why do I not desire God’s Word in my life? That is the real question.


Two Visions for America 4/29/2014

I saw a great eagle. He was perched on top of a high mountain that looked over the land below for a great distance. He stood proudly upon the rocky edge of this mountain with his wings spread, looking out intently as if he was watching over something. In his beak he held an olive branch, which I found strange. There were dark clouds on the horizon, and a storm was quickly covering the land below. At one point the winds picked up and began to blow even where the eagle was. He tried to stand strong in the storm, but the winds increased. He held on to the olive branch, but it was being blown so hard that it took all his strength to hold on to it. As it continued to intensify, his head was brought lower as he tried to struggle to stay on the rock and hold onto the branch. A great gust ripped it from his beak and then blew him off the rock. When the winds subsided, a break came in the clouds and sunlight streamed down to the spot where the eagle had stood. I saw a battered, injured eagle hobble back to his spot on the mountain. His wing was injured, he leg was wounded, and his beak was torn from where the branch had been ripped away. He stood but not as before. His wings were at his side, and his head held low. He crouched down as if to sleep, and laid his head on the rock. When he did this, through the sunlight beams descended a dove which landed in front of him, having an olive branch in its beak. The eagle did not even lift his head, but the dove laid the branch down in front of his beak and then flew back up into the sunlight.The Lord showed me that the eagle is this nation. In pride it has stood believing it can look out and protect the peace of the land by its own strength. The storms became more than the eagle could stand, yet he still tried to proudly stand until the strength ripped the symbol of peace from his beak and blew him away. Humbled and wounded, the eagle returned, but this time he bowed before the light that came from heaven, and God sent his Holy Spirit, the dove, to extend peace to him once again. The lesson God would have us learn from this vision is that our prideful spirit must bow to God, and he will extend His peace to us once again.The second vision was of a forge, where young men were working. They were melting gold and melding into gold coins. The demand became so great, and the gold was not enough. They began to make coins out of common metal, and then they dipped then in gold to coat them so that they looked like gold coins, but in actuality, there was very little gold in them. When the people finally discovered that their coins were merely metal with a coating of gold place to fool them, they became enraged. This is the economy of our nation. The nation has trusted in its strength and in its money to resolve its problems, rather than trust in God. The Lord asked me how can one separate that which is useless metal from that which is gold? The answer is by fire. They are separated when melted. Then the inferior metal can be removed and that which is precious can be refined. These trials and storms are not sent to destroy us, but to humble us and to refine us,to remove that which is useless and bring forth that which is of great value,  our faith in God.


5/06/2014             Principles of Spiritual Warfare    (see Bible studies for the complete list of Principles to date)

In 2001, God gave me 7 principles of Spiritual Warfare. He had me pull these out and teach them now. As I am doing this, He has given me further principles to be added to these 7. Here is what He revealed today:

8) Keep the Lines of Communication Open – The importance of receiving orders from the commanding officer is never more crucial than when you are facing a battle. The time to learn how to hear and recognize the voice of God (our Chief and Commander), is now. In listening for His counsel and instruction we can avoid many battles, and the ones we do have to fight we will be able to succeed by following His directions. When we are busy “doing”, we are not busy “listening”. If we trust in our own wisdom or what man has taught, or what has worked in the past, instead of following God’s plan for each situation, we can suffer defeat. The Bible tells of an incident involving two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha became annoyed that Mary wasn’t helping her and went to Jesus to ask him to tell Mary to get up and help her. His response was, “Martha, you are burdened for no reason. Mary has chosen the better thing.” He said it was better to listen to Him than to be busy serving. Now, that doesn’t mean we are not to serve, but listening for His instructions before we get busy is what’s truly important. Jesus had very busy days, but he went and sought the Father in prayer first. The time to learn to listen is now. If we don’t know how to be still and listen now, how will we hear Him when our lives depend on it? We are creatures of habit. We need to develop the habit of listening to God. He will warn us of dangers ahead, and tell us how to overcome or avoid falling into the devil’s trap.

9) Don’t Play the Game – The devil likes to involve us in games, with the purpose to distract, deceive, and wear us out. He uses circumstances and people to engage us in the game. We, thinking ourselves to be wise, play right into this. We try to counsel, debate, or solve the situation, with our best Christian skills at times. The problem is, the enemy is an expert manipulator, skilled at slight of hand and trickery. He cheats! He doesn’t play fair. We think we’ve won only to find out he changed the rules or changed the game on us. He wears us out on these merry-go-rounds, (which is his purpose). There is only one way to win against an opponent which stacks the deck in his favor, DON’T PLAY THE GAME! When you realize he has drawn you into a situation, stop it by going to God in prayer; a “Let’s stop for a moment and pray” response is the only way to take the control away from the enemy and put the situation in God’s control. The scripture says: “Submit yourselves therefore unto God; resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Most people quote the latter part, but forget the first part. When you “stop” to submit yourself to God, for guidance and instruction, God will lead you as to what to do in order for you to be victorious. When we submit ourselves to God, we are telling the devil that we are not playing his game, by his rules; we are playing by God’s rules. THIS IS RESISTING the devil. He can’t win against God’s rules, so he flees.

10) Don’t Think of Yourself more Highly than You Ought to. We get in trouble when we think we have all the answers. We become prideful and un-teachable. We close ourselves off to God and His infinite possibilities. We become closed minded. I love to teach, but as with most teachers, we get so busy teaching that we can stop learning. If you stop learning, you will stay at the same point and eventually when you have taught your students all you know, you will not be able to take them any deeper or any further. You have reached a plateau. This happens with pastors and they wonder why things have become stagnant. God expects us to share and give out the bread we receive so it will multiply, but we have to keep eating daily or we will eventually run out of bread to give. When we think we no longer can learn from others, or that we don’t need others to teach us anything, (because of pride), we isolate ourselves. There is danger in isolation. This is how false doctrines arise. When people isolate themselves in their own knowledge, and then one bad seed is sown, there is no check or balance to challenge the point or error. Our pride and un-teachable spirit have been used against us. Remain humble and open to instruction. The more I learn, the more I realize there is to learn. The devil knows well that the Bible states: “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) We are setting ourselves up for a fall when we become prideful, over confident, self-sufficient, and the devil just sits back and lets us do it, knowing we have tripped ourselves up.


A Trial Coming to America                  7/26/2014

“There is a day coming when this nation will be tried with fire. It quickly approaches. A time of great trial, in which I will use you and those of faith to minister to and guide many others through. This trial is not one for anger's sake, but for good, to bring about repentance and a change of direction. But it will come with a price. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Only in the shedding of blood do people cry out to Me. This is their choice not mine. If they would heed my warnings and turn to Me with their whole hearts, they would deliver themselves of this trial. Teach my people faith; teach them to trust in Me. Tell them to let go of their many idols and serve Me with their whole heart. It is not enough to say, “I am a Christian”; you must become Christ-like. You cannot learn these things from man, only from my Spirit. The priorities of this nation, of the church in this nation, are not aligned with mine. They seek money and the things of this world more than they seek Me. They hear the words, but do not do the actions. Thus, this fire will bring them to their knees to seek Me for real. Then they will stop being what they want to be and seek Me to make them what I created them to be, my sons and daughters.”


When Time Seems to Stand Still                      8/01/2014

The Lord spoke this to me: “There is coming a time in which it will seem as if time is standing still. People will desire the days to pass swiftly, but it will seem as if time is frozen. They will be waiting for a solution, and believe that time passing will make everything better. Even my people will be waiting for time to pass, so that I will return. They will know that the only solution is my return. They will cry out for Me to return, and long for the day of my appearing. As it is now, they are content; they are not in a hurry for my return. Things are not so bad, and so they go on living their lives, without great desire for my return. Ask those who are living in persecution, in war, and in famine and they will not respond in such a way. I desire that you love my appearing; that you await it with anticipation, with joy. It is a day of great joy for the redeemed, but a day of darkness for those who have forsaken Me.” Then I saw many ships on a stormy sea being tossed about. The Lord spoke again and said: “Fear not, for I am with you. I am still in control, even when the storms come, and they will come. Then you will want Me to come; then you will cry out to Me. But know this, even when it seems that I am far away from you, when it seems hope is ebbing away, know that nothing is out of my control. You may not be able to see Me, but I am there.” Then I saw the ships on the rough sea again, but this time I could see these two gigantic hands that were holding the entire ocean with all the raging water and with the ships tossed on the waves. Everything was in his hands and nothing was out of his control.


Keep Your Eyes on the Lord           8/6/2014

As our Bible study group was in prayer, I saw this vision for an instant: There was a long sidewalk that had cracks in it, here and there. I could see a child jumping over the cracks. It brought memories of when I used to do that as a child. I would often become so involved with looking for cracks to jump over that I would arrive late to school. It made me smile for a moment. Then the Lord spoke: “This is what the church does; they become so busy looking for cracks, so overwhelmed with the problems of life, the imperfections in themselves and in others, that they have lost sight of their destination. Instead of walking focused, determined, they are moving along from one crack to the next, trying to figure out a way to jump over them. You have become distracted! You have forgotten your purpose, you goal, and have become consumed with what has slowed you down and impeded your growth. PUT YOUR EYES BACK ON JESUS! Walk looking forward, with determination to arrive to the stature of Christ, to be like Him! Stop looking at your failures and those of others; stop looking at your needs or what others have. Don't let the attacks of the enemy distract you or discourage you. Get back on the path and keep walking!”


We Need to Get REAL! (really excited about the Lord) 8/9/2014

This is what the Lord shared with me today: The world is tired of religion. Religion doesn't reflect who their God truly is. It is mans attempt to approach God, to understand God, and to control man by converting them to their way of doing things. It is time to shed religious ways much like a snake sheds its skin, and leave them behind. What are the ways of religion? Phoney, self-righteous, judgmental, controlling, constricting, cumbersome, stagnant, and boring. They are heavy to carry; they tire people and rob them of their joy and enthusiasm. We must get real with God. We must determine in our heart: How much do we really want Jesus? Just a little? Perhaps half-way? Or do we want all of Him? The Bible says: “And you will seek me, and find me, when you search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, says the Lord.” (Jer. 29:13-14)  Then the Lord gave me these two images: One was a man sitting on a pew with his head down. The other was of a man running with a flaming torch. Then the Lord said: “This is what the church is, and what I want it to become. The fire they are carrying, that will light the world, is the heart that truly loves Me; it is a heart filled with joy that is ready to serve. This is what will impact the world, not your religion. It is not acting like a Christian, but when in truth you love Me and serve Me with your whole heart. Stop trying to be different than the world. The only way to reflect something is to stand facing it, absorbing its light and then letting it reflect off of you. The reflection you must give is not of who or what you are; it is of who you are looking at. It isn't about you. It has never been about you. It is about Me. Show the world who I AM. Reflect Me! You will have to shed “you” in order to reflect Me.”


The Great Battle that Approaches        10/6/2014

As I was praying and seeking the Lord, I had my eyes closed, and I saw this great cloud rolling up on the horizon. It was if I was at sea, and I looked across the ocean and on the horizon a cloud rose up from the ground, from a massive explosion. I said to the Lord, “This looks like some nuclear explosion, from a great war of some kind.” The Lord replied: “I told you once that a great bloody war was coming.” I then replied, “Yes Lord, but I did not know if it was a great spiritual war or a literal war you were referring to.” The Lord replied: “It is both. It is a war that will cost many lives, and it cannot be won with physical weapons. It is a spiritual war that manifests in the physical realm, and physical weapons will be used, but that is not the answer nor the way to bring peace. Armies cannot defeat what is demonic. If they destroy the enemy, those demons will just find others to fill and the war will rage on. The true soldiers who can defeat this army are the soldiers of God who are skilled in spiritual battle. Did I not say that the weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty in Me, to the pulling down of strongholds? I told you one must bind the strongman first. There is a trumpet that will one day sound, but the trumpet that you hear now, is not that one. This trumpet is a call to arms. It is a call to my army to rise and equip themselves for battle. If you only send forth soldiers to fight a physical enemy, you will see great loss of life. But if you are wise, my people, you will fight that which is not physical, that which is not seen, on your knees, and many lives will be spared, and many more will be saved.”


Two Dreams            10/9/2014

I awoke in the middle of the night after having two dreams. The first dream: I was in a very large place where there were many people gathered. It was a church gathering. I felt the Spirit of God moving; suddenly, I spoke out in a loud voice in tongues and when the message ended there came the interpretation: “You have cried out to me saying “Send revival Lord; revive us”; you say you are waiting on me to send the fire of revival, but I say to you: I AM REVIVAL; I am the fire which you seek. I am with you already; I AM JESUS, the one who baptizes you with the Holy Ghost and fire! I am with you! I have always been with you. I am waiting on you, my church; I am waiting on you to forgive; I am waiting on you to repent; I am waiting on you to love one another and come togther in one accord. I am waiting on you to praise me; I am waiting on you to believe.” When the message ended, I was filled with such a joy. I went out from this place and outside there was a garden. I began to praise God and sing to him. I was floating in the air! I was dancing in the sky! People were watching in amazement. After that, I saw myself sitting at a table with others, and I began to tell them what happened. I told them the word the Lord had spoken in that place, and all that happened afterward. They were very moved and said, “We want this! We want to do as the Lord said.” They took each other by the hand, around the table, and it is then that I noticed that they were all from different nations and races, and they joined hands with me. They began to pray and weep before God. Suddenly, they were filled with great joy, and began to praise God in loud voices. They began to float and dance and sing as I had done. This was the first dream.

Immediately after I had the second dream: I was in heaven and I could see Jesus talking with the Father. I heard him say in rather a sad voice: “Perhaps I will just stay here. So much time has past and they do not seem anxious for Me; they do not seem to want Me to return.” But the Father said: “NO, but you MUST for your bride! You must go and prepare now to go and receive her! Remember her that waits for you!” At that, Jesus walked off hastily to prepare himself to return. I awoke and went immediately to write these two dreams down.


Words to Meditate Upon from the Lord 10/22/2014

Give ear to how you listen, for not everything that is spoken in My Name is of Me.

Watch with whom you walk with, for a person is measured by the company he keeps.

Speak those things which are necessary, but not everything is necessary to be spoken.

Guard your eyes and your heart, for many things that enter through the eyes poison the heart.

Look for the signs; they will lead you to the truth. “Where the eagles gather, there is the carcass.”

If a man speaks one thing, yet does another, his actions show you who he really is.

Do not measure things by words alone. That which is seen on the surface is not always the true picture of what lies beneath.

Trust is something that must be earned. Measure your trust carefully.

If you are afraid to live, it is because you are afraid to die. Those who fear death do not truly know Me.

Hearing the words and understanding the meaning are not the same things. The ears can hear the words, but only the heart understands the meaning.

If I were to give you a great treasure and you took it and hid it, what joy would it bring you, or others? I am that treasure, but if you hide me in your life, you will have no joy, neither will you bring joy to others.

The best plans begin with prayer. The greatest accomplishments are made with thanksgiving.

Speak the truth and you will never be brought to shame. Honor truth and it will preserve you and gain you trust and favor.

There is time for everything when there is time for what empassions the Lord, but neglecting Him will bring chaos and disorder to your life.

The eyes of the heart can see truth even when ones eyes are blind. I dwell in the heart of man.

To meditate on something is to consider its worth, to behold its beauty and treasure its meaning.

Not all fire is bad. There is a fire that purifies, when the spirit and consumes the flesh. This is My holy fire.

If you walk a ways and then turn back, it is as if you did not walk at all. If you serve Me and then turn back, it is as if you did not serve Me at all.

A mouth to speak, ears to hear, feet to walk, and a heart to love; these are the tools I have given you to proclaim My Word. Let no man say he is not able.

The road divides ahead; which way should you go? If you walk alone you may choose the wrong path. But if you walk with the Lord, He will show you the right path.

My Word is a fountain which brings living water to renew you, body, soul, and spirit. If you are weary it will give you strength.

Ponder the things of life, yet do not doubt My presence. Let knowledge enrich you, but not erase the truth of My existence.

Gold is treasured in the hearts of men, but I am treasured in the hearts of My people.

Like a wind swirling around you, so my love enwraps you; though you cannot see it, it sweeps over you.

Men seek to discover mysteries rather than seek to know Me. Yet, the mysteries are Mine. They are there, laid upon the path, to lead you to know Me. Many are so taken by the mystery they forget to see its purpose or continue on the path.

The greatest treasure is to know My heart. For if you know My heart, you know Me, and you cannot be deceived. To know My heart is like lighting a lamp in a dark room. You will never sit in darkness again.


The Light of the World      12/1/2014

As I meditated on the Lord I saw a room that was completely in darkness. Then a little candle was lit, and suddenly the room was not in darkness anymore. I saw other candles being lit, and the room grew brighter and brighter. The Lord reminded me that He is the light and in Him there is no darkness. Then He said that we are the light of the world. I suddenly understood that He was referring to the darkness of sin, of the kingdom of the enemy. The darkness of that room was so dark that you couldn't see anything at all, and yet one little candle caused the darkness to flee. Darkness could not overpower the light of that little candle flame. We are that little candle. When we are focused on Jesus and living for Him, His light shines brightly through us. The darkness no matter how hard it tries cannot put that light out. The light has more power than the darkness. Darkness has to flee. We have more power than the enemy. The only one who can put that flame out is our own self. We do this in several ways: when we don't believe we are that light, our unbelief blinds us to seeing the light in us. If we chose to walk in doubt, in the flesh, or in sin, we cover up that light. If we deny and forsake Him, we put that light out. Believe what Jesus said we are: the light of the world, and darkness retreat before us. Let us not be afraid to carry that light into the darkest room. 

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